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Author Vikram Takkar
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#include <string.h> #include<complex.h> #include <graphics.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <dos.h> #include <math.h> #define MIN_X 83 #define MAX_X 629 #define MIN_Y 30 #define MAX_Y 409 #define MAX_BUTTONS 22 //total no of buttins available on the right side of thr screen eg save etc #define MAX_COLPAT 28 //total no of color patterns solid fill dashsed etc // down words are the macros which define the action e.g marking or delete etc #define CLEAR 0 #define MARK_OP 8 #define CLIP_OP 10 #define TRANS_OP 11 #define ROTATE_OP 12 #define DELETE_OP 13 #define FLIP 14 #define MIRROR 15 #define LOAD_OP 16 #define SAVE_OP 17 #define SCALE_OP 18 /*intro() { system("c:project1"); sleep(3); return 0; } #pragma startup intro 99*/ /*this structure defines the description of the each button eg the start x ,y and end x,y of the button and the button no and descriptoin about the working of the button*/ typedef struct button_desc { int xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax; int button_no; char* desc; }button; button buttons[MAX_BUTTONS];//maximum no of buttons in case 22 /* the struct below defines the color buttons on the bottom of the paintbrush these buttons include the colors + the fill patterns the iformation about the button is also included*/ typedef struct color_button { int xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax; int color; int colflag; }color_but; color_but colorbuttons[28]; // total 28 buttons which are the color /*/ structure to mark an area to perform the some actions which can only be performed after the area is marked e. rotation*/ struct { int top,left,bottom,right; }marker; int marked=0; /*/ to store whether marked or not*/ char FileName[40]="Untitled"; int saved=1;/*/to store if file has been saved or not*/ int LeftButtonPressed;//vaeiable to store the information about the left button pressd int RightButtonPressed; //vaeiable to store the information about the right button pressd int mousex,mousey;//the x and y position of the mouse int prevx,prevy; //prev sely position of x and y mouse coordinate int Current_Color=BLACK; /*/ to Store the current color */ int Current_Pattern=EMPTY_FILL;/*/ to store the current Pattern*/ int Current_Button=1;/*/ to store the current button pressed*/ int Prev_Button=1;/*/ to store the previous button */ //class ICONS //THIS CLASS IS THE ONE WHICH DRAWS ALL THE SHAPES WHICH U CAN SEE ON THE //ON THE LEFT HAND SIDE OF THE SCREEN ON THE BUTTONS //PLZ DONOT TRY TO CHANE THE COLOR OR THE COORDINATE OF THE MEMBER FUNCTIONS //this class is used in many classes to come.......... class ICONS { public: void New_ico(int x1, int y1);//the picture on the new button void Open_ico(int x1, int y1);//the picture on the open icon void Save_ico(int x1, int y1);//the picture on the save icon void Line_ico(int x1, int y1);//the picture on the line i con void Rectangle_ico(int x1, int y1);//the picture on rectangle icon void Circle_ico(int x1, int y1); //the picture on the circle icon void Airbrush_ico(int x1,int y1);//the picture on Airbrush icon void Brush_ico(int x1, int y1);//the picture on Brush icon void Arc_ico(int x1,int y1);//the picture on the Arc icon void Pen_ico(int x1, int y1);//the picture on the Pen icon void Erase_ico(int x1, int y1);//the pictuer on the erase icon void Alphabet_ico(int x, int y);//the picture on the alphabat icon void Mark_ico(int x1, int y1);//the picture on the mark icon void Clip_ico(int x1, int y1);//the picture on theclip icon void Translate_ico(int x, int y);//the picture on the translate icon void Rotate_ico(int x, int y);//the picture on therotate icon void Scale_ico(int x, int y);//picture on the scale icon void Bucket_ico(int x,int y);//the picture on the bucket icon void Cube_ico(int x, int y);//the oicture on the cube icon void Del_ico(int x, int y);//the picture on the del icon void color_ico(int x1, int y1, int c); void flip_ico(int x, int y); void mirror_ico(int x, int y); void Fill_ico(int x1, int y1); }; //**********************END OF CLASS "ICONS" **************************/ //*********START OF FUNCTION DEFINATIONS OF CLASS "ICONS" ************/ void ICONS :: New_ico (int x1, int y1) { setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); setcolor(BLACK); line(9+x1, 4+y1, 9+x1, 20+y1); line(9+x1, 20+y1, 21+x1, 20+y1); line(21+x1, 20+y1, 21+x1, 8+y1); line(9+x1, 4+y1, 17+x1, 4+y1); line(17+x1, 4+y1, 17+x1, 8+y1); line(17+x1, 8+y1, 21+x1, 8+y1); line(21+x1, 8+y1, 17+x1, 4+y1); setfillstyle(1, WHITE); floodfill(10+x1, 9+y1, BLACK); } //************ The end of void New_ico(int x1, int y1) **************// //******* Start of function void Open_ico(int x1, int y1) ********// //this function draws the folder like picture on the save icon //plz donot edit the flood fill colors or the line coordinate //It will result in the whole screen filled with some un expected color void ICONS::Open_ico(int x1, int y1) { setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); //from here to line no 588 the arrrow is drawn which u can see on the open i_con setcolor(BLACK); line(5+x1, 20+y1, 17+x1, 20+y1); line(17+x1, 20+y1, 24+x1, 15+y1); line(24+x1, 15+y1, 12+x1, 15+y1); line(12+x1, 15+y1, 5+x1, 20+y1); setfillstyle(1, DARKGRAY); floodfill(10+x1, 18+y1, BLACK); //This is the code for the blackish part of the open icon line(5+x1, 20+y1, 5+x1, 10+y1); line(5+x1, 10+y1, 6+x1, 8+y1); line(6+x1, 8+y1, 8+x1, 8+y1); line(8+x1, 8+y1, 9+x1, 10+y1); line(9+x1, 10+y1, 17+x1, 10+y1); line(17+x1, 10+y1, 17+x1, 15+y1); //This is the yellowish part of the open icon icon setfillstyle(1, YELLOW); floodfill(6+x1, 12+y1, BLACK); line(15+x1, 7+y1, 17+x1, 5+y1); line(17+x1, 5+y1, 22+x1, 7+y1); line(22+x1, 7+y1, 24+x1, 12+y1); line(24+x1, 12+y1, 20+x1, 10+y1); line(24+x1, 12+y1, 26+x1, 9+y1); } //******* end of function void Open_ico(int x1, int y1) ********// //******* start of the finction void Save_ico(int x1, int y1) *******// //this function draws the floppy like picture on the save icon //plz donot edit the flood fill colors or the line coordinate //It will result in the whole screen filled with some un expected color void ICONS::Save_ico(int x1, int y1) { setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); setcolor(BLACK); line(6+x1, 4+y1, 24+x1, 4+y1); line(24+x1, 4+y1, 24+x1, 20+y1); line(24+x1, 20+y1, 8+x1, 20+y1); line(8+x1, 20+y1, 6+x1, 18+y1); line(6+x1, 18+y1, 6+x1, 4+y1); line(9+x1, 4+y1, 9+x1, 12+y1); line(9+x1, 12+y1, 21+x1, 12+y1); line(21+x1, 12+y1, 21+x1, 4+y1); line(10+x1, 20+y1, 10+x1, 15+y1); line(10+x1, 15+y1, 20+x1, 15+y1); line(20+x1, 15+y1, 20+x1, 20+y1); line(17+x1, 15+y1, 17+x1, 20+y1); line(21+x1, 7+y1, 24+x1, 7+y1); //the upper white portion is the result of the following staement setfillstyle(1, WHITE); floodfill(10+x1, 5+y1, BLACK); //the following statement creates the blueish part of the save icon setfillstyle(1, LIGHTBLUE); floodfill(7+x1, 5+y1, BLACK); //this state ment results in the dark gray part which is on the bottom of the //icon is created setfillstyle(1, DARKGRAY); floodfill(11+x1, 19+y1, BLACK); } //******* End of the finction void Save_ico(int x1, int y1) *******// //******* Start of the finction void Line_ico(int x1, int y1) ********// //this function draws the line icon which is the simplest of the all the //work i have done u can edit the color but still u cannot edit the //coordinates because they are been seteled after a lot of struggle void ICONS::Line_ico(int x1, int y1) { setcolor(BLACK); line(8+x1, 5+y1, 22+x1, 19+y1); } //******* End of the finction void Line_ico(int x1, int y1) *******// //******* Start of the finction void Rectangle_ico(int x1, int y1)********// //this is another simple function it just draws the rectangle which is onthe //rectangle u can edit the color but still u cannot edit the //coordinates because they are been seteled after a lot of struggle void ICONS::Rectangle_ico(int x1, int y1) { setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(8+x1, 5+y1, 22+x1, 19+y1); } void ICONS::Circle_ico(int x1, int y1) { setcolor(BLACK); circle(15+x1, 12+y1, 8); } void ICONS::Arc_ico(int x1, int y1) { setcolor(LIGHTCYAN); line(x1+6,y1+5,x1+7,y1+16); line(x1+6,y1+5,x1+12,y1+18); line(x1+6,y1+5,x1+17,y1+20); line(x1+6,y1+5,x1+22,y1+22); line(x1+6,y1+5,x1+27,y1+24); } void ICONS::Airbrush_ico(int x1,int y1) { setlinestyle(0,1,1); setcolor(BLUE); line(x1+15,y1+15,x1+20,y1+24); line(x1+20,y1+24,x1+25,y1+20); line(x1+25,y1+20,x1+19,y1+10); line(x1+15,y1+15,x1+14,y1+13); line(x1+19,y1+10,x1+18,y1+9); line(x1+14,y1+13,x1+14,y1+10); line(x1+18,y1+9,x1+16,y1+9); line(x1+14,y1+10,x1+16,y1+9); line(x1+16,y1+9,x1+15,y1+7); line(x1+15,y1+7,x1+13,y1+8); line(x1+13,y1+8,x1+14,y1+10); setfillstyle(1,BLUE); floodfill(x1+19,y1+12,BLUE); for(int i=8;i<=12;i++) { for(int j=9;j<=11;j++) { putpixel(x1+i,y1+j,LIGHTBLUE);}} setcolor(BLACK); } void ICONS::Pen_ico(int x1, int y1) { setcolor(BLACK); setlinestyle(0, 1, 3); line(19+x1, 21+y1, 10+x1, 9+y1); setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); line(11+x1, 9+y1, 11+x1, 6+y1); line(11+x1, 6+y1, 6+x1, 4+y1); line(6+x1, 4+y1, 7+x1, 9+y1); line(7+x1, 9+y1, 11+x1, 9+y1); } void ICONS::Cube_ico(int x, int y) { rectangle(8+x, 5+y, 24+x, 17+y); rectangle(5+x, 9+y, 21+x, 21+y); line(5+x, 9+y, 8+x, 5+y); line(21+x, 21+y, 24+x, 17+y); line(21+x, 9+y, 24+x, 5+y); line(5+x, 21+y, 8+x, 17+y); } //this function draws the eraser picture on the //eraser button . plz donot change the color no //in any of the following statements + coordinates //of the line function void ICONS::Erase_ico(int x1, int y1) { setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); setcolor(BLACK); line(14+x1, 20+y1, 25+x1, 7+y1); line(25+x1, 7+y1, 23+x1, 4+y1); line(23+x1, 4+y1, 12+x1, 17+y1); line(12+x1, 17+y1, 14+x1, 20+y1); line(14+x1, 20+y1, 5+x1, 20+y1); line(5+x1, 20+y1, 5+x1, 17+y1); line(5+x1, 17+y1, 12+x1, 17+y1); line(5+x1, 17+y1, 16+x1, 4+y1); line(16+x1, 4+y1, 23+x1, 4+y1); setfillstyle(1, DARKGRAY); floodfill(14+x1, 18+y1, BLACK); setfillstyle(1, WHITE); floodfill(16+x1, 5+y1, BLACK); } void ICONS::Alphabet_ico(int x, int y) { setcolor(BLACK); setlinestyle(0, 1, 3); line(8+x, 20+y, 18+x, 4+y); line(18+x, 4+y, 18+x, 20+y); setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); line(12+x, 14+y, 19+x, 14+y); line(6+x, 20+y, 12+x, 20+y); line(15+x, 20+y, 21+x, 20+y); } void ICONS::Mark_ico(int x1, int y1) { setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); setcolor(BLACK); setlinestyle(3, 1, 1); rectangle(5+x1, 5+y1, 25+x1, 19+y1); setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); } void ICONS::Clip_ico(int x1, int y1) { setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(5+x1, 5+y1, 25+x1, 19+y1); setfillstyle(1, WHITE); floodfill(15+x1, 12+y1, BLACK); setfillstyle(1,BLACK); bar(12+x1, 10+y1, 23+x1, 17+y1); } void ICONS::Translate_ico(int x, int y) { setcolor(BLACK); line(6+x, 3+y, 20+x, 3+y); line(20+x, 3+y, 20+x, 8+y); line(6+x, 3+y, 6+x, 16+y); line(6+x, 16+y, 12+x, 16+y); line(25+x, 8+y, 12+x, 8+y); line(12+x, 8+y, 12+x, 20+y); line(12+x, 20+y, 25+x, 20+y); line(25+x, 20+y, 25+x, 8+y); setfillstyle(1, LIGHTRED); floodfill(8+x, 5+y, BLACK); floodfill(20+x, 18+y, BLACK); } void ICONS::Rotate_ico(int x, int y) { setcolor(BLACK); line(6+x, 5+y, 20+x, 5+y); line(20+x, 5+y, 20+x, 8+y); line(6+x, 5+y, 6+x, 18+y); line(6+x, 18+y, 12+x, 18+y); line(15+x, 7+y, 26+x, 11+y); line(26+x, 11+y, 21+x, 20+y); line(21+x, 20+y, 11+x, 16+y); line(11+x, 16+y, 15+x, 7+y); setfillstyle(1, LIGHTRED); floodfill(8+x, 7+y, BLACK); floodfill(20+x, 18+y, BLACK); } void ICONS::Del_ico(int x, int y) { setcolor(RED); setlinestyle(0, 1, 3); line(9+x, 5+y, 16+x, 11+y); line(16+x, 11+y, 21+x, 18+y); line(20+x, 5+y, 11+x, 12+y); line(11+x, 12+y, 8+x, 19+y); setcolor(BLACK); setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); } void ICONS::color_ico(int x1, int y1, int c) { setcolor(7); rectangle(x1, y1, x1+9, y1+8); setfillstyle(1, c); floodfill(x1+1, y1+1, BLACK); } void ICONS::Brush_ico(int x1, int y1) { setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); setcolor(BLACK); line(x1+8,y1+20,x1+20,y1+20); line(x1+5,y1+20,x1+8,y1+20); line(x1+8,y1+20,x1+8,y1+10); line(x1+20,y1+20,x1+20,y1+10); line(x1+8,y1+10,x1+12,y1+7); line(x1+20,y1+10,x1+16,y1+7); line(x1+12,y1+7,x1+12,y1+4); line(x1+16,y1+7,x1+16,y1+4); line(x1+12,y1+4,x1+14,y1+2); line(x1+16,y1+4,x1+15,y1+2); line(x1+11,y1+16,x1+11,y1+20); line(x1+17,y1+16,x1+17,y1+20); setlinestyle(0,1,3); line(x1+8,y1+13,x1+20,y1+13); setfillstyle(1,6); floodfill(x1+10,y1+11,BLACK); setfillstyle(1,WHITE); floodfill(x1+9,y1+15,BLACK); setlinestyle(0,1,1); } void ICONS::Bucket_ico(int x, int y) { setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); setcolor(BLACK); line(7+x, 8+y, 11+x, 20+y); line(11+x, 20+y, 21+x, 16+y); line(21+x, 16+y, 17+x, 4+y); line(7+x, 8+y, 17+x, 4+y); line(17+x, 4+y, 7+x, 8+y); line(3+x, 12+y, 7+x, 8+y); line(3+x, 12+y, 5+x, 15+y); line(5+x, 15+y, 7+x, 8+y); setfillstyle(1, BLUE); floodfill(10+x, 9+y, BLACK); setfillstyle(1, YELLOW); floodfill(5+x, 13+y, BLACK); } void ICONS::flip_ico(int x, int y) { setcolor(BLACK); line(14+x, 4+y, 8+x, 8+y); line(8+x, 8+y, 12+x, 8+y); line(12+x, 8+y, 12+x, 15+y); line(12+x, 15+y, 8+x, 15+y); line(8+x, 15+y, 14+x, 19+y); line(14+x, 19+y, 20+x, 15+y); line(20+x, 15+y, 16+x, 15+y); line(16+x, 15+y, 16+x, 8+y); line(16+x, 8+y, 20+x, 8+y); line(20+x, 8+y, 14+x, 4+y); setfillstyle(1, CYAN); floodfill(14+x, 10+y, BLACK); } void ICONS::mirror_ico(int x, int y) { setcolor(BLACK); line(6+x, 12+y, 10+x, 17+y); line(11+x, 18+y, 11+x, 15+y); line(11+x, 15+y, 18+x, 15+y); line(18+x, 15+y, 18+x, 18+y); line(18+x, 18+y, 23+x, 12+y); line(23+x, 12+y, 18+x, 6+y); line(18+x, 6+y, 18+x, 10+y); line(18+x, 10+y, 11+x, 10+y); line(11+x, 10+y, 11+x, 6+y); line(11+x, 6+y, 6+x, 12+y); setfillstyle(1, CYAN); floodfill(9+x, 12+y, BLACK); } void ICONS::Scale_ico(int x,int y) { int i; setcolor(BLUE); line(x+5,y+5,x+5,y+20); line(x+25,y+5,x+25,y+20); setcolor(RED); for(i=y+7;i<y+19;i+=2) line(x+7,i,x+23,i); } //*********START OF CLASS "MOUSE" ************/ class MOUSE { public: void showmouse(); void hidemouse(); void wheremouse(int *, int *); int buttclicked(); void reset(); void getxy(); int check_mouse_on(int minx,int miny,int maxx,int maxy); void startmouse(int,int); void restrictmouse(int,int,int,int); }; //*********END OF CLASS "MOUSE" ************/ //*********START OF FUNCTION DEFINATIONS OF CLASS "MOUSE" ***********/ void MOUSE :: reset() { union REGS regs;; int86(0x33,®s,®s); if( { printf(" No Mouse Drivers "); getch(); exit(0); } } void MOUSE::showmouse() { union REGS regs;; int86(0x33,®s,®s); } void MOUSE::hidemouse() { union REGS regs;; int86(0x33,®s,®s); } int MOUSE::buttclicked() { union REGS regs;; int86(0x33,®s,®s); return regs.x.bx; } void MOUSE::wheremouse(int *x,int*y) { union REGS regs;; int86(0x33,®s,®s); *; *y=regs.x.dx; } void MOUSE::getxy() { union REGS regs;; int86(0x33,®s,®s); prevx=mousex; prevy=mousey; if(regs.x.bx&1) LeftButtonPressed=1; else LeftButtonPressed=0; if(regs.x.bx&2) RightButtonPressed=1; else RightButtonPressed=0;; mousey=regs.x.dx; } void MOUSE:: startmouse(int x,int y) { union REGS regs;;; regs.x.dx=y; int86(0x33,®s,®s); } void MOUSE:: restrictmouse(int minx,int miny,int maxx,int maxy) { union REGS regs;; regs.x.dx=maxx;; int86(0x33,®s,®s);; regs.x.dx=maxy;; int86(0x33,®s,®s); } int MOUSE:: check_mouse_on(int minx,int miny,int maxx,int maxy) { if(mousex<minx) return 0; if(mousex>maxx) return 0; if(mousey<miny) return 0; if(mousey>maxy) return 0; return 1; } //*********END OF FUNCTION DEFINATIONS OF CLASS "MOUSE" ************/ class DISPLAY { public: void disp_filename(); void disp_coord(); void ShowStatus(char*); void ClearStatus(); }; void DISPLAY:: ShowStatus(char* str) { int color=getcolor(); int i; ClearStatus(); setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(12,464,str); setcolor(color); } void DISPLAY:: ClearStatus() { static int first_time; static char text[59]; int i; setcolor(LIGHTGRAY); if(!first_time) { strcpy(text,""); for(i=0;i<58;++i) strcat(text,"?"); text[58]='

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