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Title Data structure (stack Implimentation)
Author Swapnil B Adsure
Author Email Swapniladsure [at]
Description I am swapnil adsure in s.y.bcs this source code for stack and quee and link list implimentation .It can ba use as project for bcs
thank you
Category C++ » Data Structures
Hits 450821
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// PROJECT ON IMPLEMENTATION OF DATA STRUCTURES GRAPHICALLY. # include<iostream.h> # include<conio.h> # include<graphics.h> # include<dos.h> # include<stdio.h> # include<stdlib.h> # include<ctype.h> # include<math.h> #define CH1 "1.STACK IMPLEMENTATION" #define CH2 "2.STACK APPLICATION" #define CH3 "3.QUEUE IMPLEMENTATION" #define CH4 "4.LINK LIST IMPLEMENTATION" #define CH5 "5.Exit " #define CH6 "Enter your choice : " #define CH(ch) ch==1?CH1:(ch==2?CH2:(ch==3?CH3:CHO(ch))) #define CHO(ch) ch==4?CH4:CH5 #define S "STACK IMPLEMENTATION" #define S1 " 1. CREATE STACK " #define S2 " 2. PUSH" #define S3 " 3. POP " #define S4 " 4. EXIT TO MAIN MENU" #define C5 " Enter your choice : " #define C(ch) ch==1?C1:(ch==2?C2:(ch==3?C3:C4)) #define Q "QUEUE IMPLEMENTATION" #define Q1 " 1. CREATE QUEUE " #define Q2 " 2. ADD ELEMENT " #define Q3 " 3. DELETE ELEMENT " #define Q4 " 4. EXIT TO MAIN MENU " #define L1 "1.ADD A NODE AT BEGIN " #define L2 "2.ADD A NODE AT END " #define L3 "3.ADD A NODE IN BETWEEN" #define L4 "4.DELETE A NODE" #define L5 "5.EXIT TO MAIN MENU" #define L6 "ENTER YOUR CHOICE" #define L(ch) ch==1?L1:(ch==2?L2:(ch==3?L3:(ch==4?L4:L5))) #define L1 "1.ADD A NODE AT BEGIN " #define L2 "2.ADD A NODE AT END " #define L3 "3.ADD A NODE IN BETWEEN" #define L4 "4.DELETE A NODE" #define L5 "5.EXIT TO MAIN MENU" #define L6 "ENTER YOUR CHOICE" #define L(ch) ch==1?L1:(ch==2?L2:(ch==3?L3:(ch==4?L4:L5))) class list { struct node{ int data; struct node *link; }; int size; typedef struct node *nodeptr; nodeptr head; public: list() { head=new node; head->link=NULL; outtextxy(8,390,"Head"); line(44,393,69,393); line(64,388,69,393); line(64,398,69,393); outtextxy(73,390,"NULL"); size=0; } nodeptr create(); // list* getnode(); void add(); void add(int x); void add(char end); void del(); }; void list::add() { if(size<5) { nodeptr new1; new1=new node; setcolor(10); rectangle(288,98,602,152); rectangle(290,100,600,150); gotoxy(39,8); cout<<"Enter the number to be added : "; cin>>new1->data; new1->link=head->link; head->link=new1; rectangle(70,285,150,335); line(130,285,130,335); gotoxy(12,20); cout<<new1->data; size++; delay(500); int area; char *buff; area=imagesize(70,365,525,416); buff=new char(area); getimage(70,365,525,416,buff); for(int j=70;j<170;) { putimage(j,365,buff,XOR_PUT); j++; putimage(j,365,buff,XOR_PUT); delay(5); } area=imagesize(70,285,150,335); buff=new char(area); getimage(70,285,150,335,buff); for(int i=285;i<=365;) { putimage(70,i,buff,XOR_PUT); i++; putimage(70,i,buff,XOR_PUT); delay(5); } int l; for(l=398,i=140,j=388;i<170;i++) { putpixel(i,393,WHITE); if(i>=164) { putpixel(i,j,WHITE); j++; putpixel(i,l,WHITE); l--; } delay(50); } setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(288,98,602,152); rectangle(290,100,600,150); gotoxy(39,8); cout<<" "; } else { outtextxy(275,175,"Sorry you cannot add more nodes"); getch(); setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(275,175,"Sorry you cannot add more nodes"); setcolor(WHITE); } } void list::add(char end) { if(size<5) { nodeptr new1; new1=new node; setcolor(10); rectangle(288,98,602,152); rectangle(290,100,600,150); gotoxy(39,8); cout<<"Enter the number to be added : "; cin>>new1->data; nodeptr temp=head; while(temp->link!=NULL) temp=temp->link; temp->link=new1; new1->link=NULL; rectangle(70+(size*100),285,150+(size*100),335); line(130+(size*100),285,130+(size*100),335); gotoxy(12+(size*12),20); cout<<new1->data; delay(1000); int area; char *buff; area=imagesize(70+(size*100),365,525,416); buff=new char(area); getimage(70+(size*100),365,525,416,buff); for(int j=70+(size*100);j<170+(size*100);) { putimage(j,365,buff,XOR_PUT); j++; putimage(j,365,buff,XOR_PUT); delay(5); } area=imagesize(70+(size*100),285,150+(size*100),335); buff=new char(area); getimage(70+(size*100),285,150+(size*100),335,buff); for(int i=285;i<=365;) { putimage(70+(size*100),i,buff,XOR_PUT); i++; putimage(70+(size*100),i,buff,XOR_PUT); delay(5); } int l; for(l=398,i=140+(size*100),j=388;i<170+(size*100);i++) { putpixel(i,393,WHITE); if(i>=164+(size*100)) { putpixel(i,j,WHITE); j++; putpixel(i,l,WHITE); l--; } delay(50); } size++; setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(288,98,602,152); rectangle(290,100,600,150); gotoxy(39,8); cout<<" "; } else { outtextxy(275,175,"Sorry you cannot add more nodes"); getch(); setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(275,175,"Sorry you cannot add more nodes"); setcolor(WHITE); } } void list::add(int x) { if(size<5) { nodeptr new1; nodeptr temp=head; int s=0; while(temp!=NULL&&temp->data!=x) { temp=temp->link; s++; } if(temp==NULL) { outtextxy(275,175,"The number not found"); getch(); setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(275,175,"The number not found"); setcolor(WHITE); } else { new1=new node; setcolor(10); rectangle(288,98,602,152); rectangle(290,100,600,150); gotoxy(39,8); cout<<"Enter the number to be added : "; cin>>new1->data; new1->link=temp->link; temp->link=new1; rectangle(70+(s*100),285,150+(s*100),335); line(130+(s*100),285,130+(s*100),335); gotoxy(12+(s*12),20); cout<<new1->data; delay(1000); int area; char *buff; area=imagesize(70+(s*100),365,525,416); buff=new char(area); getimage(70+(s*100),365,525,416,buff); for(int j=70+(s*100);j<170+(s*100);) { putimage(j,365,buff,XOR_PUT); j++; putimage(j,365,buff,XOR_PUT); delay(5); } area=imagesize(70+(s*100),285,150+(s*100),335); buff=new char(area); getimage(70+(s*100),285,150+(s*100),335,buff); for(int i=285;i<=365;) { putimage(70+(s*100),i,buff,XOR_PUT); i++; putimage(70+(s*100),i,buff,XOR_PUT); delay(5); } int l; for(l=398,i=140+(s*100),j=388;i<170+(s*100);i++) { putpixel(i,393,WHITE); if(i>=164+(s*100)) { putpixel(i,j,WHITE); j++; putpixel(i,l,WHITE); l--; } delay(50); } size++; setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(288,98,602,152); rectangle(290,100,600,150); gotoxy(39,8); cout<<" "; } } else { outtextxy(275,175,"Sorry you cannot add more nodes"); getch(); setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(275,175,"Sorry you cannot add more nodes"); setcolor(WHITE); } } void list::del() { if(head->link!=NULL) { nodeptr temp,temp1; temp=head; int s=0,x; setcolor(10); rectangle(288,98,602,152); rectangle(290,100,600,150); gotoxy(39,8); cout<<"Enter the number to be deleted : "; cin>>x; while(temp->link!=NULL&&temp->link->data!=x) { temp=temp->link; s++; } if(temp->link==NULL) { outtextxy(300,175,"The number not found"); getch(); setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(300,175,"The number not found"); setcolor(WHITE); } else { temp1=temp->link; temp->link=temp->link->link; //delete(temp1); int area=imagesize(70+(s*100),365,169+(s*100),416); char *buff; buff=new char(area); getimage(70+(s*100),365,169+(s*100),416,buff); putimage(70+(s*100),365,buff,XOR_PUT); area=imagesize(170+(s*100),365,610,416); buff=new char(area); getimage(170+(s*100),365,610,416,buff); for(int i=170+(s*100);i>170+(s*100)-100;) { putimage(i,365,buff,XOR_PUT); i--; putimage(i,365,buff,XOR_PUT); delay(5); } size--; } setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(288,98,602,152); rectangle(290,100,600,150); gotoxy(39,8); cout<<" "; } else { outtextxy(300,175,"The list is empty"); getch(); setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(300,175,"The list is empty"); setcolor(WHITE); } } void funct1() { //cleardevice(); int gd,gm,maxx,maxy,x,y; detectgraph(&gd,&gm); initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\\tc\\"); maxx=getmaxx(); maxy=getmaxy(); rectangle(0,0,maxx,maxy); int ch=1; list ptr; do { x=0; gotoxy(20,8); settextstyle(10,0,2); setcolor(9); outtextxy(85,10,"Link List Implementation"); setcolor(10); rectangle(0,0,maxx,maxy); rectangle(2,2,maxx-2,maxy-2); rectangle(40,60,250,230); rectangle(38,58,252,232); line(40,205,250,205); setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(0,0,1); outtextxy(50,75,L1); outtextxy(50,100,L2); outtextxy(50,125,L3); outtextxy(50,150,L4); outtextxy(50,175,L5); outtextxy(50,213,L6); gotoxy(29,14); printf("%d",ch); setcolor(BLUE); outtextxy(50,50+(ch*25),L(ch)); while(x!=13) { fflush(stdin); x=getch(); sound(150); delay(25); nosound(); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(50,50+(25*ch),L(ch)); if(x==80) ch=(ch==5?1:ch+1); else if(x==72) ch=(ch==1?5:ch-1); setcolor(BLUE); outtextxy(50,50+(25*ch),L(ch)); gotoxy(29,14); printf("%d",ch); } setcolor(WHITE); switch(ch) { case 1:ptr.add(); break; case 2:ptr.add('e'); break; case 3:int x; outtextxy(50,245,"Enter the number after which to insert:"); gotoxy(47,16); cin>>x; ptr.add(x); gotoxy(5,16); cout<<" "; break; case 4:ptr.del(); break; } }while(ch!=5); //closegraph(); //restorecrtmode(); } //************************ Stack class*************************************** class stack1 { int max,flag; protected: float a[10]; int top; public: int create(); void push1(); void pop1(); inline int is_full() { if(top==max-1) return(1); else return(0); } inline int is_empty() { if(top==-1) return(1); else return(0); } }; // **** defination of member functions of stack1 **** int stack1::create() { gotoxy(5,17); setcolor(10); if(flag==1) { setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(50,275,"Do you want to create new stack(Y/N)"); char c=getch(); setcolor(BLACK); if((c=='y')||(c=='Y')) { outtextxy(50,275,"Do you want to create new stack(Y/N)"); rectangle(500,400-(30*max),575,400); for(int i=1;i<max;i++) line(500,400-(30*i),575,400-(30*i)); outtextxy(400,413-(top*30)-30,"STACK TOP -> -1"); outtextxy(400,413,"STACK TOP -> -1"); int area; char *buff; area=imagesize(510,15,565,30); buff=new char[area]; for(;top>=0;top--) { getimage(510,375-(top*30),565,375-(top*30)+15,buff); putimage(510,375-(top*30),buff,XOR_PUT); } delete(buff); } else { outtextxy(50,275,"Do you want to create new stack(Y/N)"); return(0); } } setcolor(10); rectangle(40,260,350,300); rectangle(38,258,352,302); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(50,275,"Enter the size of stack : _"); outtextxy(60,285,"(maximum size 10)"); gotoxy(34,18); cin>>max; //gotoxy(34,18); while(max>10) { gotoxy(5,19); outtextxy(50,315,"Please enter size upto 10 "); gotoxy(34,18); cout<<" "; gotoxy(34,18); cin>>max; } flag=1; top=-1; setcolor(WHITE); for(int i=400-(30*max);i<=400;i++) { putpixel(500,i,WHITE); delay(5); } for(i=500;i<=575;i++) { putpixel(i,400,WHITE); delay(5); } for(i=400;i>=(400-(30*max));i--) { putpixel(575,i,WHITE); delay(5); } for(i=575;i>=500;i--) { putpixel(i,400-(30*max),WHITE); delay(5); } for( i=1;i<max;i++) for(int j=500;j<=575;j++) { putpixel(j,400-(30*i),WHITE); delay(5); } outtextxy(400,413,"STACK TOP -> -1"); setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(40,260,350,300); rectangle(38,258,352,302); outtextxy(50,275,"Enter the size of stack : _"); gotoxy(34,18); cout<<" " ; outtextxy(60,285,"(maximum size 10)"); outtextxy(50,315,"Please enter size upto 10 "); return(0); } void stack1::push1() { if(flag==1) { if(is_full()) { outtextxy(50,270,"Stack is full "); getch(); setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(50,270,"Stack is full "); setcolor(WHITE); } else { setcolor(10); rectangle(40,260,360,300); rectangle(38,258,362,302); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(50,275,"Enter the number to be pushed :"); gotoxy(39,18); cin>>a[++top]; int j=1; for(int i=500;i<575;i++) { putpixel(i,(400-(max*30)),BLACK); putpixel(575+j,(400-(max*30)),WHITE); j++; delay(20); } gotoxy(65,2); cout<<a[top]; int area; char *buff; area=imagesize(510,15,565,30); buff=new char[area]; getimage(510,15,565,30,buff); for(i=15;i<=375-(top*30);) { putimage(510,i,buff,XOR_PUT); i++; putimage(510,i,buff,XOR_PUT); delay(5); } delete(buff); for( i=575;i>=500;i--) { putpixel(575+j,(400-(max*30)),BLACK); putpixel(i,(400-(max*30)),WHITE); j--; delay(20); } area=imagesize(400,413,495,430); buff=new char(area); //for stack ptr movement getimage(400,413-(top*30),495,430-(top*30),buff); for(i=413-(top*30);i>413-(top*30)-30;) { putimage(400,i,buff,XOR_PUT); i--; putimage(400,i,buff,XOR_PUT); delay(10); } setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(40,260,360,300); rectangle(38,258,362,302); outtextxy(50,275,"Enter the number to be pushed :"); gotoxy(39,18); cout<<" "; setcolor(WHITE); delete(buff); } } else { outtextxy(50,270,"First create a stack"); getch(); setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(50,270,"First create a stack"); setcolor(WHITE); } } //********* end of push function ********** //******************** pop function *********** void stack1::pop1() { if(flag==1) { if(is_empty()) { outtextxy(50,270,"Stack is empty "); getch(); setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(50,270,"Stack is empty "); setcolor(WHITE); } else { char *buff; int area; int j=1; setcolor(10); rectangle(40,260,360,300); rectangle(38,258,362,302); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(50,275,"The poped element is :"); gotoxy(33,18); cout<<a[top]; for(int i=500;i<575;i++) { putpixel(i,(400-(max*30)),BLACK); putpixel(575+j,(400-(max*30)),WHITE); j++; delay(20); } area=imagesize(510,15,565,30); buff=new char[area]; getimage(510,375-(top*30),565,375-(top*30)+15,buff); for( i=375-(top*30);i>=0;) { putimage(510,i,buff,XOR_PUT); i--; putimage(510,i,buff,XOR_PUT); delay(5); } delete(buff); for( i=575;i>=500;i--) { putpixel(575+j,(400-(max*30)),BLACK); putpixel(i,(400-(max*30)),WHITE); j--; delay(20); } area=imagesize(400,413,495,430); buff=new char(area); //for stack ptr movement getimage(400,413-(top*30)-30,495,430-(top*30)-30,buff); for(i=413-(top*30)-30;i<413-(top*30);) { putimage(400,i,buff,XOR_PUT); i++; putimage(400,i,buff,XOR_PUT); delay(10); } delete(buff); top--; getch(); setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(40,260,360,300); rectangle(38,258,362,302); outtextxy(50,275,"The poped element is :"); gotoxy(33,18); cout<<" "; } } else { outtextxy(50,270,"First create a stack"); getch(); setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(50,270,"First create a stack"); setcolor(WHITE); } } //**************** end of pop function ***************** class post:public stack1 { public: void create(int); void postfix(char *,char*); int isoperand(char); int prcd(char,char); void push(char); char pop(); }; void post :: create(int n) { settextstyle(0,0,1); //cleardevice(); rectangle(500,100,575,400); for(int i=1;i<n;i++) line(500,100+(i*30),575,100+(i*30)); top=-1; outtextxy(450,415,"Top ->"); } void post::push(char x) { a[++top]=x; gotoxy(67,25-(top*2)); cout<<x; setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(450,415-(top*30),"Top ->"); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(450,415-(top*30)-30,"Top ->"); delay(2000); } char post::pop() { setcolor(BLACK); gotoxy(67,25-(top*2)); cout<<" " ; outtextxy(450,415-(top*30)-30,"Top ->"); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(450,415-(top*30),"Top ->"); delay(2000); return(a[top--]); } int post::prcd(char op1,char op2) { int a,b; switch(op1) { case '$':a=4;break; case '/':a=3;break; case '*':a=2;break; case '+':a=1;break; case '-':a=1;break; //case '(':a=0;break; //default :a=-1; } switch(op2) { case '$':b=4;break; case '/':b=3;break; case '*':b=2;break; case '+':b=1;break; case '-':b=1;break; //case '(':b=0; //default :b=-1; } if(op1=='(') return(0); if(op2=='('&&op1!=')') return(0); if(op2==')'&&op1!='(') return(1); if(op1=='$'&&op2=='$') return(0); if(a>=b) return(1); else return(0); } void post :: postfix(char infix[],char postr[]) { int i=1; int position,und; int outpos=0; char topsym,sym; create(10); for(position=0;(sym=infix[position])!='\0';position++) { if(isdigit(sym)) { postr[outpos++]=sym; postr[outpos]='\0'; gotoxy(4,5+ ++i); cout<<postr<<endl; } else { while(!is_empty()&&prcd(a[top],sym)) { topsym=pop(); postr[outpos++]=topsym; postr[outpos]='\0'; gotoxy(4,5+ ++i); cout<<postr<<endl; } //if(!is_empty()) // push(topsym); if(is_empty()||(sym!=')')) push(sym); else { topsym=pop(); delay(2000); } } //end of else } while(!is_empty()) { postr[outpos++]=pop(); postr[outpos]='\0'; gotoxy(4,5+ ++i); cout<<postr; } postr[outpos]='\0'; delay(1000); return; }// end of postfix class evaluate : public post { public: void push(float); float pop(); float oper(int ,float ,float); float eval(char[]); }; void evaluate:: push(float x) { a[++top]=x; gotoxy(64,25-(top*2)); cout<<x; setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(450,415-(top*30),"Top ->"); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(450,415-(top*30)-30,"Top ->"); delay(2000); } float evaluate::pop() { setcolor(BLACK); gotoxy(64,25-(top*2)); cout<<" " ; outtextxy(450,415-(top*30)-30,"Top ->"); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(450,415-(top*30),"Top ->"); delay(2000); return(a[top--]); } float evaluate::oper(int symb,float op1,float op2) { switch(symb) { case '+':return(op1+op2); case '-':return(op1-op2); case '*':return(op1*op2); case '/':return(op1/op2); case '$':return(pow(op1,op2)); default :cout<<"illegal operation" ; return(0); } } float evaluate::eval(char expr[]) { int c,position,i=1; float opnd1,opnd2,value; create(10); for(position=0;(c=expr[position])!='\0';position++) if(isdigit(c)) push(float(c-'0')); else { opnd2=pop(); opnd1=pop(); gotoxy(3,6+ ++i); cout<<opnd1; delay(1000); gotoxy(14,6+i); cout<<opnd2; delay(1000); gotoxy(24,6+i); cout<<(char)c; value=oper(c,opnd1,opnd2); gotoxy(34,6+i); cout<<value; push(value); } return(pop()); } void funct3() { cleardevice(); post p; char infix[80],postr[80]; int pos=0; setcolor(BLUE); settextstyle(10,0,2); outtextxy(150,25,"Application of Stack"); rectangle(0,0,getmaxx(),getmaxy()); rectangle(2,2,getmaxx()-2,getmaxy()-2); setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(1,0,2); outtextxy(75,150,"Stack is used for conversion of infix expression "); outtextxy(75,175,"to postfix and to evaluate a postfix expression"); outtextxy(75,200,"You are required to enter an infix expression"); outtextxy(75,225,"Note : You have to enter operands of single digits"); outtextxy(75,250," and use circular brackets rather than"); outtextxy(75,275," square ones if needed"); outtextxy(75,300," use $ for exponention operator"); gotoxy(20,25); textcolor(YELLOW); cout<<"Press any key to continue ...." ; getch(); cleardevice(); setcolor(YELLOW); rectangle(0,0,getmaxx(),getmaxy()); rectangle(2,2,getmaxx()-2,getmaxy()-2); setcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(4,2); textcolor(WHITE); cout<<"Enter the infix expression"; gotoxy(4,3); while((infix[pos++]=getchar())!='\n') ; infix[--pos]='\0'; gotoxy(4,4); cout<<"The original infix expression is :"; gotoxy(4,5); cout<<infix; delay(500); gotoxy(4,25); cout<<"Executing..." ; setcolor(BLUE); outtextxy(450,50,"Conversion Stack"); setcolor(WHITE); p.postfix(infix,postr); gotoxy(4,25); cout<<" " ; gotoxy(4,22); cout<<"The final postfix expression is :"; gotoxy(4,23); cout<<postr; gotoxy(4,25); cout<<"Do you want to evaluate this expression(Y/N):"; char ch=getch(); evaluate e; if(ch=='Y'||ch=='y') { cleardevice(); setcolor(YELLOW); rectangle(0,0,getmaxx(),getmaxy()); rectangle(2,2,getmaxx()-2,getmaxy()-2); setcolor(BLUE); settextstyle(1,0,2); outtextxy(450,50,"Evaluation Stack"); setcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(4,2); cout<<"The original infix expression was :"; gotoxy(6,3); cout<<infix; gotoxy(4,4); cout<<"The postfix expression is :"; gotoxy(6,5); cout<<postr; gotoxy(2,7); cout<<" Opnd1 Opnd2 operator value"; delay(1000); gotoxy(4,24); cout<<"Executing..."; delay(100); float ans=e.eval(postr); gotoxy(4,24);cout<<" "; gotoxy(4,20); cout<<"The final answer is : "<<ans; gotoxy(4,24);cout<<"Press any key to continue..."; getch(); } } //******************** Queue class ******************************************* class queue1 { int a[10],front,rear,flag,max; public: void add(); void del(); int create(); inline int isfull() { if(rear==max-1) return(1); else return(0); } inline int isempty() { if(rear==-1) return(1); else return(0); } }; int queue1 :: create() //for queue { gotoxy(24,17); setcolor(10); if(flag==1) { setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(50,275,"Do you want to create new queue(Y/N)"); char c=getch(); setcolor(BLACK); if((c=='y')||(c=='Y')) { outtextxy(50,275,"Do you want to create new queue(Y/N)"); rectangle(50,355,50+(50*max),390); for(int i=1;i<=max;i++) line(50+(i*50),355,50+(i*50),390); settextstyle(0,1,1); outtextxy(30+(rear*50)+50,395,"rear ->"); outtextxy(53,395,"front ->"); settextstyle(0,0,1); gotoxy(5,24); cout<<" "; } else { outtextxy(50,275,"Do you want to create new queue(Y/N)"); return(0); } } setcolor(10); rectangle(190,260,500,300); rectangle(188,258,502,302); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(200,275,"Enter the size of queue : _"); outtextxy(210,285,"(maximum size 10)"); gotoxy(53,18); cin>>max; while(max>10) { gotoxy(24,19); outtextxy(200,315,"Please enter size upto 10 "); gotoxy(53,18); cout<<" "; gotoxy(53,18); cin>>max; } flag=1; front=0; rear=-1; setcolor(WHITE); rectangle(50,355,50+(max*50),390); for(int i=1;i<=max;i++) { line(50+(i*50),355,50+(i*50),390); } settextstyle(0,1,1); outtextxy(53,395,"front ->"); outtextxy(30,395,"rear ->"); settextstyle(0,0,1); setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(190,260,500,300); rectangle(188,258,502,302); outtextxy(200,275,"Enter the size of queue : _"); gotoxy(53,18); cout<<" "; outtextxy(210,285,"(maximum size 10)"); outtextxy(200,315,"Please enter size upto 10 "); return(0); }// ********end of create *********** void queue1::add() { if(flag==1) { if(isfull()) { outtextxy(200,270,"Queue is full "); getch(); setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(200,270,"Queue is full "); setcolor(WHITE); } else { setcolor(10); rectangle(190,260,510,300); rectangle(188,258,512,302); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(200,275,"Enter the number to be added :"); gotoxy(58,18); cin>>a[++rear]; int j=1; for(int i=355;i<390;i++) { putpixel(50+(max*50),i,BLACK); putpixel(50+(max*50),390+j,WHITE); j++; delay(20); } gotoxy(75,24); cout<<a[rear]; int area; char *buff; area=imagesize(590,365,630,380); buff=new char[area]; getimage(590,365,630,380,buff); for(i=590;i>=60+(rear*50);) { putimage(i,365,buff,XOR_PUT); i--; putimage(i,365,buff,XOR_PUT); delay(5); } delete(buff); for( i=390;i>=355;i--) { putpixel(50+(max*50),390+j,BLACK); putpixel(50+(max*50),i,WHITE); j--; delay(20); } area=imagesize(20,395,30,460); buff=new char(area); //for rear ptr movement getimage(20+(50*rear),395,30+(50*rear),460,buff); for(i=20+(rear*50);i<20+(rear*50)+50;) { putimage(i,395,buff,XOR_PUT); i++; putimage(i,395,buff,XOR_PUT); delay(10); } delete(buff); setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(190,260,510,300); rectangle(188,258,512,302); outtextxy(200,275,"Enter the number to be added :"); gotoxy(58,18); cout<<" "; setcolor(WHITE); } } else { outtextxy(200,270,"First create a Queue"); getch(); setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(200,270,"First create a Queue"); setcolor(WHITE); } } //********* end of add function ********** void queue1::del() { if(flag==1) { if(isempty()) { outtextxy(200,270,"Queue is empty "); getch(); setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(200,270,"Queue is empty "); setcolor(WHITE); } else { char *buff; int area; int j=1; setcolor(10); rectangle(190,260,510,300); rectangle(188,258,512,302); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(200,275,"The deleted element is :"); gotoxy(52,18); cout<<a[front]; j=1; for(int i=390;i>355;i--) { putpixel(50,i,BLACK); putpixel(50,355-j,WHITE); j++; delay(20); } area=imagesize(590,365,630,380); buff=new char[area]; getimage(60,365,95,380,buff); for(i=60;i>-30;) { putimage(i,365,buff,XOR_PUT); i--; putimage(i,365,buff,XOR_PUT); delay(5); } delete(buff); for(i=1;i<=rear;i++) { getimage(60+(i*50),365,95+(i*50),380,buff); for(j=60+(i*50);j>60+(i*50)-50;) { putimage(j,365,buff,XOR_PUT); j--; putimage(j,365,buff,XOR_PUT); delay(5); } } area=imagesize(20,395,30,460); buff=new char(area); //for rear ptr movement getimage(20+(50*rear)+50,395,30+(50*rear)+50,460,buff); for(i=20+(rear*50)+50;i>20+(rear*50);) { putimage(i,395,buff,XOR_PUT); i--; putimage(i,395,buff,XOR_PUT); delay(10); } delete(buff); /////////////////////////////////// j=1; for( i=355-35;i<355;i++) { putpixel(50,i,BLACK); putpixel(50,355+j,WHITE); j++; delay(20); } for(i=0;i<rear;i++) a[i]=a[i+1]; rear--; getch(); setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(190,260,510,300); rectangle(188,258,512,302); outtextxy(200,275,"The deleted element is :"); gotoxy(52,18); cout<<" "; } } else { outtextxy(200,270,"First create a Queue"); getch(); setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(200,270,"First create a Queue"); setcolor(WHITE); } } //**************** end of del function ***************** void funct(char *C1,char *C2,char *C3,char *C4,char *title,int d,int g) { cleardevice(); int gd,gm,maxx,maxy,x,y; maxx=getmaxx(); maxy=getmaxy(); rectangle(0,0,maxx,maxy); int ch=1; stack1 s; queue1 q; gotoxy(20,8); settextstyle(10,0,2); setcolor(9); outtextxy(85,10,title); setcolor(10); rectangle(0,0,maxx,maxy); rectangle(2,2,maxx-2,maxy-2); rectangle(40+d,80,250+d,230); rectangle(38+d,78,252+d,232); line(40+d,205,250+d,205); setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(0,0,1); outtextxy(50+d,100,C1); outtextxy(50+d,125,C2); outtextxy(50+d,150,C3); outtextxy(50+d,175,C4); outtextxy(50+d,213,C5); do { x=0; gotoxy(29+g,14); printf("%d",ch); setcolor(BLUE); outtextxy(50+d,75+(ch*25),C(ch)); while(x!=13) { fflush(stdin); x=getch(); sound(150); delay(25); nosound(); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(50+d,75+(25*ch),C(ch)); if(x==80) ch=(ch==4?1:ch+1); else if(x==72) ch=(ch==1?4:ch-1); setcolor(BLUE); outtextxy(50+d,75+(25*ch),C(ch)); gotoxy(29+g,14); printf("%d",ch); } setcolor(WHITE); switch(ch) { case 1:if(d==0) s.create(); else q.create(); break; case 2:if(d==0) s.push1(); else q.add(); break; case 3:if(d==0) s.pop1(); else q.del(); break; } }while(ch!=4); } // ************** End of funct function ************* //************************ Main function ************************************ void main() { int gd=DETECT,gm,maxx,maxy; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\\tc\\"); maxx=getmaxx(); maxy=getmaxy(); rectangle(0,0,maxx,maxy); setcolor(YELLOW); settextstyle(7,0,1); delay(1000); outtextxy(maxx/2-textwidth("A")/2,10,"A"); outtextxy(maxx/2-textwidth("Project on")/2,30,"Project on"); delay(2000); //sound(500); //delay(2000); //nosound(); setcolor(9); settextstyle(10,0,3); outtextxy(maxx/2-textwidth("IMPLEMENTATION")/2,50,"IMPLEMENTATION"); outtextxy(maxx/2-textwidth("OF")/2,100,"OF"); outtextxy(maxx/2-textwidth("DATA STRUCTURES")/2,150,"DATA STRUCTURES"); //sound(400); delay(1500); //nosound(); setcolor(YELLOW); settextstyle(7,0,2); outtextxy(maxx/2-textwidth("Prepared by")/2,240,"Prepared by"); setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(1,0,2); char r[]=" NAME ROLL NO"; outtextxy(177,455,r); //delay(1000); char *buff; int area; area=imagesize(177,280,535,300); buff=new char(area); getimage(177,455,535,475,buff); int x=177,y=455; for(;y>=280;) { // sound(500); putimage(x,y,buff,XOR_PUT); y=y-1; putimage(x,y,buff,XOR_PUT); } nosound(); delete(buff); for(int i=200;i<=270;i++) { putpixel(i,305,WHITE); delay(10); } char a[]=" Swapnil B adsure 01 "; outtextxy(140,455,a); area=imagesize(140,455,498,475); buff=new char(area); getimage(140,455,498,475,buff); x=140; y=455; for(;y>=320;) { putimage(x,y,buff,XOR_PUT); y=y-1; putimage(x,y,buff,XOR_PUT); } delete(buff); char q[]="Press any key to continue . . . ."; delay(500); settextstyle(6,0,1); setcolor(YELLOW); outtextxy(maxx/2-textwidth(q)/2,400,q); getch(); cleardevice(); int ch=1; maxx=getmaxx(); maxy=getmaxy(); rectangle(0,0,maxx,maxy); do { int x=0; cleardevice(); //gotoxy(20,8); settextstyle(10,0,1); setcolor(YELLOW); outtextxy(225,64," MAIN MENU "); rectangle(0,0,maxx,maxy); rectangle(2,2,maxx-2,maxy-2); rectangle(160,130,500,335); rectangle(158,128,502,337); rectangle(385,300,405,320); rectangle(383,298,407,322); line(160,285,500,285); setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(1,0,1); outtextxy(180,150,CH1); outtextxy(180,175,CH2); outtextxy(180,200,CH3); outtextxy(180,225,CH4); outtextxy(180,250,CH5); outtextxy(180,295,CH6); gotoxy(50,20); printf("%d",ch); settextstyle(1,0,1); setcolor(BLUE); outtextxy(180,125+(ch*25),CH(ch)); while(x!=13) { fflush(stdin); x=getch(); sound(150); delay(25); nosound(); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(180,125+(25*ch),CH(ch)); if(x==80) ch=(ch==5?1:ch+1); else if(x==72) ch=(ch==1?5:ch-1); setcolor(BLUE); outtextxy(180,125+(25*ch),CH(ch)); gotoxy(50,20); printf("%d",ch); } setcolor(WHITE); //settextstyle(0,0,1); switch(ch) { case 1:funct(S1,S2,S3,S4,S,0,0); break; case 2:funct3(); break; case 3:funct(Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q,150,19); break; case 4:closegraph(); funct1(); break; } }while(ch!=5); cleardevice(); settextstyle(4,0,5); rectangle(0,0,maxx,maxy); rectangle(2,2,maxx-2,maxy-2); setcolor(RED); outtextxy(200,100,"Prepared by"); setcolor(YELLOW); outtextxy(150,300,"Swapnil B adsure"); getch(); closegraph(); restorecrtmode(); //return(0); }

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