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Title Maze Game Project In Pascal
Author Mahmood
Author Email m_matloobi_2010 [at]
Category Pascal » Pascal Projects
Hits 392990
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Program Mazefinal; uses crt; type str= string[1]; mazear= array[1..20, 1..60] of char; var x, y, col, row, count: integer; maze: mazear; pick, again, choice, movement: char; Procedure opening; {opening screen and title} begin textcolor(10); writeln; writeln(' ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? '); writeln(' ? ? '); writeln(' ? ?? ?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ? '); writeln(' ? ??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? '); writeln(' ? ???? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? '); writeln(' ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? '); writeln(' ? ?? ???? ?? ?????????? ?? ????????? ? '); writeln(' ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? '); writeln(' ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ? '); writeln(' ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?????????? ?????????? ? '); writeln(' ? ? '); writeln(' ? ?? ?? ?????????? ?? ?? ? '); writeln(' ? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ? '); writeln(' ? ???? ???? ?? ?? ???? ?? ? '); writeln(' ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? '); writeln(' ? ?? ???? ?? ?????????? ?? ?? ?? ? '); writeln(' ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ? '); writeln(' ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ? '); writeln(' ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? '); writeln(' ? ? '); writeln(' ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? '); writeln; textbackground(black); gotoxy(10,23); textcolor(15); writeln(' Program FREE for Distribution'); gotoxy(10,24); writeln(' For Educational Purposes '); gotoxy(40,24); textcolor(10+blink); write(' Press enter to begin. '); readln; textcolor(white); end; Procedure Opening2(var choice: char); Procedure Right(var choice:char); Function Valid(var choice: char): boolean; begin valid:=false; case choice of '1': valid:=true; '2': valid:=true; '3': valid:=true; '4': valid:=true; '5': valid:=true; '6': valid:=true; end;{case} end; begin while not valid(choice) do begin gotoxy(8,19); write(' '); gotoxy(8,19); write('Please enter a valid menu option: '); readln(choice); end; end; begin clrscr; gotoxy(8,2); writeln('Directions: Move the man in the maze using the keypad.'); gotoxy(8,3); writeln(' 2:down, 8:up, 4:left, 6:right'); gotoxy(8,8); textcolor(lightmagenta); writeln('Mazes,(1-5): '); writeln; gotoxy(8,10); textcolor(lightgreen); writeln('1) Easiest '); gotoxy(8,11); writeln('2) Easy '); gotoxy(8,12); writeln('3) Medium '); gotoxy(8,13); writeln('4) Hard '); gotoxy(8,14); writeln('5) Hardest '); gotoxy(8,15); writeln('6) Impossible '); gotoxy(8,18); textcolor(white); write('Enter the number of the maze you would like to play: '); readln(choice); Right(choice); end; Procedure sixlaby(var maze: mazear; var col, row: integer); var dfile: text; begin row := 0; assign(dfile, 'f:projectsmazemaze6.txt'); reset(dfile); while not eof(dfile) do begin row := row + 1; col := 0; while not eoln(dfile) do begin col := col + 1; read(dfile, maze[row, col]); end;{x} readln(dfile); end; close(dfile); end;{procedure} Procedure fivelaby(var maze: mazear; var col, row: integer); var dfile: text; begin row := 0; assign(dfile, 'f:projectsmazemaze5.txt'); reset(dfile); while not eof(dfile) do begin row := row + 1; col := 0; while not eoln(dfile) do begin col := col + 1; read(dfile, maze[row, col]); end;{x} readln(dfile); end; close(dfile); end;{procedure} Procedure fourlaby(var maze: mazear; var col, row: integer); var dfile: text; begin row:=0; assign(dfile, 'f:projectsmazemaze4.txt'); reset(dfile); while not eof(dfile) do begin row:=row+1; col:=0; while not eoln(dfile) do begin col:=col+1; read(dfile, maze[row, col]); end;{y} readln(dfile); end;{x} close(dfile); end;{procedure} Procedure threelaby(var maze: mazear; var col, row: integer); var dfile: text; begin row:=0; assign(dfile, 'f:projectsmazemaze3.txt'); reset(dfile); while not eof(dfile) do begin row:=row+1; col:=0; while not eoln(dfile) do begin col:=col+1; read(dfile, maze[row, col]); end;{y} readln(dfile); write(row,col); end;{x} close(dfile); end;{procedure} Procedure twolaby(var maze: mazear; var col, row: integer); var dfile: text; begin row:=0; assign(dfile, 'f:projectsmazemaze2.txt'); reset(dfile); while not eof(dfile) do begin row:=row+1; col:=0; while not eoln(dfile) do begin col:=col+1; read(dfile, maze[row, col]); end;{y} readln(dfile); end;{x} close(dfile); end;{procedure} Procedure onelaby(var maze: mazear; var col, row: integer); var dfile: text; begin row := 0; assign(dfile, 'f:projectsmazemaze1.txt'); reset(dfile); while not eof(dfile) do begin row := row + 1; col := 0; while not eoln(dfile) do begin col := col + 1; read(dfile, maze[row, col]); end;{x} readln(dfile); end; close(dfile); end;{procedure} Procedure display(var maze:mazear; col, row: integer); var x,y: integer; begin writeln; textcolor(yellow); for x:=1 to row do begin write(' '); for y:=1 to col do begin write(maze[x,y]); end;{y} writeln; end;{x} end;{procedure} Procedure start(var maze: mazear; col, row: integer); begin gotoxy(col+5,row); textcolor(11); write(''); textcolor(white); end;{procedure} Procedure Moveman2(var maze: mazear; var row, col, x, y: integer; var movement: char); Function checkmove(var movement: char): boolean; begin checkmove:=false; case movement of '2': checkmove:= true; '4': checkmove:= true; '6': checkmove:= true; '8': checkmove:= true; 's': checkmove:= true; end;{case} end; Procedure GetMove(var movement: char); begin gotoxy(1,22); write(' '); gotoxy(1,22); write('Use the key pad to move! (Press "s" to stop at anytime.)'); movement:=readkey; while not checkmove(movement) do begin gotoxy(1,22); write(' '); gotoxy(1,22); write('Invalid Move! Please try again.'); movement:=readkey; end; end; begin getmove(movement); end; Function hit(var maze: mazear; var x,y: integer; var movement: char): boolean; var x1, y1: integer; begin x1:=x; y1:=y; case movement of '2': y1:=y1+1; '4': x1:=x1-1; '6': x1:=x1+1; '8': y1:=y1-1; end;{case} hit:= false; {case maze[y1-1, x1-7] of '*': hit:= true; '|': hit:= true; '_': hit:= true; '-': hit:= true; '?': hit:= true; '?': hit:= true; '?': hit:= true; '?': hit:= true; '?': hit:= true; '?': hit:= true; end; {case} if maze[y1-1, x1-7] <> ' ' then if maze[y1-1, x1-7]<> 'F' then if maze[y1-1, x1-7]<> 'S' then hit:=true; end; Procedure Move(var movement:char; var x, y: integer); begin gotoxy(x,y); write(' '); case movement of '2': y:=y+1; '4': x:=x-1; '6': x:=x+1; '8': y:=y-1; end;{case} gotoxy(x,y); textcolor(11); write(''); textcolor(white); end; Function KickOut(var maze: mazear; var x,y: integer; var movement: char): boolean; begin kickout:=false; if maze[y-1,x-7]= 'F' then kickout:= true; if movement= 's' then kickout:= true; end; Procedure credit(var again: char); Function valid_ans(var again: char): boolean; begin valid_ans:=false; case again of 'y': valid_ans:=true; 'n': valid_ans:=true; end;{case} end; begin clrscr; writeln; textcolor(10); writeln('This program was written and designed by: '); textcolor(15); writeln(' Faraz Younus Bandukda'); writeln(' Farazoftine SOftware Products'); writeln; textcolor(11); writeln('A Quality Game By Farazoftine Software Products'); writeln; textcolor(15); writeln('Year: 2001 '); writeln; writeln('Designed using Turbo Pascal 7.0'); writeln; textcolor(12); writeln('Solve the mazes............. if you can !'); writeln; writeln; writeln; writeln; writeln; writeln; writeln('Peace to all and for all.'); textcolor(13); writeln; writeln(' THANX FOR PLAYING MAZE MAN! '); writeln(' Press "y" followed by ENTER to go back to '); write (' the starting screen, "n" to exit. '); textcolor(15); gotoxy(60,23); write('Choice: '); readln(again); while not valid_ans(again) do begin repeat gotoxy(10,24); write(' '); gotoxy(10,24); write('Please type a valid choice. '); readln(again); until valid_ans(again); end; end; Procedure Win(var count: integer); begin clrscr; textcolor(12+blink); gotoxy(1,5); writeln(' ?? ?? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???????? ????????'); writeln(' ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??'); writeln(' ?? ?? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?? ?? ??'); writeln(' ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??'); writeln(' ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??'); writeln(' ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ????????'); writeln(' ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??????? ????? '); writeln(' ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? '); writeln(' ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? '); writeln(' ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??'); writeln(' ?? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??'); writeln(' ?? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??'); writeln(' ??? ??? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???????? ?? ??'); gotoxy(2,22); textcolor(white); writeln(' You succesfully completed the maze in ', count, ' moves!'); gotoxy(2,23); write (' Please press enter to view the credits.'); readln; end; begin {main} clrscr; opening; again:='y'; while again='y' do begin clrscr; opening2(choice); {pick choice screen} case choice of {case statement} '1': onelaby(maze, col, row); {read 1st maze from text} '2': twolaby(maze, col, row); {read 2nd maze from text} '3': threelaby(maze, col, row); {read 3rd maze from text} '4': fourlaby(maze, col, row); {read 4th maze from text} '5': fivelaby(maze, col, row); {read 5th maze from text} '6': sixlaby(maze,col,row); end; clrscr; display(maze, col, row); {displays characters from text} start(maze,col,row); {where we start the man} y:=row; x:=col+5; count:=0; repeat {repeat loop when moving} moveman2(maze,row,col, x, y, movement); {how to move man} while hit(maze,x,y, movement) do {what happens when you hit a wall} begin moveman2(maze,row,col, x, y, movement); end; move(movement, x, y); count:=count+1; until kickout(maze, x, y, movement); {end maze when ever you want} if maze[y-1,x-7]= 'F' then begin win(count); {when "f" then end and win} end; credit(again); {credits page} end; end. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample Maze Pattern - 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ????�???�???????????????????????????????????????????????? ? F ? ? ??????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ????????????? ???????????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ????????????????????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??* VYOMW *?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ???????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ????????????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ????????????? ? ? ? ? ????? ? ? ? ??????� ? ? ? ? ? ??????????????? ? ? ????????????????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? S ? ????????????????????????�???????�???????????????????????? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample Maze Pattern - 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?????????????�?????????????�????????????????????????????? ? F ? ? ? �???????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ??? ???� ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ?????????????? ?? ??? ????????� �?? ?????? ? ? ? ????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? �?????? ????????????????? * FSP* ?????????????? ? ? ? ? ??????? ? ? ? ? ???? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??? ????????? ??� ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?????? ??? ? ? ? ???? ? ? ??? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ??????????? ? ? ? ??? ???? ??? ???? ? ? ? ?????????? ? ????????? ? ? ? ? S ? ????????????�?????????????�????????????�????????????????? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample Maze Pattern - 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ????????�???????????????�?????????????�?????????�???????? ? F ? ? ? ? �????? ? ?????? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ????? ? ? ? ? ????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??????????? ?????? ? ???????? ???? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??????? ? ? ??? ? ? ???????????? ? ? ???? ? ? �? ? ? ?????? ? ????? ?� ? ??? ????? ? ??????????? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ????? ? ? ?????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? VYOMWORLD ? ? ? ?????? ? ? ? ????? ?? ????????? ????? ? ?? ? ??� ? ? ? ????? ? ???? ??? ???? ? ? �???? ???????? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ????????????????? ???? ? ? ? ? ??? ???????????? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?????????????? ????? ??? ???? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? S ? ????????????????�????�???????????????�??????�????????????

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