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Author Akshay Kumar Srivastava
Author Email aks_mailin [at]
Category C++ » Games
Hits 399640
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Code : /* Developed by "akshay kumar srivastava"*/ /* phone 09835457174 oct 2005*/ #include<iostream.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<math.h> #include<stdlib.h> /* MOUSE FUNCTIONS FOR LUDO GAME */ int DetectMouse(void); void InitMouse(void); void ShowMouse(void); void HideMouse(void); void WhereMouse(int*,int*); int ButtClicked(void); int ButtReleased(void); int DetectMouse(void){ union REGS in,out;; int86(0x33,&in,&out); if( return(0); else return(1); } void InitMouse(void) { union REGS in,out;; int86(0x33,&in,&out); return; } void HideMouse(void) { union REGS in,out;; int86(0x33,&in,&out); return; } void ShowMouse(void) { union REGS in,out;; int86(0x33,&in,&out); return; } void WhereMouse(int *x,int *y) { union REGS in,out;; int86(0x33,&in,&out); *x=(int); *y=(int)out.x.dx; return; } int ButtClicked(void){ union REGS imouse,omouse; int mc,mr; = 3; int86(0x33,&imouse,&omouse); mc=omouse.x.bx; return(mc); } int ButtReleased(void){ int br; br=ButtClicked(); do{}while(ButtClicked()!=0); return br; } /* GLOBAL VARIABLES */ int background=0; int colorfortext=WHITE;//color used to display text int rec=MAGENTA;//color for border of rectangles int flagturn;//players turn=0 computer=1 int for6=0;//for 6 to come at regular intervals int dice_value_color[4]; /* USER DEFINED FUNCTIONS */ void draw_all(void); int player_chooses_house_color(void); void draw_house(int color_of_house,int top_left_x_coordinate,int top_left_y_coordinate); void draw_button_with_button_name(int top_left_x_coordinate,int top_left_y_coordinate,char* button_name); void show_mouse_click_on_button(int mouse_click_x_coordinate,int mouse_click_y_coordinate); int check_if_mouse_click_is_on_any_button (int mouse_click_x_coordinate,int mouse_click_y_coordinate); void throw1(int x_coordinate_for_dice ,int y_coordinate_for_dice,int counter_for_wait_at_last ,char dice_value); void throw2(int x_coordinate_for_dice ,int y_coordinate_for_dice,char dice_value); int throwdice(void); void messageout(char *message,int refresh_message=1); void messageclear(void); void initialise_house_with_ludos(int color_of_house); void load_path_information_in_ludos(int ludo_house_color); int check_if_ludo_move_requested_is_valid(int dice_value); void move_ludo_to_new_position( int dice_value); void winner(void); void about(void); void howtoplay(void); class ludo{ private: int x[45]; int y[45]; int pos; int color; public: friend void redrawing(int ); friend int catchclickonludobutton(void) ; friend int forcomputer1(int); friend int forcomputer2(int); friend int forcomputer3(int); /* ludo1 initialises the ludo class objects */ void ludo1(int col,int *ax,int *ay) { int i; for(i=0;i<=44;i++) { x[i]=*(ax); y[i]=*(ay); ax++;ay++; } color=col; pos=0; }//end of ludo1 int check_if_ludo_move_requested_is_valid(int dice) { /*return 1 move valid i.e proceed to movetopos,0 if not valid 2 if player cannot move any ludo*/ int i,j=0; if( (pos<=44-dice && pos!=0) || (pos==0 && dice==6) ) return(1); // ludo can move for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { if( (lp[i].pos+dice<=44 && lp[i].pos!=0) || (lp[i].pos==0 && dice==6) ) j=1;//i.e there is atleast one ludo which //can move with current dice value } if(j>0) return(2);//choose the correct ludo that can move else return(3);//no ludo can move at current dice value //and player has to skip chance }//end of check_if_ludo_move_requested_is_valid void move_ludo_to_new_position( int dice ) { HideMouse(); if(pos==0 && dice==6)//taking out of house on dice givig 6 { messageclear();dice=1;} dice=dice-1; int opos; opos=pos; int i; for(i=opos;i<=dice+opos;i++) { setcolor(7); circle(x[i],y[i],8); setfillstyle(1,7); floodfill(x[i],y[i],7); delay(50); {pos++; redrawing(this->color);} setcolor(color); circle(x[i+1],y[i+1],8); setfillstyle(1,color); floodfill(x[i+1],y[i+1],color); delay(50); } /*changing pos to 0 if ludo has been cut before redrawing all ludos*/ for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { if(this->x[this->pos]==lp[i].x[lp[i].pos] && this->y[this->pos]==lp[i].y[lp[i].pos] ) { if(this->color!=lp[i].color) lp[i].pos=0; } if(this->x[this->pos]==lc1[i].x[lc1[i].pos] && this->y[this->pos]==lc1[i].y[lc1[i].pos] ) { if(this->color!=lc1[i].color) lc1[i].pos=0; } if(this->x[this->pos]==lc2[i].x[lc2[i].pos] && this->y[this->pos]==lc2[i].y[lc2[i].pos] ) { if(this->color!=lc2[i].color) lc2[i].pos=0; } if(this->x[this->pos]==lc3[i].x[lc3[i].pos] && this->y[this->pos]==lc3[i].y[lc3[i].pos] ) { if(this->color!=lc3[i].color) lc3[i].pos=0; } }// end of for /* redrawing new positions of all ludos */ redrawing(lp[0].color); redrawing(lc1[0].color); redrawing(lc2[0].color); redrawing(lc3[0].color); /* to check who is the winner */ static int number_of_player_ludo_home=0; static int number_of_computer1_ludo_home=0; static int number_of_computer2_ludo_home=0; static int number_of_computer3_ludo_home=0; if(pos==44 && flagturn==0) number_of_player_ludo_home++; if(pos==44 && flagturn==1) number_of_computer1_ludo_home++; if(pos==44 && flagturn==2) number_of_computer2_ludo_home++; if(pos==44 && flagturn==3) number_of_computer3_ludo_home++; if(number_of_player_ludo_home==4) winner(); if(number_of_computer1_ludo_home==4) winner(); if(number_of_computer2_ludo_home==4) winner(); if(number_of_computer3_ludo_home==4) winner(); ShowMouse(); } //end of move_ludo_to_new_position };//end of ludo class ludo lp[4],lc1[4],lc2[4],lc3[4]; void main() { int colors[4]={RED,BLUE,YELLOW,GREEN}; int i,a,b,dice=0,playercolor;; draw_all(); InitMouse(); ShowMouse(); playercolor=player_chooses_house_color(); flagturn=0; dice_value_color[flagturn]=playercolor; load_path_information_in_ludos(playercolor);//gives life to correct color ludo as path depends on color /* this code helps in making the chance of throwing dice go in a clockwise mode what color may the player choose to play*/ i=3; while(i) { if(colors[i]==playercolor) break; i--; } int loop=i; while(1) { flagturn++; loop++; if(loop>=4) loop=0; load_path_information_in_ludos(colors[loop]); dice_value_color[flagturn]=colors[loop]; if(flagturn==3) break; } initialise_house_with_ludos(RED); initialise_house_with_ludos(BLUE); initialise_house_with_ludos(YELLOW); initialise_house_with_ludos(GREEN); flagturn=0; char ch; int check,tmp1=0,tmp2; enum choose {yes,nomore}; choose choose1=yes; delay(500); messageclear(); while(ch!=27) { if(kbhit()) ch=getch(); setcolor(RED); WhereMouse(&a,&b); if(ButtReleased()) { check=check_if_mouse_click_is_on_any_button (a,b); if(check>=1 && check<=4) show_mouse_click_on_button(a,b); switch(check) { case 1: {about();break;} case 4: {howtoplay(); break;} case 3: {exit(0);break;} case 2: {dice=throwdice(); break;} } //end of switch } //end of if(ButtRelease) /* players chance*/ if(flagturn==0) { messageout("PLAYER of luck. ",0); if(dice!=0) { if(dice==6) messageout("click on ludo button to take out of house or move"); else messageout("click on the ludo button to move"); while(choose1==yes) { choose1=nomore; tmp1=catchclickonludobutton(); tmp2=lp[tmp1].check_if_ludo_move_requested_is_valid(dice); switch(tmp2) { case 1: { lp[tmp1].move_ludo_to_new_position(dice); messageout("proceeding"); delay(1000); break; } case 2: { messageout("choose correct ludo to proceed"); delay(1000); choose1=yes; break; } case 3: { messageout("sorry,you will have to skip this time"); delay(1000); break; } }//switch ends }//end of while(choose1=yes) flagturn=1; choose1=yes; }//end of if(dice!=0) dice=0; }// end of if(flagturn==0) /*computer1 chance*/ if(flagturn==1) { messageout("now the computer1 will throw dice"); dice=throwdice(); if(dice!=0) { tmp1=forcomputer1(dice); if(tmp1!=5)//forcomputer(dice) returns 5 if no ludo can move lc1[tmp1].move_ludo_to_new_position(dice); else messageout("computer1 has to skip this time."); } flagturn=2; messageclear(); dice=0; } /*computer2 chance*/ if(flagturn==2) { messageout("now the computer2 will throw dice"); dice=throwdice(); if(dice!=0) { tmp1=forcomputer2(dice); if(tmp1!=5)//forcomputer(dice) returns 5 if no ludo can move lc2[tmp1].move_ludo_to_new_position(dice); else messageout("computer2 has to skip this time."); } flagturn=3; messageclear(); dice=0; } /*computer3 chance*/ if(flagturn==3) { messageout("now the computer3 will throw dice"); dice=throwdice(); if(dice!=0) { tmp1=forcomputer3(dice); if(tmp1!=5)//forcomputer(dice) returns 5 if no ludo can move lc3[tmp1].move_ludo_to_new_position(dice); else messageout("computer3 has to skip this time."); } flagturn=0; messageclear(); dice=0; } dice=0; }//end of while }//end of main void draw_house(int col,int x,int y) { setcolor(rec); rectangle(x,y,x+120,y+120); setfillstyle(1,col); floodfill(x+10,y+10,rec); circle(x+30,y+30,10); setfillstyle(1,WHITE); floodfill(x+30,y+30,rec); circle(x+30,y+70,10); setfillstyle(1,WHITE); floodfill(x+30,y+70,rec); circle(x+90,y+30,10); setfillstyle(1,WHITE); floodfill(x+90,y+30,rec); circle(x+90,y+70,10); setfillstyle(1,WHITE); floodfill(x+90,y+70,rec); } void draw_button_with_button_name(int x,int y,char *message) { setcolor(rec); rectangle(x,y,x+110,y+30); setcolor(colorfortext); outtextxy(x+20,y+15,message); } void show_mouse_click_on_button(int x,int y) { HideMouse(); setfillstyle(1,7); floodfill(x,y,rec); delay(50); setfillstyle(1,0); floodfill(x,y,rec); draw_button_with_button_name(0,55,"about"); draw_button_with_button_name(120,55,"exit"); draw_button_with_button_name(0,55+35,"throw dice"); draw_button_with_button_name(120,55+35,"how to play"); ShowMouse(); } int check_if_mouse_click_is_on_any_button (int a,int b) { if(a>0 && a<110 && b>55 && b<85) return 1; else if(a>0 && a<110 && b>90 && b<120) return 2; else if(a>120 && a< 230 && b>55 && b<85) return 3; else if(a>120 && a< 230 && b>90 && b<120) return 4; else if(a>239 && a<359 && b>0 && b<120 ) return 5; else if(a>239 && a<359 && b>280 && b<400 ) return 6; else if(a>519 && a<639 && b>0 && b<120 ) return 7; else if(a>519 && a<659 && b>280 && b<400 ) return 8; else return 0; } int throwdice() { HideMouse(); int rn,count=0;char num; int x=0,y,flag=0; randomize(); for(y=150;y<=320;y=y+10,x=x+10) { rn=random(6)+1; /* using for6 to get a 6 on dice every 5th time to make the game a little faster*/ if(y==320) {for6++;} if(for6>=5) { rn=6; for6=0; } // cout<<for6; //if(y==320) // for6++; num=rn+48; if(flag==0) { throw2(x,y,num); flag=1; } else { count++; throw1(x,y,count,num); flag=0; } } settextstyle(0,0,0); ShowMouse(); return rn; } void throw1(int x,int y,int count,char num) { settextstyle(0,0,3); setcolor(WHITE); rectangle(x,y,x+35,y+35); //setcolor(RED); setcolor(dice_value_color[flagturn]); outtextxy(x+5,y+5,&num); delay(140); if(count==9) {delay(650); } setcolor(0); rectangle(x,y,x+35,y+35); outtextxy(x+5,y+5,&num); } void throw2(int x,int y,char num) { x=x-17;y=y+10; settextstyle(0,0,3); setcolor(WHITE); line(x,y,x+25,y+25); line(x,y,x+25,y-25); line(x+25,y+25,x+50,y); line(x+25,y-25,x+50,y); //setcolor(RED); setcolor(dice_value_color[flagturn]); outtextxy(x+15,y-10,&num); delay(140); setcolor(0); line(x,y,x+25,y+25); line(x,y,x+25,y-25); line(x+25,y+25,x+50,y); line(x+25,y-25,x+50,y); outtextxy(x+15,y-10,&num); } void messageout(char *message,int refresh) { if(refresh) messageclear(); setcolor(colorfortext); outtextxy(20,450,message); } void messageclear() { HideMouse(); setfillstyle(1,0); floodfill(20,450,rec); ShowMouse(); } void initialise_house_with_ludos(int color) { int x,y; switch(color) { case RED: {x=239;y=0;break;} case BLUE: {x=519;y=0;break;} case YELLOW: {x=639-120;y=280;break;} case GREEN: {x=239;y=280;break;} } draw_house(color,x,y); setcolor(rec); setfillstyle(1,color); { circle(x+30,y+30,8); floodfill(x+30,y+30,rec); } { circle(x+30,y+70,8); floodfill(x+30,y+70,rec); } { circle(x+90,y+30,8); floodfill(x+90,y+30,rec); } { circle(x+90,y+70,8); floodfill(x+90,y+70,rec); } } void load_path_information_in_ludos(int plcol) { int arx[45],ary[45]; switch(plcol) { case RED: { int arx[45]={269,284,314,344,379,379,379,379,379,439,499,499,499, 499,499,534,564,594,624,624,624,594,564,534,499, 499,499,499,499,439,384,384,384,384,384,344,314,284, 254,254,284,314,344,384,424}; int ary[45]={30,140,140,140,140,105,75,45,15,15,15,45,75,105,140,140, 140,140,140,200,260,260,260,260,260,295,325,355,385,385, 385,355,325,295,260,260,260,260,260,200,200,200,200,200, 200}; for(int tmp=0;tmp<=3;tmp++) { switch(tmp) { case 0: {arx[0]=269;ary[0]=30;break;} case 1: {arx[0]=329;ary[0]=70;break;} case 2: {arx[0]=329;ary[0]=30;break;} case 3: {arx[0]=269;ary[0]=70;break;} } switch(flagturn) { case 0: {lp[tmp].ludo1(RED,arx,ary);break;} case 1: {lc1[tmp].ludo1(RED,arx,ary);break;} case 2: {lc2[tmp].ludo1(RED,arx,ary);break;} case 3: {lc3[tmp].ludo1(RED,arx,ary);break;} } } break;}//case RED ends case BLUE: { int arx[45]={549,499,499,499,499,534,564,594,624,624,624,594,564, 534,499,499,499,499,499,439,384,384,384,384,384,344, 314,284,254,254,254,284,314,344,379,379,379,379,379, 439,439,439,439,439,439 }; int ary[45]={30,45,75,105,140,140,140,140,140,200,260,260,260,260, 260,295,325,355,385,385,385,355,325,295,260,260,260, 260,260,200,140,140,140,140,140,105,75,45,15,15,45 ,75,105,140,185}; for(int tmp=0;tmp<=3;tmp++) { switch(tmp) { case 0: {arx[0]=549;ary[0]=30;break;} case 1: {arx[0]=549;ary[0]=70;break;} case 2: {arx[0]=609;ary[0]=30;break;} case 3: {arx[0]=609;ary[0]=70;break;} } switch(flagturn) { case 0: {lp[tmp].ludo1(BLUE,arx,ary);break;} case 1: {lc1[tmp].ludo1(BLUE,arx,ary);break;} case 2: {lc2[tmp].ludo1(BLUE,arx,ary);break;} case 3: {lc3[tmp].ludo1(BLUE,arx,ary);break;} } } break;} case GREEN: { int arx[45]={269,384,384,384,384,344,314,284,254,254,254,284,314, 344,379,379,379,379,379,439,499,499,499,499,499,534, 564,594,624,624,624,594,564,534,499,499,499,499,499, 439,439,439,439,439,439 }; int ary[45]={30,355,325,295,260,260,260, 260,260,200,140,140,140,140,140,105,75,45,15,15,15,45 ,75,105,140,140,140,140,140,200,260,260,260,260, 260,295,325,355,385,385,355,325,295,260,215}; for(int tmp=0;tmp<=3;tmp++) { switch(tmp) { case 0: {arx[0]=269;ary[0]=310;break;} case 1: {arx[0]=329;ary[0]=350;break;} case 2: {arx[0]=329;ary[0]=310;break;} case 3: {arx[0]=269;ary[0]=350;break;} } switch(flagturn) { case 0: {lp[tmp].ludo1(GREEN,arx,ary);break;} case 1: {lc1[tmp].ludo1(GREEN,arx,ary);break;} case 2: {lc2[tmp].ludo1(GREEN,arx,ary);break;} case 3: {lc3[tmp].ludo1(GREEN,arx,ary);break;} } } break;} case YELLOW: { int arx[45]={549,594,564,534,499,499,499,499,499,439,384,384,384, 384,384,344,314,284,254,254,254,284,314,344,379,379, 379,379,379,439,499,499,499,499,499,534,564,594,624, 624,594,564,534,499,454}; int ary[45]={310,260,260,260,260,295,325,355,385,385,385,355,325,295, 260,260,260,260,260,200,140,140,140,140,140,105,75,45,15, 15,15,45,75,105,140,140,140,140,140,200,200,200,200,200,200}; for(int tmp=0;tmp<=3;tmp++) { switch(tmp) { case 0: {arx[0]=549;ary[0]=310;break;} case 1: {arx[0]=549;ary[0]=350;break;} case 2: {arx[0]=609;ary[0]=310;break;} case 3: {arx[0]=609;ary[0]=350;break;} } switch(flagturn) { case 0: {lp[tmp].ludo1(YELLOW,arx,ary);break;} case 1: {lc1[tmp].ludo1(YELLOW,arx,ary);break;} case 2: {lc2[tmp].ludo1(YELLOW,arx,ary);break;} case 3: {lc3[tmp].ludo1(YELLOW,arx,ary);break;} } } break;} }//switch ends } int catchclickonludobutton() { int a,b,i; while(1) { WhereMouse(&a,&b); if(ButtReleased()) { for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { if( abs(a-(lp[i].x[lp[i].pos])) < 8 && abs(b-(lp[i].y[lp[i].pos])) < 8 ) return i; } } } } void redrawing(int tmp) { int i; for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { if(tmp==lp[0].color) { setcolor(lp[i].color); circle(lp[i].x[lp[i].pos],lp[i].y[lp[i].pos],8); setfillstyle(1,lp[i].color); floodfill(lp[i].x[lp[i].pos],lp[i].y[lp[i].pos],lp[i].color); } if(tmp==lc1[0].color) { setcolor(lc1[i].color); circle(lc1[i].x[lc1[i].pos],lc1[i].y[lc1[i].pos],8); setfillstyle(1,lc1[i].color); floodfill(lc1[i].x[lc1[i].pos],lc1[i].y[lc1[i].pos],lc1[i].color); } if(tmp==lc2[0].color) { setcolor(lc2[i].color); circle(lc2[i].x[lc2[i].pos],lc2[i].y[lc2[i].pos],8); setfillstyle(1,lc2[i].color); floodfill(lc2[i].x[lc2[i].pos],lc2[i].y[lc2[i].pos],lc2[i].color); } if(tmp==lc3[0].color) { setcolor(lc3[i].color); circle(lc3[i].x[lc3[i].pos],lc3[i].y[lc3[i].pos],8); setfillstyle(1,lc3[i].color); floodfill(lc3[i].x[lc3[i].pos],lc3[i].y[lc3[i].pos],lc3[i].color); } }//for ends } /* deciding for computer1 which ludo to move */ int forcomputer1(int dice) { int i,j,tmp,poslpforlc[12]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},cannotmove=5; /* checking if atleast one ludo can move at current dice value*/ for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { if( (lc1[i].pos<=44-dice && lc1[i].pos!=0) || (lc1[i].pos==0 && dice==6) ) cannotmove=0;//cannotmove=5 then no ludo can move } if(cannotmove==5) return 5; //position of players ludo in terms of computers1 ludo positions for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { for(j=1;j<=40;j++) { if( lc1[0].x[j]==lp[i].x[lp[i].pos] && lc1[0].y[j]==lp[i].y[lp[i].pos]) { poslpforlc[i]=j; } } } //position of computer2 ludo in terms of computer1 ludo positions for(i=4;i<=7;i++) { for(j=1;j<=40;j++) { if( lc1[0].x[j]==lc2[i-4].x[lc2[i-4].pos] && lc1[0].y[j]==lc2[i-4].y[lc2[i-4].pos]) { poslpforlc[i]=j; } } } //position of computer3 ludo in terms of computer1 ludo positions for(i=8;i<=11;i++) { for(j=1;j<=40;j++) { if( lc1[0].x[j]==lc3[i-8].x[lc3[i-8].pos] && lc1[0].y[j]==lc3[i-8].y[lc3[i-8].pos]) { poslpforlc[i]=j; } } }//end of i /*to cut opponents ludo button*/ for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { for(j=0;j<=11;j++) { if( dice==(poslpforlc[j] - lc1[i].pos) && lc1[i].pos!=0) return i; } } /* to move those ludos which are near the player ludos and have the gretest value of pos i.e position . it means saving the threatened ludo*/ int array[4]={0,0,0,0}; int a1=0,tmp1; for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { for(j=0;j<=11;j++) { if( (-poslpforlc[j] + lc1[i].pos)<=6 && (-poslpforlc[j] + lc1[i].pos)>=1 && lc1[i].pos+dice<=44 && poslpforlc[j]!=0 && lc1[i].pos<=40 ) {array[i]=lc1[i].pos;} } if(a1<=array[i]) a1=array[i];/* a1 has the greatest pos value */ } if(a1!=0) //to see that at least one ludo is threatened */ { for(i=0;i<=3;i++) //getting the ludo with greatest pos value { if(a1==array[i]) return i; } } //to take out ludo button from house for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { if(dice==6) { if(lc1[i].pos==0 ) return i; } } /*if ludo buttons are outside and option for cutting opponent or taking out own ludo button are not valid , using round robin for selecting ludo to move*/ static int ludolast=0; int firstround=0; for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { if(firstround==0) { if(ludolast!=3) {i=ludolast+1;} firstround++; } if(lc1[i].pos!=0 && lc1[i].pos+dice<=44 ) {ludolast=i;i=4;} if(i==3) i=-1; } return ludolast; //if ludo button is } /* deciding for computer2 which ludo to move */ int forcomputer2(int dice) { int i,j,tmp,poslpforlc[12]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},cannotmove=5; /* checking if atleast one ludo can move at current dice value*/ for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { if( (lc2[i].pos<=44-dice && lc2[i].pos!=0) || (lc2[i].pos==0 && dice==6) ) cannotmove=0;//cannotmove=5 then no ludo can move } if(cannotmove==5) return 5; //position of players ludo in terms of computers2 ludo positions for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { for(j=1;j<=40;j++) { if( lc2[0].x[j]==lp[i].x[lp[i].pos] && lc2[0].y[j]==lp[i].y[lp[i].pos]) { poslpforlc[i]=j; } } } //position of computer1 ludo in terms of computer2 ludo positions for(i=4;i<=7;i++) { for(j=1;j<=40;j++) { if( lc2[0].x[j]==lc1[i-4].x[lc1[i-4].pos] && lc2[0].y[j]==lc1[i-4].y[lc1[i-4].pos]) { poslpforlc[i]=j; } } } //position of computer3 ludo in terms of computer2 ludo positions for(i=8;i<=11;i++) { for(j=1;j<=40;j++) { if( lc2[0].x[j]==lc3[i-8].x[lc3[i-8].pos] && lc2[0].y[j]==lc3[i-8].y[lc3[i-8].pos]) { poslpforlc[i]=j; } } }//end of i for(i=0;i<=11;i++) { } /*to cut opponents ludo button*/ for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { for(j=0;j<=11;j++) { if( dice==(poslpforlc[j] - lc2[i].pos) && lc2[i].pos!=0) {return i;} } } /* to move those ludos which are near the player ludos and have the gretest value of pos i.e position . it means saving the threatened ludo*/ int array[4]={0,0,0,0}; int a1=0,tmp1; for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { for(j=0;j<=11;j++) { if( (-poslpforlc[j] + lc2[i].pos)<=6 && (-poslpforlc[j] + lc2[i].pos)>=1 && lc2[i].pos+dice<=44 && poslpforlc[j]!=0 && lc2[i].pos<=40 ) {array[i]=lc2[i].pos;} } if(a1<=array[i]) a1=array[i];/* a1 has the greatest pos value */ } if(a1!=0) //to see that at least one ludo is threatened */ { for(i=0;i<=3;i++) //getting the ludo with greatest pos value { if(a1==array[i]) {return i;} } } //to take out ludo button from house for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { if(dice==6) { if(lc2[i].pos==0 ) {return i;} } } /*if ludo buttons are outside and option for cutting opponent or taking out own ludo button are not valid , using round robin for selecting ludo to move*/ static int ludolast=0; int firstround=0; for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { if(firstround==0) { if(ludolast!=3) {i=ludolast+1;} firstround++; } if(lc2[i].pos!=0 && lc2[i].pos+dice<=44 ) {ludolast=i;i=4;} if(i==3) i=-1; } return ludolast; //if ludo button is } /* deciding for computer3 which ludo to move */ int forcomputer3(int dice) { int i,j,tmp,poslpforlc[12]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},cannotmove=5; /* checking if atleast one ludo can move at current dice value*/ for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { if( (lc3[i].pos<=44-dice && lc3[i].pos!=0) || (lc3[i].pos==0 && dice==6) ) cannotmove=0;//cannotmove=5 then no ludo can move } if(cannotmove==5) return(5); //position of players ludo in terms of computers1 ludo positions for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { for(j=1;j<=40;j++) { if( lc3[0].x[j]==lp[i].x[lp[i].pos] && lc3[0].y[j]==lp[i].y[lp[i].pos]) { poslpforlc[i]=j; } } } //position of computer2 ludo in terms of computer3 ludo positions for(i=4;i<=7;i++) { for(j=1;j<=40;j++) { if( lc3[0].x[j]==lc2[i-4].x[lc2[i-4].pos] && lc3[0].y[j]==lc2[i-4].y[lc2[i-4].pos]) { poslpforlc[i]=j; } } } //position of computer1 ludo in terms of computer3 ludo positions for(i=8;i<=11;i++) { for(j=1;j<=40;j++) { if( lc3[0].x[j]==lc1[i-8].x[lc1[i-8].pos] && lc3[0].y[j]==lc1[i-8].y[lc1[i-8].pos]) { poslpforlc[i]=j; } } }//end of i /*to cut opponents ludo button*/ for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { for(j=0;j<=11;j++) { if( dice==(poslpforlc[j] - lc3[i].pos) && lc3[i].pos!=0 ) return i; } } /* to move those ludos which are near the player ludos and have the gretest value of pos i.e position . it means saving the threatened ludo*/ int array[4]={0,0,0,0}; int a1=0,tmp1; for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { for(j=0;j<=11;j++) { if( (-poslpforlc[j] + lc3[i].pos)<=6 && (-poslpforlc[j] + lc3[i].pos)>=1 && lc3[i].pos+dice<=44 && lc3[i].pos<=40 && poslpforlc[j]!=0 ) {array[i]=lc3[i].pos;} } if(a1<=array[i]) a1=array[i];/* a1 has the greatest pos value */ } if(a1!=0) //to see that at least one ludo is threatened */ { for(i=0;i<=3;i++) //getting the ludo with greatest pos value { if(a1==array[i]) {return i;} } } //to take out ludo button from house for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { if(dice==6) { if(lc3[i].pos==0 ) return i; } } /*if ludo buttons are outside and option for cutting opponent or taking out own ludo button are not valid , using round robin for selecting ludo to move*/ static int ludolast=0; int firstround=0; for(i=0;i<=3;i++) { if(firstround==0) { if(ludolast!=3) {i=ludolast+1;} firstround++; } if(lc3[i].pos!=0 && lc3[i].pos+dice<=44 ) {ludolast=i;i=4;} if(i==3) i=-1; } return ludolast; //if ludo button is } void draw_all() { //registerbgidriver(EGAVGA_driver); //registerbgifont(sansserif_font); int gdriver = DETECT, gmode; /* request auto detection */ /* initialize graphics mode */ initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, ""); /* writing text */ setcolor(background); settextstyle(0,0,0); setcolor (colorfortext); outtextxy(5,10,"([email protected])"); outtextxy(5,20,"akshay presents"); outtextxy(5,30,"COMPUTER LUDO"); outtextxy(5,40,"GAME"); /* drawing rectangles */ setcolor(rec); rectangle(0,410,639,479); rectangle(0,0,230,50); setcolor(rec); rectangle(239,0,639,400); setfillstyle(1,7); floodfill(310,10,rec); draw_house(RED,239,0); draw_house(GREEN,239,280); draw_house(BLUE,639-120,0); draw_house(YELLOW,639-120,280); draw_button_with_button_name(0,55,"about"); draw_button_with_button_name(120,55,"exit"); draw_button_with_button_name(0,55+35,"throw dice"); draw_button_with_button_name(120,55+35,"how to play"); /*drawing sectors*/ setcolor(0); line(359,30,519,30 ); line(359,60,519,60 ); line(359,90,519,90 ); line(359,120,519,120 ); line(359,280,519,280); line(359,310,519,310); line(359,340,519,340 ); line(359,370,519,370 ); line(239,160,639,160 ); line(239,240,639,240 ); line(269,120,269,280); line(269+30,120,269+30,280 ); line(269+60,120,269+60,280 ); line(269+90,120,269+90,280 ); line(269+130,0,269+130,400 ); line(269+210,0,269+210,400 ); line(269+250,120,269+250,280 ); line(269+280,120,269+280,280 ); line(269+310,120,269+310,280 ); line(269+340,120,269+340,280 ); setfillstyle(1,WHITE); floodfill(439,200,background); setcolor(RED); outtextxy(420,190,"HOME"); return ; } int player_chooses_house_color(void) { char ch; int check; int a,b,playercolor=0; messageout("PLAYER,click YOUR lucky COLOR on the board "); while(ch!=27) { if(playercolor!=0) break;//come out of while if(kbhit()) ch=getch(); setcolor(RED); WhereMouse(&a,&b); if(ButtReleased()) { check=check_if_mouse_click_is_on_any_button (a,b); switch(check) { case 1: {show_mouse_click_on_button(a,b);about();break;} case 4: {show_mouse_click_on_button(a,b);howtoplay(); break;} case 3: {show_mouse_click_on_button(a,b);exit(0);break;} case 5: { messageout( "you have choosen red"); playercolor=RED; break;} case 6: { messageout( "you have choosen green"); playercolor=GREEN; break;} case 7: { messageout( "you have choosen blue"); playercolor=BLUE; break;} case 8: { messageout( "you have choosen yellow"); playercolor=YELLOW; break;} } //end of switch }//end of if(ButtRelease) }//end of while delay(500); return playercolor; } void about(void) { HideMouse(); setcolor(rec); rectangle(0,135,230,390); setcolor(colorfortext); outtextxy(5,150,"WELCOME to ComputerLudo"); outtextxy(5,160,"This software is developed"); outtextxy(5,170,"by"); outtextxy(5,180,""); outtextxy(5,190,""); outtextxy(5,210,"Akshay "); outtextxy(5,230,"U can send suggestions at"); outtextxy(5,240,"my Email:"); outtextxy(5,250,"[email protected]"); outtextxy(5,260,"thanks"); outtextxy(5,310,"PRESS ANY KEY TO PROCEED ..."); getch(); setfillstyle(1,0); floodfill(5,300,rec); setcolor(0); rectangle(0,135,230,390); setcolor(rec); ShowMouse(); return ; } void winner() { HideMouse(); setcolor(rec); rectangle(0,135,230,390); setcolor(colorfortext); outtextxy(5,150,"welcome to ComputerLudo"); if(flagturn==0) { outtextxy(5,160,"CONGRATULATIONS"); outtextxy(5,170,"YOU WON THIS ROUND "); outtextxy(5,180,"OF"); outtextxy(5,190,"ComputerLudo"); outtextxy(5,210,"akshay thanks "); outtextxy(5,220,"you for trying this"); outtextxy(5,230,"game."); outtextxy(5,240,"thanks again."); outtextxy(5,310,"PRESS ANY KEY TO EXIT.."); } else { switch(flagturn) { case 1: {outtextxy(5,160,"COMPUTER1 WON THIS");break;} case 2: {outtextxy(5,160,"COMPUTER2 WON THIS");break;} case 3: {outtextxy(5,160,"COMPUTER3 WON THIS");break;} } outtextxy(5,170,"ROUND OF"); outtextxy(5,180,"ComputerLudo"); outtextxy(5,200,"BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME"); outtextxy(5,220,"akshay thanks "); outtextxy(5,230,"you for trying this"); outtextxy(5,240,"game."); outtextxy(5,250,"thanks again."); outtextxy(5,310,"PRESS ANY KEY TO EXIT.."); } getch(); exit(0); } void howtoplay() { HideMouse(); setcolor(rec); rectangle(0,135,230,390); setcolor(colorfortext); outtextxy(5,150,"This is a game between"); outtextxy(5,160,"COMPUTER and the PLAYER."); outtextxy(5,170,"Choose HOUSE by "); outtextxy(5,180,"clicking over the HOUSE of"); outtextxy(5,190,"your fovourite color."); outtextxy(5,200,"Get 6 on Dice to take a ludo"); outtextxy(5,210,"out of HOUSE.To make a ludo"); outtextxy(5,220,"MOVE click on it."); outtextxy(5,230,"CUT(send to house) computers"); outtextxy(5,240,"ludos by placing your ludos "); outtextxy(5,250,"over its ludos."); outtextxy(5,260,"One who gets all the ludos"); outtextxy(5,270,"HOME wins thE Game."); outtextxy(5,290,"FOLLOW THE MESSAGE BOX"); outtextxy(5,300,"GIVEN AT BOTTOM"); outtextxy(5,320,"thanks"); outtextxy(2,330,"Akshay."); outtextxy(5,350,"PRESS ANY KEY TO PROCEED ..."); getch(); setfillstyle(1,0); floodfill(5,300,rec); setcolor(0); rectangle(0,135,230,390); setcolor(rec); ShowMouse(); return ; }

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