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Title Paint Brush in C (Project)
Author Sanju
Author Email [at]
Description This is my best program in graphics in c. Paint Brush.
Category C » Games and Graphics
Hits 391304
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#include <graphics.h> #include <conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<process.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <dos.h> #include <math.h> /*#include <alloc.h>*/ #define MIN_X 83 #define MAX_X 629 #define MIN_Y 30 #define MAX_Y 409 #define MAX_BUTTONS 22 #define MAX_COLPAT 28 #define CLEAR 0 #define MARK_OP 8 #define CLIP_OP 10 #define TRANS_OP 11 #define ROTATE_OP 12 #define DELETE_OP 13 #define FLIP 14 #define MIRROR 15 #define LOAD_OP 16 #define SAVE_OP 17 #define SCALE_OP 18 typedef struct button_desc { int xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax; int button_no; char* desc; }button; button buttons[MAX_BUTTONS]; typedef struct color_button { int xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax; int color; int colflag; }color_but; color_but colorbuttons[28]; /*/color_but patternbuttons[16];*/ /*/ structure to mark an area */ struct { int top,left,bottom,right; }marker; int marked=0; /*/ to store whether marked or not*/ char FileName[40]="Untitled"; int saved=1;/*/to store if file has been saved or not*/ int LeftButtonPressed; int RightButtonPressed; int mousex,mousey; int prevx,prevy; int Current_Color=BLACK; /*/ to Store the current color */ int Current_Pattern=EMPTY_FILL;/*/ to store the current Pattern*/ int Current_Button=1;/*/ to store the current button pressed*/ int Prev_Button=1;/*/ to store the previous button */ void init(); void init_button(int,int,int,int,int,char*); void init_color_button(int,int,int,int,int,int); void New_ico(int x1, int y1); void Open_ico(int x1, int y1); void Save_ico(int x1, int y1); void Line_ico(int x1, int y1); void Rectangle_ico(int x1, int y1); void Circle_ico(int x1, int y1); void Ellipse_ico(int x1,int y1); void Sphere_ico(int x1, int y1); void Spiral_ico(int x1,int y1); void Brush_ico(int x1, int y1); void Erase_ico(int x1, int y1); void Alphabet_ico(int x, int y); void Mark_ico(int x1, int y1); void Clip_ico(int x1, int y1); void Translate_ico(int x, int y); void Rotate_ico(int x, int y); void Scale_ico(int x, int y); void Bucket_ico(int x,int y); void Cube_ico(int x, int y); void Del_ico(int x, int y); void color_ico(int x1, int y1, int c); void size_up_ico(int x, int y); void size_down_ico(int x, int y); void flip_ico(int x, int y); void mirror_ico(int x, int y); void draw_button_border(int ); void undraw_button_border(int no); void draw_color_button_border(int,int); void start_up(); void check_if_exit(); int check_mouse_on(int,int,int,int); int check_if_button_pressed(); int check_if_color(); int check_if_pattern(); void disp_filename(); void disp_coord(); void ShowStatus(char*); void ClearStatus(); char* readline(); void showmouse(); void hidemouse(); void wheremouse(int *, int *); int buttclicked(); void reset(); void getxy(); void startmouse(int,int); void restrictmouse(int,int,int,int); void Diagram(); void freehand(); void drawline(); void drawrectangle(); void erase(); void beep(); void drawtext(); void plotellipsepoints(int,int,int,int); void algoellipse(int,int,float,float); void algospiral(int,int,float,float); void drawellipse(); void drawspiral(); void drawcircle(); void Bucket(); void Cube(); void sphere(); void insert(int,int); void ffill(int,int,int,int); void save(); void Load(); void mirror(); void flip(); void mark(); void unmark(); void delete_p(); void translate(); void rotate(); void scale(); void clip(); /* void title(int,int,int,int); */ void main() { int i,j,gd=DETECT,gm=DETECT; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\turboc2\include"); if(graphresult()) { printf(" Could not initialise graphics "); exit(0); } /* cleardevice(); setcolor(DARKGRAY); title(getmaxx()/2-180,getmaxy()/2-150,getmaxx()/2+180,getmaxy()/2+150); settextstyle(0,0,1); settextjustify(LEFT_TEXT,TOP_TEXT); setusercharsize(1,1,1,1); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(getmaxx()/2-150,getmaxy()/2-100,"Abhishek Dhingra's"); setcolor(DARKGRAY); outtextxy(170,285,"for DOS environment"); settextstyle(8,0,2); setusercharsize(3,2,5,1); setcolor(BLACK); for(i=0;i<=6;i++) outtextxy(getmaxx()/2-150+i,getmaxy()/2-150,"DOS Paint"); settextstyle(8,0,1); setusercharsize(1,1,1,1); setfillstyle(1,BLACK); rectangle(170,275,430,280); floodfill(175,277,BLACK); circle(429,186,5); settextstyle(2,0,4); outtextxy(427,180,"R"); settextstyle(6,0,1); outtextxy(150,355,"Version 1.0"); settextstyle(2,0,4); outtextxy(330,330,"This product is licensed to"); outtextxy(395,345,"R.V.C.E"); flushall(); getch(); flushall(); closegraph(); initgraph(&gd,&gm,"c:\turboc2\include"); if(graphresult()) { printf(" Could not initialise graphics "); exit(0); } */ reset(); start_up(); showmouse(); startmouse(300,300); disp_filename(); /*setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTGRAY);*/ /*bar(8,25,78,270); */ init(); undraw_button_border(Current_Button); while(1) { getxy(); disp_coord(); if(LeftButtonPressed) { if(check_if_button_pressed()>=0); else if(check_if_color()) ClearStatus(); else if(check_mouse_on(MIN_X+2,MIN_Y+2,MAX_X-2,MAX_Y-2)) { ClearStatus(); saved=0;/* file has been altered; */ Diagram(); } else check_if_exit(); } else check_if_button_pressed(); } } /* void title(int x,int y,int x1,int y1) { int pc; int i; hidemouse(); setcolor(LIGHTGRAY); for(i=y;i<=y1;i++) line(x,i,x1,i); setcolor(WHITE); for(i=0;i<=5;i++) { line(x+i,y+i,x1-i,y+i); line(x+i,y+i,x+i,y1-i); } setcolor(BLACK); line(x1,y1,x1,y); line(x1,y1,x,y1); setcolor(DARKGRAY); for(i=1;i<=5;i++) { line(x1-i,y1-i,x+i,y1-i); line(x1-i,y1-i,x1-i,y+i); } showmouse(); } */ void init() { int x1=10,y1=30,x2=44,y2=MAX_Y+28,ywidth=30,xwidth=30; int butt=0,i,j; New_ico(x1,y1); init_button(butt,x1,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"New File"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; Line_ico(x2,y1); init_button(butt,x2,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"Line Drawing Tool"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; y1=y1+ywidth; Rectangle_ico(x1,y1); init_button(butt,x1,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"Rectangle Drawing Tool"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; Circle_ico(x2,y1); init_button(butt,x2,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"Circle Drawing Tool"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; y1=y1+ywidth; Ellipse_ico(x1,y1); init_button(butt,x1,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"Ellipse Drawing Tool"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; Spiral_ico(x2,y1); init_button(butt,x2,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"Spiral Drawing Tool"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; y1=y1+ywidth; Brush_ico(x1,y1); init_button(butt,x1,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"Free Hand"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; Erase_ico(x2,y1); init_button(butt,x2,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"Eraser"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; y1=y1+ywidth; Mark_ico(x1,y1); init_button(butt,x1,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"Marking Tool"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; Alphabet_ico(x2,y1); init_button(butt,x2,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"Text"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; y1=y1+ywidth; Clip_ico(x1,y1); init_button(butt,x1,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"Clipping (Works with Mark)"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; Translate_ico(x2,y1); init_button(butt,x2,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"Translate (Works with Mark)"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; y1=y1+ywidth; Rotate_ico(x1,y1); init_button(butt,x1,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"Rotate (Works with mark)"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; Del_ico(x2,y1); init_button(butt,x2,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"Delete (Works with mark)"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; y1=y1+ywidth; flip_ico(x1,y1); init_button(butt,x1,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"Flip Canvas"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; mirror_ico(x2,y1); init_button(butt,x2,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"Mirror Canvas"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; y1=y1+ywidth; Open_ico(x1,y1); init_button(butt,x1,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"Open File"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; Save_ico(x2,y1); init_button(butt,x2,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"Save File"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; y1=y1+ywidth; Scale_ico(x1,y1); init_button(butt,x1,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"Scaling (Works with Mark)"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; Bucket_ico(x2,y1); init_button(butt,x2,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"Bucket Fill"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; y1=y1+ywidth; Sphere_ico(x1,y1); init_button(butt,x1,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"3D Ellipse Drawing Tool"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; Cube_ico(x2,y1); init_button(butt,x2,y1,xwidth,ywidth,"Cuboid Drawing Tool"); draw_button_border(butt); butt++; butt=0; x1=MIN_X+8; y1=MAX_Y+9; xwidth=19;ywidth=15; for(i=0;i<8;i++) { init_color_button(butt,x1,y1,xwidth,ywidth,1); draw_color_button_border(butt,1); butt++; init_color_button(butt,x1,y2,xwidth,ywidth,1); draw_color_button_border(butt,1); butt++; x1=x1+xwidth; } butt=0; x1=x1+25; for(i=0;i<6;i++) { init_color_button(butt,x1,y1,xwidth,ywidth,0); draw_color_button_border(butt,0); butt++; init_color_button(butt,x1,y2,xwidth,ywidth,0); draw_color_button_border(butt,0); butt++; x1=x1+xwidth; } setfillstyle(Current_Pattern,Current_Color); bar(20,MAX_Y+7,65,MAX_Y+7+35); setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(20,MAX_Y+7,65,MAX_Y+7+35); setcolor(Current_Color); } void init_color_button(int color,int xmin,int ymin,int xwidth,int ywidth,int colflag) { int xgap=4; if (colflag) { colorbuttons[color].xmin=xmin; colorbuttons[color].xmax=xmin+xwidth-xgap; colorbuttons[color].ymin=ymin; colorbuttons[color].ymax=ymin+ywidth; colorbuttons[color].color=color; colorbuttons[color].colflag=colflag; } else { colorbuttons[color+16].xmin=xmin; colorbuttons[color+16].xmax=xmin+xwidth-xgap; colorbuttons[color+16].ymin=ymin; colorbuttons[color+16].ymax=ymin+ywidth; colorbuttons[color+16].color=color; colorbuttons[color+16].colflag=colflag; } } void init_button(int no,int xmin,int ymin,int xwidth,int ywidth,char* desc) { int ygap=4; buttons[no].xmin=xmin; buttons[no].ymin=ymin; buttons[no].xmax=xmin+xwidth; buttons[no].ymax=ymin+ywidth-ygap; buttons[no].desc=(char *) malloc(strlen(desc)+1); if(buttons[no].desc==NULL) { cleardevice(); printf(" No MEMORY "); } strcpy(buttons[no].desc,desc); } void draw_button_border(int no) { int color=getcolor(); hidemouse(); setcolor(WHITE); line(buttons[no].xmin,buttons[no].ymin,buttons[no].xmax,buttons[no].ymin); line(buttons[no].xmin,buttons[no].ymin,buttons[no].xmin,buttons[no].ymax); setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(buttons[no].xmax,buttons[no].ymax,buttons[no].xmax,buttons[no].ymin); line(buttons[no].xmax,buttons[no].ymax,buttons[no].xmin,buttons[no].ymax); setcolor(color); showmouse(); } void undraw_button_border(int no) { int color=getcolor(); hidemouse(); setcolor(DARKGRAY); line(buttons[no].xmin,buttons[no].ymin,buttons[no].xmax,buttons[no].ymin); line(buttons[no].xmin,buttons[no].ymin,buttons[no].xmin,buttons[no].ymax); setcolor(WHITE); line(buttons[no].xmax,buttons[no].ymax,buttons[no].xmax,buttons[no].ymin); line(buttons[no].xmax,buttons[no].ymax,buttons[no].xmin,buttons[no].ymax); setcolor(color); showmouse(); } void draw_color_button_border(int no,int colflag) { int color=getcolor(); setcolor(BLACK); if (colflag) { line(colorbuttons[no].xmin,colorbuttons[no].ymin,colorbuttons[no].xmax,col orbuttons[no].ymin); line(colorbuttons[no].xmin,colorbuttons[no].ymin,colorbuttons[no].xmin,col orbuttons[no].ymax); line(colorbuttons[no].xmax,colorbuttons[no].ymax,colorbuttons[no].xmax,col orbuttons[no].ymin); line(colorbuttons[no].xmax,colorbuttons[no].ymax,colorbuttons[no].xmin,col orbuttons[no].ymax); setfillstyle(1,no); floodfill(colorbuttons[no].xmin+1,colorbuttons[no].ymin+1,BLACK); } else { line(colorbuttons[no+16].xmin,colorbuttons[no+16].ymin,colorbuttons[no+16] xmax,colorbuttons[no+16].ymin); line(colorbuttons[no+16].xmin,colorbuttons[no+16].ymin,colorbuttons[no+16] xmin,colorbuttons[no+16].ymax); line(colorbuttons[no+16].xmax,colorbuttons[no+16].ymax,colorbuttons[no+16] xmax,colorbuttons[no+16].ymin); line(colorbuttons[no+16].xmax,colorbuttons[no+16].ymax,colorbuttons[no+16] xmin,colorbuttons[no+16].ymax); setfillstyle(no,LIGHTBLUE); floodfill(colorbuttons[no+16].xmin+1,colorbuttons[no+16].ymin+1,BLACK); } setcolor(color); } void New_ico(int x1, int y1) { setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); setcolor(BLACK); line(9+x1, 4+y1, 9+x1, 20+y1); line(9+x1, 20+y1, 21+x1, 20+y1); line(21+x1, 20+y1, 21+x1, 8+y1); line(9+x1, 4+y1, 17+x1, 4+y1); line(17+x1, 4+y1, 17+x1, 8+y1); line(17+x1, 8+y1, 21+x1, 8+y1); line(21+x1, 8+y1, 17+x1, 4+y1); setfillstyle(1, WHITE); floodfill(10+x1, 9+y1, BLACK); } void Open_ico(int x1, int y1) { setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); setcolor(BLACK); line(5+x1, 20+y1, 17+x1, 20+y1); line(17+x1, 20+y1, 24+x1, 15+y1); line(24+x1, 15+y1, 12+x1, 15+y1); line(12+x1, 15+y1, 5+x1, 20+y1); setfillstyle(1, DARKGRAY); floodfill(10+x1, 18+y1, BLACK); line(5+x1, 20+y1, 5+x1, 10+y1); line(5+x1, 10+y1, 6+x1, 8+y1); line(6+x1, 8+y1, 8+x1, 8+y1); line(8+x1, 8+y1, 9+x1, 10+y1); line(9+x1, 10+y1, 17+x1, 10+y1); line(17+x1, 10+y1, 17+x1, 15+y1); setfillstyle(1, YELLOW); floodfill(6+x1, 12+y1, BLACK); line(15+x1, 7+y1, 17+x1, 5+y1); line(17+x1, 5+y1, 22+x1, 7+y1); line(22+x1, 7+y1, 24+x1, 12+y1); line(24+x1, 12+y1, 20+x1, 10+y1); line(24+x1, 12+y1, 26+x1, 9+y1); } void Save_ico(int x1, int y1) { setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); setcolor(BLACK); line(6+x1, 4+y1, 24+x1, 4+y1); line(24+x1, 4+y1, 24+x1, 20+y1); line(24+x1, 20+y1, 8+x1, 20+y1); line(8+x1, 20+y1, 6+x1, 18+y1); line(6+x1, 18+y1, 6+x1, 4+y1); line(9+x1, 4+y1, 9+x1, 12+y1); line(9+x1, 12+y1, 21+x1, 12+y1); line(21+x1, 12+y1, 21+x1, 4+y1); line(10+x1, 20+y1, 10+x1, 15+y1); line(10+x1, 15+y1, 20+x1, 15+y1); line(20+x1, 15+y1, 20+x1, 20+y1); line(17+x1, 15+y1, 17+x1, 20+y1); line(21+x1, 7+y1, 24+x1, 7+y1); setfillstyle(1, WHITE); floodfill(10+x1, 5+y1, BLACK); setfillstyle(1, LIGHTBLUE); floodfill(7+x1, 5+y1, BLACK); setfillstyle(1, DARKGRAY); floodfill(11+x1, 19+y1, BLACK); } void Line_ico(int x1, int y1) { line(8+x1, 5+y1, 22+x1, 19+y1); } void Rectangle_ico(int x1, int y1) { rectangle(8+x1, 5+y1, 22+x1, 19+y1); } void Circle_ico(int x1, int y1) { circle(15+x1, 12+y1, 8); } void Spiral_ico(int x1, int y1) { int xrad=3,yrad=1; int i; x1=15+x1; y1=14+y1; for( i = 1; i <=4; ++i ) { ellipse( x1, y1, 90, 270, xrad, yrad ); xrad += 1; yrad += 1; y1 -= 1; ellipse( x1, y1, 270, 90, xrad, yrad ); xrad += 1; yrad += 1; y1 += 1; } } void Ellipse_ico(int x1,int y1) { ellipse(15+x1, 13+y1, 0, 360, 8, 6); } void Brush_ico(int x1, int y1) { setcolor(BLACK); setlinestyle(0, 1, 3); line(19+x1, 21+y1, 10+x1, 9+y1); setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); line(11+x1, 9+y1, 11+x1, 6+y1); line(11+x1, 6+y1, 6+x1, 4+y1); line(6+x1, 4+y1, 7+x1, 9+y1); line(7+x1, 9+y1, 11+x1, 9+y1); } void Fill_ico(int x1, int y1) { setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); setcolor(BLACK); line(10+x1, 11+y1, 16+x1, 19+y1); line(16+x1, 19+y1, 25+x1, 12+y1); line(25+x1, 12+y1, 20+x1, 5+y1); line(10+x1, 11+y1, 24+x1, 11+y1); setfillstyle(1, RED); floodfill( 12+x1, 12+y1, BLACK); setcolor(RED); line(10+x1, 11+y1, 8+x1, 14+y1); line(8+x1, 14+y1, 8+x1, 16+y1); } void Cube_ico(int x, int y) { rectangle(8+x, 5+y, 24+x, 17+y); rectangle(5+x, 9+y, 21+x, 21+y); line(5+x, 9+y, 8+x, 5+y); line(21+x, 21+y, 24+x, 17+y); line(21+x, 9+y, 24+x, 5+y); line(5+x, 21+y, 8+x, 17+y); } void Erase_ico(int x1, int y1) { setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); setcolor(BLACK); line(14+x1, 20+y1, 25+x1, 7+y1); line(25+x1, 7+y1, 23+x1, 4+y1); line(23+x1, 4+y1, 12+x1, 17+y1); line(12+x1, 17+y1, 14+x1, 20+y1); line(14+x1, 20+y1, 5+x1, 20+y1); line(5+x1, 20+y1, 5+x1, 17+y1); line(5+x1, 17+y1, 12+x1, 17+y1); line(5+x1, 17+y1, 16+x1, 4+y1); line(16+x1, 4+y1, 23+x1, 4+y1); setfillstyle(1, DARKGRAY); floodfill(14+x1, 18+y1, BLACK); setfillstyle(1, WHITE); floodfill(16+x1, 5+y1, BLACK); } void Alphabet_ico(int x, int y) { setcolor(BLACK); setlinestyle(0, 1, 3); line(8+x, 20+y, 18+x, 4+y); line(18+x, 4+y, 18+x, 20+y); setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); line(12+x, 14+y, 19+x, 14+y); line(6+x, 20+y, 12+x, 20+y); line(15+x, 20+y, 21+x, 20+y); } void Mark_ico(int x1, int y1) { setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); setcolor(BLACK); setlinestyle(3, 1, 1); rectangle(5+x1, 5+y1, 25+x1, 19+y1); setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); } void Clip_ico(int x1, int y1) { setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(5+x1, 5+y1, 25+x1, 19+y1); setfillstyle(1, WHITE); floodfill(15+x1, 12+y1, BLACK); setfillstyle(1,BLACK); bar(12+x1, 10+y1, 23+x1, 17+y1); } void Translate_ico(int x, int y) { setcolor(BLACK); line(6+x, 3+y, 20+x, 3+y); line(20+x, 3+y, 20+x, 8+y); line(6+x, 3+y, 6+x, 16+y); line(6+x, 16+y, 12+x, 16+y); line(25+x, 8+y, 12+x, 8+y); line(12+x, 8+y, 12+x, 20+y); line(12+x, 20+y, 25+x, 20+y); line(25+x, 20+y, 25+x, 8+y); setfillstyle(1, LIGHTRED); floodfill(8+x, 5+y, BLACK); floodfill(20+x, 18+y, BLACK); } void Rotate_ico(int x, int y) { setcolor(BLACK); line(6+x, 5+y, 20+x, 5+y); line(20+x, 5+y, 20+x, 8+y); line(6+x, 5+y, 6+x, 18+y); line(6+x, 18+y, 12+x, 18+y); line(15+x, 7+y, 26+x, 11+y); line(26+x, 11+y, 21+x, 20+y); line(21+x, 20+y, 11+x, 16+y); line(11+x, 16+y, 15+x, 7+y); setfillstyle(1, LIGHTRED); floodfill(8+x, 7+y, BLACK); floodfill(20+x, 18+y, BLACK); } void Del_ico(int x, int y) { setcolor(RED); setlinestyle(0, 1, 3); line(9+x, 5+y, 16+x, 11+y); line(16+x, 11+y, 21+x, 18+y); line(20+x, 5+y, 11+x, 12+y); line(11+x, 12+y, 8+x, 19+y); setcolor(BLACK); setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); } void color_ico(int x1, int y1, int c) { setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(x1, y1, x1+9, y1+8); setfillstyle(1, c); floodfill(x1+1, y1+1, BLACK); } void size_up_ico(int x, int y) { x-=6; y-=4; setcolor(BLACK); line(x+10, y+12, x+22, y+7); line(x+22, y+7, x+34, y+12); line(x+10, y+12, x+34, y+12); setfillstyle(1, BLACK); floodfill(x+20, y+10, BLACK); } void size_down_ico(int x, int y) { x-=6; y-=3; setcolor(BLACK); line(x+10, y+7, x+22, y+12); line(x+22, y+12, x+34, y+7); line(x+10, y+7, x+34, y+7); setfillstyle(1, BLACK); putpixel(x+20, y+10, WHITE); floodfill(x+20, y+10, BLACK); } void Sphere_ico(int x1, int y1) { setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); setcolor(BLACK); circle(x1+15,y1+13,8); ellipse(x1+15,y1+13,0,360,4,8); ellipse(x1+15,y1+13,0,360,8,4); } void Bucket_ico(int x, int y) { setlinestyle(0, 1, 1); setcolor(BLACK); line(7+x, 8+y, 11+x, 20+y); line(11+x, 20+y, 21+x, 16+y); line(21+x, 16+y, 17+x, 4+y); line(7+x, 8+y, 17+x, 4+y); line(17+x, 4+y, 7+x, 8+y); line(3+x, 12+y, 7+x, 8+y); line(3+x, 12+y, 5+x, 15+y); line(5+x, 15+y, 7+x, 8+y); setfillstyle(1, BLUE); floodfill(10+x, 9+y, BLACK); setfillstyle(1, YELLOW); floodfill(5+x, 13+y, BLACK); } void flip_ico(int x, int y) { setcolor(BLACK); line(14+x, 4+y, 8+x, 8+y); line(8+x, 8+y, 12+x, 8+y); line(12+x, 8+y, 12+x, 15+y); line(12+x, 15+y, 8+x, 15+y); line(8+x, 15+y, 14+x, 19+y); line(14+x, 19+y, 20+x, 15+y); line(20+x, 15+y, 16+x, 15+y); line(16+x, 15+y, 16+x, 8+y); line(16+x, 8+y, 20+x, 8+y); line(20+x, 8+y, 14+x, 4+y); setfillstyle(1, CYAN); floodfill(14+x, 10+y, BLACK); } void mirror_ico(int x, int y) { setcolor(BLACK); line(6+x, 12+y, 10+x, 17+y); line(11+x, 18+y, 11+x, 15+y); line(11+x, 15+y, 18+x, 15+y); line(18+x, 15+y, 18+x, 18+y); line(18+x, 18+y, 23+x, 12+y); line(23+x, 12+y, 18+x, 6+y); line(18+x, 6+y, 18+x, 10+y); line(18+x, 10+y, 11+x, 10+y); line(11+x, 10+y, 11+x, 6+y); line(11+x, 6+y, 6+x, 12+y); setfillstyle(1, CYAN); floodfill(9+x, 12+y, BLACK); } void Scale_ico(int x,int y) { int i; setcolor(BLUE); line(x+5,y+5,x+5,y+20); line(x+25,y+5,x+25,y+20); setcolor(RED); for(i=y+7;i<y+19;i+=2) line(x+7,i,x+23,i); } void start_up() { setfillstyle(1, LIGHTGRAY); floodfill(200, 200, 1); /* FOR MAIN WINDOW */ setcolor(15); line(0, 0, 639, 0); line(0, 0+1, 639-1, 0+1); line(0, 0, 0, 479-1); line(0+1, 0, 0+1, 479-2); setcolor(8); line(639, 0+1, 639, 479); line(639-1, 0+2, 639-1, 479-1); line(639, 479, 0, 479); line(639, 479-1, 0+1, 479-1); /* for drawing window */ setcolor(WHITE); rectangle(MIN_X, MIN_Y, MAX_X, MAX_Y); setfillstyle(1, WHITE); floodfill(300, 300, WHITE); setcolor(8); line(MIN_X, MIN_Y, MAX_X, MIN_Y); line(MIN_X, MIN_Y+1, MAX_X-1, MIN_Y+1); line(MIN_X, MIN_Y, MIN_X, MAX_Y-1); line(MIN_X+1, MIN_Y, MIN_X+1, MAX_Y-2); setcolor(8); line(MAX_X, MIN_Y+1, MAX_X, MAX_Y); line(MAX_X-1, MIN_Y+2, MAX_X-1, MAX_Y-1); line(MAX_X, MAX_Y, MIN_X, MAX_Y); line(MAX_X, MAX_Y-1, MIN_X+1, MAX_Y-1); /* for status bar */ setcolor(8); line(10, 460, 629, 460); line(10, 460, 10, 479 - 5-1); setcolor(15); line(629, 460 , 629, 479 - 5); line(629, 479 - 5, 10, 479 - 5); /*/ For color*/ setcolor(15); line(MIN_X, MAX_Y+4, 251, MAX_Y+4); line(MIN_X, MAX_Y+4, MIN_X,MAX_Y+47); setcolor(0); line(251, MAX_Y+47 , MIN_X, MAX_Y+47); line(251, MAX_Y+47, 251, MAX_Y+4); /*/ For background */ setcolor(15); line(258, MAX_Y+4, 386, MAX_Y+4); line(258, MAX_Y+4, 258,MAX_Y+47); setcolor(0); line(386, MAX_Y+47 , 258, MAX_Y+47); line(386, MAX_Y+47, 386, MAX_Y+4); /* For Names */ setcolor(15); line(8, 365, 76,365); line(8, 365, 8,MAX_Y-10); setcolor(0); line(76, MAX_Y-10 ,8, MAX_Y-10); line(76, MAX_Y-10, 76,365); setcolor(BLUE); outtextxy(35,MAX_Y-40,"By"); outtextxy(12,MAX_Y-30,"Sanju"); /* For college */ setcolor(15); line(400, MAX_Y+4, 630, MAX_Y+4); line(400, MAX_Y+4, 400,MAX_Y+47); setcolor(0); line(630, MAX_Y+47 , 400, MAX_Y+47); line(630, MAX_Y+47, 630, MAX_Y+4); setcolor(BLUE); outtextxy(410,MAX_Y+15,"Developed At :"); outtextxy(410,MAX_Y+31,"R.V College of Engineering"); } void disp_filename() { char name[60]; int xpos; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BLUE); bar(10,5,629,18); strcpy(name,"DOS Paint - "); strcat(name,FileName); xpos=(getmaxx()-textwidth(name))/2; setcolor(LIGHTRED); outtextxy(xpos,8,name); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BLUE); bar(614,6,628,17); outtextxy(620,8,"X"); } void disp_coord() { char xy[25]; int color; if(prevx!=mousex||prevy!=mousey) if( (mousex>MIN_X+1)&&(mousex<MAX_X-1)&&(mousey>MIN_Y+1)&&(mousey<MAX_Y-1)) { sprintf(xy," x : %d y : %d",mousex-MIN_X-2,mousey-MIN_Y-2); color=getcolor(); setcolor(LIGHTGRAY); outtextxy(475,464,"?????????????????" );/* ALT 219*/ setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(475,464,xy); setcolor(color); } } void reset() { union REGS regs;; int86(0x33,®s,®s); if( { printf(" No Mouse Drivers "); exit(0); } } void showmouse() { union REGS regs;; int86(0x33,®s,®s); } void hidemouse() { union REGS regs;; int86(0x33,®s,®s); } int buttclicked() { union REGS regs;; int86(0x33,®s,®s); return regs.x.bx; } void wheremouse(int *x,int*y) { union REGS regs;; int86(0x33,®s,®s); *; *y=regs.x.dx; } void getxy() { union REGS regs;; int86(0x33,®s,®s); prevx=mousex; prevy=mousey; if(regs.x.bx&1) LeftButtonPressed=1; else LeftButtonPressed=0; if(regs.x.bx&2) RightButtonPressed=1; else RightButtonPressed=0;; mousey=regs.x.dx; } void startmouse(int x,int y) { union REGS regs;;; regs.x.dx=y; int86(0x33,®s,®s); } void restrictmouse(int minx,int miny,int maxx,int maxy) { union REGS regs;; regs.x.dx=maxx;; int86(0x33,®s,®s);; regs.x.dx=maxy;; int86(0x33,®s,®s); } int check_mouse_on(int minx,int miny,int maxx,int maxy) { if(mousex<minx) return 0; if(mousex>maxx) return 0; if(mousey<miny) return 0; if(mousey>maxy) return 0; return 1; } void check_if_exit() { if( (check_mouse_on(614,6,628,17))&&LeftButtonPressed) { flushall(); closegraph(); exit(0); } } int check_if_button_pressed() { int ret_value=-1; int i; char ch; for(i=0;i<MAX_BUTTONS;++i) { if(check_mouse_on(buttons[i].xmin,buttons[i].ymin,buttons[i].xmax,buttons[ i].ymax)) { if(LeftButtonPressed && i!=Current_Button) { ret_value=i; draw_button_border(Current_Button); Prev_Button=Current_Button; undraw_button_border(i); Current_Button=i; switch(Current_Button) { case CLEAR : if(marked) unmark(); hidemouse(); if(!saved) { ShowStatus("Save Changes ? "); ch=getch(); if(ch=='y'||ch=='Y') save(); } strcpy(FileName,"Untitled"); disp_filename(); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,WHITE); bar(MIN_X+2,MIN_Y+2,MAX_X-2,MAX_Y-2); draw_button_border(Current_Button); undraw_button_border(Prev_Button); Current_Button=Prev_Button; setfillstyle(Current_Pattern,Current_Color); showmouse(); break; case LOAD_OP: if(marked) unmark(); hidemouse(); Load(); draw_button_border(Current_Button); undraw_button_border(Prev_Button); Current_Button=Prev_Button; setfillstyle(Current_Pattern,Current_Color); showmouse(); break; case SAVE_OP:if(marked) unmark(); hidemouse(); save(); draw_button_border(Current_Button); undraw_button_border(Prev_Button); Current_Button=Prev_Button; setfillstyle(Current_Pattern,Current_Color); showmouse(); break; case MIRROR:if(marked) unmark(); hidemouse(); mirror(); draw_button_border(Current_Button); undraw_button_border(Prev_Button); Current_Button=Prev_Button; setfillstyle(Current_Pattern,Current_Color); showmouse(); break; case FLIP: if(marked) unmark(); hidemouse(); flip(); draw_button_border(Current_Button); undraw_button_border(Prev_Button); Current_Button=Prev_Button; setfillstyle(Current_Pattern,Current_Color); showmouse(); break; case DELETE_OP: hidemouse(); delete_p(); draw_button_border(Current_Button); undraw_button_border(Prev_Button); Current_Button=Prev_Button; setfillstyle(Current_Pattern,Current_Color); showmouse(); break; case ROTATE_OP: hidemouse(); rotate(); draw_button_border(Current_Button); undraw_button_border(Prev_Button); Current_Button=Prev_Button; setfillstyle(Current_Pattern,Current_Color); showmouse(); break; case CLIP_OP: hidemouse(); clip(); draw_button_border(Current_Button); undraw_button_border(Prev_Button); Current_Button=Prev_Button; setfillstyle(Current_Pattern,Current_Color); showmouse(); break; case SCALE_OP: hidemouse(); scale(); draw_button_border(Current_Button); undraw_button_border(Prev_Button); Current_Button=Prev_Button; setfillstyle(Current_Pattern,Current_Color); showmouse(); break; } if(Current_Button!=MARK_OP&&Current_Button!=TRANS_OP) { if(marked) unmark(); } } if(prevx!=mousex||prevy!=mousey) ShowStatus(buttons[i].desc); return ret_value; } } ClearStatus(); return ret_value; } int check_if_color() { int i=0; for(i=0;i<MAX_COLPAT;i++) { if(check_mouse_on(colorbuttons[i].xmin,colorbuttons[i].ymin,colorbuttons[i ].xmax,colorbuttons[i].ymax)) { if(colorbuttons[i].colflag) { Current_Color=colorbuttons[i].color; } else Current_Pattern=colorbuttons[i].color; if (Current_Pattern==EMPTY_FILL) setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,Current_Color); else setfillstyle(Current_Pattern,Current_Color); bar(20,MAX_Y+7,65,MAX_Y+7+35); setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(20,MAX_Y+7,65,MAX_Y+7+35); setcolor(Current_Color); return 1; } } return 0; } void ShowStatus(char* str) { int color=getcolor(); int i; ClearStatus(); setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(12,464,str); setcolor(color); } void ClearStatus() { static int first_time; static char text[59]; int i; setcolor(LIGHTGRAY); if(!first_time) { strcpy(text,""); for(i=0;i<58;++i) strcat(text,"?"); text[58]='

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