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Title "Bubble Sort", "Delayed Exchange Sort", "Shell Sort" & more..
Author Alpesh Purohit
Author Email alpesh_purohit [at]
Description All sorting method using C Graphics ....
Category C » Data Structures
Hits 385955
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#include <conio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <dos.h> #include <graphics.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <time.h> #define MAXNUM 200 /* maximum number of array elements to sort */ #define XAXIS 260 /* x coordinate on graphics screen */ #define YAXIS 15 /* y coordinate on graphics screen */ #define MAXPICKS 8 /* maximum menu picks given to user */ #define TIMES 3 /* how many times to perform... */ int xaxis = XAXIS; int yaxis = YAXIS; enum sort {bubble, delayed, shell, shell_metzner, quick, insertion, all, stop}; char *sorts[MAXPICKS] = {"Bubble Sort", "Delayed Exchange Sort", "Shell Sort", "Shell-Metzner Sort", "QuickSort", "Insertion Sort", "All", "Exit to Dos"}; /***** function prototypes *************************/ void main( void ); void driver( enum sort atype, int *m, int elements, int random, int delay_factor ); enum sort pick_sort( int *elements, int *random, int *delay_factor ); void Initialize( void ); void Setscreen( int *m, int elements, int random ); int Swap_Pixels( int *m, int i, int j, int delay_factor ); int gprintf( int *xloc, int *yloc, char *fmt, ... ); void print_menu( char *mysorts[] ); void get_number( int *elements, int *times, char *tstring, int *x, int *y ); void Showdata ( int *m ); void Bubble( int *m, int elements, int delay_factor ); void Delayed( int *m, int elements, int delay_factor ); void Shell_Metzner( int *m, int elements, int delay_factor ); void Quicksort( int *m, int left, int right, int delay_factor ); void Insertion( int *m, int elements, int delay_factor ); void Shell( int *m, int elements, int delay_factor ); /***** main ***************************************/ /* */ /****************************************************/ void main( void ) { int array[MAXNUM]; /* the array to be sorted */ int elements; /* how many elements */ int random; /* random or worst case */ int delay_factor; /* delay factor 0-1000 */ enum sort stype = all; Initialize(); while( stype != stop ) { random = 0; elements = 0; delay_factor = 0; stype = pick_sort( &elements, &random, &delay_factor ); if ( stype != stop ) { driver( stype, array, elements, random, delay_factor ); /* Showdata( array ); */ delay( 1350 ); } } closegraph(); } /***** pick_sort ******************************************************* Displays a simple menu and prompts the user for four choices. called by: main calls: print_menu gprintf get_number returns : the sort desired (could be all sorts or quit) parameters: *elements *random *delay_factor *************************************************************************/ enum sort pick_sort( int *elements, int *random, int *delay_factor ) { static char query1[] = "Which Sort (1-8)?"; static char query2[] = "How Many Elements < 200?"; static char query3[] = "(R)andom or (W)orst Case?"; static char query4[] = "Delay Factor (0-1000)?"; static char achar[2] = "x"; char bchar = 0; char nstring[TIMES + 1]; /* string equivalent of elements */ int tens = TIMES; /* power of ten we're using */ int *tpower; int x = 50; int y = 30; char pick = 0; int x2; int i; /* scratch variable */ tpower = &tens; cleardevice(); print_menu( sorts ); /************** pick the sort *************************/ gprintf( &x, &y, query1 ); while ( pick <= 48 || pick >= 57 ) /* allow digits 1-8 */ { pick = getch(); } achar[0] = pick; x2 = x + 4 + textwidth( query1 ); outtextxy( x2, y, achar ); if ( pick != 56 ) { y = 100; /******** get number of elements desired *****/ gprintf( &x, &y, query2 ); x2 = x + 4 + textwidth( query2 ); for ( i = 0; i < TIMES + 1; i++ ) nstring[i] = 0; /* used to initialize string to nulls */ get_number( elements, tpower, nstring, &x2, &y ); if ( *elements == 0 || *elements > MAXNUM ) *elements = MAXNUM; y += textheight("H" ) + 1; /****** get random or worst case ***********/ gprintf( &x, &y, query3 ); bchar = 0; while( bchar != 82 && bchar != 87 ) { bchar = toupper( getch( ) ); if ( bchar == 13 ) bchar = 82; } *random = ( bchar ^ 87 ); /* XOR checks for (W)orst */ achar[0] = bchar; x2 = x + 4 + textwidth( query3 ); outtextxy( x2, y, achar ); y += textheight( "H" ) + 1; /****** get delay factor ******************/ gprintf( &x, &y, query4 ); x2 = x + 4 + textwidth( query4 ); *tpower = TIMES; for ( i = 0; i < TIMES + 1; i++ ) nstring[i] = 0; /* used to initialize string to nulls */ get_number( delay_factor, tpower, nstring, &x2, &y ); } switch( pick - 48 ) { case 1: return( bubble ); case 2: return( delayed ); case 3: return( shell ); case 4: return( shell_metzner ); case 5: return( quick ); case 6: return( insertion ); case 7: return( all ); default: return( stop ); } } /***** print_menu ***************************************** prints the selection menu to the graphics screen like so: 1. Bubble Sort 2. Delayed Exchange Sort 3. Shell Sort 4. Shell Metzner Sort 5. Quicksort 6. Insertion Sort 7. All 8. Exit to Dos called by: pick_sort *************************************************************/ void print_menu( char *mysorts[] ) { int x, y; /* screen coordinates */ int i; x = 240; y = 10; for ( i = 0; i < MAXPICKS; i++ ) { gprintf( &x, &y, "%d. %s", i+1, mysorts[i] ); y += textheight ( "H" ) + 1; } } /***** get_number ****************************************************** A recursive routine that accepts numbers using the getch() function, and displays them on the graphics screen. Only the characters '0' to '9' and CR are accepted -- the rest are ignored. called by: pick_sort, get_number parameters: int *a_number holds the integer and returns it to the calling function int *times maximum number of times that get_number will be called. acts as a flag to stop the routine when the user enters the maximum allowed digits or hits Carriage Return (CR). char *tstring Returns the string equivalent of *a_number i.e. if *a_number = 123, *tstring = "123". It is initialized to all nulls before the initial pass and its length is used to determine the power of ten needed for each digit that is entered. int *x, *y coordinates on the graphics screen to display the digits as they are entered. *x is increased with each call by the width of a character using the textwidth function. *************************************************************************/ void get_number( int *a_number, int *times, char *tstring, int *x, int *y ) { int power; /* power of 10 to multiply a digit by */ char achar[2]; char bchar = 0; achar[1] = 0; while ( bchar <= 47 || bchar >= 59 ) /* allow digits 0-9 */ { bchar = getch(); if ( bchar == 13 ) /* 13 = CR; if the user hits ENTER */ { bchar = 48; *times = 0; break; } } if ( *times ) { achar[0] = bchar; outtextxy( *x, *y, achar ); *x = *x + textwidth( achar ); tstring[TIMES - ( (*times)--)] = achar[0]; if ( *times ) get_number( a_number, times, tstring, x, y ); } power = (int)( pow10(( strlen( tstring ) - ((*times) + 1)))); bchar = tstring[*times]; *a_number += ( power * ( bchar - 48 )); (*times )++; } /***** driver ********************************************** driver runs the sorts using parameters sent to it. It gets a sort type, the address of the array to sort, the number of elements, the random/worst case status and the delay factor and sets them in motion. called by: main calls: Setscreen, gprintf, all the sort functions parameters: enum sort atype the desired sort int *array the address of the array to sort int elements how many elements int random random = 1 worst case = 0 int delay_factor 0 = no delay; 1000 = 1 second delay for each switching of elements. The idea is to slow down the animation so the user gets a feel for what's going on. 1000 is _very_ slow. *************************************************************************/ void driver( enum sort atype, int *array, int elements, int random, int delay_factor ) { switch( atype ) { case all : case bubble : Setscreen( array, elements, random ); gprintf( &xaxis, &yaxis, *(sorts + bubble) ); Bubble( array, elements, delay_factor ); if ( atype != all ) break; else delay( 1350 ); case delayed: Setscreen( array, elements, random ); gprintf( &xaxis, &yaxis, *(sorts + delayed) ); Delayed( array, elements, delay_factor ); if ( atype != all ) break; else delay( 1350 ); case shell : Setscreen( array, elements, random ); gprintf( &xaxis, &yaxis, *(sorts + shell )); Shell( array, elements, delay_factor ); if ( atype != all ) break; else delay( 1350 ); case shell_metzner: Setscreen( array, elements, random ); gprintf( &xaxis, &yaxis, *(sorts + shell_metzner) ); Shell_Metzner( array, elements, delay_factor ); if ( atype != all ) break; else delay( 1350 ); case quick : Setscreen( array, elements, random ); gprintf( &xaxis, &yaxis, *(sorts + quick) ); Quicksort( array, 0, elements - 1, delay_factor ); if ( atype != all ) break; else delay( 1350 ); case insertion: Setscreen( array, elements, random ); gprintf( &xaxis, &yaxis, *(sorts + insertion) ); Insertion( array, elements, delay_factor ); if ( atype != all ) break; else delay( 1350 ); case stop: default:; } } /***** initialize *********************************/ /* */ /* Initializes the Borland graphics drivers. */ /* */ /****************************************************/ void Initialize( void ) { int GraphDriver; /* The Graphics device driver */ int GraphMode; /* The Graphics mode value */ int ErrorCode; /* Reports any graphics errors */ // if( registerbgidriver( ) < 0 ) exit(1); /* if( registerbgidriver( Herc_driver ) < 0 ) exit(2); if( registerbgidriver( EGAVGA_driver ) <0 ) exit(3); */ GraphDriver = DETECT; /* Request auto-detection */ initgraph( &GraphDriver, &GraphMode, "c:\tc\bgi" ); ErrorCode = graphresult(); /* Read result of initialization*/ if( ErrorCode != grOk ) /* Error occured during init */ { printf(" Graphics System Error: %s ", grapherrormsg( ErrorCode ) ); exit( 1 ); } /* settextstyle( SMALL_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 0 ); */ } /***** gprintf ************************************/ /* */ /* Used like PRINTF except the output is sent to */ /* the screen in graphics mode at the specified */ /* co-ordinate. From Borland International. */ /* */ /* The return value from gprintf is not used. */ /* */ /****************************************************/ int gprintf( int *xloc, int *yloc, char *fmt, ... ) { va_list argptr; /* Argument list pointer */ char str[80]; /* Buffer to build string into */ int count; /* Result of vsprintf for return */ va_start( argptr, fmt ); /* Initialize va_functions */ count = vsprintf( str, fmt, argptr ); /* prints string to buffer */ outtextxy( *xloc, *yloc, str ); /* Send string in graphics mode */ va_end( argptr ); /* Close va_ functions */ return( count ); /* Return the conversion count */ } /***** Setscreen ******************************************************* Initializes graphics screen for the sort. called by: driver parameters: int *array the array to sort int elements how many elements int random random = 1 or worst case = 0 *************************************************************************/ void Setscreen( int *array, int elements, int random ) { int j; cleardevice(); if ( random ) { randomize(); for ( j = 0; j < elements; j++ ) { *( array + j) = random( elements ); putpixel( 3*j, *(array+j), 10); } } else /* initialize worst case */ { for ( j = 0; j < elements; j++ ) { *(array + j) = elements - j; putpixel( 3*j, *(array+j), 10); } } } /***** Showdata ***********************************/ /* */ /* Displays the values in the first 20 elements */ /* of the array. */ /* */ /****************************************************/ void Showdata( int *array ) { int i, j, x, y; j = 0; i = 20; x = 570; y = 0; while ( j < i ) { gprintf( &x, &y, "%2d: %d ", j+1, array[j] ); y += textheight( "H" ) + 1; /* Advance to next line */ j++; } } /***** Swap_Pixels ********************************/ /* */ /* Swaps the data in two array elements and */ /* changes their respective pixels accordingly. */ /* The turning off and on of pixels is what gives */ /* the illusion of movement. */ /* */ /****************************************************/ int Swap_Pixels( int *array, int i, int j, int delay_factor ) { int h; h = *(array + i); putpixel( 3 * i, *(array + i), 0); putpixel( 3 * j, *(array + i), 10 ); *(array + i) = *(array + j); putpixel( 3 * j, *( array + j), 0 ); putpixel( 3 * i, *(array + j), 10 ); *(array + j) = h; delay( delay_factor ); return( h ); } /***** Bubble *************************************/ /* */ /****************************************************/ void Bubble( int *array, int elements, int delay_factor ) { int i,j; for ( i = 0; i < elements - 1 ; i++ ) for ( j = i + 1; j < elements; j++ ) { if ((*(array+i)) > (*(array+j))) { Swap_Pixels( array, i, j, delay_factor ); } } } /***** Delayed ************************************/ /* */ /****************************************************/ void Delayed( int *array, int elements, int delay_factor ) { int p, h, k, i, j; for ( p = 0; p < elements-1; p++ ) { h = p; for ( k = p + 1; k < elements ; k++ ) if (*(array+k) < *(array+h)) h = k; if ( p != h ) { i = h; j = p; Swap_Pixels( array, i, j, delay_factor ); } } } /***** Shell **************************************/ /* */ /****************************************************/ void Shell( int *array, int elements, int delay_factor ) { int p, f, i, j, m; p = elements; while ( p > 1) { p /= 2; /* gprintf( &xaxis, &yaxis, "%d", p ); y++; */ m = elements - p; do{ f = 0; for ( j = 0; j < m; j++ ) { i = j + p; if (*(array + j) > *(array + i)) { Swap_Pixels( array, i, j, delay_factor ); f = 1; } } } while( f ); } } /***** Shell-Metzner ******************************/ /* */ /****************************************************/ void Shell_Metzner( int *array, int elements, int delay_factor ) { int p, k, t, i, j; p = elements; p /= 2; while ( p != 0 ) { k = elements - p; for ( t = 0; t < k; t++ ) { i = t; while ( i >= 0 ) { j = i + p; if (*(array+j) < *(array + i)) { Swap_Pixels( array, i, j, delay_factor ); i = i - p; } else break; } } p /= 2; } } /***** Quicksort **********************************/ /* */ /****************************************************/ void Quicksort( int *array, int left, int right, int delay_factor ) { int i, j, t; if ( right > left ) { i = left - 1; j = right; do { do i++; while ( array[i] < array[right] ); do j--; while ( array[j] > array[right] && j > 0 ); t = Swap_Pixels( array, i, j, delay_factor ); } while ( j > i ); putpixel( 3*j, *(array + j), 0); array[j] =array[i]; putpixel( 3*j, *(array + j), 10 ); putpixel( 3*i, *(array + i), 0 ); /* putpixel( 3*right, *(array + right), 0); // <-- putting this stmt here causes duplicate pixels... */ array[i] =array[right]; putpixel( 3*i, *(array + i), 10 ); /* On the other hand, this one works... why? maybe if array[i] ==array[right] there's a problem... */ putpixel( 3*right, *(array + right), 0 ); array[right] = t; putpixel( 3*right, *(array + right), 10 ); Quicksort( array, left, i - 1, delay_factor ); Quicksort( array, i + 1, right, delay_factor ); } } /***** Insertion **********************************/ /* */ /****************************************************/ void Insertion( int *array, int elements, int delay_factor ) { int p, j, t; for ( p = 0; p < elements - 1; p++ ) { t = *(array + p + 1); for ( j = p; j >= 0; j-- ) { if ( t <= *(array + j) ) { *(array + j + 1) = *(array + j); putpixel( 3*(j + 1), *(array + j + 1), 10 ); putpixel( 3*j, *(array + j + 1), 0 ); delay( delay_factor ); } else break; } *(array + j + 1) = t; putpixel( 3*(p + 1), t, 0 ); putpixel( 3*(j + 1), t, 10 ); } } /***** end code for csort.c ********************************************/

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