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Title Brainvita - Game in C++ (Project)
Author Neeraj Sharma
Author Email neeraj_sharma100 [at]
Description It is marbles game devloped in TC++ 3.0 under DOS using BGI graphics.
Category C++ » Games
Hits 400502
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/* [[[ Brainvita ]]] ************************************************************************** _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ | | / | | | | | | | / | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____/ |_____/ |_____| | | | | | | | |_____| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | / | | | | |_____| | | | | __|__ | / __|__ | | | ************************************************************************** Written & Devloped By : Neeraj Sharma Email : [email protected] URL : Last Modified : 10/1/2002 Compiler used : Turbo C++ 3.0 PLAY & HAVE FUN ! Feel free to e-mail me. */ #include <graphics.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <dos.h> #include <time.h> #include <bios.h> #define UP 72 #define DOWN 80 #define LEFT 75 #define RIGHT 77 #define ENTER 13 #define ESC 27 #define YES 1 #define NO 0 int x=320,y=100,marble=32,marble_color=12; void *p; size_t area; // Matrix of board int board[7][7]= { {-1,-1,1,1,1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,1,1,1,-1,-1}, { 1, 1,1,1,1, 1, 1}, { 1, 1,1,1,1, 1, 1}, { 1, 1,1,1,1, 1, 1}, {-1,-1,1,1,1,-1,-1}, {-1,-1,1,1,1,-1,-1} }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Function Prototypes //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Marble(int x,int y,int c); void G(); int check(); int GetXY(int X,int Y); int GetBoard(int X,int Y); void SetBoard(int X,int Y,int element); void Blink(int x,int y,int c); void DrawBoard(); int MakeMove(int X,int Y); void Init(); int finish(); void win(char *text,int sx,int sy,int ex,int ey,int ck); void winp(int sx,int sy,int ex,int ey,int state); void Menu(); void LCD(int left,int top,int NUM); void Lcd(int x,int y,int n); void Intro(); void Drawborder(int x,int y); void Background(); int load_game (); int save_game(); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Main Function //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void main() { int i; G(); Intro(); Background(); DrawBoard(); Marble(320,220,0); board[3][3]=0; Init(); setcolor(0); for(i=0;i<=220;i++) { rectangle(0+i,0+i,640-i,480-i); delay(10); } for(i=0;i<=220;i++) { rectangle(100+i,100,540-i,380); delay(8); } closegraph(); printf(" BrainVita "); printf("By : Neeraj Sharma "); printf("email : [email protected] [email protected]"); getch(); } void Marble(int x,int y,int c) { setfillstyle(1,c); setcolor(c); fillellipse(x,y,8,8); if(c!=0) { if(c==15){setcolor(7);setfillstyle(1,7);} else {setfillstyle(1,15);setcolor(15);} fillellipse(x+3,y-2,1,2); } } void mydelay(float secs) { clock_t start, end; start = clock(); do { end = clock(); if(kbhit()) break; }while(((end - start)/CLK_TCK)<secs); } void Intro() { int i; char pattern[8] ={0xfe,0xbc,0xda,0xe4,0xe2,0xc0,0x88,0x00}; setfillpattern(pattern,1); bar(0,0,640,480); settextstyle(1,0,5); setcolor(10); outtextxy(210,140,"BRAINVITA"); settextstyle(1,0,4); setcolor(15); outtextxy(160,300,"BY : Neeraj Sharma"); getch(); setcolor(0); for(i=0;i<=320;i++) { rectangle(0+i,0,640-i,480); delay(5); } // win("BRAINVITA",1,1,638,478,1); } void Drawborder(int x,int y) { setwritemode(COPY_PUT); setcolor(0); line(x+60,y-20,x+180,y-20);// __ line(x+60,y+60,x+60,y-20);// | line(x-40,y+60,x+60,y+60);// __ line(x-40,y+60,x-40,y+180);// | setcolor(15); line(x-40,y+180,x+60,y+180);// __ setcolor(0); line(x+60,y+180,x+60,y+280);// | setcolor(15); line(x+180,y-20,x+180,y+60);// | setcolor(0); line(x+180,y+60,x+290,y+60);// __ setcolor(15); line(x+290,y+60,x+290,y+180);// | line(x+180,y+180,x+290,y+180);// __ line(x+180,y+180,x+180,y+280);// | line(x+180,y+280,x+60,y+280);// __ setwritemode(XOR_PUT); } void Background() { int i; setfillstyle(1,3); bar(0,0,640,480); for(i=0;i<=15;i++) { setcolor(i); rectangle(0+i,0+i,640-i,480-i); } win("BRAINVITA",145,45,505,400,1); // winp(159,79,491,381,1); win("Keys",24,45,135,290,1); win("Help !",510,45,625,250,1); setfillstyle(1,0); bar(35,75,125,280); bar(520,75,618,240); winp(35,75,125,280,1); winp(520,75,618,240,1); setcolor(14); settextstyle(2,0,4); outtextxy(42,80,"Keys used"); setcolor(15); outtextxy(42,100,"+ or- : color"); outtextxy(47,120,"? : Up"); outtextxy(47,140,"? : Down"); outtextxy(42,160,"<- : Left"); outtextxy(42,180,"-> : Right"); outtextxy(42,200,"Enter : Pick"); outtextxy(42,220,"S : save game"); outtextxy(42,240,"L : load game"); outtextxy(42,260,"Esc : Exit"); line(47,120,50,123); line(47,120,43,123); line(47,140,50,143); line(47,140,43,143); outtextxy(523,80,"Use Arrow Keys"); outtextxy(523,100,"to move around"); outtextxy(523,120,"then press enter"); outtextxy(523,140,"to select any"); outtextxy(523,160,"marble,then jump"); outtextxy(523,180,"over another to"); outtextxy(523,200,"remove it."); win("",190,410,480,460,0); setfillstyle(1,0); bar(200,420,470,450); settextstyle(1,0,3); setcolor(10); outtextxy(220,420,"Marbles :"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Draw The Whole Board on Screen //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void DrawBoard() { int i,j,x=200,y=100; x=200;y=100; setfillstyle(1,1); bar(x-40,y-20,x+290,y+280); setfillstyle(1,7); bar(x-41,y-21,x+60,y+60); bar(x+180,y-21,x+290,y+60); bar(x-41,y+180,x+60,y+290); bar(x+180,y+180,x+290,y+290); Drawborder(x,y); Drawborder(x+1,y+1); setfillstyle(1,12); setcolor(11); for(i=0;i<7;i++) { for(j=0;j<7;j++) { if(board[j][i]!=-1) { if(board[j][i]==1) Marble(x,y,marble_color); if(board[j][i]==0) Marble(x,y,0); } x+=40; } x=200; y+=40; } settextstyle(1,0,3); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Switch Into Graphics mode //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void G() { int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode; /* // for stand alone registerfarbgidriver(EGAVGA_driver_far); registerfarbgifont(sansserif_font_far); registerfarbgifont(small_font_far); registerfarbgifont(gothic_font_far); registerfarbgifont(triplex_font_far); */ initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, ""); errorcode = graphresult(); if (errorcode != grOk) { printf("Graphics error: %s ", grapherrormsg(errorcode)); exit(1); } area=imagesize(150,70,240,180); p=malloc(area); if(p==NULL) {closegraph();exit(1);} } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Check the board if any move is possible //------------------------------------------------------------------------ int check() // a know bug is there { int i,j,flag; flag=0; for(i=0;i<7;i++) { for(j=0;j<7;j++) if(board[j][i]!=-1) { if(board[j][i]==1) { if(board[j+1][i]==1) { if(board[j+2][i]==0) flag++; } if(board[j-1][i]==1) { if(board[j-2][i]==0) flag++; } if(board[j][i+1]==1) { if(board[j][i+2]==0) flag++; } if(board[j][i-1]==1) { if(board[j][i-2]==0) flag++; } } } } //count marble marble=0; for(i=0;i<7;i++) { for(j=0;j<7;j++) if(board[j][i]==1) marble++; } return flag; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Give the current x,y position on board & find is it valid or not //------------------------------------------------------------------------ int GetXY(int X,int Y) { int i,j,x=200,y=100,flag=0; for(i=0;i<7;i++) { for(j=0;j<7;j++) { if(board[j][i]!=-1) { if(x==X && y==Y) flag=1; } x+=40; } x=200; y+=40; } return flag; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // check current position is filled or not //------------------------------------------------------------------------ int GetBoard(int X,int Y) { int i,j,x=200,y=100,f=-1; for(i=0;i<7;i++) { for(j=0;j<7;j++) { if(board[j][i]!=-1) { if(x==X && y==Y) f=board[j][i]; } x+=40; } x=200; y+=40; } return f; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Sets the board to 1 or 0 ,represents filled & empty respectively //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SetBoard(int X,int Y,int element) { int i,j,x=200,y=100; for(i=0;i<7;i++) { for(j=0;j<7;j++) { if(board[j][i]!=-1) { if(x==X && y==Y) board[j][i]=element; } x+=40; } x=200; y+=40; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Blinks the cursor or square //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Blink(int x,int y,int c) { int i; setcolor(c); do { rectangle(x-10,y-10,x+10,y+10); rectangle(x-11,y-11,x+11,y+11); mydelay(0.5); rectangle(x-10,y-10,x+10,y+10); rectangle(x-11,y-11,x+11,y+11); mydelay(0.5); }while(!kbhit()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // When ENTER pressed check for conditions & perform task //------------------------------------------------------------------------ int MakeMove(int X,int Y) { int flag,key; flag=NO; if(marble_color==11) Marble(X,Y,9); else Marble(X,Y,11); key = bioskey(0); if(key==0x4800)//up { if(GetBoard(X,Y-80)==0 && GetBoard(X,Y-40)==1) { Marble(X,Y,0); SetBoard(X,Y,0); Y-=40; Marble(X,Y,0); SetBoard(X,Y,0); Y-=40; SetBoard(X,Y,1); y=Y; flag=YES; } } if(key==0x5000)//down { if(GetBoard(X,Y+80)==0 && GetBoard(X,Y+40)==1) { Marble(X,Y,0); SetBoard(X,Y,0); Y+=40; Marble(X,Y,0); SetBoard(X,Y,0); Y+=40; SetBoard(X,Y,1); y=Y; flag=YES; } } if(key==0x4b00)//left { if(GetBoard(X-80,Y)==0 && GetBoard(X-40,Y)==1) { Marble(X,Y,0); SetBoard(X,Y,0); X-=40; Marble(X,Y,0); SetBoard(X,Y,0); X-=40; SetBoard(X,Y,1); x=X; flag=YES; } } if(key==0x4d00)//right { if(GetBoard(X+80,Y)==0 && GetBoard(X+40,Y)==1) { Marble(X,Y,0); SetBoard(X,Y,0); X+=40; Marble(X,Y,0); SetBoard(X,Y,0); X+=40; SetBoard(X,Y,1); x=X; flag=YES; } } if(kbhit()) getch(); setcolor(11); if(flag==YES) { Marble(X,Y,marble_color); } else//invalid key { Marble(X,Y,marble_color); sound(800); delay(100); nosound(); } return flag; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Handles All the funtions & Perform desired move //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Init() { int i,j,e=1; char ch; setwritemode(XOR_PUT); setcolor(15); while(e) { setfillstyle(1,11); Lcd(360,425,marble); Blink(x,y,11); ch=getch(); Lcd(360,425,marble); if(ch==ESC) e=0; if(GetXY(x,y)==1) { switch(ch) { case UP :if(GetXY(x,y-40)==1) if(y>100) y-=40;break; case DOWN :if(GetXY(x,y+40)==1) if(y<340) y+=40;break; case LEFT :if(GetXY(x-40,y)==1) if(x>200) x-=40;break; case RIGHT :if(GetXY(x+40,y)==1) if(x<440) x+=40;break; case ENTER :if(GetBoard(x,y)==1) { MakeMove(x,y); } break; case ESC :e=0;break; case '+': marble_color++; if(marble_color>15) marble_color=2; DrawBoard(); break; case '-':marble_color--; if(marble_color<2) marble_color=15; DrawBoard(); break; case 's':case 'S':save_game();break; case 'l':case 'L':load_game();break; }//switch }//if if(check()==0) e=finish(); }//while setwritemode(COPY_PUT); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Display Final Screen //------------------------------------------------------------------------ int finish() { int i,j,f; char opt=0; setwritemode(COPY_PUT); f=0; for(i=0;i<7;i++) { for(j=0;j<7;j++) if(board[j][i]==1) f++; } Lcd(360,425,marble); // f-=1; win("Done !",220,155,425,240,1); setcolor(0); settextstyle(1,0,1); switch(f) { case 1:outtextxy(230,180,"You Are Intelligent !");break; case 2:outtextxy(255,180," Wonderful !");break; case 3:outtextxy(255,180," Good Job !");break; case 4:outtextxy(255,180," Can be better !");break; case 5:outtextxy(230,180," You Need Practice !");break; case 6:outtextxy(230,180," Very Poor !");break; case 7:outtextxy(230,180," Very Very Poor !");break; default:outtextxy(255,180," Try Again !");break; } // gotoxy(1,1);printf("%d",f); getch(); win("Exit ?",220,155,425,240,1); settextstyle(1,0,1); setcolor(1); outtextxy(240,180,"Play Again [y/n] :"); opt=getch(); setfillstyle(1,3); bar(17,402,624,464); if(opt=='y' || opt=='Y') { for(i=0;i<7;i++) { for(j=0;j<7;j++) if(board[j][i]!=-1) board[j][i]=1; } Marble(320,220,0); board[3][3]=0; marble=32; Background(); DrawBoard(); f=1; } else f=0; setwritemode(XOR_PUT); return f; } void win(char *text,int sx,int sy,int ex,int ey,int ck) { setfillstyle(1,7); bar(sx,sy,ex,ey); setfillstyle(1,7); setcolor(15); line(sx,sy,sx,ey); line(sx,sy,ex,sy); line(sx,sy,sx,ey); line(sx,sy,ex,sy); setcolor(0); line(ex,sy,ex,ey); line(ex,sy,ex,ey); line(sx,ey,ex,ey); line(sx,ey,ex,ey); if(ck==1) { settextstyle(0,0,0); setfillstyle(1,1); bar(sx+2,sy+2,ex-2,sy+17); setcolor(15); outtextxy(sx+4,sy+4,text); //for x setfillstyle(1,7); bar(ex-15,sy+4,ex-4,sy+15); setcolor(15); line(ex-15,sy+4,ex-4,sy+4); line(ex-15,sy+4,ex-15,sy+15); setcolor(0); line(ex-15,sy+15,ex-4,sy+15); line(ex-4,sy+4,ex-4,sy+15); setcolor(1); outtextxy(ex-13,sy+5,"x"); setfillstyle(1,7); } } void winp(int sx,int sy,int ex,int ey,int state) { if(state==1) { setcolor(0); line(sx,sy,sx,ey); line(sx,sy,ex,sy); line(sx,sy,sx,ey); line(sx,sy,ex,sy); setcolor(15); line(ex,sy,ex,ey); line(ex,sy,ex,ey); line(sx,ey,ex,ey); line(sx,ey,ex,ey); } else { setcolor(15); line(sx,sy,sx,ey); line(sx,sy,ex,sy); line(sx,sy,sx,ey); line(sx,sy,ex,sy); setcolor(0); line(ex,sy,ex,ey); line(ex,sy,ex,ey); line(sx,ey,ex,ey); line(sx,ey,ex,ey); } } void mybar(int sx,int sy,int ex,int ey) { int i; // setcolor(14); for(i=sy;i<=ey;i++) line(sx,i,ex,i); } void Menu() { setcolor(0); settextstyle(2,0,4); getimage(161,80,240,180,p); win(" ",161,80,240,180,0); outtextxy(170,88,"New Game"); outtextxy(170,105,"Exit"); setwritemode(XOR_PUT); mybar(170,88,220,100); getch(); mybar(170,88,220,100); mybar(170,105,220,117); getch(); mybar(170,105,220,117); setwritemode(COPY_PUT); getch(); putimage(161,80,p,COPY_PUT); } void Lcd(int x,int y,int n) { int a,b; if(n<10) { LCD(x,y,0); LCD(x+15,y,n); } else if(n<100) { a=n/10;b=n%10; LCD(x,y,a); LCD(x+15,y,b); } } void LCD(int left,int top,int NUM) { int i; // int right=100, bottom=100; setcolor(10); switch(NUM) { case 1: line(left+11,top+2,left+11,top+9); // | line(left+11,top+11,left+11,top+18); // | break; case 2: line(left,top,left+10,top); //-- line(left+11,top+2,left+11,top+9); // | line(left+1,top+10,left+9,top+10); //-- line(left-1,top+11,left-1,top+18); //| line(left,top+20,left+10,top+20); //-- break; case 3: line(left,top,left+10,top); //-- line(left+11,top+2,left+11,top+9); // | line(left+1,top+10,left+9,top+10); //-- line(left+11,top+11,left+11,top+18); // | line(left,top+20,left+10,top+20); //-- break; case 4: line(left-1,top+2,left-1,top+9); //| line(left+11,top+2,left+11,top+9); // | line(left+1,top+10,left+9,top+10); //-- line(left+11,top+11,left+11,top+18); // | break; case 5: line(left,top,left+10,top); //-- line(left-1,top+2,left-1,top+9); //| line(left+1,top+10,left+9,top+10); //-- line(left+11,top+11,left+11,top+18); // | line(left,top+20,left+10,top+20); //-- break; case 6: line(left,top,left+10,top); //-- line(left-1,top+2,left-1,top+9); //| line(left+1,top+10,left+9,top+10); //-- line(left-1,top+11,left-1,top+18); //| line(left+11,top+11,left+11,top+18); // | line(left,top+20,left+10,top+20); //-- break; case 7: line(left,top,left+10,top); //-- line(left-1,top+2,left-1,top+9); //| line(left+11,top+2,left+11,top+9); // | line(left+11,top+11,left+11,top+18); // | break; case 8: line(left,top,left+10,top); //-- line(left-1,top+2,left-1,top+9); //| line(left+11,top+2,left+11,top+9); // | line(left+1,top+10,left+9,top+10); //-- line(left-1,top+11,left-1,top+18); //| line(left+11,top+11,left+11,top+18); // | line(left,top+20,left+10,top+20); //-- break; case 9: line(left,top,left+10,top); //-- line(left-1,top+2,left-1,top+9); //| line(left+11,top+2,left+11,top+9); // | line(left+1,top+10,left+9,top+10); //-- line(left+11,top+11,left+11,top+18); // | line(left,top+20,left+10,top+20); //-- break; case 0: line(left,top,left+10,top); //-- line(left-1,top+2,left-1,top+9); //| line(left+11,top+2,left+11,top+9); // | line(left-1,top+11,left-1,top+18); //| line(left+11,top+11,left+11,top+18); // | line(left,top+20,left+10,top+20); //-- break; } } int load_game() { FILE *fp ; char *name; gotoxy(20,2);printf("File name: "); scanf("%s",name); if ( ( fp = fopen ( name, "rb" ) ) == NULL ) { setfillstyle(1,3); bar(20,17,400,40); gotoxy(20,2); printf(" Unable to Load Game"); getch(); setfillstyle(1,3); bar(20,17,400,40); return 0; } fread(board,sizeof(board),1,fp); fclose ( fp ) ; setfillstyle(1,3); bar(20,17,400,40); DrawBoard(); return 1; } int save_game() { char *fname; FILE *fp ; gotoxy(20,2);printf("File name: "); scanf("%s",fname); if ( ( fp = fopen ( fname, "wb" ) ) == NULL ) return 0; fwrite(board, sizeof ( board ), 1, fp); fclose(fp) ; setfillstyle(1,3); bar(20,17,400,40); return 1; } ////////////////////[ THAT'S IT ]///////////////////////// /* Known Bug: There is a bug in checking marbles. Sometimes if no place remain to move, it will not respond to final screen. */

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