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Title Cement Inventry System (Project)
Author Himanshu Jain
Author Email jain_himcs [at]
Description A Cement Factory Inventory System.
Category C++ » File Manipulation
Hits 383164
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/*This project is made by student of S.R.I.T. computer science student Himanshu jain,saurabh damle for 2nd year 3rd sem the project is made for the purpose of getting daily report,stock status in cement store */ //header files used #include<dos.h> #include <fstream.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <graphics.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<iomanip.h> //global var. int choice,y_n=1; int c; int R_opt;char ch,a; char as= NULL; int ans; //to show the initial help void help() { gotoxy(33,1); cout<<"W E L C O M E"; gotoxy(33,2); cout<<"*************"; gotoxy(10,4); cout<<"############################################################"; gotoxy(10,6); cout<<" This project can keep record of daily cement transiction."; gotoxy(10,7); cout<<" This program is capable of holding any no. daily profile."; gotoxy(10,8); cout<<" In first option you can open cement inward entry form."; gotoxy(10,9); cout<<" In second option you can open cement outward entry form."; gotoxy(10,10); cout<<" In third option you can see status report"; gotoxy(10,12); cout<<"############################################################ "; cout<<"a Press any key to continue........."; getch(); } //to show the main menu void show_menu() { clrscr(); gotoxy(60,1); cout<<"Date :"<<__DATE__; // to show the system date gotoxy(32,3); cout<<"M A I N - M E N U"; gotoxy(32,4); cout<<"-----------------"; gotoxy(2,5); cout<<"***************************************************************"; gotoxy(15,6); cout<<"1. Cement Inward Entry"; gotoxy(15,8); cout<<"2. Cement Outward Entry"; gotoxy(15,10); cout<<"3. Cement Status Report"; gotoxy(15,12); cout<<"4. Exit"; gotoxy(2,13); cout<<"***************************************************************"; } // class contain the data of cement stock class cement { protected: struct info { char flage; long int R_challan; int dd1,mm1,yy1; char truck_no[15]; int dd2,mm2,yy2; int qtt; }f; fstream file; //creating object of fstream class }; //class for inward cement data class cement_in:public cement { public: cement_in(); void get_inward() ;// to get the inward cement information void inward_report() ;// to get inward cement report int stock_in(); void stock_date(); }; //class cement_in close //class for outward cement data class cement_out:public cement { public: cement_out(); void del_data(); //to get the data about delivery void outward_report(); //to get the outward cement report int stock_out(); //to get the total cement out }; //function to get the inward cement entry void cement_in :: get_inward() { file.seekp(0L,ios::end); do { clrscr(); gotoxy(25,3); cout<<"C E M E N T - I N W O R D - E N T R Y"; gotoxy(2,5); cout<<"==============================================================="; gotoxy(5,8); cout<<"Receipt Challan No.: "; gotoxy(5,10); cout<<"Challan Date:"; gotoxy(5,12); cout<<"Truck No.:"; gotoxy(5,14); cout<<"Receipt Date:"; gotoxy(5,16); cout<<"Quantity:"; gotoxy(22,16); cout<<"M.T"; gotoxy(2,19); cout<<"==============================================================="; gotoxy(2,22) ; cout<<"Enter the recieve challan no................"; turn:gotoxy(28,8); cin>>f.R_challan; if(f.R_challan>999999) { gotoxy(28,8); cout<<" "; gotoxy(2,22); cout<<"aChallan no. should not greater then 6 dig."; goto turn; } gotoxy(2,22); cout<<"Enter the challan date......................."; turn1:gotoxy(20,10); cin>>f.dd1; gotoxy(22,10); cout<<"-"; gotoxy(23,10); cin>>f.mm1; gotoxy(25,10); cout<<"-"; gotoxy(26,10); cin>>f.yy1; if(f.dd1>31||f.mm1>12||f.yy1>99) { gotoxy(20,10); cout<<" "; gotoxy(2,22); cout<<"aEnter the valid date........................"; goto turn1; } gotoxy(2,22); cout<<"Enter the truck no. ........................"; gotoxy(17,12); cin>>f.truck_no; gotoxy(2,22); cout<<"Enter the recieving date......................"; // for putting recieving date turn2:gotoxy(22,14); cin>>f.dd2; gotoxy(24,14); cout<<"-"; gotoxy(25,14); cin>>f.mm2; gotoxy(27,14); cout<<"-"; gotoxy(28,14); cin>>f.yy2; if(f.dd2>31||f.mm2>12||f.yy2>99) { gotoxy(22,14); cout<<" "; gotoxy(2,22); cout<<"aPlease enter the valid date ................."; goto turn2; } // quantity of cement gotoxy(2,22); cout<<"Enter the cement quantity.."; gotoxy(15,16); cin>>f.qtt; f.flage=NULL; file.write((char*)&f,sizeof(f)); gotoxy(2,22); cout<<"Enter another .......................yes-1/no-0 :"; cin>>ans; } while(ans==1); } //function for returning the total stock in store int cement_in::stock_in() { int temp=0; file.seekg(0L,ios::beg); while(*)&f,sizeof(f))) { if(f.flage!='*') temp=temp+f.qtt; } file.clear(); return(temp); } /* function which gives the info of cement status at the particular date */ void cement_in::stock_date() { clrscr(); gotoxy(25,4); cout<<"R E C I E V E D - S T O C K"; gotoxy(25,5); cout<<"***************************"; int dd,mm,yy; gotoxy(4,10); cout<<"Please enter the date: "; gotoxy(30,10); cin>>dd; gotoxy(32,10); cout<<"-"; gotoxy(33,10); cin>>mm; gotoxy(35,10); cout<<"-"; gotoxy(36,10); cin>>yy; file.seekg(0L,ios::beg); while(*)&f,sizeof(f))) { if(dd==f.dd1&&mm==f.mm1&&yy==f.yy1) { gotoxy(20,12); cout<<"************************************"; gotoxy(20,14); cout<<"aTotal recieved cement :"<<f.qtt<<" M.T"; gotoxy(20,15); cout<<"aChallan No. : "<<f.R_challan; gotoxy(20,16); cout<<"aTruck No. : "<<f.truck_no; gotoxy(20,17); cout<<"Challan date : "<<f.dd1<<"-"<<f.mm1<<"-"<<f.yy1; gotoxy(20,19); cout<<"***********************************"; } } } //function for inward cement report void cement_in::inward_report() { gotoxy(28,2); cout<<"I N W A R D - R E P O R T "; gotoxy(28,3); cout<<"-------------------------"; gotoxy(3,5); cout<<"*********************************************************"; gotoxy(3,6); cout<<"Challan No. Challan-Date Truck-No. Date of Receiv Quantity"; gotoxy(3,7); cout<<"************************************************************"; file.seekg(0L,ios::beg); while(*)&f,sizeof(f))) { if(f.flage!='*') cout<<" "<<setw(10)<<f.R_challan<<setw(13)<<f.dd1<<"/"<<f.mm1<<"/"<<f.yy1 <<setw(12)<<f.truck_no<<setw(10)<<f.dd2<<"/"<<f.mm2<<"/"<<f.yy2<<setw(10)< <f.qtt; delay(200); } cout<<" ********************************************************"; file.clear(); } /* costructor of cement_in class which initialise the opening file cement.dat */ cement_in::cement_in() {"cement.dat",ios::binary|ios::in|ios::out); if(!file) { cout<<"ERROR" ; getch(); } } // function of class delivery data , to get the entries of outward cement void cement_out::del_data() { file.seekp(0L,ios::end); do { clrscr(); gotoxy(28,5); cout<<"* O U T W A R D - E N T R Y *"; gotoxy(28,6); cout<<"------------------------------"; gotoxy(3,8); cout<<"*************************************************************"; gotoxy(3,9) ; cout<<"Delivery Challan No.:"; gotoxy(3,11); cout<<"Challan Date:"; gotoxy(3,13); cout<<"Dlivery Truck No.:"; gotoxy(3,15); cout<<"Date of Dispatch:"; gotoxy(3,17); cout<<"Quantity:"; gotoxy(26,17); cout<<"M.T."; gotoxy(3,18); cout<<"*************************************************************"; gotoxy(2,22); cout<<"Enter the delivery challan no......"; turn:gotoxy(25,9); cin>>f.R_challan; if(f.R_challan>999999) { gotoxy(25,9); cout<<" ";//to clear this line gotoxy(2,22); cout<<"aChallan no. should not greater then 6 dig."; goto turn; } gotoxy(2,22); cout<<"Enter the delivery challan date...."; turn1: gotoxy(25,11); cin>>f.dd1; //date of challan gotoxy(27,11) ; cout<<"-"; gotoxy(28,11); cin>>f.mm1; gotoxy(30,11); cout<<"-"; gotoxy(31,11); cin>>f.yy1; if(f.dd1>31||f.mm1>12||f.yy1>99) { gotoxy(25,11); cout<<" "; gotoxy(2,22); cout<<"aEnter the valid date........................"; goto turn1; } gotoxy(2,22); cout<<"Enter the delivery truck no. ....."; gotoxy(25,13); cin>>f.truck_no; gotoxy(2,22); cout<<"Enter the cement delivery date...."; turn2: gotoxy(25,15); cin>>f.dd2; //for date of deliver gotoxy(27,15) ; cout<<"-"; gotoxy(28,15); cin>>f.mm2; gotoxy(30,15); cout<<"-"; gotoxy(31,15); cin>>f.yy2; if(f.dd2>31||f.mm2>12||f.yy2>99) { gotoxy(25,15); cout<<" "; gotoxy(2,22); cout<<"aEnter the valid date........................"; goto turn2; //cursor again reset } gotoxy(2,22); cout<<"Enter the delivard cement.Qtt......."; gotoxy(20,17); cin>>f.qtt; f.flage=NULL; file.write((char*)&f,sizeof(f)); gotoxy(2,22); cout<<"aAdd more? Y/N.................."; cin>>a; }while(a=='y'||a=='Y'); } //end of function // function for outward cement menu display void report_menu(void) { clrscr(); gotoxy(31,3); cout<<" REPORT-MENU " ; gotoxy(31,4); cout<<"__________"; gotoxy(4,7); cout<<"*************************************************************"; gotoxy(10,9); cout<<"1.Daily Inward Cement Report."; gotoxy(10,11); cout<<"2.Daily Outward Cement Report."; gotoxy(10,13); cout<<"3.Stock."; gotoxy(10,15); cout<<"4.Exit."; gotoxy(4,17); cout<<"************************************************************ "; } //function for outward cement report void cement_out::outward_report() { gotoxy(30,3); cout<<"O U T W A R D - R E P O R T"; gotoxy(3,6); cout<<"**************************************************************"; gotoxy(3,7); cout<<"Challan Chl_date Truck_no Dispatch_date Quantity "; gotoxy(3,8); cout<<"*************************************************"; file.seekg(0L,ios::beg); while(*)&f,sizeof(f))) { if(f.flage!='*') cout<<endl<<setw(5)<<f.R_challan<<setw(10)<<f.dd1<<"/"<<f.mm1<<"/"<<f.yy1<<setw(10); cout<<f.truck_no<<setw(10)<<f.dd2<<"/"<<f.mm2<<"/"<<f.yy2<<setw(10)<<f.qtt<<setw(12); delay(200); } cout<<" ************************************************************"; file.clear(); cout<<endl<<"Press any key to continue......"; getch(); } /*constructor of class cement_out which initialise the opening file ocem.dat*/ cement_out::cement_out() {"ocem.dat",ios::binary|ios::in|ios::out); if(!file) { cout<<"ERROR" ; getch(); } } //function which returns the total qautity of outward cement int cement_out::stock_out() { int temp=0; gotoxy(28,1); cout<<"T O T A L - S T O C K"; gotoxy(28,2); cout<<"*********************"; file.seekg(0L,ios::beg); while(*)&f,sizeof(f))) { if(f.flage!='*') temp=temp+f.qtt; } file.clear(); return(temp); } void stock_menu() { gotoxy(28,4); cout<<"S T O C K - S T A T U S "; gotoxy(28,5); cout<<"***********************"; gotoxy(17,7); cout<<"********************************************"; gotoxy(24,8); cout<<"1.Stock Today."; gotoxy(24,10); cout<<"2.Stock At Recieve Date."; gotoxy(17,11); cout<<"********************************************"; } void main() { for(int s=1000;s>100;s+50) { sound(s); delay(50); } nosound(); textcolor(5); clrscr(); long int passu; gotoxy(20,10); cout<<"Enter the password : "; cin>>passu ; if(passu==654321) { clrscr(); help(); do { cement_in obj1; //class objects cement_out obj2; clrscr(); show_menu(); cout<<endl<<"Enter your choice:"; cin>>choice; switch(choice) // main choice { //for inward cement entry case 1: clrscr(); obj1.get_inward(); break; // for outward cement entry case 2: clrscr(); obj2.del_data(); break; //for cement outward & inward report case 3: clrscr(); report_menu(); gotoxy(35,45); cout<<"Enter the choice:"; gotoxy(36,35); cin>>R_opt; switch(R_opt) { // for showing the inward cement report case 1: clrscr(); obj1.inward_report(); break; // for showing outward cement report case 2: clrscr(); obj2.outward_report(); break; // for stock status case 3: clrscr(); stock_menu(); cout<<endl<<"Enter your choice:"; cin>>c; switch(c) { case 1: clrscr(); int p= obj1.stock_in(); int q=obj2.stock_out(); gotoxy(50,5); cout<<"Date:"<<__DATE__; gotoxy(4,8); cout<<" aTotal present stock today :"<<p-q<<" M.T. "; getch(); break; case 2: clrscr(); obj1.stock_date(); getch(); break; } } //internal switch closed } //top switch closed cout<<endl<<" aDo you want to quit:-"; cin>>ch; }while(ch!='y'&&ch!='Y'); textcolor(6); } /*if password is not correct*/ else { gotoxy(20,12); cout<<"a Password is not correct" ; gotoxy(20,13); cout<<"a You are not authorised person"; getch(); } }

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