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Title School management program.
Author Email shashwat_2010 [at]

Category C++ » File Manipulation
Hits 412220
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/* ############################## # MAIN HEADER FILES INCLUDED # ############################## */ #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<string.h> #include<dos.h> #include<ctype.h> /* ############################## # USER DEFINED FUNCTIOS USED # ############################## */ void add_rec (void); //FUNCTION TO ADD NEW RECORC void disp_by_name(void);//FUNCTION SEARCH THE RECORD USING NAME void disp_by_clas(void);//FUNCTION SEARCH THE RECORD USING CLASS void edit_rec (void);//FUNCTION TO EDIT RECORC void delete_rec (void);//FUNCTION TO DELETE RECORC void display_all_rec (void);//FUNCTION TO DISPLALY ALL RECORDS AT ONCE void display_single_rec (void);//FUNCTION TO DISPLAY RECORDS ONE BY ONE int Pass (void); //CHCKS FOR THE ADMINISTRATOR PASSWORD void splash (void);//FUNCTION SHOWS THE INTRODUCTION SCREEN void search(void); //FUNCTION TO SEARCH THE RECORDS void end_splash (void);//SHOWS THE CREDIT SCREEN int check_user(void); //CHECKS FOR THE GENERAL USER PASSWORD void administrator(void);// THE FUNCTION CALLED WHEN ADMINSTRATOR LOGS IN void user_menu(void); //THE FUNCTION CALLED WHEN GENERAL USER LOGS IN void add_user(void);//FUNCTION TO ADD NEW USER BY ADMINSTRATIOR void delete_user(void);//FUNCTION TO DELETE EXISTING USER void display_user(void);//FUNCTION DISPLAYS THE EXISTING USER /* ############################## # FUNCTION TO CONTROLL MOUSE # ############################## */ int initmouse();//FUNTTION INITIALISE THE MOUSE void showmouseptr();//FUNTTION SHOWS THE MOUSE POINTER ON SCREEN int restrictmouseptr(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2);//FUNCTION KEEPS THE MOUSER POINTER ON THE VISIBLE SCREEN void getmousepos(int *button,int *x,int *y);//FUNTTION STATES THE MOUSE POINTER POSITION /* ############################################### # THE STRUCTURES AND FILE POINTER DEFINITIONS # ############################################### */ union REGS i,o; struct user //STRUCTURE FOR USERNAME AND PASSWORD { char username[12],userpswd[12]; }; FILE *usrptr; //USER FILE POINTER struct user usrrec; struct student //STRUCTURE FOR STUDENT INFORMATION { int rno; char name[50],clas[50],f_name[50],ph[8],adrs[50],date[15]; char gender; }; student rec; //Global variable of student rec FILE *fptr; //Global variable for file int x,y,button; char name[12]; /* ################################################################################# # THE MAIN FUNCTION THAT HANDLES ALL THE USER FUNCTIONS THE EXUTION STARTSHERE # ################################################################################# */ void main(void) { fptr=fopen("student.dat","rb+"); if (fptr==NULL) { fptr=fopen("student.dat","wb+"); if (fptr==NULL) { printf(" Can't create file"); getch(); exit(1); } } if (initmouse()==0) { closegraph(); restorecrtmode(); printf(" Mouse driver not loaded"); exit(1); } usrptr=fopen("userfile.dat","rb+"); if(usrptr==NULL) { usrptr=fopen("userfile.dat","wb+"); if(usrptr==NULL) { printf("SORRY CANNOT CREATE USER FILE"); return; }// end if }// end if splash(); int gd=DETECT,gm,errorcode,xc,yc; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"");//Switch to Graphic mode errorcode = graphresult(); if (errorcode != grOk)//Returns error if Graphic mode note started with error no. { printf("Graphics error: %s ", grapherrormsg(errorcode)); printf("Press any key to halt:"); getch(); exit(1); } setbkcolor(4); int menu=13; char op; while(menu==13) { cleardevice(); showmouseptr(); rectangle(1,1,630,470); rectangle(6,6,626,466); rectangle(70,55,280,80); gotoxy(10,5); printf("1-->LOGIN AS ADMINISTRATOR"); rectangle(70,90,280,115); gotoxy(10,7); printf("2-->LOGIN AS USER"); rectangle(70,125,280,150); gotoxy(10,9); printf("3-->EXIT"); while(!kbhit()) { showmouseptr(); getmousepos(&button,&xc,&yc); if (((button & 1)==1)&&(xc>70&&xc<280)&&(yc>55&&yc<80)) { administrator(); cleardevice(); } if (((button & 1)==1)&&(xc>70&&xc<280)&&(yc>90&&yc<115)) { user_menu(); cleardevice(); } if (((button & 1)==1)&&(xc>70&&xc<280)&&(yc>125&&yc<150)) { end_splash();cleardevice();exit(0); } } gotoxy(10,11); printf("ENTER YOUR CHOICE (1 TO 3) : "); fflush(stdin); op=getch(); switch(op) { case '1': administrator(); break; case '2': user_menu(); break; case '3': end_splash(); break; default: printf("Plesae Enter Only Listed Options"); } }//end while } /* ########################################################### # THE FUNCTION THAT HANDLES ADMINISTRATIOR LOGIN PASSWORD # ########################################################### */ void administrator(void) { char ch; int c=Pass(),xc,yc; if(c==0) return; int menu=13; while (menu==13) { cleardevice(); for (x=68,y=3;x<=40,y<=31;x--,y++) { gotoxy(y,3);printf(" DISPLAY "); gotoxy(x,3);printf(" MAIN MENU "); delay(15); } showmouseptr(); rectangle(1,1,630,470); rectangle(6,6,626,466); rectangle(160,55,400,80);gotoxy(22,5);printf("1-->ADD RECORD"); rectangle(160,90,400,115);gotoxy(22,7);printf("2-->EDIT RECORD"); rectangle(160,120,400,145);gotoxy(22,9);printf("3-->DISPLAY SINGLE RECORD"); rectangle(160,155,400,180);gotoxy(22,11);printf("4-->DISPLAY ALL RECORDS"); rectangle(160,185,400,210);gotoxy(22,13);printf("5-->DELETE RECORD"); rectangle(160,215,400,240);gotoxy(22,15);printf("6-->ADD USER"); rectangle(160,245,400,280);gotoxy(22,17);printf("7-->DISPLAY ALL USERS"); rectangle(160,285,400,310);gotoxy(22,19);printf("8-->DELETE USER"); rectangle(160,315,400,345);gotoxy(22,21);printf("9-->SEARCH"); rectangle(160,350,400,380);gotoxy(22,23);printf("0-->LOG OFF ADMINISTRATOR"); gotoxy(20,25);printf(" Enter your Choice <0 TO 9> : "); while (!kbhit()) { showmouseptr(); getmousepos(&button,&xc,&yc); if (((button & 1)==1)&&(xc>160&&xc<400)&&(yc>55&&yc<80)) { add_rec();break; } if (((button & 1)==1)&&(xc>160&&xc<400)&&(yc>90&&yc<115)) { edit_rec();break; } if (((button & 1)==1)&&(xc>160&&xc<400)&&(yc>120&&yc<145)) { display_single_rec();break; } if (((button & 1)==1)&&(xc>160&&xc<400)&&(yc>155&&yc<180)) { display_all_rec();break; } if (((button & 1)==1)&&(xc>160&&xc<400)&&(yc>185&&yc<210)) { delete_rec();break; } if (((button & 1)==1)&&(xc>160&&xc<400)&&(yc>215&&yc<240)) { add_user();break; } if (((button & 1)==1)&&(xc>160&&xc<400)&&(yc>245&&yc<280)) { display_user();break; } if (((button & 1)==1)&&(xc>160&&xc<400)&&(yc>285&&yc<310)) { delete_user();break; } if (((button & 1)==1)&&(xc>160&&xc<400)&&(yc>315&&yc<345)) { search();break; } if (((button & 1)==1)&&(xc>160&&xc<400)&&(yc>350&&yc<380)) { return; } } ch=getch(); switch(ch) { case '1':add_rec(); break; case '2':edit_rec(); break; case '3':display_single_rec(); break; case '4':display_all_rec(); break; case '5':delete_rec(); break; case '6':add_user(); break; case '7':display_user(); break; case '8':delete_user(); break; case '9':search();break; case '0':return; default:printf("Enter A Valid Options"); } // end switches }// end while }// end body of administrator /* ######################################################### # THE FUNCTION THAT HANDLES ALL SEARCHINGS # ######################################################### */ void search(void) { char ch; int xc,yc; int menu=13; while (menu==13) { cleardevice(); for (x=68,y=3;x<=40,y<=31;x--,y++) { gotoxy(y,3);printf(" DISPLAY "); gotoxy(x,3);printf(" MAIN MENU "); delay(15); } showmouseptr(); rectangle(160,55,400,80);gotoxy(22,5);printf("1-->SEARCH BY NAME"); rectangle(160,90,400,115);gotoxy(22,7);printf("2-->SEARCH BY CLASS"); rectangle(160,120,400,145);gotoxy(22,9);printf("3-->SEARCH BY G.R.NO."); rectangle(160,155,400,180);gotoxy(22,11);printf("4-->EXIT"); gotoxy(22,23);printf(" Enter your Choice <1 TO 4> : "); while (!kbhit()) { showmouseptr(); getmousepos(&button,&xc,&yc); if (((button & 1)==1)&&(xc>160&&xc<400)&&(yc>55&&yc<80)) { disp_by_name();break; } if (((button & 1)==1)&&(xc>160&&xc<400)&&(yc>90&&yc<115)) { disp_by_clas();break; } if (((button & 1)==1)&&(xc>160&&xc<400)&&(yc>120&&yc<145)) { display_single_rec();break; } if (((button & 1)==1)&&(xc>160&&xc<400)&&(yc>155&&yc<180)) { return; } } ch=getch(); switch(ch) { case '1':disp_by_name(); break; case '2':disp_by_clas(); break; case '3':display_single_rec(); break; case '4':return; } // end switches }// end while }// end body of administrator /* ######################################################### # THE FUNCTION THAT SEARCHES USING THE STUDENT NAME # ######################################################### */ void disp_by_name(void) { int found=0; char t[10]; cleardevice(); for (x=60,y=3;x<=30,y<=31;x--,y++) { gotoxy(y,3);printf(" DISPLAY "); gotoxy(x,3);printf(" SINGLE RECORD MENU "); delay(15); } gotoxy(20,6);printf("ENTER NAME FOR SEARCHINMG > "); gets(t); rewind(fptr); while (fread(&rec,sizeof(rec),1,fptr)==1) { if (strcmp(,t)==0) { cleardevice(); for (x=60,y=3;x<=30,y<=31;x--,y++) { gotoxy(y,3);printf(" DISPLAYING RECORDS "); gotoxy(x,3);printf(" USING NAME "); delay(15); } found=1; gotoxy(10,7); printf(" NAME : %s ",; gotoxy(50,7); printf(" G.R.NO. : %d",rec.rno); gotoxy(10,9); printf(" FATHER'S NAME : %s",rec.f_name); gotoxy(10,11);printf(" CLASS : %s",rec.clas); gotoxy(50,11);printf(" GENDER : %c",rec.gender); gotoxy(10,13);printf(" RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS : %s",rec.adrs); gotoxy(10,15);printf(" PHONE : %s",; gotoxy(10,17);printf(" DATE OF ADMISSION : %s",; gotoxy(17,22);printf("PREES ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); getch(); cleardevice(); } } if (found==0) { gotoxy(15,22);printf("RECORD NOT FOUND"); gotoxy(15,23);printf("PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); getch(); cleardevice(); } } /* ######################################################### # THE FUNCTION THAT SEARCHES USING THE CLASS OF STUDENT # ######################################################### */ void disp_by_clas(void) { int found=0; char t[5]; cleardevice(); for (x=60,y=3;x<=30,y<=31;x--,y++) { gotoxy(y,3);printf(" DISPLAY "); gotoxy(x,3);printf(" SINGLE RECORD MENU "); delay(15); } gotoxy(20,6);printf("ENTER G.R.NO. FOR SEARCHING > "); gets(t); rewind(fptr); while (fread(&rec,sizeof(rec),1,fptr)==1) { if (strcmp(rec.clas,t)==0) { cleardevice(); for (x=60,y=3;x<=30,y<=31;x--,y++) { gotoxy(y,3);printf(" DISPLAY "); gotoxy(x,3);printf(" SINGLE RECORD MENU "); delay(15); } found=1; gotoxy(10,7); printf(" NAME : %s ",; gotoxy(50,7); printf(" G.R.NO. : %d",rec.rno); gotoxy(10,9); printf(" FATHER'S NAME : %s",rec.f_name); gotoxy(10,11);printf(" CLASS : %s",rec.clas); gotoxy(50,11);printf(" GENDER : %c",rec.gender); gotoxy(10,13);printf(" RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS : %s",rec.adrs); gotoxy(10,15);printf(" PHONE : %s",; gotoxy(10,17);printf(" DATE OF ADMISSION : %s",; gotoxy(17,22);printf("PREES ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); getch(); cleardevice(); } } if (found==0) { gotoxy(15,22);printf("RECORD NOT FOUND"); gotoxy(15,23);printf("PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); getch(); cleardevice(); } } /* ######################################################### # THE FUNCTION THAT HANDLES ADDITION OF RECORDS # ######################################################### */ void add_rec(void) //user define function { char t[5],ch; cleardevice(); for (x=68,y=3;x<=38,y<=31;x--,y++) { gotoxy(y,3);printf("DISPLAY "); gotoxy(x,3);printf(" ADD RECORD MENU "); delay(15); } char srec; rewind (fptr); gotoxy(10,5); printf("ENTER G.R.NO. (1-1500) > "); gets(t); srec=atoi(t); while (fread(&rec,sizeof(rec),1,fptr)==1); { if (srec==rec.rno) { gotoxy(5,23);printf("Sorry! This Record Already Exist"); gotoxy(5,24);printf("PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); getch(); return; }// end if }// end while rec.rno=atoi(t); gotoxy(10,7); printf("Enter Name > "); gets(; gotoxy(10,9); printf("ENTER FATHER'S NAME > "); gets(rec.f_name); gotoxy(10,11);printf("ENTER GENDER(M/F) > "); rec.gender=getch(); if((rec.gender=='M'||rec.gender=='m')||(rec.gender=='F'||rec.gender=='f'))printf("%c",rec.gender); gotoxy(10,13);printf("ENTER CLASS (1 to 12) > "); gets(rec.clas); gotoxy(10,15);printf("ENTER ADDRESS > "); gets(rec.adrs); gotoxy(10,17);printf("ENTER PHONE # (No. only ) > "); gets(; gotoxy(10,19);printf("ENTER DATE OF ADMISSION(DD/MM/YY)> "); gets(; gotoxy(15,21);printf("Do You Want To Save This Record (Y/N) : "); ch=getch(); if(ch=='Y' || ch=='y') { fwrite(&rec,sizeof(rec),1,fptr); gotoxy(15,22);printf("RECORD SAVED "); gotoxy(15,23);printf("PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); getch(); cleardevice(); } } /* ######################################################### # THE FUNCTION THAT HANDLES EDITING OF RECORDS # ######################################################### */ void edit_rec(void) { int Erec=0, found=0; char t[50],ch; long int s; cleardevice(); for(x=60,y=3;x>=40,y<=25;x--,y++) { cleardevice(); gotoxy(y,2); printf("DISPLAY EDIT"); gotoxy(x,2); printf("RECORD MENU"); delay(50); }// end for loop gotoxy(10,5); printf("ENTER G.R.NO. FOR EDITING : "); gets(t); Erec=atoi(t); rewind(fptr); while(fread(&rec,sizeof(rec),1,fptr)==1) { if(rec.rno==Erec) { cleardevice(); found=1; for(x=60,y=3;x>=40,y<=25;x--,y++) { cleardevice(); gotoxy(y,2); printf("DISPLAY EDIT"); gotoxy(x,2); printf("RECORD MENU"); delay(50); }// end for loop gotoxy(10,7); printf("NAME : %s ",; gotoxy(50,7); printf("G.R.NO. : %d",rec.rno); gotoxy(10,9); printf("FATHER'S NAME : %s",rec.f_name); gotoxy(10,11);printf("CLASS : %s",rec.clas); gotoxy(50,11);printf("GENDER : %c",rec.gender); gotoxy(10,13);printf("RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS : %s",rec.adrs); gotoxy(10,15);printf("PHONE : %s",; gotoxy(10,17);printf("DATE OF ADMISSION : %s",; gotoxy(15,21);printf("DO YOU WANT TO EDIT HIS RECORD (Y/N) : "); ch=getch(); if(ch=='y'||ch=='Y') { cleardevice(); for(x=60,y=3;x>=40,y<=25;x--,y++) { cleardevice(); gotoxy(y,2); printf("DISPLAY EDIT"); gotoxy(x,2); printf("RECORD MENU"); delay(50); }// end for loop char temp[4]; gotoxy(10,5);printf("ENTER G.R.NO. > "); gets(temp); rec.rno=atoi(temp); gotoxy(10,7); printf("Enter Name > "); gets(; gotoxy(10,9); printf("ENTER FATHER'S NAME > "); gets(rec.f_name); gotoxy(10,11);printf("ENTER GENDER(M/F) > "); rec.gender=getche(); gotoxy(10,13);printf("Enter Class > "); gets(rec.clas); gotoxy(10,15);printf("ENTER ADDRESS > "); gets(rec.adrs); gotoxy(10,17);printf("ENTER PHONE # > "); gets(; gotoxy(10,19);printf("ENTER DATE OF ADMISSION(DD/MM/YY)> "); gets(; s=sizeof(rec); //finding the size of rec fseek(fptr,-s,SEEK_CUR); //setting pointer in file1 fwrite(&rec,sizeof(rec),1,fptr); gotoxy(15,21); printf("RECORD SAVED"); gotoxy(15,23); printf("PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); getch(); }//end if }//end if }//end while if(found==0) { gotoxy(15,21); printf("NO RECORD FOUND"); gotoxy(15,22); printf("PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); getch(); } }//end body of edit user /* ######################################################### # THE FUNCTION THAT DISPLAYS SINGLE RECORD # ######################################################### */ void display_single_rec(void) { int srec=0,found=0; char t[5]; cleardevice(); for (x=60,y=3;x<=30,y<=31;x--,y++) { gotoxy(y,3);printf(" DISPLAY "); gotoxy(x,3);printf(" SINGLE RECORD MENU "); delay(15); } gotoxy(20,6);printf("ENTER G.R.NO. FOR SEARCHING > "); gets(t);srec=atoi(t); rewind(fptr); while (fread(&rec,sizeof(rec),1,fptr)==1) { if (rec.rno==srec) { cleardevice(); for (x=60,y=3;x<=30,y<=31;x--,y++) { gotoxy(y,3);printf(" DISPLAY "); gotoxy(x,3);printf(" SINGLE RECORD MENU "); delay(15); } found=1; gotoxy(10,7); printf(" NAME : %s ",; gotoxy(50,7); printf(" G.R.NO. : %d",rec.rno); gotoxy(10,9); printf(" FATHER'S NAME : %s",rec.f_name); gotoxy(10,11);printf(" CLASS : %s",rec.clas); gotoxy(50,11);printf(" GENDER : %c",rec.gender); gotoxy(10,13);printf(" RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS : %s",rec.adrs); gotoxy(10,15);printf(" PHONE : %s",; gotoxy(10,17);printf(" DATE OF ADMISSION : %s",; gotoxy(17,22);printf("PREES ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); getch(); cleardevice(); } } if (found==0) { gotoxy(15,22);printf("RECORD NOT FOUND"); gotoxy(15,23);printf("PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); getch(); cleardevice(); } } /* ########################################################### # THE FUNCTION THAT DISPLAYS ALL THE RECORDS AT ONCE # ########################################################### */ void display_all_rec(void) { rewind(fptr); while(fread(&rec,sizeof(rec),1,fptr)==1) { cleardevice(); for (x=68,y=3;x<=38,y<=31;x--,y++) { gotoxy(y,3);printf(" DISPLAY "); gotoxy(x,3);printf(" All RECORD MENU "); delay(15); } gotoxy(10,7);printf ("NAME : %s ",; gotoxy(50,7);printf ("G.R.NO. : %d",rec.rno); gotoxy(10,9);printf("FATHER'S NAME : %s",rec.f_name); gotoxy(10,11);printf("CLASS : %s",rec.clas); gotoxy(50,11);printf("GENDER : %c",rec.gender); gotoxy(10,13);printf("RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS : %s",rec.adrs); gotoxy(10,15);printf("PHONE : %s",; gotoxy(10,17);printf("DATE OF ADMISSION : %s",; gotoxy(17,22);printf("PREES ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); getch(); } //END WHILE }// END BODY OF DISPLAY ALL RECORDS /* ######################################################### # THE FUNCTION THAT HANDLES DELETION OF RECORDS # ######################################################### */ void delete_rec(void) { cleardevice(); int DRec=0,a,found=0; char t[50],ch; FILE *temp; temp=fopen("temp.dat","wb+"); if (temp==NULL) { printf(" Can't create File "); getch(); exit(1); } cleardevice(); for (x=68,y=3;x<=38,y<=31;x--,y++) { gotoxy(y,3);printf(" DISPLAY "); gotoxy(x,3);printf(" DEL RECORD MENU "); delay(15); } gotoxy(5,5);printf("Enter Roll No For Deletion....>="); gets(t);DRec=atoi(t); rewind(fptr); while(fread(&rec,sizeof(rec),1,fptr)==1) { if (rec.rno==DRec) //checking equality { cleardevice(); for (x=68,y=3;x<=38,y<=31;x--,y++) { gotoxy(y,3);printf(" DISPLAY "); gotoxy(x,3);printf(" DEL RECORD MENU "); delay(15); } found=1; gotoxy(10,7);printf ("NAME : %s ",; gotoxy(50,7);printf ("G.R.NO. : %d",rec.rno); gotoxy(10,9);printf("FATHER'S NAME : %s",rec.f_name); gotoxy(10,11);printf("CLASS : %s",rec.clas); gotoxy(50,11);printf("GENDER : %c",rec.gender); gotoxy(10,13);printf("RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS : %s",rec.adrs); gotoxy(10,15);printf("PHONE : %s",; gotoxy(10,17);printf("DATE OF ADMISSION : %s",; } else { fwrite(&rec,sizeof(rec),1,temp); } } if (found==0) { gotoxy(50,22);printf("SORRY NO RECORD FOUNFD"); gotoxy(50,23);printf("Press Any Key to Continue"); getch(); cleardevice(); } else { gotoxy(15,23);printf("DO U WANT TO DELETE THIS RECORD.....Y/N"); ch=getche(); if (ch=='y' || ch=='Y') { fcloseall(); //Closing All Files remove("student.dat"); rename("temp.dat","student.dat"); fptr=fopen("student.dat","rb+"); //Again opening Files if (fptr==NULL) { fptr=fopen("student.dat","wb+"); if (fptr==NULL) { printf(" cant create file"); getch(); } } } } } /* ######################################################### # THE FUNCTION THAT HANDLES & CHECKS THE PASSWORD # ######################################################### */ int Pass (void) //user define Function { int c=1; //return variable char p[1],res[7]={' '}; cleardevice(); gotoxy(28,12);printf("Enter Your Password....>="); for (int a=0;(p[0]=getch())!=' ';a++) { if (p[0]!=8) { setcolor(15); res[a]=p[0]; outtextxy(420+(a*10),180,"*"); } else while (p[0]==8) { setcolor(1); a--; if (a<0)break; outtextxy(420+(a*10),180,"?"); if (p[0]!=8) break; } } if ((strcmp(res,"ss"))==0) { cleardevice(); int x; gotoxy(17,10); printf("PLEASE WAIT FOR A WHILE!! LOADING IS IN PROGRESS..."); for(x=15;x<60;x++) { textcolor(4); gotoxy(x,14);printf("?"); delay(5); } } else { gotoxy(28,14);printf("INCORRECT PASSWORD"); gotoxy(28,15);printf("PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); getch(); c=0; return(c); } return(c); } /* ######################################################### # THE FUNCTION THAT HANDLES GENERAL USER MENU # ######################################################### */ void user_menu(void) { cleardevice(); int check=check_user(); //variable check confirms the existance of user if(check!=0) { gotoxy(25,14); printf("INVALID USER"); gotoxy(25,16); printf("PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); getch(); return; } int menu=13; while(menu==13) { cleardevice(); rewind(fptr); char op; gotoxy(17,2); printf("USER MENU"); gotoxy(17,3); printf("---------"); gotoxy(13,5); printf("1-->DISPLAY SINGLE RECORD"); gotoxy(13,7); printf("2-->DISPLAY ALL RECORDS"); gotoxy(13,9); printf("3-->LOG OFF %s",name); gotoxy(13,11); printf("ENTER YOUR CHOICE <1 TO 3> : "); op=getch(); switch(op) { case '1': display_single_rec(); break; case '2': display_all_rec(); break; case '3': cleardevice(); return; } //end switch cases }//end while }//end body of user_menu /* ######################################################### # THE FUNCTION THAT HANDLES ADDITION OF USERS # ######################################################### */ void add_user(void) { cleardevice(); rewind(usrptr); char confirm; gotoxy(25,2); printf("ADD USER"); gotoxy(25,3); printf("--------"); gotoxy(5,5); printf("ENTER USER NAME : "); gets(name); strupr(name); // convert string to upper case char *str=name; while(fread(&usrrec,sizeof(usrrec),1,usrptr)==1) { char *s1=name,*s2=usrrec.username; int check=strcmp(s1,s2); if (check==0) { gotoxy(5,7); printf("USER ALREADY EXIST"); gotoxy(5,9); printf("PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); getch(); cleardevice(); return; }//end if }//end while strcpy(usrrec.username, str); gotoxy(5,7); printf("ENTER PASSWORD : "); gets(usrrec.userpswd); gotoxy(5,9); printf("WISH TO SAVE USER (Y/N) : "); confirm=getche(); if((confirm=='y')||(confirm=='Y')) { fwrite(&usrrec,sizeof(usrrec),1,usrptr); gotoxy(5,11); printf("USER SAVED"); gotoxy(5,13); printf("PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); getch(); }//end if cleardevice(); rewind(usrptr); } //end body of adduser /* ########################################################## # THE FUNCTION THAT DISPLAYS THE USER OF THE SYSTEM # ########################################################## */ void display_user(void) { rewind(usrptr); cleardevice(); gotoxy(25,2); printf("DISPLAY OF USERS"); gotoxy(25,4); printf("----------------"); while(fread(&usrrec,sizeof(usrrec),1,usrptr)==1) { gotoxy(10,5); printf("USER NAME : %s",usrrec.username); gotoxy(10,7); printf("PASSWORD : %s",usrrec.userpswd); gotoxy(10,9); printf("PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); getch(); }//end while cleardevice(); rewind(usrptr); }//end body of displayuser /* ######################################################### # THE FUNCTION THAT HANDLES DELETION OF USER # ######################################################### */ void delete_user(void) { rewind(usrptr); cleardevice(); int a,check,found=1; char confirm; FILE *temp1; temp1=fopen("temp1.dat","wb+"); if (temp1==NULL) { printf(" ERROR IN DELETING THE RECORD"); getch(); return; } gotoxy(25,2); printf("DELETE USER"); gotoxy(25,3); printf("-----------"); gotoxy(10,5); printf("ENTER USER NAME FOR DELETION : "); gets(name); strupr(name); rewind(usrptr); while(fread(&usrrec,sizeof(usrrec),1,usrptr)==1) { char *s1=name,*s2=usrrec.username; int check=strcmp(s1,s2); if(check==0) { gotoxy(10,7); printf("ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE (Y/N) : "); found=0; } // end if else { fwrite(&usrrec,sizeof(usrrec),1,temp1); }//end else }//end while if(found==0) { confirm = getch(); if((confirm=='y')||(confirm=='Y')) { fcloseall(); //close all files remove("userfile.dat"); rename("temp1.dat","userfile.dat"); gotoxy(10,9); printf("USER DELETED"); gotoxy(10,11); printf("PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); usrptr=fopen("userfile.dat","rb+"); getch(); cleardevice(); }//end if }//end if else { gotoxy(10,7); printf("NO RECORD FOUND"); gotoxy(10,9); printf("PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); fclose(temp1); remove("temp1.dat"); getch(); cleardevice(); }//end else rewind(usrptr); } // end body of deleteuser /* ################################################################ # THE FUNCTION THAT HANDLES GENERAL USER LOGIN & PASSWORD # ################################################################ */ int check_user(void) { int i=0,returnvar=1,checkname,checkpswd; gotoxy(25,10); printf("ENTER USER NAME : "); gets(name); strupr(name); gotoxy(25,12); printf("ENTER PASSWORD : "); //ACCEPTS THE PASSWORD char ch=NULL; char pswd[12]={'

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