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Author Email arun_kumar1131 [at]
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Category C++ » File Manipulation
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/*************************************************************** * PROGRAM DESIGNED BY ARUN KUMAR AT KANKARBAG PATNA -20 * * COPY RIGHT ACT(C) 2002 * * DON'T MAKE UNNECESSARY COPY FOR DISTRIBUTION * * START DATE : 20/3/2004 12:00 AM * * LAST MODIFIED : 6/5/2004 03:00 PM * * LICENCED VERSION REVISED EDITION * ****************************************************************/ #define ESC 0x1b /* Define the escape key */ #include<iomanip.h> #include<dos.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<conIO.h> #define _REGISTER_ 1 #include<stdarg.h> #define bool 1 #define check 1 #include<time.h> #include<io.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<math.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<time.h> #include<process.h> #include<string.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #define TRUE 1 union REGS i,o; struct regus { char namepwd[10]; char skpwd[10]; }; struct regis { char user[10]; char key[15]; }; struct bill { char phone[20]; long int amount; }; struct cust { char firstname[100]; char lastname[100]; char cust_id[100]; char address[100]; char phone[10]; }; struct cust cust_rec; long pos; int flag,fla; char *str; char delphone[10],prnphone[10]; char ans,choice,custo,custname[80],cho='Y'; //int i=0; char pho[10]; createuser(); int validuser(); void logout(); int file_exists(char *filename); void printnamephone(void ); void secto(int endangle); void finalmessage1(char string[80]); void del_nline(int lno); void StatusLine( char *msg ); void check_graphics(); int findduplicate(char phone[]); void Pause(void); void prj(); void animate_circle(int x,int y); int wel(); void del_nline(int lno,int nline); void unloading(); void repcharup(char ch,int times,int st,int upto); void repchar(char ch); int chk_pho(char phone[10]); void supervisor(); getmousepos(int *button,int *x,int *y); void unregistermessage(char string[80]); void draw_rectangles(); int gprintf(int *x,int *y,char *fmt,...); void repchar(char ch,int times); void statusbar(char string[80]); void repchar(char ch,int times,int color); reg(); int gprintf( int *xloc, int *yloc, char *fmt, ... ); void prnfil(); void prn(); void prnrec(); void messag(); void prnfile(void); int reccount(); void welcome(void); void wait(void ); void printrec(void); void draw_rectangles(); void area(); void draw_rectangle(float x_pos,float y_pos,float x2_pos,float y2_pos,int color,int depth); void discustname(void); void addrecord(void); void searchrec(void); void xat(int x, int y); void listrecord(void); void modify(void); chrecdup(char ph[]); void grap(); void findrecord(void); void srhbyfirstnam(void); void srhbylastname(void); void deleterecord(void); void sortedlist(void); void convert(char *ptr); void logfile(int x); void bubblesort(char *array[],int size ); void display(char *array[],int size); void start(); void printparrec(void); int registeruser(); initmouse(); showmouseptr(); void printallrecord(void); void main(void) { clrscr(); supervisor(); } void start() { while(TRUE) { textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(1); clrscr(); registeruser(); time_t t; time(&t); cout<<" ******* ****** * ****** * * * * * *******"; cout<<" * * *** * * * * * * * * *** "; cout<<" * ****** ******** ****** * * * * * *******"; cout<<" "; repchar('~',80); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(30,21); cprintf("TELEPHONE DIRECTORY "); gotoxy(28,22); textbackground(GREEN); cprintf("DESIGNED BY: ARUN KUMAR "); gotoxy(28,3); time(&t); cout<<ctime(&t); cout<<" "; gotoxy(24,9); cout<<" A. ADD RECORD"; gotoxy(24,10); cout<<" L. LIST RECORDS"; gotoxy(24,11); cout<<" M. MODIFY RECORD "; gotoxy(24,12); cout<<" F. FIND RECORD "; gotoxy(24,13); cout<<" D. DELETE RECORD "; gotoxy(24,14); cout<<" R. REGISTER THIS SOFT WARE"; gotoxy(24,15); cout<<" C. DISPLAY CUSTOMER NAME ALPHABATICALLY"; gotoxy(24,16); cout<<" P. PRINT PARTICULAR RECORD"; gotoxy(24,17); cout<<" E. PRINT ALL RECORD "; gotoxy(24,18); cout<<" O. PRINT OPTION"; //gotoxy(24,19); //cout<<" X. EXIT"; gotoxy(24,19); cout<<" "; repchar('#',80,6); textcolor(WHITE); statusbar("ESC ->Back ENTER OPTION [A,L,M,F,D,P,E,R,O,C,X] : "); switch((toupper(getche()))) { case 'A': addrecord();break; case 'L': listrecord();break;//(registeruser())==1 ? listrecord():wait();break; case 'M':modify();break; case 'F':searchrec();break; case 'D': deleterecord();break; case 'P': printparrec();break; case 'E': printallrecord();break; case 'R':reg();break; case 'O': prnrec ();break; case 'C': discustname();break; case ESC:flushall();supervisor();break; } } } void logout() { unloading(); logfile(3); exit(0); } void wait(void ) {clrscr(); gotoxy(33,1); cprintf("HOW TO REGISTER "); gotoxy(33,2); textcolor(1); textbackground(2); cprintf("TELEPHONE DIRECTORY VERSION :#1"); textcolor(15); textbackground(0); gotoxy(27,3); cprintf("1.FREE REGISTRATION WITH TRIAL PERIOD"); gotoxy(27,5); cprintf("2.BY PAYING REGISTRATION FULL AUTHORITY"); gotoxy(10,7); cprintf("SORRY ! YOU ARE NOT VALID REGISTER USER "); gotoxy(10,9); cprintf("FOR FULL ACCESSING OF THIS SOFTWARE REGISTER AS SOON AS"); gotoxy(10,11); cprintf("IF YOU NOT REGISTER THEN IT AUTOMATICALLY COURRUPT"); gotoxy(10,13); cprintf("FOR REGISTERING IT MAIL HERE :"); textcolor(6+BLINK); cprintf(""); textcolor(15); gotoxy(10,15); cprintf("YOU GOT A SERIAL NUMBER AND YOU ENTER"); gotoxy(10,17); cprintf("THIS SERIAL NUMBER TO ACCESSING FULL"); gotoxy(10,19); cprintf("SORRY THIS FEATURES ARE NOT AVALIABLE IN TRIAL VERSION "); printf( " ARUN KUMAR"); printf(" Press any Key to proceed..."); textcolor(WHITE); getch();} void addrecord(void ) { FILE *fp; int x; int flg=0; char phone[10]; struct cust customer; char nam[100]; char ch='Y'; fp=fopen("emp.dat","ab+"); if(fp==NULL) { fp=fopen("emp.dat","wb+"); if(fp==NULL) { printf(" cannot find file "); getch(); } } fseek(fp,0,2); cho='Y'; do { textbackground(1); textcolor(WHITE); clrscr(); repchar('T',80,9); cout<<" ADD NEW RECORD "; cout<<" "; repchar('V',80,12); do {del_nline(11,1); statusbar("Enter name of person upto 30 characters."); gotoxy(18,11); cout<<"ENTER FIRST NAME : "; gets(nam); }while(!isalnum(nam[0]) || strlen(nam)>30); strcpy(nam,strupr(nam)); strcpy(customer.firstname,nam); do {del_nline(13,1); statusbar("Enter name of person upto 30 characters."); gotoxy(18,13); cout<<"ENTER LAST NAME : "; gets(nam); }while(!isalnum(nam[0]) || strlen(nam)>30); strcpy(nam,strupr(nam)); strcpy(customer.lastname,nam); gotoxy(18,15); cout<<"CUSTOMER ID : "<<reccount()+1; do { del_nline(17,1); statusbar("Enter Address of person upto 60 characters."); gotoxy(18,17); cout<<"ADDRESS OF THE PERSON : "; gets(nam); }while(!isalnum(nam[0]) || strlen(nam)>60); strcpy(nam,strupr(nam)); strcpy(customer.address,nam); do { del_nline(19,1); statusbar("Enter Customer Contact No. (if any) otherwise 0."); gotoxy(18,19); cout<<"PHONE NUMBER : "; gets(phone); flg=chk_pho(phone); }while(flg==0 || strlen(phone)>10); strcpy(,phone); //Cin>>; gotoxy(16,1); del_nline(17,1); statusbar("SAVE THIS RECORD [ Y / N] : "); ch=getche(); if((ch=='Y')||(ch=='y')) fwrite(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fp); del_nline(17,1); statusbar(" ADD NEW RECORD [Y / N] : "); cho=getche(); }while(cho=='Y'||cho=='y'); fclose(fp); } int chrecdup(char ph[]) { FILE *fp; struct cust customer; fp=fopen("emp.dat","rb+"); if(fp==NULL) { statusbar("DATA BASE DOES NOT EXIST "); getch(); } clrscr();rewind(fp); while(fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fp)==1) { if(strcmp(,ph)==0) { statusbar("RECORD AL READY EXIST "); getch(); return bool; } return 0; } return 0; }; void listrecord(void ) { FILE *fp; int l,j; char phone[10],c; char *chrtemp; struct cust customer; fp=fopen("emp.dat","rb+"); if(fp==NULL) { statusbar("FILE NOT FOUND/EMPTY"); } rewind(fp); while(fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fp)==1) { l=l+1; textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(1); clrscr(); repchar('=',80,6); strcpy(chrtemp,strcat(strcat(strcpy(str,customer.firstname)," "),customer.lastname)); printf(" "); gotoxy(24,2); cout<<chrtemp; cout<<" "; repchar('=',80,6); gotoxy(20,9); cout<<" FIRST NAME :"<<customer.firstname; gotoxy(20,11); cout<<" LAST NAME :"<<customer.lastname; gotoxy(20,13); cout<<" CUSTOMER ID :"<<l; gotoxy(20,15); cout<<" CUSTOMER ADDRESS :"<<customer.address; gotoxy(20,17); cout<<" PHONE NO :"<<; gotoxy(20,23); repchar('>',80,0); statusbar("Press any key to view next Record...."); j=j+1; c=getch(); if( ESC == c ){ /* Does user wish to leave? */ start(); //closegraph(); /* Change to text mode */ // exit( 1 ); /* Return to OS */ } /* if( 0 == c ){ c = getch(); } */ } fclose(fp); } void modify(void ) { FILE *fp; struct cust customer; char phone[10]; int flg=0; char ch='Y'; char phon[10]; char nam[100]; char str[100]; fp=fopen("emp.dat","rb+"); if(fp==NULL){ statusbar("DATA BASE FILE NOT FOUND ");} textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(1); clrscr();flag=1; gotoxy(24,7); do { do { textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(1); clrscr(); del_nline(16,1); statusbar("Enter Customer Contact No to Modify else 0."); gotoxy(18,7); cout<<"PHONE NUMBER TO MODIFY : "; gets(phon); flg=chk_pho(phon); }while(flg==0 || strlen(phon)>10); rewind(fp); while(fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fp)==1) { if(strcmp(,phon)==0) { repchar('*',80,2); gotoxy(24,3); strcpy(str,strcat(strcat(strcpy(str,customer.firstname)," "),customer.lastname)); cout<<"Mr./Mrs."<<str<<"Record is modifying" ; cout<<" "; repchar('*',80,9); gotoxy(20,9); do {del_nline(11,1); statusbar("Enter name of person upto 30 characters."); gotoxy(18,11); cout<<"ENTER FIRST NAME : "; gets(nam); }while(!isalnum(nam[0]) || strlen(nam)>30); strcpy(nam,strupr(nam)); strcpy(customer.firstname,nam); do {del_nline(13,1); statusbar("Enter last name of person upto 30 characters."); gotoxy(18,13); cout<<"ENTER LAST NAME : "; gets(nam); }while(!isalnum(nam[0]) || strlen(nam)>30); strcpy(nam,strupr(nam)); strcpy(customer.lastname,nam); gotoxy(18,15); cout<<"CUSTOMER ID : "<<reccount()+1; do { del_nline(17,1); statusbar("Enter Address of person upto 60 characters."); gotoxy(18,17); cout<<"ADDRESS OF THE PERSON : "; gets(nam); }while(!isalnum(nam[0]) || strlen(nam)>60); strcpy(nam,strupr(nam)); strcpy(customer.address,nam); do { del_nline(19,1); statusbar("Enter Customer Contact No. (if any) otherwise 0."); gotoxy(18,19); cout<<"PHONE NUMBER : "; gets(phone); flg=chk_pho(phone); }while(flg==0 || strlen(phone)>10); strcpy(,phone); del_nline(17,1); statusbar("SAVE THIS RECORD [ Y / N] : "); ch=getche(); if((ch=='Y')||(ch=='y')) { pos=ftell(fp); pos=pos-sizeof(customer); fseek(fp,pos,0); fwrite(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fp); } flag=0; } }if(flag) { statusbar(" Record not found Modification canceled.."); getch(); } statusbar("WANT MORE RECORD TO MODIFY ........ (Continue..[Y/N] "); cho=getche(); }while(cho=='Y'||cho=='y'); fclose(fp); } void printallrecord(void ) { FILE *fp,*fs; struct cust customer; char *chr; // char spc[30]={" "}; int d=1; clrscr(); fclose(fp); fp=fopen("emp.dat","rb+"); if(fp==NULL) { statusbar(" File Not Found Press Any Key ? "); } fs=fopen("prfi.txt","w");if(fs==NULL){ statusbar(" UNABLE TO CREATE TEMPORARY FILE "); exit(0); } clrscr();rewind(fp); textbackground(6); gotoxy(20,3); cprintf("NAME OF ALL CUSTOMER IS AS FOLLOWS "); textbackground(BLACK); cout<<" "; repchar('|',80,1); cout<<setw(30)<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<"S.NO"; cout<<setw(8)<<setiosflags(ios::right)<<"NAME OF THE CUSTOMRES"; cout<<" "; repchar('=',80,2); gotoxy(1,8); while(fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fp)==1) { strcpy(chr,strcat(strcat(strcpy(str,customer.firstname)," "),customer.lastname)); cout<<setw(30)<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<d; cout<<setw(8)<<setiosflags(ios::right)<<chr<<endl; fprintf(fs," ************************************************ "); fprintf(fs," NAME OF THE PERSON : %s",chr); fprintf(fs," FIRST NAME OF THE PERSON : %s",customer.firstname); fprintf(fs," LAST NAME OF THE PERSON : %s",customer.lastname); fprintf(fs," ADDRESS OF THE PERSON : %s",customer.address); fprintf(fs," CUSTOMER ID : %d ",d+1); fprintf(fs," PHONE NUMBER : %s",; fprintf(fs," ************************************************ "); d=d+1; } statusbar("reocord os printed to temporary file prfi.txt files"); getch(); fclose(fs); fclose(fp); } void printnamephone(void ) { FILE *fp,*fs; struct cust customer; char chr1[30]; char chr[30]; char spc[30]={" "}; int d=1; clrscr(); fclose(fp); fp=fopen("emp.dat","rb+"); if(fp==NULL) { statusbar(" File Not Found Press Any Key ? "); getch(); } fs=fopen("phone.txt","wb+");if(fs==NULL){ statusbar(" UNABLE TO CREATE TEMPORARY FILE "); getch(); exit(0); } textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(1); clrscr();rewind(fp); gotoxy(20,2); cprintf("NAME OF ALL CUSTOMER IS AS FOLLOWS "); cout<<" "; repchar('*',80,4); cout<<setw(30)<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<"S.NO"; cout<<setw(8)<<setiosflags(ios::right)<<"NAME OF THE CUSTOMRES"; cout<<" "; repchar('=',80,2); gotoxy(1,8); fprintf(fs,"S.No First Name Phone No"); fprintf(fs," ============================================================ ==============="); while(fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fp)==1) { strcpy(chr,strcat(strcat(strcpy(str,customer.firstname)," "),customer.lastname)); cout<<setw(30)<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<d; cout<<setw(8)<<setiosflags(ios::right)<<chr<<endl; if(strlen(chr)<=30) {strncat(chr,spc,30-strlen(chr)); strcpy(chr1,chr); } fprintf(fs," %d %s%37.7s",d,chr1,; d=d+1; } statusbar("reocord are printed to temporary file temp.text files"); getch(); fclose(fs); fclose(fp); } void printparrec(void ) { FILE *fp,*fs; struct cust customer; int flg=0; char *chr; char rec_prn[100]; int d=1000,i=0; fclose(fp); fp=fopen("emp.dat","rb+");if(fp==NULL){ statusbar(" file not found ");} fs=fopen("prfi1.txt","w+");if(fs==NULL){statusbar("UNABLE TO CREATE TEMPORARY FILE ");} textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(1); clrscr();flag=1; gotoxy(24,7); do { textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(1); del_nline(10,1); statusbar("Enter Customer Contact No. (if any) otherwise 0."); gotoxy(18,10); cout<<"ENTER PHONE TO PRINT INFORAMTION: "; gets(rec_prn); flg=chk_pho(rec_prn); }while(flg==0 || strlen(rec_prn)>12); rewind(fp); while(fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fp)==1) { if(strcmp(,rec_prn)==0) { fprintf(fs," ************************************************ "); strcpy(chr,strcat(strcat(strcpy(str,customer.firstname)," "),customer.lastname)); fprintf(fs," NAME OF THE PERSON : %s",chr); fprintf(fs," FIRST NAME OF THE PERSON : %s",customer.firstname); fprintf(fs," LAST NAME OF THE PERSON : %s",customer.lastname); fprintf(fs," ADDRESS OF THE PERSON : %s",customer.address); fprintf(fs," CUSTOMER ID : %d ",d); fprintf(fs," PHONE NUMBER : %s",; fprintf(fs," ************************************************ "); flag=0; d=d+1; } i=i+1; } if(flag) {statusbar("Record Not Found .."); } if(!flag) { statusbar("record is printed to temp file prfi.txt"); } getch(); fclose(fs); fclose(fp); } void deleterecord(void ) { FILE *fs,*fp; int flag=1,flg=0; struct cust customer; fp=fopen("emp.dat","rb+"); fs=fopen("temp.dat","w+b"); textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(1); clrscr(); if(fs==NULL||fp==NULL) { statusbar(" UNABLE TO DELETE RECORD "); } do { textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(1); clrscr(); del_nline(1,1); repchar(char(145),79); del_nline(16,1); repchar(' ',80); statusbar("Enter Customer Contact No. (if any) otherwise 0."); gotoxy(16,6); cout<<"PHONE NUMBER : "; gets(delphone); flg=chk_pho(delphone); }while(flg==0 || strlen(delphone)>10); rewind(fp); while(fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fp)==1) { if(strcmp(,delphone)==0) flag=0; else if(strcmp(,delphone)!=0) { fwrite(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fs); } } fclose(fp); fclose(fs); remove("emp.dat"); rename("temp.dat","emp.dat"); if(flag==0) { statusbar("RECORD DELETED SUCCESSFULLY...."); getch(); } else {statusbar("RECORD NOT FOUND......."); getch(); } fcloseall(); } void findrecord(void ) { char *achr; int flg=0; int i=1000; char pho[10]; FILE *fp; struct cust customer; fp=fopen("emp.dat","rb+");if(fp==NULL){statusbar(" record not found.... ");} clrscr();flag=1; do { textbackground(1); textcolor(WHITE); clrscr(); statusbar("Enter Customer Contact No. (if any) otherwise 0."); del_nline(16,1); gotoxy(18,6); cout<<"PHONE NUMBER : "; gets(pho); flg=chk_pho(pho); }while(flg==0 || strlen(pho)>10); strcpy(,pho); rewind(fp); while(fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fp)==1) { clrscr(); i=i+1; if(strcmp(,pho)==0) { textbackground(1); textcolor(WHITE); clrscr(); repchar('*',80,7); strcpy(achr,strcat(strcat(strcpy(str,customer.firstname)," "),customer.lastname)); gotoxy(24,3); cout<<"Mr./Mrs."<<achr; cout<<" "; repchar('*',80,7); gotoxy(24,9); cout<<"FIRST NAME OF CUSTOMER : "<<customer.firstname; gotoxy(24,11); cout<<"LAST NAME OF CUSTOMER : "<<customer.lastname; gotoxy(24,13); cout<<"CUSTOMER ID : "<<i; gotoxy(24,15); cout<<"ADDRESS OF THE PERSON : "<<customer.address; gotoxy(24,17); cout<<"PHONE NO : "<<; flag=0; statusbar("Press any key to go back....."); getch(); } }if(flag) { statusbar("Record Not Found .....Press any key to go back"); getch(); } fclose(fp); fcloseall(); } void discustname(void) { char *chr; int i=0,j=0,k=0,row=6; FILE *fp; struct cust customer; fp=fopen("emp.dat","rb+"); if(fp==NULL) { finalmessage1("DATA BASE DOES NOT EXIST "); getch(); } textbackground(1); textcolor(WHITE); clrscr(); rewind(fp); gotoxy(24,3); cout<<"NAME OF ALL CUSTOMER IS AS FOLLOWS "; cout<<" "; repchar('|',80,1); gotoxy(1,4); cout<<setw(33)<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<"FIRST NAME"; cout<<setw(6)<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<"LAST NAME"; cout<<setw(33)<<setiosflags(ios::right)<<"PHONE NO"; cout<<" "; repchar('=',80,5); while(fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fp)==1) { if(j==9) { statusbar("Press any key to continue ...."); getch(); j=1; textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(1); clrscr(); row=6; gotoxy(24,2); cout<<"NAME OF REST CUSTOMER"; cout<<" "; gotoxy(1,5); cout<<setw(33)<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<"FIRST NAME"; cout<<setw(6)<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<"LAST NAME"; cout<<setw(33)<<setiosflags(ios::right)<<"PHONE NO"; gotoxy(1,6); repchar('=',80,4); } row++; gotoxy(1,row); cout<<setw(33)<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<customer.firstname; cout<<setw(6)<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<customer.lastname; cout<<setw(35)<<setiosflags(ios::right)<<; i=i+1; j=j+1; k=k+1; row++; textcolor(WHITE); } getch(); fcloseall(); fclose(fp); } void searchrec(void ) { while(TRUE) { textbackground(1); textcolor(WHITE); clrscr(); gotoxy(24,9); printf(" N. SEARCH BY FIRST NAME "); gotoxy(24,11); printf(" L. SEARCH BY LAST NAME "); gotoxy(24,13); printf(" H. SEARCH BY PHONE NUMBER"); //gotoxy(24,15); //printf(" X. EXIT"); statusbar(" ESC ->Back ENTER YOUR CHOICE : " ); switch(toupper(getche())) { case 'N':srhbyfirstnam();break; case 'L':srhbylastname();break; case 'H':findrecord();break; case ESC:flushall();start();break; } } } void srhbyfirstnam(void ) { char chr[100]; char fna[100]; int srh_no=1000; FILE *fp; struct cust customer; fp=fopen("emp.dat","rb+"); if(fp==NULL) { statusbar("record not found...."); } textbackground(1); textcolor(WHITE); clrscr(); flag=1; gotoxy(18,7); cprintf("ENTER FIRST NAME OF CUSTOMER : "); gets(chr); convert(chr); strcpy(fna,chr); rewind(fp); while(fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fp)==1) { textbackground(1); textcolor(WHITE); clrscr(); srh_no=srh_no+1; if(strcmp(customer.firstname,fna)==0) { repchar('*',80,7); cout<<" "; strcpy(chr,strcat(strcat(strcpy(str,customer.firstname)," "),customer.lastname)); gotoxy(24,3); cout<<"Mr./Mrs. "<<chr; cout<<" "; repchar('*',80,7); gotoxy(20,9); cout<<"FIRST NAME OF CUSTOMER : "<<customer.firstname; gotoxy(20,11); cout<<"LAST NAME OF CUSTOMER : "<<customer.lastname; gotoxy(20,13); cout<<"CUSTOMER ID : "<<srh_no; gotoxy(20,15); cout<<"ADDRESS OF THE PERSON : "<<customer.address; gotoxy(20,17); cout<<"PHONE NO : "<<; gotoxy(20,19); cout<<" "; repchar('*',80,0); flag=0; statusbar("Press any Key to continue.."); getch(); } }if(flag) { statusbar("Record Not Found .."); getch(); } fclose(fp); fcloseall(); } void srhbylastname(void ) { char chr[100],lna[100]; int cus_id=1000; FILE *fp; struct cust customer; fp=fopen("emp.dat","rb+"); if(fp==NULL) { statusbar(" record not found.... "); } textbackground(1); textcolor(WHITE); clrscr(); flag=1; gotoxy(24,7); cprintf("ENTER LAST NAME OF CUSTOMER SEARCH : "); gets(chr); convert(chr); strcpy(lna,chr); rewind(fp); clrscr(); while(fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fp)==1) { textbackground(1); textcolor(WHITE); clrscr(); cus_id=cus_id+1; if(strcmp(customer.lastname,lna)==0) { repchar('*',80,4); strcpy(chr,strcat(strcat(strcpy(str,customer.firstname)," "),customer.lastname)); gotoxy(24,3); cout<<"Mr./Mrs."<<chr; cout<<" "; repchar('*',80,4); gotoxy(24,7); cout<<"FIRST NAME OF CUSTOMER : "<<customer.firstname; gotoxy(24,9); cout<<"LAST NAME OF CUSTOMER : "<<customer.lastname; gotoxy(24,11); cout<<"CUSTOMER ID : "<<cus_id; gotoxy(24,13); cout<<"ADDRESS OF THE PERSON : "<<customer.address; gotoxy(24,15); cout<<"PHONE NO : "<<; cout<<" "; repchar('*',80,4); flag=0; statusbar("Press any Key for next record ...."); getch(); } }if(flag) { statusbar("Record Not Found ...."); getch(); } fclose(fp); fcloseall(); } int gprintf(int *x,int *y,char *fmt,...) { va_list ptr; char str[140]; va_start(ptr,fmt); vsprintf(str,fmt,ptr); gotoxy(*x,*y); cprintf("%s",str); va_end(ptr); return 0; } int registeruser() { FILE *fp; int k,x,y,j=0,r=0; char stq[]= {"DESIGNED FOR TELCOME DEPARTMENT COPYRIGHT(C)-2002"}; char stm[]={"REGISTER NOW"}; struct regis reg_user; fp=fopen("reg.sys","rb+"); if(fp==NULL) { textcolor(1); gotoxy(3,3); cprintf("unregistered"); } rewind(fp); textcolor(2+BLINK); fread(®_user,sizeof(reg_user),1,fp); if(((strcmp(reg_user.key,"908765877")==0)||(strcmp(reg_user.key,"564567876 ")==0)||(strcmp(reg_user.key,"232356419")==0)||(strcmp(reg_user.key,"89779 889")==0)||(strcmp(reg_user.key,"0190989876")==0))) { x=33; y=23; gotoxy(2,3); textbackground(GREEN); for(k=0;k<=48;k++) { textcolor(j+1); textattr(j); gprintf(&x,&y,"LIC.TO : %s",reg_user.user); if(j==14) j=1; j=j+1; } x=30;y=3; textcolor(18); gotoxy(30,3); textattr(13); for(k=0;k<=48;k++) { textcolor(j+1); textattr(j); cprintf("%c",stq[k]); if(j==14) j=1; j=j+1; } textcolor(15); k=1; } else { gotoxy(1,3); for(r=0;r<=12;r++) { textcolor(j+1); cprintf("%c",stm[r]); sound(7); if(j==14) j=1; j=j+1; } x=30;y=3; textcolor(18); gotoxy(30,3); for(k=0;k<=47;k++) { textcolor(j+1); cprintf("%c",stq[k]); sound(7); if(j==14) j=1; j=j+1; } gotoxy(14,3); textcolor(14+BLINK); cprintf("TRIAL PERIOD"); textcolor(15); k=0; } nosound(); textcolor(7); fclose(fp); return k; } reg() { FILE *fp; char c[10]; int i; char nam[10]; char pass[15]; fp=fopen("reg.sys","rb+"); if(fp==NULL) { fp=fopen("reg.sys","wb+"); if(fp==NULL) { statusbar("CANNOT FOUND REGISTRATION FILE INFORMATION "); getch(); } textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(1); clrscr(); struct regis reg_user; gotoxy(24,9); do { del_nline(11); statusbar("User name which is provided to you : "); gotoxy(24,11); cout<<"ENTER USER ID : "; gets(nam); }while(!isalpha(nam[0]) || strlen(nam)>10); strcpy(nam,strupr(nam)); strcpy(reg_user.user,nam); do { del_nline(13); statusbar("VALID SERIAL NUMBER IF YOU HAVE NOT REGISTER IT SOON "); gotoxy(24,13); cout<<"ENTER VALID KEY PASSWORD : "; gets(pass); /* while ((c[i] = getchar()) != ' ') strcpy(pass,c); gets(pass);*/ }while(strlen(pass)==9 || strcmp(pass,reg_user.key)); strcpy(pass,strupr(pass)); strcpy(reg_user.key,pass); //if(strcmp(reg_user.key,"908765977")==0) if(((strcmp(reg_user.key,"908765877")==0)||(strcmp(reg_user.key,"564567876 ")==0)||(strcmp(reg_user.key,"232356419")==0)||(strcmp(reg_user.key,"89779 889")==0)||(strcmp(reg_user.key,"0190989876")==0))) { fwrite(®_user,sizeof(reg_user),1,fp); } else { statusbar("INVALID SERIAL NUMBER TRY LATTER..(continue.."); getch(); remove("reg.sys"); } fclose(fp); } return 0; } void discustnamesort(void) { char chr[100]; int i=0,j=0; FILE *fp; struct cust customer; fp=fopen("emp.dat","rb+"); if(fp==NULL) { statusbar("DATA BASE DOES NOT EXIST "); getch(); } clrscr(); rewind(fp); repchar('*',80,8); gotoxy(24,3); cout<<"NAME OF ALL CUSTOMER IS AS FOLLOWS "; repchar('*',80,8); while(fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fp)==1) { if(j==4) { statusbar("Press any key to continue.."); getch(); j=1; clrscr(); } strcpy(chr,strcat(strcat(strcpy(str,customer.firstname)," "),customer.lastname)); cout<<setw(9)<<setiosflags(ios::left)<<i+1; cout<<setw(17)<<setiosflags(ios::right)<<chr; i=i+1; j=j+1; } getch(); fclose(fp); } void bubblesort(char *array[],int size) { char *temp; int i,j; for(i=0;i<size;i++) for(j=0;j<size-i-1;j++) if(strcmp(array[j],array[j+1])<0) { temp=(char*)malloc(sizeof(array[j])); temp=array[j]; array[j]=array[j+1]; array[j+1]=temp; } } void display(char *array[],int k) { int u; for(u=0;u<k;u++) { printf(" | %d | | %s",u+1,array[u]); } } void convert(char *ptr) { do { if((*ptr>91)&&(*ptr<123)) {*ptr=*ptr-32; ptr++; } else {ptr++; } }while(*ptr!=NULL); return; } int reccount() { FILE *fp; long int count=0; struct cust customer; fp=fopen("emp.dat","rb+"); if(fp==NULL) { statusbar("DATA BASE DOES NOT EXIST "); getch(); } rewind(fp); while(fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fp)==1) { count=count+1; } fclose(fp); return count; } void prnrec() { while(TRUE) { textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(1); clrscr(); repchar('*',80,6); gotoxy(24,2); cout<<"PRINTER SETUP OPTION"; cout<<" "; repchar('*',80,6); gotoxy(20,9); cout<<" P. PRINT ALL RECORD TO PRINTER "; gotoxy(20,11); cout<<" D. PRINT NAME AND PHONE NUMBER ONLY"; gotoxy(20,13); cout<<" F. PRINT ALL RECORD TO FILE "; gotoxy(20,15); //cout<<" X. CANCEL\EXIT"; statusbar("ESC->BACK OPTION PLESE : "); switch(toupper(getche())) { case 'P': prn();break; case 'D': printnamephone();break; case 'F': prnfil();break; //case 'X':start();break; case ESC:flushall();start();break; } } } void prn() { char ch[100]; FILE *fp; fp=fopen("emp.dat","rb+"); if(fp==NULL) { statusbar("file not found"); } while((fread(ch,sizeof(ch),1,fp))==1) { if(stderr) { textcolor(WHITE+BLINK); textbackground(1); clrscr(); gotoxy(18,8); cprintf("Check Printer is Switched On Or Not"); gotoxy(19,9); cprintf("Set Properties of printer DOS PRINT ALLOWED"); statusbar("PRINTER DEVICE ERROR OCCURED"); getch(); prnrec(); break; } fprintf(stdprn,"%s",ch); } textbackground(WHITE); } void prnfil() { char ch[100]; int d=0; char nam[80]; struct cust customer; FILE *fs,*fp; char chr[100]; textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(1); clrscr(); fflush(stdin); gotoxy(24,12); cout<<"ENTER NAME OF FILE FOR RECORD PRINTING : "; scanf("%s",&nam); fp=fopen("emp.dat","rb+"); if(fp==NULL) { statusbar("file not found"); } fs=fopen(nam,"w"); if(fs==NULL) { statusbar("file not found press any key exit "); getch(); } while((fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fp))==1) { fprintf(fs," ************************************************ "); strcpy(chr,strcat(strcat(strcpy(str,customer.firstname)," "),customer.lastname)); fprintf(fs," NAME OF THE PERSON : %s",chr); fprintf(fs," FIRST NAME OF THE PERSON : %s",customer.firstname); fprintf(fs," LAST NAME OF THE PERSON : %s",customer.lastname); fprintf(fs," ADDRESS OF THE PERSON : %s",customer.address); fprintf(fs," CUSTOMER ID : %d ",d); fprintf(fs," PHONE NUMBER : %s",; fprintf(fs," ************************************************ "); d=d+1; }} void repchar(char ch) { cprintf("%c",ch); } void repchar(char ch,int times) { for(int c=0;c<times;c++) cprintf("%c",ch); } void repcharup(char ch,int times,int st,int upto) { for(int c=0;c<=times;c++) { delay(10); gotoxy(st,upto); cprintf("%c",ch); } } void repcharup(char ch,int times) { for(int c=0;c<=times;c++) { gotoxy(1,c); cprintf("%c",ch); } } void repchar(char ch,int times,int color) { textcolor(color); for(int c=0;c<times;c++) cprintf("%c",ch); } int check_money(char money[10]) { int flg=0; int pos; char *ptr; int len=strlen(money); ptr=strchr(money,'.'); if(ptr) { pos=ptr-money; if(pos>0 && pos<len-1) { for(int c=0;c<pos;c++) { if(isdigit(money[c])) flg=1; else { flg=0; break; } } if(flg) { for(int c=pos+1;c<len;c++) { if(isdigit(money[c])) flg=1; else { flg=0; break; } } } } else flg=0; } else { for(int c=0;c<len;c++) { if(isdigit(money[c])) flg=1; else { flg=0; break; } } } return flg; } int chk_pho(char phone[10]) { int flg=0; int len=strlen(phone); for(int d=0;d<len;d++) { if(isdigit(phone[d])) flg=1; else { flg=0; break; } } return flg; } void statusbar(char string[80]) { gotoxy(1,24); textbackground(7); repchar('*',80); repchar(' ',0); gotoxy(1,25); delline(); int l=strlen(string); gotoxy((80-l)/2,25); textcolor(BLACK); for(int i=0;i<l;i++) { cprintf("%c",string[i]); } textbackground(YELLOW); textcolor(RED); } void finalmessage() { gotoxy(1,30); cprintf("Wait For Unloading ... "); gotoxy(1,12); textbackground(7); repchar(' ',0); gotoxy(1,12); delline(); // int l=strlen(string); gotoxy(1,6); textcolor(BLACK); for(int i=0;i<80;i++) { cprintf(" "); delay(15); } textbackground(9); gotoxy(1,1); cprintf("Unloading Completed"); textbackground(BLACK); textcolor(8); } void finalmessage1(char string[80]) { gotoxy(1,30); gotoxy(1,12); textbackground(7); repchar(' ',0); gotoxy(1,12); delline(); int l=strlen(string); gotoxy(1,6); textcolor(BLACK); for(int i=0;i<80;i++) { cprintf("%c",string[l]); delay(15); } textbackground(9); gotoxy(1,1); textbackground(1); textcolor(WHITE); } void del_nline(int lno) { for(int i=0;i<=80;i++) { textbackground(1); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(i,lno); repchar(' '); } } void del_nline(int lno,int nline) { for(int i=0;i<nline;i++) { gotoxy(1,lno); repchar(' '); lno++; } } void unregistermessage(char string[80]) { gotoxy(1,4); textcolor(YELLOW); repchar('*',80); repchar(' ',0); gotoxy(1,5); delline(); cprintf("YOU MUST REGISTER PLEASE (MCA FIRST YEAR) "); cprintf("GOT SERIAL NUMBER AT"); int l=strlen(string); gotoxy((80-l)/2,25); textcolor(CYAN); for(int i=0;i<l;i++) { cprintf("%c",string[i]); } textcolor(WHITE); } void logfile(int x) { int y; char doe[10]; char time[10]; clrscr(); FILE *fp; fp=fopen("lo.txt","a+"); if(fp==NULL) { cout<<"error in creating a file "; } strcpy(doe,__DATE__); strcpy(time,__TIME__); if(x==0) fprintf(fp," RECORD IS ADDED TIME %s ON THE DATE OF :%s" ,time,doe); if(x==1) fprintf(fp," RECORD IS MODIFIED TIME %s ON THE DATE OF :%s" ,time,doe); if(x==2) fprintf(fp,"RECORD IS LISTED TIME %s ON THE DATE OF :%s" ,time,doe); if(x==3) fprintf(fp," EXIT FROM SOFTWARE %s ON THE DATE OF :%s" ,time,doe); fclose(fp); } void animate_circle(int x,int y) { int d; for(d=5;d<=25;d+=5) { setcolor(3); circle(x,y,d); } for(d=5;d<=25;d+=5) { setcolor(15); circle(x,y,d); setcolor(d); circle(x,y,d); } } void prj() { int w; int midx, midy; int endangle = 180; void animate_circle(int x,int y); midx = getmaxx(); midy = getmaxy(); cleardevice(); setbkcolor(8); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,RED); setcolor(RED); setcolor(BLUE); settextstyle(7,HORIZ_DIR,2); setcolor(RED); for(endangle=0;endangle<=480;endangle+=2) { rectangle(midx,midy,0,endangle); } w=0; while(1) { if(w>2) break; else animate_circle(30,4); w++; } getch(); } int wel() { int midx, midy; int endangle = 180; int gd = DETECT, gm, er; initgraph(&gd, &gm, "\bgi"); er= graphresult(); if (er != grOk) { return(1); } { midx=getmaxx(); midy=getmaxy(); cleardevice(); setbkcolor(7); setcolor(BLUE); setcolor(YELLOW); for(endangle=0;endangle<=480;endangle+=12) { secto(endangle); rectangle(midx,midy,0,endangle); rectangle(endangle,midy,midx,0); } setcolor(1); settextstyle(7,HORIZ_DIR,3); outtextxy(40,20,"Welcome to the Phone System"); settextstyle(7,1,1); outtextxy(610,80,"PERSONAL PHONE DICTIONARY SYSTEM PROJECT"); settextstyle(2,HORIZ_DIR,5); outtextxy(40,140,"This project keeps the record of "); outtextxy(40,165," a> NAME OF PERSON,ADDRESS,PHONE NO "); outtextxy(40,185," b> MODIFICATION , SEARCHING AND"); outtextxy(40,200," DELETION ADITION IS POSSIBLE"); outtextxy(40,225," c> KEEP EVERY TIME PERFORMED TASK LOGBOOK"); outtextxy(40,245," PRINT RECORD IS POSS..."); settextstyle(7,HORIZ_DIR,3); outtextxy(80,420,"Press any key to Continue..."); getch(); } return 0; } void check_graphics() { int gd = DETECT, gm, er; initgraph(&gd, &gm, "\bgi"); er= graphresult(); if (er != grOk) { cout<<"Graphics Error: "<< grapherrormsg(er); cout<<"Press any key to halt: "; getch(); exit(1); } } void secto(int endangle) { int x,y,d=0; int move=0; setcolor(GREEN); settextstyle(7,1,1); sector(getmaxx()/2, getmaxy()/2+100,0,endangle, 120, 20); x=340,y=400; gprintf( &x, &y, "%d % ", d ); d=d+7; while(move!=640) { if(move==620) { settextstyle(2,0,0); } { setcolor(RED); rectangle(20,400,move,420); move=move+1; } setcolor(WHITE); } setcolor(WHITE); } void unloading() { int gd=DETECT,gm,move=640,err; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"\bgi"); err = graphresult(); if (err!= grOk) { clrscr(); window(15,30,40,23); //finalmessage(" "); textbackground(1); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(17,9); cprintf("Thanks For Using This Software "); gotoxy(17,11); cprintf("MAIL FOR RESPONCE TO US "); gotoxy(17,13); cprintf(" "); gotoxy(17,15); cprintf("PRESS ANY KEY TO PROCEED .... "); getch(); exit(1); } cleardevice(); while(move!=0) { if(move>10) { outtextxy(getmaxx()/2-20,getmaxy()/2,"WAIT UNLOADING FINISHING ..."); } { rectangle(20,400,move,420); move=move-1; } } cleardevice(); outtextxy(getmaxx()/2,getmaxy()/2,"THANKS FOR USING IT ...."); outtextxy(getmaxx()/2,getmaxy()/2+15,"PRESS ANY KEY TO PROCEED ...."); outtextxy(getmaxx()/2,getmaxy()/2+35,"MAIL FOR RESPONCE TO US "); setcolor(6); outtextxy(getmaxx()/2,getmaxy()/2+55,""); getch(); cleardevice(); closegraph(); clrscr(); } int findduplicate(char phone[]) { char *achr; int i=1000; char pho[10]; int flag=1; FILE *fp; struct cust customer; strcpy(pho,phone); fp=fopen("emp.dat","rb+"); if(fp==NULL){ flag=1; } rewind(fp); while(fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fp)==1) { i=i+1; if(strcmp(,pho)==0) { flag=0; } } if(flag) { } fclose(fp); fcloseall(); return(flag); } int validuser() { FILE *fp; char nam[10]; char *pass; //int go=0,g=0; int flag=1; struct regus reg_user; textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(1); clrscr(); fp=fopen("reg_user.dll","rb+"); if(fp==NULL) { flag=1; statusbar("NO ANY USER IDENTIFIED FOR IT"); } gotoxy(24,9); do { del_nline(11); statusbar("ENTER SECURE NAME TO PROTECT UNAUTHORISED ACCESSING"); gotoxy(24,11); cout<<"ENTER SUPER USER ID : "; gets(nam); }while(!isalpha(nam[0]) || strlen(nam)>10); do { del_nline(13); statusbar("ENTER NEW PASSWORD WHICH IS USE FULL FOR YOU "); gotoxy(24,13); pass = getpass("ENTER VALID KEY PASSWORD : "); }while(!isalpha(pass[0]) || strlen(pass)>10); rewind(fp); while(fread(®_user,sizeof(reg_user),1,fp)==1) { if((strcmp(reg_user.namepwd,nam)==0)&&(strcmp(reg_user.skpwd,pass)==0)) { flag=0; } } if(flag==0) { fclose(fp); start(); } if((flag<0)||(flag>0)) { textcolor(WHITE+BLINK); textbackground(BLACK); clrscr(); fclose(fp); gotoxy(24,8); cprintf("ACCESS DENIED"); sound(200); delay(400); gotoxy(22,20); cprintf("PRESS ANY KEY ..............."); nosound(); getch(); supervisor(); } return 0; } void supervisor() { char ch; while(TRUE) { textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(1); clrscr(); gotoxy(24,3); cprintf("TELEPHONE DIRECTORY SETUP "); printf(" "); repchar('*',80); gotoxy(24,8); cout<<" C. Create New User"; gotoxy(24,10); cout<<" L. Login Now "; gotoxy(24,12); cout<<" H. Halt And View Information "; gotoxy(24,14); cout<<" X. Final Logout "; statusbar("ESC->EXIT Enter Your Choice "); switch(toupper(getche())) { case 'C': file_exists("reg_user.dll") ? validuser() :createuser();break; case 'L':validuser();break; case 'H':del_nline(24,12);welcome();textcolor(WHITE);textbackground(1);clrscr() ;break; case 'X':unloading();clrscr();flushall();fcloseall();exit(1);break; case ESC:unloading();clrscr();flushall();fcloseall();exit(1);break; } } } int file_exists(char *filename) { return (access(filename, 0) == 0); } int createuser() { FILE *fp; char user[10]; char pass[10]; fp=fopen("reg_user.dll","wb+"); if(fp==NULL) { statusbar("Unable To Create New User"); getch(); } struct regus reg; textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(1); clrscr(); gotoxy(24,7); do { del_nline(12); statusbar("SUPERVISOR NAME MUST ENTER AND PUT IT YOUR RECORD "); gotoxy(24,11); cout<<"ENTER NEW USER ID : "; gets(user); }while(!isalpha(user[0]) || strlen(user)>10); do {del_nline(13); statusbar("SUPERVISOR NAME MUST ENTER AND PUT IT YOUR RECORD "); gotoxy(24,13); cout<<"ENTER SUPER USER ID : "; gets(pass); }while(!isalpha(pass[0]) ||strlen(pass)>10); strcpy(reg.namepwd,user); strcpy(reg.skpwd,pass); rewind(fp); fwrite(®,sizeof(reg),1,fp); fclose(fp); return 0; } void welcome(void) { //int c=0; do { clrscr(); textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(rand()*10); gotoxy(24,2); cprintf(" TELEPHONE DIRECTORY "); textbackground(BLACK); gotoxy(6,4); cprintf("YOU CAN ADD NEW PERSON IDENTITY "); gotoxy(6,6); cprintf("MODIFY AND RECORD ANY TIME "); gotoxy(6,8); cprintf("BACKUP FACILITY "); gotoxy(6,10); cprintf("SECURE YOUR DATABASE FILE BY PASSWORD"); gotoxy(6,12); cprintf("FULL SEARCH FACILITY BY NAME,LAST NAME BY PHONE "); gotoxy(6,14); cprintf("RECORD PRINTING AND PRINT TO YOUR DESIRED FILE "); gotoxy(6,16); cprintf("FULLY TRANSPORTABLE") ; gotoxy(6,18); cprintf("SECURE YOUR IDENTITY "); gotoxy(1,23); cprintf("PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE..."); delay(400); Pause(); } while(!kbhit()); } void Pause(void) { static char msg[] = "Esc aborts or press a key..."; int c; statusbar( msg ); /* Put msg at bottom of screen */ c = getch(); /* Read a character from kbd */ if( ESC == c ){ /* Does user wish to leave? */ //closegraph(); /* Change to text mode */ exit( 1 ); /* Return to OS */ } if( 0 == c ){ /* Did use hit a non-ASCII key? */ c = getch(); /* Read scan code for keyboard */ } supervisor(); } void StatusLine( char *msg ) { int height; int gd=DETECT,gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm,""); setviewport( 0, 0, getmaxx(), getmaxy(), 1 ); /* Open port to full screen */ setcolor( 14 - 1 ); /* Set current color to white */ // changetextstyle( DEFAULT_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 1 ); settextjustify( CENTER_TEXT, TOP_TEXT ); setlinestyle( SOLID_LINE, 0, NORM_WIDTH ); setfillstyle( EMPTY_FILL, 0 ); height = textheight( "H" ); /* Detemine current height */ bar( 0, getmaxy()-(height+4), getmaxx(), getmaxy() ); rectangle( 0, getmaxy()-(height+4), getmaxx(), getmaxy() ); outtextxy( getmaxx()/2, getmaxy()-(height+2), msg ); setviewport( 1, height+5, getmaxx()-1, getmaxy()-(height+5), 1 ); }

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