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Title Best Source Codes for Many Computer Graphics Programs in Sixth Semester
Author Nitin
Author Email nithin.nitin [at]
Description Program to implement the following using built-in
functions available in the library.

1.Kite flying.
2.Bar graph.
3.Spiral model.
4.Fish movement.
5.Rotation of wheel.
6.Moving car.
Category C » Games and Graphics
Hits 389717
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/*1.>Program to implement the following using built-in functions available in the library. 1.Kite flying. 2.Bar graph. 3.Spiral model. 4.Fish movement. 5.Rotation of wheel. 6.Moving car.*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<dos.h> int main() { int gd=DETECT,gm; int y=480,x=0; int rad=0; int start=0,end=90; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\tc\bgi"); if (graphresult()!=grOk) { fprintf(stderr,"main:unable to load graph"); exit(1); } while(!kbhit()) { cleardevice(); start-=4; end-=4; if(x<640) x+=4; else x=0; if(y>0) y-=4; else y=480; setcolor(3); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,RED); setlinestyle(DOTTED_LINE,1,1); line(x,y,x-40,y-40); line(x-40,y-40,x,y-80); line(x,y-80,x+40,y-40); line(x+40,y-40,x,y); line(x,y,x-7,y+10); line(x-7,y+10,x+8,y+10); line(x,y,x+7,y+10); line(x,y+10,x,y+50); line(x-40,y-40,x+40,y-40); line(x,y-80,x,y); line(x,y-40,640,480); delay(100); } //closegraph(); return 0; } /*Bar Graph */ #include<stdio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> int main(void) { int a[10]; int gd,gm; detectgraph(&gd,&gm); initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\tc\bgi"); cleardevice(); printf("enter the number of values "); int n; scanf("%d",&n); printf("enter values one by one "); for(int i=0;i<n;++i) scanf("%d",&a[i]); cleardevice(); int x=70,m=30; char *s; for(i=0;i<n;++i) { bar3d(x,getmaxy()-50-(5*a[i]),x+m,getmaxy()-50,8,6); outtextxy(x+15,getmaxy()-70-(5*a[i]),itoa(a[i],s,10)); x+=m+30; } getch(); return 0; } /* Spiral model */ #include<stdio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<dos.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> int main(void) { int gd,gm; detectgraph(&gd,&gm); initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\tc\bgi"); printf("enter the number of rings "); int n; scanf("%d",&n); cleardevice(); int r=0; for(int i=0;i<=n;++i) { arc(getmaxx()/2,getmaxy()/2,0,180,r); arc(getmaxx()/2+6,getmaxy()/2,180,360,r+6); r+=12; } getch(); closegraph(); return 0; } /* Fish movement */ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<dos.h> int main() { int gd=DETECT,gm; int x=0; int rad=0; int start=0,end=90; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\tc\bgi"); if (graphresult()!=grOk) { fprintf(stderr,"main:unable to load graph"); exit(1); } while(!kbhit()) { cleardevice(); start-=4; end-=4; if(x<640-rad) x+=10; else x=0; //if(y<480) //y+=4; //else //y=0; setfillstyle(EMPTY_FILL,BLACK); arc(x,180,30,150,50); arc(x,130,210,330,50); line(x-42,155,x-80,130); line(x-42,155,x-80,180); line(x-80,180,x-80,130); circle(x+20,150,5); circle(x+60,155,7); circle(x+63,130,5); circle(x+66,110,3); arc(x,300,30,150,50); arc(x,253,210,330,50); delay(100); }closegraph(); return 0;} /* Rotation of wheel */ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main() { int gd=DETECT,gm; int x=0; int start=0,end=90; int rad=50; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\tc\bgi"); if (graphresult()!=grOk) { fprintf(stderr,"main:unable to load graph "); exit(1); } while(!kbhit()) { cleardevice(); setbkcolor(8); start-=4; end+=4; if (x<640+rad) x+=1; else x=0; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BLACK); pieslice(x,240,start,end,rad); pieslice(x,240,start -180,end -180,rad); circle(x,240,rad); delay(500); } closegraph(); return 0; } /* Moving car */ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<dos.h> int main() { int gd=DETECT,gm; int x=0; int start=0,end=90; int rad=30; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\tc\bgi"); if(graphresult()!=grOk) { fprintf(stderr,"main:unable to load"); exit(1); } while(!kbhit()) { cleardevice(); start-=4; end-=4; if(x<640-rad) x+=1 ; else x=0; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BLUE); pieslice(x,240,start,end,rad); pieslice(x,240,start-180,end-180,rad); circle(x,240,rad); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BLUE); pieslice(x+120,240,start,end,rad); pieslice(x+120,240,start-180,end-180,rad); circle(x+120,240,rad); line(x+rad,240,x-rad+120,240); line(x-rad,240,x-rad-45,240); line(x+rad+120,240,x+rad+210,240); line(x-rad-45,240,x-60,180); line(x-60,180,x-10,180); line(x-10,180,x+rad,150); line(x+rad,150,x+130,150); line(x+130,150,x+150+10,180); line(x+160,180,x+210,180); line(x+210,180,x+240,240); delay(150);} closegraph();return 0;} /*2.>Write a program to implement the midpoint line algorithm to generate a line with any slope and thickness. Implement the polyline command using this algorithm as a routine that displays the set of straight lines between the 'n' input points. For n=1 the routine displays a single point.*/ #include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<math.h> #include<stdio.h> void swap(int &x,int &y) { int t= x; x = y; y = t; } void plotpixel(int x,int y,int t,int flag) { if(flag) { swap(x,y); x-=t/2; for(int i=0;i<t;i++) putpixel(x+i,y,WHITE); } else { y-=t/2; for(int i=0;i<t;i++) putpixel(x,y+i,CYAN); } } void bres(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int t) { int dx=abs(x1-x2),dy=abs(y1-y2),incy=1,flag=0; if(dy>dx) { swap(x1,y1); swap(x2,y2); swap(dx,dy); flag=1; } if(x1>x2) { swap(x1,x2); swap(y1,y2); } if(y1>y2) incy = -1; int d = 2*dy-dx; while(x1<x2) { plotpixel(x1,y1,t,flag); if(d<0) d+=2*dy; else { d+=2*(dy-dx); y1+=incy; } x1++; } } void main() { int gd=DETECT,gm,x[10],y[10],t,n; printf("Enter the thickness==>"); scanf("%d",&t); printf("Enter the no of points==>"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Enter the points==>"); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) scanf("%d%d",&x[i],&y[i]); initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\tc\bgi"); if(n==1) plotpixel(x[0],y[0],t,0); else for(i=0;i<n-1;i++) bres(x[i],y[i],x[i+1],y[i+1],t); getch(); closegraph(); } /* 3.>Program to display a line graph using MIDPOINT LINE algorithm. The input to the program is a set of data corresponding to the X and Y axes. Data parts are to be displayed as asterisk(*) according to the input specification.*/ #include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define O_X 50 #define O_Y 50 void swap(int &x,int &y) { int t=x; x=y; y=t; } void bres(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) { int dx=abs(x1-x2),dy=abs(y1-y2),flag=0,incy=1; if(dy>dx) { swap(x1,y1); swap(x2,y2); swap(dx,dy); flag=1; } if(x1>x2) { swap(x1,x2); swap(y1,y2); } if(y1>y2) incy =-1; int d = 2*dy - dx; while(x1<x2) { if(flag) putpixel(y1+O_X,480-x1-O_Y,BLUE); else putpixel(x1+O_X,480-y1-O_Y,BLUE); if(d<0) d+=2*dy; else { d+=2*(dy-dx); y1+=incy; } x1++; } } void main() { int gd=DETECT,gm,x[10],y[10],n; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\tc\bgi"); printf("Enter the number of points==>"); scanf("%d",&n); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("Enter point %d ==>",i+1); scanf("%d%d",&x[i],&y[i]); } initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\cpp\bgi"); line(50,25,50,480-50); line(50,480-50,640-25,480-50); outtextxy(0,240,"Y-Axis"); outtextxy(310,455,"X-Axis"); for(i=0;i<n-1;i++) bres(x[i],y[i],x[i+1],y[i+1]); setcolor(RED); char s[10]; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { outtextxy(x[i]+O_X-2,480-y[i]-O_Y-2,"*"); outtextxy(x[i]+O_X+10,480-y[i]-O_Y+10,itoa(x[i],s,10)); outtextxy(x[i]+O_X+35,480-y[i]-O_Y+10,","); outtextxy(x[i]+O_X+40,480-y[i]-O_Y+10,itoa(y[i],s,10)); } getch(); closegraph(); } /*4.>Program to implement the MIDPOINT CIRCLE drawing algorithm to draw a circle.Modify the algorithm to implement specified arc or sector./* #include<graphics.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> int in(int x,int y,float start,float end) { double a,angle; if(x!=0) { a=(double)y/x; angle=atan(fabs(a)); if(x>0) { if(y<0) angle=2*M_PI-angle; } else { if(y>0) angle=M_PI-angle; else angle=M_PI+angle; } } else { angle=M_PI/2; if(y<0) angle+=M_PI; } if((angle>=start)&&(angle<=end)) return(1); return(0); } void plot_points(int x,int y,int xc,int yc,float start,float end) { if(in(x,y,start,end)==1) putpixel(xc + x,getmaxy()-(yc + y),WHITE); if(in(-x,y,start,end)==1) putpixel(xc - x,getmaxy()-(yc + y),WHITE); if(in(x,-y,start,end)==1) putpixel(xc + x,getmaxy()-(yc - y),WHITE); if(in(-x,-y,start,end)==1) putpixel(xc - x,getmaxy()-(yc - y),WHITE); if(in(y,x,start,end)==1) putpixel(xc + y,getmaxy()-(yc + x),WHITE); if(in(-y,x,start,end)==1) putpixel(xc - y,getmaxy()-(yc + x),WHITE); if(in(y,-x,start,end)==1) putpixel(xc + y,getmaxy()-(yc - x),WHITE); if(in(-y,-x,start,end)==1) putpixel(xc - y,getmaxy()-(yc - x),WHITE); } void bres_circle(int xc,int yc,int r,float startangle,float endangle,int c) { int x = 0; int y = r; int d = 1 - r; int xstart = r * cos((M_PI * startangle) / 180); int ystart = r * sin((M_PI * startangle) / 180); int xend = r * cos((M_PI * endangle) / 180); int yend = r * sin((M_PI * endangle) /180); cout << "Xstart: " << xstart << endl; cout << "ystart: " << ystart << endl; cout << "xend: " << xend << endl; cout << "yend: " << yend << endl; startangle=(M_PI*startangle)/180; endangle=(M_PI*endangle)/180; while(x <= y) { plot_points(x,y,xc,yc,startangle,endangle); if(d < 0) { d += 2*x + 3; x++; } else { d += 2*(x-y)+5; x++; y--; } } if(c==1) { line(xc,getmaxy()-yc,xstart+xc,getmaxy()-(yc+ystart)); line(xc,getmaxy()-yc,xend+xc,getmaxy()-(yend+yc)); } } void main() { int gd=DETECT,gm; int xc,yc,radius,c; float startangle,endangle; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\tc\bgi"); cout << " Enter the co-ordinates of the center: "; cin >> xc >> yc; cout << " Enter the radius of the circle: "; cin >> radius; cout<< " Enter the startangle: "; cin >> startangle; cout << " Enter the endangle: "; cin >> endangle; cout<<"enter 0 for arc and 1 for sector "; cin>>c; cleardevice(); bres_circle(xc,yc,radius,startangle,endangle,c); getch(); closegraph(); } /*5.>Program to draw a rectangle and perform the following operations. 1.Rotation about the origin followed by translation. 2.Rotation about an arbitrary point. 3.Apply X shear and Y shear on the rectangle.*/ #include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> int rect[4][2]={0,0,100,0,100,50,0,50}; void reset(int r[4][2]) { for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { r[i][0]=rect[i][0]; r[i][1]=rect[i][1]; } } void draw(int r[4][2]) { setcolor(LIGHTGREEN); setlinestyle(DOTTED_LINE,0,2); line(320,0,320,480); line(0,240,640,240); setlinestyle(SOLID_LINE,0,1); setcolor(RED); for(int i=0;i<3;i++) line(320+r[i][0],-r[i][1]+240,r[i+1][0]+320,-r[i+1][1]+240); line(r[0][0]+320,-r[0][1]+240,r[3][0]+320,-r[3][1]+240); } void rotate(int r[4][2],double angle) { int x,y; for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { double x=r[i][0]*cos(angle)-r[i][1]*sin(angle); double y=r[i][0]*sin(angle)+r[i][1]*cos(angle); r[i][0]=x; r[i][1]=y; } } void translate(int r[4][2],int dx,int dy) { for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { r[i][0]+=dx; r[i][1]+=dy; } } void shear(int r[4][2],int sx,int sy) { for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { r[i][0] = r[i][0]+r[i][1]*sx; r[i][1] = r[i][1]+r[i][0]*sy; } } void main() { int gd=DETECT,gm,r[4][2],angle,dx,dy; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\tc\bgi"); reset(r); printf("Rotation about origin followed by translation "); printf("Enter the rotation angle:"); scanf("%d",&angle); printf("Enter the translation vectors:"); scanf("%d%d",&dx,&dy); rotate(r,angle*M_PI/180.0); draw(r); getch(); translate(r,dx,dy); draw(r); getch(); reset(r); cleardevice(); printf("Rotation about arbitrary point "); printf("Enter the rotation angle:"); scanf("%d",&angle); printf("Enter the point of reference:"); scanf("%d%d",&dx,&dy); putpixel(dx+320,240-dy,CYAN); translate(r,-dx,-dy); draw(r); getch(); rotate(r,angle*M_PI/180.0); draw(r); getch(); translate(r,dx,dy); draw(r); getch(); reset(r); cleardevice(); printf(" Shearing of the rectangle "); printf("Enter the x and y shear:"); scanf("%d%d",&dx,&dy); shear(r,dx,dy); draw(r); getch(); cleardevice(); closegraph(); } /*6.>Program to create a house like figure and perform the following operations. 1.Scaling about the origin followed by translation. 2.Scaling with reference to an arbitrary point. 3.Reflect about the line y = mx + c.*/ #include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> #include<stdio.h> int house[9][2] = { 50,50,75,50,75,75,100,75,100,50,125,50,125,100,87,125,50,100}; void reset(int h[9][2]) { for(int i=0;i<9;i++) { h[i][0] = house[i][0]; h[i][1] = house[i][1]; } } void draw(int h[9][2]) { setcolor(CYAN); setlinestyle(DOTTED_LINE,0,2); line(320,0,320,480); line(0,240,640,240); setcolor(LIGHTBLUE); setlinestyle(SOLID_LINE,0,2); for(int i=0;i<8;i++) line(h[i][0]+320,240-h[i][1],h[i+1][0]+320,240-h[i+1][1]); line(h[0][0]+320,240-h[0][1],h[8][0]+320,240-h[8][1]); } void scale(int r[9][2],int sx,int sy) { for(int i=0;i<9;i++) { r[i][0] = sx*r[i][0]; r[i][1] = sy*r[i][1]; } } void translate(int h[9][2],int dx,int dy) { for(int i=0;i<9;i++) { h[i][0] = h[i][0]+dx; h[i][1] = h[i][1]+dy; } } void rotate(int r[9][2],float angle) { int x,y; for(int i=0;i<9;i++) { x = r[i][0]*cos(angle) - r[i][1]*sin(angle); y = r[i][0]*sin(angle) + r[i][1]*cos(angle); r[i][0] = x; r[i][1] = y; } } void reflect(int r[9][2],float m,int c) { for(int i=0;i<9;i++) r[i][1] += -c; draw(r); int x,y; double angle=M_PI/2-atan(m); rotate(r,angle); for(i=0;i<9;i++) r[i][0] = - r[i][0]; angle=-angle; rotate(r,angle); for(i=0;i<9;i++) r[i][1] += c;draw(r);getch(); } void main() { int gd=DETECT,gm,h[9][2],sx,sy,x,y; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\tc\bgi"); reset(h); draw(h); printf("Scaling wrt origin "); printf("Enter the scaling factors sx,sy:"); scanf("%d%d",&sx,&sy); scale(h,sx,sy); draw(h); getch(); cleardevice(); reset(h); draw(h); printf("Scaling about an arbitrary point "); printf("Enter the point:"); scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); putpixel(x+320,240-y,RED); translate(h,-x,-y); scale(h,sx,sy); translate(h,x,y); draw(h); getch(); cleardevice(); reset(h); draw(h); printf("Reflection about y=mx+c "); printf("Enter the values of m & c:"); scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); reflect(h,(float)x,y); draw(h); getch(); closegraph(); } /*7.>Program to implement the COHEN-SUTHERLAND line clipping algorithm.Make provision to specify the input line, window for clipping and view port for displaying the clipped image.(use built in line and rectangle functions)*/ #include<iostream.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 typedef unsigned int outcode; typedef unsigned char boolean; struct point { double x,y; }; struct line { struct point p1,p2; }; enum{TOP = 0x1,BOTTOM = 0x2,RIGHT = 0x4,LEFT = 0x8}; outcode Compoutcode(double x,double y,double xmin,double xmax,double ymin,double ymax) { outcode code = 0; if(y > ymax) code|=TOP; else if(y < ymin) code|=BOTTOM; if(x>xmax) code|=RIGHT; else if(x<xmin) code|=LEFT; return code; } void LineClipAndDraw(double &x0,double &y0,double &x1,double &y1,double xmin,double xmax,double ymin,double ymax) { outcode outcode0,outcode1,outcodeOut; boolean accept = TRUE,done = FALSE; outcode0 = Compoutcode(x0,y0,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax); outcode1 = Compoutcode(x1,y1,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax); do { if(!(outcode0|outcode1)) { accept = TRUE; done = TRUE; } else if(outcode0 & outcode1) done = TRUE; else { double x,y; outcodeOut = outcode0?outcode0:outcode1; if(outcodeOut&TOP) { x = x0+(x1-x0)*(ymax-y0)/(y1-y0); y = ymax; } else if(outcodeOut & BOTTOM) { x = x0 + (x1-x0)*(ymin-y0)/(y1-y0); y = ymin; } else if(outcodeOut & RIGHT) { y = y0 + (y1-y0)*(xmax-x0)/(x1-x0); x = xmax; } else { y = y0 + (y1 - y0)*(xmin - x0)/(x1-x0); x = xmin; } if(outcodeOut == outcode0) { x0 = x; y0 = y; outcode0 = Compoutcode(x0,y0,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax); } else { x1 = x; y1 = y; outcode1 = Compoutcode(x1,y1,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax); } } }while(done == FALSE); if(accept) line(x0,y0,x1,y1); } void WToVP(double &c,double min,double max,double vmin,double vmax) { double vc; vc = (vmax - vmin)/(max - min); vc *= (c - min); vc += vmin; c = vc; } void main() { int gmode = DETECT,gdriver; struct line lines[10]; int n; double xmin,xmax; double ymin,ymax; double xscale,yscale; double vxmin,vxmax; double vymin,vymax; int i; initgraph(&gmode,&gdriver,"c:/tc/bgi"); cout << "Enter the number of lines: " << endl; cin >> n; cout << "Enter the endpoints of the lines: " << endl; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { cout << i+1 << "."; cin >> lines[i].p1.x >> lines[i].p1.y >> lines[i].p2.x >> lines[i].p2.y; } cout << "Enter the Top Left of the clip window: "; cin >> xmin >> ymin; cout << "Enter the Bottom Right of the clip window: "; cin >> xmax >> ymax; cout << "Enter the Top Left of the viewport: "; cin >> vxmin >> vymin; cout << "Enter the Bottom Right of the viewport: "; cin >> vxmax >> vymax; cleardevice(); for(i =0;i<n;i++) line(lines[i].p1.x,lines[i].p1.y,lines[i].p2.x,lines[i].p2.y); rectangle(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax); getch(); cleardevice(); rectangle(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax); for(i =0;i<n;i++) LineClipAndDraw(lines[i].p1.x,lines[i].p1.y,lines[i].p2.x,lines[i].p2.y,xm in,xmax,ymin,ymax); getch(); for(i = 0;i<n;i++) { WToVP(lines[i].p1.x,xmin,xmax,vxmin,vxmax); WToVP(lines[i].p1.y,ymin,ymax,vymin,vymax); WToVP(lines[i].p2.x,xmin,xmax,vxmin,vxmax); WToVP(lines[i].p2.y,ymin,ymax,vymin,vymax); } cleardevice(); rectangle(vxmin,vymin,vxmax,vymax); for(i=0;i<n;i++) line(lines[i].p1.x,lines[i].p1.y,lines[i].p2.x,lines[i].p2.y); getch(); closegraph(); } /*8.>Write a program to implement Bezier curve for the given set of control points*/ #include<graphics.h> #include<dos.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> int x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4; void bezier_curve(int,int,int,int,int,int,int,int); void main() { x1=50,y1=200,x2=200,y2=50,x3=400,y3=400,x4=450,y4=150; int gd = DETECT, gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\tc\bgi"); bezier_curve(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4); getch(); } void bezier_curve(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int x3,int y3,int x4,int y4) { putpixel(x2,y2,15); putpixel(x3,y3,15); for(float t = 0; t < 1; t += 0.0005) { float xt = (1-t)*(1-t)*(1-t)*x1 + 3*t*(1-t)*(1-t)*x2 + 3*t*t*(1-t)*x3 + t*t*t*x4; float yt = (1-t)*(1-t)*(1-t)*y1 + 3*t*(1-t)*(1-t)*y2 + 3*t*t*(1 - t)*y3 + t*t*t*y4; putpixel(xt,yt,3); line(x1,y1,x2,y2); line(x2,y2,x4,y4); line(x4,y4,x3,y3); line(x3,y3,x1,y1); } } /*9.>Write a program to implement 3-D rotation with respect to z-axis and appropriate data structure to implement the wire frame.*/ #include<graphics.h> #include<math.h> #include<dos.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #define O -50 double rec1[5][2] = { 200,100,300,100,300,200,200,200,200,100}; double rec2[5][2] = { 200+O,100-O,300+O,100-O,300+O,200-O,200+O,200-O,200+O,100-O}; double angle = 5.0*M_PI/180; double midx1 = (rec1[0][0]+rec1[1][0])/2; double midy1 = (rec1[1][1]+rec1[2][1])/2; double midx2 = (rec2[0][0]+rec2[1][0])/2; double midy2 = (rec2[1][1]+rec2[2][1])/2; void rotate() { int i; double x1,y1; setlinestyle(1,0,1); setcolor(YELLOW); for(i=0;i<5;i++) { x1 = midx1 + (rec1[i][0]-midx1)*cos(angle) - (rec1[i][1]-midy1)*sin(angle); y1 = midy1 + (rec1[i][0]-midx1)*sin(angle) + (rec1[i][1]-midy1)*cos(angle); rec1[i][0] = x1 ; rec1[i][1] = y1; x1 = midx2 + (rec2[i][0]-midx2)*cos(angle) - (rec2[i][1]-midy2)*sin(angle); y1 = midy2 + (rec2[i][0]-midx2)*sin(angle) + (rec2[i][1]-midy2)*cos(angle); rec2[i][0] = x1 ; rec2[i][1] = y1; } settextstyle(TRIPLEX_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,4); outtextxy(170,20," REVOLVING CUBE "); setlinestyle(SOLID_LINE,1,1); line(175,65,455,65); setlinestyle(DOTTED_LINE,1,1); for(i=0;i<4;i++) { line(100+rec1[i][0],rec1[i][1]+50,100+rec2[i][0],rec2[i][1]+50); line(100+rec1[i][0],rec1[i][1]+50,100+rec1[i+1][0],rec1[i+1][1]+50); line(100+rec2[i][0],rec2[i][1]+50,100+rec2[i+1][0],rec2[i+1][1]+50); } delay(50); cleardevice(); } void main() { int gd=DETECT,gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:/tc/bgi"); setlinestyle(1,0,1); setcolor(YELLOW); /*for(int i=0;i<4;++i) { line(100+rec1[i][0],rec1[i][1]+50,100+rec2[i][0],rec2[i][1]+50); line(100+rec1[i][0],rec1[i][1]+50,100+rec1[i+1][0],rec1[i+1][1]+50); line(100+rec2[i][0],rec2[i][1]+50,100+rec2[i+1][0],rec2[i+1][1]+50); } getch();*/ cleardevice(); while(!kbhit()) rotate(); closegraph(); } /*10.>Program to fill any given polygon using scan-line area fillng algorithm.*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <graphics.h> struct node { int x; int y; struct node *next; }; struct node *first,*p,*last; int x,y; void insert(int x,int y) { struct node *get; get=new node; get->x=x; get->y=y; get->next=NULL; last->next=get; last=get; } void ffill(int x,int y,int background_color,int fill_color) { if(background_color==fill_color) return; last=first=new node; first->x=x; first->y=y; first->next=NULL; while(first!=NULL) { putpixel(x,y,fill_color); if(getpixel(x,y-1)==background_color) { putpixel(x,y-1,fill_color); insert(x,y-1); } if(getpixel(x+1,y)==background_color) { putpixel(x+1,y,fill_color); insert(x+1,y); } if(getpixel(x,y+1)==background_color) { putpixel(x,y+1,fill_color); insert(x,y+1); } if(getpixel(x-1,y)==background_color) { putpixel(x-1,y,fill_color); insert(x-1,y); } p=first; first=first->next; delete p; x=first->x; y=first->y; } } void main() { int backcolor,x,y,color,gdriver=DETECT,gmode,n,poly[20]; printf("Enter the points"); for(int i=0;i<6;i++) scanf("%d",&poly[i]); printf("enter the Fill Color"); scanf("%d",&color); initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,"c:\cpp\bgi"); line(poly[0],poly[1],poly[2],poly[3]); line(poly[2],poly[3],poly[4],poly[5]); line(poly[4],poly[5],poly[0],poly[1]); backcolor=getpixel(x,y); ffill((poly[0]+poly[2]+poly[4])/3,(poly[1]+poly[3]+poly[5])/3,backcolor,co lor); getch(); }

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