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Title Library Management System
Author Email kb_pat [at]
Description Source code file of library Mgmt. System
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#include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include <string.h> #include <process.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <graphics.h> #include<dos.h> #include<iomanip.h> #define NORMAL 7 class library { private: FILE *fp,*ft,*fe; int sl; long int recsize; char another,choice; struct LateFine { int roll,sno; char name[30]; char code[15]; float amt; }f; struct student { int roll,sno,sl,dt,mn,yr; char name[30]; char code[15]; }i,r,q; struct book { int sno; char name[30]; char auth[30]; char pub[25]; float price; }b; public: void boxb(int r,int c,int r1,int c1,char m[]); int menu(int col,int r,int c,int npara,char *pop[]); void about(); void bookpurchage(); void booklist(); void bookissue(); void issuelist(); void bookreturn(); void returnlist(); void querybystd(); void querybybook(); void latefine(); void delreturn(); void modifyentry(); void flash(); }; // Function to get overview of project void library::bookpurchage() { int temp=0; fp = fopen ("RECORD.DAT","rb+"); if(fp == NULL) { fp = fopen ("RECORD.DAT","wb+"); if(fp == NULL) { puts("Can not open file"); exit(0); } } recsize=sizeof(b); fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); another='y'; rewind(fp); while(fread(&b,recsize,1,fp)==1) { temp=b.sno; } while(another=='y') { textbackground(9); clrscr(); flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ BOOKS S ] "); textattr(7); b.sno=temp+1; temp++; gotoxy(10,10);cout<<"BOOK_NO : "<<b.sno; flushall(); gotoxy(10,11);cout<<"BOOK_NAME : "; gets(; flushall(); gotoxy(10,12);cout<<"AUTHOR_NAME : "; gets(b.auth); flushall(); gotoxy(10,13);cout<<"PUBLICATION : "; gets(; flushall(); gotoxy(10,14);cout<<"PRICE : "; cin>>b.price; flushall(); gotoxy(10,16);cout<<"Do you want to save(y/n): "; another=getche(); if(another!='y') temp--; else fwrite(&b,recsize,1,fp); gotoxy(10,17);cout<<"Add another records(Y/N): "; fflush(stdin); another=getche(); } clrscr(); return; } void library::booklist() { int c=1; fp = fopen ("RECORD.DAT","rb+"); recsize=sizeof(b); rewind(fp); textbackground(9); clrscr(); flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ BOOKS S ] "); textattr(7); gotoxy(2,7);cout<<"BOOK_NO. BOOKS_NAME AUTHOR PUBLICATION PRICE "; gotoxy(2,8);cout<<"------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------"; while (fread (&b,recsize,1,fp) == 1) { flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ BOOKS S ] "); textattr(7); gotoxy(2,8+c); cprintf(" %-6d ",b.sno); cprintf(" %-20.20s ",; cprintf(" %-18.18s ",b.auth); cprintf(" %-15.15s",; cprintf(" %9.2f ",b.price); c++; if(c>11) { c=1; gotoxy(55,20); cout<<"Press key to next"; getch(); textbackground(9); clrscr(); flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ BOOKS S ] "); textattr(7); gotoxy(2,7);cout<<"BOOK_NO. BOOKS_NAME AUTHOR PUBLICATION PRICE "; gotoxy(2,8);cout<<"------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------"; } } gotoxy(60,20);cout<<"End of List"; getch(); clrscr(); return; } int library::menu(int color,int r,int c,int npara,char *popup[]) { int r1=r+(npara-1),k=0,i=0,j=1,r2=r; textattr(color);gotoxy(c,r2);cprintf(popup[0]); r2++; textattr(919); textcolor(7); for(j=1;j<npara;j++,r2++) { gotoxy(c,r2);cprintf(popup[j]); } do { k=getch(); switch(k) { case 80 : gotoxy(c,r);textattr(919);textcolor(7);cprintf(popup[i]); r++; i++; if(r>r1) { r=r1-(npara-1); i=0; gotoxy(c,r);textattr(color);cprintf(popup[i]); } gotoxy(c,r);textattr(color);cprintf(popup[i]); break; case 72 : gotoxy(c,r);textattr(919);textcolor(7);cprintf(popup[i]); r--; i--; if(r<r1 -(npara-1)) { r=r1; i=npara-1; gotoxy(c,r);textattr(color);cprintf(popup[i]); } gotoxy(c,r);textattr(color);cprintf(popup[i]); break; } }while(k!=13); return i+1; } void library::boxb(int r,int c,int r1,int c1,char m[]) { int i; if(m=="S") { gotoxy(c,r);printf("%c",218); gotoxy(c1,r);printf("%c",191); gotoxy(c,r1);printf("%c",192); gotoxy(c1,r1);printf("%c",217); for(i=c+1;i<c1;i++) { gotoxy(i,r);printf("%c",196); gotoxy(i,r1);printf("%c",196); } for(i=r+1;i<r1;i++) { gotoxy(c,i);printf("%c",179); gotoxy(c1,i);printf("%c",179); } } else { gotoxy(c,r);printf("%c",201); gotoxy(c1,r);printf("%c",187); gotoxy(c,r1);printf("%c",200); gotoxy(c1,r1);printf("%c",188); for(i=c+1;i<c1;i++) { gotoxy(i,r);printf("%c",205); gotoxy(i,r1);printf("%c",205); } for(i=r+1;i<r1;i++) { gotoxy(c,i);printf("%c",186); gotoxy(c1,i);printf("%c",186); } } return; } void library::flash() { boxb(2,1,5,79, "S"); boxb(6,1,20,79, "D"); boxb(21,1,24,79,"D"); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,3);cprintf(" [LIBRARY INFORMATION SYSTEM] "); textattr(697);textattr(693); gotoxy(3,22);cprintf(" Designed By :- KRISHNA BIHARI "); gotoxy(3,23);cprintf(" M.C.A., A.N.College, Patna "); textattr(7); } void library::about() { textbackground(9); clrscr(); flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ ERVIEW ] "); textattr(919); gotoxy(10,7) ;textcolor(4);cprintf("This L.I.S. Package has been designed to maintain computerised "); gotoxy(10,8) ;textcolor(2);cprintf("Library work very easily by a librarian. It can run under DOS/ "); gotoxy(10,9) ;textcolor(5);cprintf("Windows Environment. "); gotoxy(10,10);textcolor(3);cprintf("...................................... ....................... "); gotoxy(10,11);textcolor(6);cprintf(" Krishna Bihari "); gotoxy(10,12);cprintf(" M.C.A. "); gotoxy(10,13);cprintf(" A.N.College, Patna "); gotoxy(10,14);puts(" ******************* "); textcolor(2); gotoxy(10,15);cprintf(" Email [email protected] "); gotoxy(10,16);textcolor(3);cprintf("...................................... ....................... "); textattr(7);textbackground(3);textcolor(5); gotoxy(55,20);textcolor(804);cprintf("Press any key to Next "); // sound(2100); // delay(1000); getch(); // nosound(); textattr(7); clrscr(); } void library::bookissue() { int temp=0,tem=0; fp = fopen ("BISSUE.DAT","rb+"); if(fp == NULL) { fp = fopen ("BISSUE.DAT","wb+"); if(fp == NULL) { puts("Can not open file"); exit(0); } } ft=fopen("RECORD.DAT","rb"); recsize=sizeof(i); fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); another='y'; choice='y'; rewind(fp); while(fread(&i,recsize,1,fp)==1) temp=sl; while(another=='y') { textbackground(9); clrscr(); flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ BOOKS ] "); textattr(7); sl=temp+1; temp++; flushall(); gotoxy(10,11);cout<<"BOOK_NO : "; cin>>i.sno; flushall(); rewind(ft); while(fread(&b,sizeof(b),1,ft)==1) { if (i.sno==b.sno) { tem=i.sno; rewind(fp); while(fread(&i,recsize,1,fp)==1) { if(tem==i.sno) { gotoxy(2,7);cout<<"------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------"; gotoxy(2,8);cout<<"BOOK_NO: "<<i.sno<<" IS NOT PRESENT ! PLEASE ENTRER NEW BOOK NUMBER"; gotoxy(2,9);cout<<"------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------"; goto a; } } i.sno=tem; gotoxy(2,7);cout<<"BOOK NO. BOOK's NAME AUTHOR PUBLICATION PRICE "; gotoxy(2,8);cout<<"------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------"; gotoxy(2,9);printf(" %-6d %-20.20s %-18.18s %-15.15s %9.2f",b.sno,,b.auth,,b.price); gotoxy(2,10);cout<<"------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------"; gotoxy(10,12);cout<<"STUDENT_ROLL : "; cin>>i.roll; flushall(); gotoxy(10,13);cout<<"STUDENT_NAME : "; gets(; flushall(); gotoxy(10,14);cout<<"COURSE_CODE : "; gets(i.code); flushall(); gotoxy(10,15);cout<<"ISSUE_DATE : "; cin>>i.dt; gotoxy(28,15);cout<<"-";cin>>; gotoxy(31,15);cout<<"-";cin>>i.yr; flushall(); gotoxy(10,17);cout<<"Do you want to save(Y/N): "; choice=getche(); if(choice=='y') fwrite(&i,recsize,1,fp); goto a; } } gotoxy(2,7);cout<<"------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------"; gotoxy(2,8);cout<<"BOOK_NO: "<<i.sno<<" IS NOT IN LIBRARY ! "; gotoxy(2,9);cout<<"------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------"; a: gotoxy(10,18);cout<<"Issue Another Book (Y/N): "; fflush(stdin); another=getche(); } clrscr(); fclose(ft); fclose(fp); return; } void library::bookreturn() { int temp=0; FILE *fm,*ff; fp = fopen ("BRETURN.DAT","rb+"); if(fp == NULL) { fp = fopen ("BRETURN.DAT","wb+"); if(fp == NULL) { puts("Can not open file"); exit(0); } } ft=fopen("RECORD.DAT","rb"); fe=fopen ("BISSUE.DAT","rb+"); recsize=sizeof(r); fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); another='y'; choice='y'; rewind(fp); while(fread(&r,recsize,1,fp)==1) {; } while(another=='y') { textbackground(9); clrscr(); flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ BOOKS ] "); textattr(7);; temp++; gotoxy(10,11);cout<<"BOOK_NO : "; cin>>r.sno; flushall(); rewind(ft); while(fread(&b,sizeof(b),1,ft)==1) { if (r.sno==b.sno) { rewind(fe); while(fread(&i,sizeof(i),1,fe)==1) { if(r.sno==i.sno) { gotoxy(2,7);cout<<"BOOK_NO BOOKS_NAME ISSUED TO ROLL C_CODE ISSUE_DATE "; gotoxy(2,8);cout<<"------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------"; gotoxy(2,9);cprintf(" %-6d %-17.17s %-16.16s %-5d %-8.8s %02d-%02d-%02d ",i.sno,,,i.roll,i.code,i.dt,,i.yr); gotoxy(2,10);cout<<"------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------"; gotoxy(10,12);cout<<"STUDENT_ROLL : "; cin>>r.roll; flushall(); gotoxy(10,13);cout<<"STUDENT_NAME : "; gets(; flushall(); gotoxy(10,14);cout<<"COURSE_CODE : "; gets(r.code); flushall(); gotoxy(10,15);cout<<"RETURN_DATE : "; cin>>r.dt; gotoxy(28,15);cout<<"-";cin>>; gotoxy(31,15);cout<<"-";cin>>r.yr; flushall(); /* int total,tmp=0,d=0,m=0,y=0; float fine; ff = fopen ("FINE.DAT","rb+"); if(ff == NULL) { ff = fopen ("FINE.DAT","wb+"); if(ff == NULL) { puts("File Not Found"); exit(0); } } if (r.dt>=i.dt) { d=r.dt-i.dt; if(> {; y=r.yr-i.yr; } else { r.yr=r.yr-1;;; y=r.yr-i.yr; } } else {; r.dt=r.dt+30; d =r.dt-i.dt; if(> {; y=r.yr-i.yr; } else { r.yr=r.yr-1;;; y=r.yr-i.yr; } } total=d+(m*30)+(y*12*30); if (total>=7) { total=total-7; fine=total*1.00; recsize=sizeof(f); fseek(ff,0,SEEK_END); rewind(ff); while(fread(&f,recsize,1,ff)==1) { tmp=f.sno; } f.sno=tmp+1; f.roll=i.roll; strcpy(,; strcpy(f.code,i.code); f.amt=fine; fwrite(&f,recsize,1,ff); } */ gotoxy(10,16);cout<<"Do you want to save(Y/N): "; choice=getche(); if(choice=='y') { fwrite(&r,recsize,1,fp); fm=fopen("TEMP.DAT","wb"); rewind(fe); while(fread(&i,sizeof(i),1,fe)==1) { if(r.sno!=i.sno) fwrite(&i,sizeof(i),1,fm); } fclose(fe); fclose(fm); remove("BISSUE.DAT"); rename("TEMP.DAT","BISSUE.DAT"); fe=fopen("BISSUE.DAT","rb+"); } goto a; } } } } gotoxy(2,7);cout<<"------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------"; gotoxy(2,8);cout<<"BOOK_NO: "<<r.sno<<" IS NOT ISSUED BOOK ! "; gotoxy(2,9);cout<<"------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------"; a: gotoxy(10,17);cout<<"Return Another Book (Y/N): "; fflush(stdin); another=getche(); } clrscr(); fclose(ft); fclose(fp); fclose(fe); return; } void library::querybystd() { int c=0; fp=fopen("RECORD.DAT","rb"); ft=fopen("BISSUE.DAT","rb"); textbackground(9); clrscr(); flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ Queries by dent ] "); textattr(7); gotoxy(10,13);cout<<"Student's Roll: "; cin>>q.roll; flushall(); gotoxy(10,14);cout<<"Course Code : "; gets(q.code); flushall(); textbackground(9); clrscr(); flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ Queries by dent ] "); textattr(7); rewind(ft); while(fread(&i,sizeof(i),1,ft)==1) { if((strcmpi(q.code,i.code)==0)&&(q.roll==i.roll)) { textattr(7); gotoxy(55,22);cout<<"Roll: "<<q.roll; gotoxy(55,23);cout<<"Name: "<<; gotoxy(2,7);cout<<"BOOK_NO. BOOKS_NAME AUTHOR PUBLICATION ISSUE_DATE "; gotoxy(2,8);cout<<"------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------"; gotoxy(2,9+c);cout<<" "; rewind(fp); while(fread(&b,sizeof(b),1,fp)==1) { while(i.sno==b.sno) { gotoxy(2,9+c);cprintf(" %-6d %-20.20s %-13.13s %-11.11s %02d-%02d-%02d ",i.sno,,b.auth,,i.dt,,i.yr); gotoxy(2,10+c);cout<<"---------------------------------------------------- -------------------------"; c++; break; } } gotoxy(50,20);cout<<" Total Number of Books: "<<c; } } if(c<=0) { gotoxy(10,12);cout<<"------------------------RECORD NOT FIND---------------------- "; } getch(); clrscr(); return ; } /* void querybybook() { int bno; clrscr(); flash(); textattr(500); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ Queries by ] "); textattr(7); gotoxy(10,13);printf("Book's Sl.No. : "); scanf("%d",&bno); flushall(); gotoxy(55,20);puts("Under Construction "); getch(); textattr(7); clrscr(); return; } void latefine() { int total,d=0,m=0,y=0,d1=e.dt,d2=r.dt,,,y1=e.yr,y2=r.yr; float fine; fp = fopen ("FINE.DAT","rb+"); if(fp == NULL) { fp = fopen ("FINE.DAT","wb+"); if(fp == NULL) { puts("File Not Found"); exit(0); } } if (r.dt>=e.dt) { d=r.dt-e.dt; if(> {; y=r.yr-e.yr; } else { r.yr=r.yr-1;;; y=r.yr-e.yr; } } else {; r.dt=r.dt+30; d =r.dr-e.dt; if(> {; y=r.yr-e.yr; } else { r.yr=r.yr-1;;; y=r.yr-e.yr; } } total=d+(m*30)+(y*12*30); if (total>=7) { total=total-7; fine=total*1.00; } clrscr(); flash(); textattr(500); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ Late Fine ils ] "); textattr(7); gotoxy(3,7);printf("Sl.No. Roll No Name of Students Course code Late Fine (Rs) "); gotoxy(2,8);printf("------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------"); gotoxy(3,10);printf(" Difference date :%02d-%02d-%02d ",d,m,y); gotoxy(3,11);printf(" Late Fine of %d days is Rs. %.2f",total,fine); gotoxy(55,20);puts("Under Construction "); getch(); textattr(7); clrscr(); return; } */ void library::issuelist() { int c=1; fp = fopen("BISSUE.DAT","rb+"); ft = fopen("RECORD.DAT","rb+"); recsize=sizeof(i); rewind(fp); textbackground(9); clrscr(); flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ ISSUED BOOKS TAILS ] "); textattr(7); gotoxy(2,7);cout<<" ISSUED TO ROLL C_Code BOOK_NO BOOKS_NAME AUTHOR ISSUE_DATE "; gotoxy(2,8);cout<<"------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------"; while (fread (&i,recsize,1,fp) == 1) { flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ ISSUED BOOKS TAILS ] "); textattr(7); gotoxy(2,8+c); cprintf(" %-15.15s ",; cprintf(" %-3d ",i.roll); cprintf(" %-6.6s ",i.code); cprintf(" %-5d",i.sno); fflush(stdin); rewind(ft); while(fread(&b,sizeof(b),1,ft)==1) { if (i.sno==b.sno) { cprintf(" %-14.14s ",; cprintf(" %-10.10s ",b.auth); } } cprintf(" %02d-%02d-%02d ",i.dt,,i.yr); c++; if(c>10) { c=1; gotoxy(55,20);cout<<"Press key to next "; getch(); textbackground(9); clrscr(); flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ ISSUED BOOKS ILS ] "); textattr(7); gotoxy(2,7);cout<<"Sl.No. ISSUED TO ROLL C_Code BOOK_NO BOOKS_NAME ISSUE_DATE "; gotoxy(2,8);cout<<"------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------"; } } gotoxy(60,20);cout<<"End of List "; getch(); clrscr(); return; } void library::returnlist() { int c=1; fp = fopen ("BRETURN.DAT","rb+"); ft = fopen ("RECORD.DAT","rb+"); recsize=sizeof(r); rewind(fp); textbackground(9); clrscr(); flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ RETURNED BOOKS ETAILS ] "); textattr(7); gotoxy(2,7);cout<<"Sl.No. RETURNED BY ROLL C_Code BOOK_NO BOOKS_NAME RETURN_DATE"; gotoxy(2,8);cout<<"------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------"; while (fread (&r,recsize,1,fp) == 1) { flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ RETURNED BOOKS DETAILS ] "); textattr(7); gotoxy(2,8+c); cprintf(" %-5d",; cprintf(" %-16.16s ",; cprintf(" %-3d ",r.roll); cprintf(" %-8.8s ",r.code); cprintf(" %-5d ",r.sno); rewind(ft); while(fread(&b,sizeof(b),1,ft)==1) { if (r.sno==b.sno) cprintf(" %-16.16s ",; } cprintf(" %02d-%02d-%02d ",r.dt,,r.yr); c++; if(c>10) { c=1; gotoxy(55,20); cout<<"Press key to next "; getch(); textbackground(9); clrscr(); flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ RETURNED BOOKS DETAILS ] "); textattr(7); gotoxy(2,7);cout<<"Sl.No. RETURNED BY ROLL C_Code BOOK_NO BOOKS_NAME RETURN_DATE"; gotoxy(2,8);cout<<"------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------"; } } gotoxy(60,20);cout<<"End of List "; getch(); clrscr(); return; } void library::modifyentry() { int sn; fp=fopen("RECORD.DAT","rb+"); recsize=sizeof(b); another='y'; while(another=='y') { textbackground(9); clrscr(); flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ MODIFY DS ] "); textattr(7); gotoxy(10,8);cout<<"Enter BOOK_NO to Modify: "; cin>>sn; rewind(fp); while(fread(&b,recsize,1,fp)==1) { if(sn==b.sno) { clrscr(); flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ MODIFY RECORDS ] "); textattr(7); gotoxy(2,7);printf("BOOK_NO BOOKS_NAME AUTHOR PUBLICATION PRICE "); gotoxy(2,8);cout<<"------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------"; gotoxy(2,9);printf(" %-6d %-20.20s %-18.18s %-15.15s %9.2f",b.sno,,b.auth,,b.price); gotoxy(2,10);cout<<"------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------"; gotoxy(10,12);cout<<"Enter new entries: "; gotoxy(10,13);cout<<"BOOK_NO : "<<b.sno; flushall(); gotoxy(10,14);cout<<"BOOKS_NAME : "; gets(; flushall(); gotoxy(10,15);cout<<"AUTHOR : "; gets(b.auth); flushall(); gotoxy(10,16);cout<<"PUBLICATION : "; gets(; flushall(); gotoxy(10,17);cout<<"PRICE : "; cin>>b.price; fflush(stdin); fseek(fp,-recsize,SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&b,recsize,1,fp); } else { flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ MODIFY DS ] "); textattr(7); gotoxy(10,12);cout<<"------------------------NO RECORD FOUND----------------------- "; } } gotoxy(45,19);cout<<" Modify another records(Y/N): "; fflush(stdin); another=getche(); } clrscr(); fclose(fp); return; } void library::delreturn() { int sn; fp=fopen("BRETURN.DAT","rb+"); recsize=sizeof(r); another='y'; while(another=='y') { textbackground(9); clrscr(); flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ DELETE DS ] "); textattr(7); gotoxy(10,8);cout<<"Enter BOOK_NO to Delete: "; cin>>sn; ft=fopen("TEMP.DAT","wb"); rewind(fp); while(fread(&r,recsize,1,fp)==1) { if(sn!=r.sno) fwrite(&r,recsize,1,ft); } fclose(fp); fclose(ft); remove("BRETURN.DAT"); rename("TEMP.DAT","BRETURN.DAT"); fp=fopen("BRETURN.DAT","rb+"); textbackground(9); clrscr(); flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" [ DELETE DS ] "); textattr(7); gotoxy(10,12);cout<<"------------------------RECORD DELETED----------------------- "; gotoxy(45,19);cout<<"Delete Another(y/n): "; fflush(stdin); another=getche(); } clrscr(); fclose(fp); return; } int main() { library gen,issue,retrn,query; int m; static char *popup[13]={"01. LIST OF BOOKS","02. LIST OF ISSUED BOOKS ","03. LIST OF RETURNED BOOKS","04. BOOKS ISSUE ","05. BOOKS RETURN ","06. BOOKS PURCHAGE ","07. MODIFY PURCHAGE","08. DELETE RETURN","09. QUERY BY BOOK","10. QUERY BY STUDENT ","11. LATE FINE DETAILS","12. ABOUT APPLICATION","13. EXIT"}; // int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode; // initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, ""); // closegraph(); do { textbackground(9); clrscr(); gen.flash(); textattr(697); textcolor(692); gotoxy(3,4);cprintf(" "); textattr(917); textcolor(2); gen.boxb(6,13,20,65,"D"); gotoxy(28,21); cprintf("SELECT HIGHLIGHTED OPTION");,7,30,13,popup); gotoxy(70,24); if(m==1) { flushall(); textattr(7); clrscr(); gen.booklist(); } if(m==2) { flushall(); textattr(7); clrscr(); issue.issuelist(); } if(m==3) { flushall(); textattr(7); clrscr(); retrn.returnlist(); } if(m==4) { flushall(); textattr(7); clrscr(); issue.bookissue(); } if(m==5) { flushall(); textattr(7); clrscr(); retrn.bookreturn(); } if(m==6) { flushall(); textattr(7); clrscr(); gen.bookpurchage(); } if(m==7) { flushall(); textattr(7); clrscr(); gen.modifyentry(); } if(m==8) { flushall(); textattr(7); clrscr(); retrn.delreturn(); } if(m==9) { flushall(); textattr(7); clrscr(); // query.querybybook(); } if(m==10) { flushall(); textattr(7); clrscr(); query.querybystd(); } if(m==11) { flushall(); textattr(7); clrscr(); // latefine(); } if(m==12) { flushall(); textattr(7); clrscr(); gen.about(); } if(m==13) { flushall(); textattr(7); clrscr(); exit(0); } }while(m!=13); return 0; }

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