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Title Computer Chess
Author Email mittalenigma [at]
Description it is a primary work of Artificial Intelligence,And provides a good framework for the person interested in A.I. I dont claim that
entire work is mine Rather it is an improved version of TSCP a engine developed by Kerringhan. But it has excellent graphics,mouse interaction and single file.And much more... so just go.
Category C » Games and Graphics
Hits 388500
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/* This project of chess deserve thanks to many person.This all has been possible due to their kind efforts.This is a primary level work based on Artificial Intelligence and might be that computer does not made the best move.But still it deserves the attention of many C programmers who may benefit from it. At last thank to all who has helped me in direct or indirect way.So enjoy */ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<dos.h> char pattern[]={0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF}; #define PAWN 0 #define KNIGHT 1 #define BISHOP 2 #define ROOK 3 #define QUEEN 4 #define KING 5 #define EMPTY 6 #define WHITE 15 #define BLACK 0 #define VALUE_PAWN 100 #define VALUE_KNIGHT 300 #define VALUE_BISHOP 300 #define VALUE_ROOK 500 #define VALUE_QUEEN 900 #define VALUE_KING 10000 /*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$ $$$$ MOVE TYPES $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $*/ #define MOVE_TYPE_NONE 0 #define MOVE_TYPE_NORMAL 1 #define MOVE_TYPE_CASTLE 2 #define MOVE_TYPE_ENPASANT 3 #define MOVE_TYPE_PROMOTION_TO_QUEEN 4 #define MOVE_TYPE_PROMOTION_TO_ROOK 5 #define MOVE_TYPE_PROMOTION_TO_BISHOP 6 #define MOVE_TYPE_PROMOTION_TO_KNIGHT 7 #define MATE 10000 /* losing King==mate */ #define column(pos) pos%8 #define row(pos) pos/8 //======================================================================== union REGS i,o; //for hardware interaction //============================pieces representation=========================== /* Board representation */ int piece[64] = { ROOK, KNIGHT, BISHOP, QUEEN, KING, BISHOP, KNIGHT, ROOK, PAWN, PAWN, PAWN, PAWN, PAWN, PAWN, PAWN, PAWN, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, PAWN, PAWN, PAWN, PAWN, PAWN, PAWN, PAWN, PAWN, ROOK, KNIGHT, BISHOP, QUEEN, KING, BISHOP, KNIGHT, ROOK }; int color[64] = { BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, BLACK, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE, WHITE }; //======================================================================== int player; /* whose turn? BLACK or WHITE */ char check,rookwm='f',kingwm='f',castlew='f'; typedef struct move { //move information int from, dest, type; } MOVE; /* For storing all moves of game */ typedef struct history { //history. MOVE m; int cap; } HIST; HIST hist[3000]; /* length of game < 3000 */ int moveorder; /* Current move order */ /* For searching */ int nodes; /* Count all visited nodes when searching*/ int ply; /* ply of search */ /*************************************************************************** * Utilities And Various Drawing Routines For Pieces. * ****************************************************************************/ void pawndraw(int px,int py,int c1) //Drawing A Pawn { int pos[8][2]; pos[0][0]=px+18; pos[0][1]=py+6; pos[1][0]=px+18; pos[1][1]=py+31; pos[2][0]=px+6; pos[2][1]=py+31; pos[3][0]=px+6; pos[3][1]=py+43; pos[4][0]=px+43; pos[4][1]=py+43; pos[5][0]=px+43; pos[5][1]=py+31; pos[6][0]=px+31; pos[6][1]=py+31; pos[7][0]=px+31; pos[7][1]=py+6; if(c1==0) { setcolor(WHITE); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE); } else if(c1==1) { setcolor(BLACK); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK); } /* draw a filled polygon */ fillpoly(8, (int *)pos); } //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- void rookdraw(int rx,int ry,int c1) //Drawing A Rook { int pos[20][2]; pos[0][0]=rx+6; pos[0][1]=ry+6; pos[1][0]=rx+6; pos[1][1]=ry+18; pos[2][0]=rx+18; pos[2][1]=ry+18; pos[3][0]=rx+18; pos[3][1]=ry+31; pos[4][0]=rx+6; pos[4][1]=ry+31; pos[5][0]=rx+6; pos[5][1]=ry+43; pos[6][0]=rx+43; pos[6][1]=ry+43; pos[7][0]=rx+43; pos[7][1]=ry+31; pos[8][0]=rx+31; pos[8][1]=ry+31; pos[9][0]=rx+31; pos[9][1]=ry+18; pos[10][0]=rx+43; pos[10][1]=ry+18; pos[11][0]=rx+43; pos[11][1]=ry+6; pos[12][0]=rx+37; pos[12][1]=ry+6; pos[13][0]=rx+37; pos[13][1]=ry+12; pos[14][0]=rx+31; pos[14][1]=ry+12; pos[15][0]=rx+31; pos[15][1]=ry+6; pos[16][0]=rx+18; pos[16][1]=ry+6; pos[17][0]=rx+18; pos[17][1]=ry+12; pos[18][0]=rx+12; pos[18][1]=ry+12; pos[19][0]=rx+12; pos[19][1]=ry+6; if(c1==0) { setcolor(WHITE); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE); } else if(c1==1) { setcolor(BLACK); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK); } /* draw a filled polygon */ fillpoly(20, (int *)pos); } //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ void drawknite(int kx,int ky,int c1) //Drawing A Knight { int pos[14][2]; pos[0][0]=kx+9; pos[0][1]=ky+21; pos[1][0]=kx+15; pos[1][1]=ky+15; pos[2][0]=kx+13; pos[2][1]=ky+13; pos[3][0]=kx+21; pos[3][1]=ky+6; pos[4][0]=kx+30; pos[4][1]=ky+15; pos[5][0]=kx+25; pos[5][1]=ky+37; pos[6][0]=kx+31; pos[6][1]=ky+37; pos[7][0]=kx+31; pos[7][1]=ky+43; pos[8][0]=kx+6; pos[8][1]=ky+43; pos[9][0]=kx+6; pos[9][1]=ky+37; pos[10][0]=kx+12; pos[10][1]=ky+37; pos[11][0]=kx+21; pos[11][1]=ky+24; pos[12][0]=kx+18; pos[12][1]=ky+18; pos[13][0]=kx+11; pos[13][1]=ky+26; if(c1==0) { setcolor(WHITE); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE); } else if(c1==1) { setcolor(BLACK); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK); } /* draw a filled polygon */ fillpoly(14, (int *)pos); } //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ void drawbishop(int bx,int by,int c1) //Drawing A Bishop { int pos[11][2]; pos[0][0]=bx+6; pos[0][1]=by+31; pos[1][0]=bx+21; pos[1][1]=by+31; pos[2][0]=bx+21; pos[2][1]=by+12; pos[3][0]=bx+18; pos[3][1]=by+9; pos[4][0]=bx+25; pos[4][1]=by+2; pos[5][0]=bx+31; pos[5][1]=by+9; pos[6][0]=bx+28; pos[6][1]=by+12; pos[7][0]=bx+28; pos[7][1]=by+31; pos[8][0]=bx+43; pos[8][1]=by+31; pos[9][0]=bx+43; pos[9][1]=by+43; pos[10][0]=bx+6; pos[10][1]=by+43; if(c1==0) { setcolor(WHITE); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE); } else if(c1==1) { setcolor(BLACK); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK); } /* draw a filled polygon */ fillpoly(11, (int *)pos); } //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ void drawqueen(int qx,int qy,int c1) //Drawing The Most Strong { //Piece A Queen int pos[10][2]; pos[0][0]=qx+6; pos[0][1]=qy+37; pos[1][0]=qx+15; pos[1][1]=qy+37; pos[2][0]=qx+21; pos[2][1]=qy+15; pos[3][0]=qx+18; pos[3][1]=qy+9; pos[4][0]=qx+31; pos[4][1]=qy+9; pos[5][0]=qx+28; pos[5][1]=qy+15; pos[6][0]=qx+34; pos[6][1]=qy+37; pos[7][0]=qx+43; pos[7][1]=qy+37; pos[8][0]=qx+43; pos[8][1]=qy+43; pos[9][0]=qx+6; pos[9][1]=qy+43; if(c1==0) { setcolor(WHITE); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE); } else if(c1==1) { setcolor(BLACK); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK); } /* draw a filled polygon */ fillpoly(10, (int *)pos); } //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ void drawking(int kx,int ky,int kc) //Drawing A King. { int pos[10][2]; pos[0][0]=kx+6; pos[0][1]=ky+37; pos[1][0]=kx+18; pos[1][1]=ky+37; pos[2][0]=kx+6; pos[2][1]=ky+18; pos[3][0]=kx+25; pos[3][1]=ky+6; pos[4][0]=kx+43; pos[4][1]=ky+18; pos[5][0]=kx+31; pos[5][1]=ky+37; pos[6][0]=kx+43; pos[6][1]=ky+37; pos[7][0]=kx+43; pos[7][1]=ky+43; pos[8][0]=kx+6; pos[8][1]=ky+43; if(kc==0) { setcolor(WHITE); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE); } else if(kc==1) { setcolor(BLACK); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK); } /* draw a filled polygon */ fillpoly(9, (int *)pos); } //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ int relposx(int x2) { //gives the click x pos in terms of standard coord. int x3,var; for(var=0;var<=350;var=var+50) { if(x2>=var && x2<var+50) x3=var; } return(x3); } //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ int relposy(int y2) { //gives the click pos in terms of standard coordinates. int y3,var; for(var=0;var<=350;var=var+50) { if(y2>=var && y2<var+50) y3=var; } return(y3); } //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ void bottom() { setfillpattern(pattern,3);//draw display at bottom bar(10,420,400,460); setcolor(WHITE); rectangle(10,420,400,460); } //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ void sidelogo() //For SideLogo { int side[4][2]={ {410,10},{629,10},{629,469},{410,469}}; setfillstyle(8,5);//SOLID_FILL, 5); fillpoly(4,(int *)side); settextstyle(4,HORIZ_DIR,8); outtextxy(430,50,"Chess"); settextstyle(5,HORIZ_DIR,4); outtextxy(470,150,"based on"); settextstyle(7,HORIZ_DIR,4); outtextxy(420,250,"Artificial"); settextstyle(7,HORIZ_DIR,4); outtextxy(440,300,"Intelligence"); settextstyle(5,HORIZ_DIR,2); outtextxy(490,400,"Developed By:"); setcolor(2); settextstyle(4,HORIZ_DIR,4); outtextxy(450,420,"Akhil Mittal"); } //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ void printboard() //Prints The Updated board. { int i,x,y; hidemouseptr(); for(i=0;i<=63;i++) { y=i/8; x=i%8; draw(x,y,piece[i],color[i]); } showmouseptr(); return; } //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ draw(int x3,int y3,int piece,int color) //Draws Pieces At { //Their Correct Position int nx3,ny3,ncx,ncy; char newclr; nx3=x3*50; ny3=y3*50; hidemouseptr(); if( (x3+y3)%2==0) setfillpattern(pattern,7); else setfillpattern(pattern,8); bar(nx3,ny3,nx3+50,ny3+50); setcolor(WHITE); rectangle(nx3,ny3,nx3+50,ny3+50); showmouseptr(); if(piece==EMPTY) { return; } else if(piece==PAWN) //if pawn was selected then draw the pawn at new position. { if(color==WHITE) pawndraw(nx3,ny3,0); // 0 for white. else if(color==BLACK) pawndraw(nx3,ny3,1); } else if(piece==ROOK) //if rook was selected { if(color==WHITE) rookdraw(nx3,ny3,0); // 0 for white. else if( color==BLACK ) rookdraw(nx3,ny3,1); } else if(piece==KNIGHT) //if knight was selected { if(color==WHITE) drawknite(nx3,ny3,0); // 0 for white. else if(color==BLACK) drawknite(nx3,ny3,1); } else if(piece==BISHOP) //if bishop was selected { if(color==WHITE) drawbishop(nx3,ny3,0); // 0 for white. else if(color==BLACK) drawbishop(nx3,ny3,1); } else if(piece==KING) { if(color==WHITE) drawking(nx3,ny3,0); // 0 for white. else if(color==BLACK) drawking(nx3,ny3,1); } else if(piece==QUEEN) { if(color==WHITE) drawqueen(nx3,ny3,0); // 0 for white. else if(color==BLACK) drawqueen(nx3,ny3,1); } return; } //-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_-_- void castling(int clr) //Gives The Option For CASTLING. { outtextxy(100,430,"CASTLING"); delay(200); if(clr==WHITE) { castlew='t'; piece[60]=EMPTY; color[60]=EMPTY; piece[62]=KING; color[62]=WHITE; piece[63]=EMPTY; color[63]=EMPTY; piece[61]=ROOK; color[61]=WHITE; check=IsInCheck(WHITE); if(check)//that is king not safe even now { piece[60]=KING; //undo the changes color[60]=WHITE; piece[62]=EMPTY; color[62]=EMPTY; piece[63]=ROOK; //undo the changes color[63]=WHITE; piece[61]=EMPTY; color[61]=EMPTY; return; } bottom(); hidemouseptr(); setfillpattern(pattern,7); bar(350,350,400,400); bar(250,350,300,400); setcolor(WHITE); rectangle(350,350,400,400); rectangle(250,350,300,400); setfillpattern(pattern,8); bar(300,350,350,400); bar(200,350,250,400); setcolor(WHITE); rectangle(300,350,350,400); rectangle(200,350,250,400); drawking(300,350,0); // 0 for white. rookdraw(250,350,0); // 0 for white. player=BLACK; showmouseptr(); } bottom(); } /* **************************************************************************** * Generate all possible moves * * *****************************************************************************/ void Pushmove(int from, int dest, int type, MOVE * Buffer, int *moveno) { MOVE move; move.from = from; move.dest = dest; move.type = type; Buffer[*moveno] = move; //put in buffer move number *pmcount *moveno = *moveno + 1;//in effect inc movecount. } void PushNormalmov(int from, int dest, MOVE * Buffer, int *moveno)//In case move is normal. { Pushmove(from, dest, MOVE_TYPE_NORMAL, Buffer, moveno); } /* Pawn can promote? */ void PushPawn(int from, int dest, MOVE * Buffer, int *moveno) { if (dest > 7 && dest < 56) //simply means at the row no 1 or row no 6 Pushmove(from, dest, MOVE_TYPE_NORMAL, Buffer, moveno); else { Pushmove(from, dest, MOVE_TYPE_PROMOTION_TO_QUEEN, Buffer, moveno); Pushmove(from, dest, MOVE_TYPE_PROMOTION_TO_ROOK, Buffer, moveno); Pushmove(from, dest, MOVE_TYPE_PROMOTION_TO_BISHOP, Buffer, moveno); Pushmove(from, dest, MOVE_TYPE_PROMOTION_TO_KNIGHT, Buffer, moveno); } } /*############################################################################# ##### Gen all moves of current_side , push them in Buffer ################# and return total number of moves############ #################################################################################*/ int Generate(int current_side, MOVE * Buffer) { int i, k, y, row, col, movecount; movecount = 0;//initialised to zero means initially no move in total. for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) /* Scan all board */ if (color[i] == current_side) { //means current person's turn switch (piece[i]) { //check its type. case PAWN: col = column(i); //find out its current position. row = row(i); if (current_side == BLACK) { //its black turn? if (color[i + 8] == EMPTY)//see whether we can promote?and allow single step. PushPawn(i, i + 8, Buffer, &movecount);//generate all moves. if (row == 1 && color[i + 8] == EMPTY && color[i + 16] ==EMPTY)//check whether we can allow two step. PushNormalmov(i, i + 16, Buffer, &movecount); if (col && color[i + 7] == WHITE) //colunn> 0 and nothing at diagonal. PushNormalmov(i, i + 7, Buffer, &movecount); if (col < 7 && color[i + 9] == WHITE)//nothing at other diagonal. PushNormalmov(i, i + 9, Buffer, &movecount); } else { if (color[i - 8] == EMPTY)//see for single step.For white. PushPawn(i, i - 8, Buffer, &movecount); if (row == 6 && color[i - 8] == EMPTY && color[i - 16] == EMPTY) PushNormalmov(i, i - 16, Buffer, &movecount);//see for double step. if (col && color[i - 9] == BLACK) PushNormalmov(i, i - 9, Buffer, &movecount);//check diag. if (col < 7 && color[i - 7] == BLACK) PushNormalmov(i, i - 7, Buffer, &movecount); } break; case QUEEN: /* == BISHOP+ROOK */ case BISHOP: for (y = i - 9; y >= 0 && column(y) != 7; y -= 9) { /* go left up*/ if (color[y] != current_side) PushNormalmov(i, y, Buffer, &movecount); if (color[y] != EMPTY) break; } for (y = i - 7; y >= 0 && column(y) != 0; y -= 7) { /* go right up */ if (color[y] != current_side) PushNormalmov(i, y, Buffer, &movecount); if (color[y] != EMPTY) break; } for (y = i + 9; y < 64 && column(y) != 0; y += 9) { /* go right down */ if (color[y] != current_side) PushNormalmov(i, y, Buffer, &movecount); if (color[y] != EMPTY) break; } for (y = i + 7; y < 64 && column(y) != 7; y += 7) { /* go right down */ if (color[y] != current_side) PushNormalmov(i, y, Buffer, &movecount); if (color[y] != EMPTY) break; } if (piece[i] == BISHOP) break; /* FALL THROUGH FOR QUEEN {I dont mean to do that} ;-) */ case ROOK: col = column(i); for (k = i - col, y = i - 1; y >= k; y--) { /* go left */ if (color[y] != current_side) PushNormalmov(i, y, Buffer, &movecount); if (color[y] != EMPTY)//something in between. break; } for (k = i - col + 7, y = i + 1; y <= k; y++) { /* go right */ if (color[y] != current_side) PushNormalmov(i, y, Buffer, &movecount); if (color[y] != EMPTY) break; } for (y = i - 8; y >= 0; y -= 8) { /* go up */ if (color[y] != current_side) PushNormalmov(i, y, Buffer, &movecount); if (color[y] != EMPTY) break; } for (y = i + 8; y < 64; y += 8) { /* go down */ if (color[y] != current_side) PushNormalmov(i, y, Buffer, &movecount); if (color[y] != EMPTY) break; } break; //this is for great queen. case KNIGHT: col = column(i); y = i - 6;//check all eight moves. if (y >= 0 && col < 6 && color[y] != current_side)//1 PushNormalmov(i, y, Buffer, &movecount); y = i - 10; if (y >= 0 && col > 1 && color[y] != current_side)//2 PushNormalmov(i, y, Buffer, &movecount); y = i - 15; if (y >= 0 && col < 7 && color[y] != current_side)//3 PushNormalmov(i, y, Buffer, &movecount); y = i - 17; if (y >= 0 && col > 0 && color[y] != current_side)//4 PushNormalmov(i, y, Buffer, &movecount); y = i + 6; if (y < 64 && col > 1 && color[y] != current_side)//5 PushNormalmov(i, y, Buffer, &movecount); y = i + 10; if (y < 64 && col < 6 && color[y] != current_side)//6 PushNormalmov(i, y, Buffer, &movecount); y = i + 15; if (y < 64 && col > 0 && color[y] != current_side)//7 PushNormalmov(i, y, Buffer, &movecount); y = i + 17; if (y < 64 && col < 7 && color[y] != current_side)//8 PushNormalmov(i, y, Buffer, &movecount); break; case KING: col = column(i); if (col && color[i - 1] != current_side) PushNormalmov(i, i - 1, Buffer, &movecount); /* left */ if (col < 7 && color[i + 1] != current_side) PushNormalmov(i, i + 1, Buffer, &movecount); /* right */ if (i > 7 && color[i - 8] != current_side) PushNormalmov(i, i - 8, Buffer, &movecount); /* up */ if (i < 56 && color[i + 8] != current_side) PushNormalmov(i, i + 8, Buffer, &movecount); /* down */ if (col && i > 7 && color[i - 9] != current_side) PushNormalmov(i, i - 9, Buffer, &movecount); /* left up */ if (col < 7 && i > 7 && color[i - 7] != current_side) PushNormalmov(i, i - 7, Buffer, &movecount); /* right up */ if (col && i < 56 && color[i + 7] != current_side) PushNormalmov(i, i + 7, Buffer, &movecount); /* left down */ if (col < 7 && i < 56 && color[i + 9] != current_side) PushNormalmov(i, i + 9, Buffer, &movecount); /* right down */ break; default: outtextxy(50,430,"wrong piece selection"); } } return movecount; } /* **************************************************************************** * Evaluation for current position - main "brain" function * * just a rough idea, almost no knowlegde * *****************************************************************************/ int Evaluate() { int value_piece[6] = {VALUE_PAWN, VALUE_KNIGHT,VALUE_BISHOP, VALUE_ROOK, VALUE_QUEEN, VALUE_KING}; int i, score = 0; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (color[i] == WHITE) score += value_piece[piece[i]]; else if (color[i] == BLACK) score -= value_piece[piece[i]]; } if (player == WHITE) return score; return -score; } /* **************************************************************************** * Make and Take back a move if king is in Check * this will check and return 1 if side is in Check *****************************************************************************/ int IsInCheck(int current_side) { int k, h, y, row, col, xside; xside = (WHITE + BLACK) - current_side; /* opposite current_side,who may be checking */ /* Find King */ for (k = 0; k < 64; k++) if (piece[k] == KING && color[k] == current_side) break; row = row(k), col = column(k); /* Check attacking of Knight and also check all eight positions*/ if (col > 0 && row > 1 && color[k - 17] == xside && piece[k - 17] == KNIGHT)//1 return 1; if (col < 7 && row > 1 && color[k - 15] == xside && piece[k - 15] == KNIGHT)//2 return 1; if (col > 1 && row > 0 && color[k - 10] == xside && piece[k - 10] == KNIGHT)//3 return 1; if (col < 6 && row > 0 && color[k - 6] == xside && piece[k - 6] == KNIGHT)//4 return 1; if (col > 1 && row < 7 && color[k + 6] == xside && piece[k + 6] == KNIGHT)//5 return 1; if (col < 6 && row < 7 && color[k + 10] == xside && piece[k + 10] == KNIGHT)//6 return 1; if (col > 0 && row < 6 && color[k + 15] == xside && piece[k + 15] == KNIGHT)//7 return 1; if (col < 7 && row < 6 && color[k + 17] == xside && piece[k + 17] == KNIGHT)//8 return 1; /* Check horizontal and vertical lines for attacking of Queen, Rook,King */ /* go down */ y = k + 8;//at the square just down if (y < 64) { if (color[y] == xside && (piece[y] == KING || piece[y] == QUEEN || piece[y] == ROOK)) return 1; if (piece[y] == EMPTY)//means no body just down to serve you matar paneer. for (y += 8; y < 64; y += 8) { //move downward. if (color[y] == xside && (piece[y] == QUEEN || piece[y] == ROOK)) return 1; if (piece[y] != EMPTY) break; } } /* go left */ y = k - 1; h = k - col; if (y >= h) { if (color[y] == xside && (piece[y] == KING || piece[y] == QUEEN ||piece[y] == ROOK)) return 1; if (piece[y] == EMPTY)//means no body just left. for (y--; y >= h; y--) { if (color[y] == xside && (piece[y] == QUEEN || piece[y] == ROOK)) return 1; if (piece[y] != EMPTY) break; } } /* go right */ y = k + 1; h = k - col + 7; if (y <= h) { if (color[y] == xside && (piece[y] == KING || piece[y] == QUEEN || piece[y] == ROOK)) return 1; if (piece[y] == EMPTY) for (y++; y <= h; y++) { if (color[y] == xside && (piece[y] == QUEEN || piece[y] == ROOK)) return 1; if (piece[y] != EMPTY) break; } } /* go up */ y = k - 8; if (y >= 0) { if (color[y] == xside && (piece[y] == KING || piece[y] == QUEEN || piece[y] == ROOK)) return 1; if (piece[y] == EMPTY) for (y -= 8; y >= 0; y -= 8) { if (color[y] == xside && (piece[y] == QUEEN || piece[y] == ROOK)) return 1; if (piece[y] != EMPTY) break; } }//means only bishop and queen can serve you well...what? u know well. /* Check diagonal lines for attacking of Queen, Bishop, King, Pawn */ /* go right down - _ */ y = k + 9; if (y < 64 && column(y) != 0) { if (color[y] == xside) { if (piece[y] == KING || piece[y] == QUEEN || piece[y] == BISHOP) return 1; //check just right down if (current_side == BLACK && piece[y] == PAWN) return 1; } if (piece[y] == EMPTY) for (y += 9; y < 64 && column(y) != 0; y += 9) { if (color[y] == xside && (piece[y] == QUEEN || piece[y] == BISHOP)) return 1; if (piece[y] != EMPTY) break; } } /* go left down */ y = k + 7; if (y < 64 && column(y) != 7) { if (color[y] == xside) { if (piece[y] == KING || piece[y] == QUEEN || piece[y] == BISHOP) return 1; if (current_side == BLACK && piece[y] == PAWN) return 1; } if (piece[y] == EMPTY) for (y += 7; y < 64 && column(y) != 7; y += 7) { if (color[y] == xside && (piece[y] == QUEEN || piece[y] == BISHOP)) return 1; if (piece[y] != EMPTY) break; } } /* go left up */ y = k - 9; if (y >= 0 && column(y) != 7) { if (color[y] == xside) { if (piece[y] == KING || piece[y] == QUEEN || piece[y] == BISHOP) return 1; if (current_side == WHITE && piece[y] == PAWN) return 1; } if (piece[y] == EMPTY) for (y -= 9; y >= 0 && column(y) != 7; y -= 9) { if (color[y] == xside && (piece[y] == QUEEN || piece[y] == BISHOP)) return 1; if (piece[y] != EMPTY) break; } } /* go right up */ y = k - 7; if (y >= 0 && column(y) != 0) { if (color[y] == xside) { if (piece[y] == KING || piece[y] == QUEEN || piece[y] == BISHOP) return 1; if (current_side == WHITE && piece[y] == PAWN) return 1; } if (piece[y] == EMPTY) for (y -= 7; y >= 0 && column(y) != 0; y -= 7) { if (color[y] == xside && (piece[y] == QUEEN || piece[y] == BISHOP)) return 1; if (piece[y] != EMPTY) break; } } return 0; } //thank GOD u r safe. /*######################################################################## ##### ##### Makes The Move And Also Updates The Arrays ############ ##### and Also Take care Whether There Is a Promotion. ############ ########################################################################## #######*/ int MakeMove(MOVE m) { int r; hist[moveorder].m = m; hist[moveorder].cap = piece[m.dest];//entity lying at the destination of the move. piece[m.dest] = piece[m.from];//update values.if rook moves from 3 to 5 say thenwe will have rook at 5. piece[m.from] = EMPTY; //that is piece[5]=piece[3] initial pos become bcom // piece[m.from]=piece[m.dest]; color[m.dest] = color[m.from];//new initial.Also update color. color[m.from] = EMPTY; if (m.type >= MOVE_TYPE_PROMOTION_TO_QUEEN) {/*Means need of Promotion */ switch (m.type) { case MOVE_TYPE_PROMOTION_TO_QUEEN: piece[m.dest] = QUEEN;//place queen at that pos. break; case MOVE_TYPE_PROMOTION_TO_ROOK: piece[m.dest] = ROOK; break; case MOVE_TYPE_PROMOTION_TO_BISHOP: piece[m.dest] = BISHOP; break; case MOVE_TYPE_PROMOTION_TO_KNIGHT: piece[m.dest] = KNIGHT; break; default: puts("impossible to get here..."); // assert(false); } } ply++; moveorder++; r = !IsInCheck(player);//if in check r return zero. player= (WHITE + BLACK) - player; /* After making move, give turnto opponent */ return r; } /*######################################################################## ##### ##### Takes Back A Piece If It puts A King In Check or It Doesnt ############ ##### Deserve To Be Made. ############ ########################################################################## #######*/ void TakeBack() /* undo what MakeMove did */ { player = (WHITE + BLACK) - player; moveorder--; ply--; piece[hist[moveorder].m.from] = piece[hist[moveorder].m.dest]; piece[hist[moveorder].m.dest] = hist[moveorder].cap; color[hist[moveorder].m.from] = player; if (hist[moveorder].cap != EMPTY) color[hist[moveorder].m.dest] = (WHITE + BLACK) - player; else color[hist[moveorder].m.dest] = EMPTY; if (hist[moveorder].m.type >= MOVE_TYPE_PROMOTION_TO_QUEEN)/*Means ove was done by pawn for Promotion */ piece[hist[moveorder].m.from] = PAWN; } /* ************************************************************************** ** * Search function - a typical alphabeta, main search function * * No Way To Order The Moves * ************************************************************************** ** */ int Search(int alpha, int beta, int depth, MOVE * pBestMove) { int i, value, havemove, movecnt; MOVE moveBuf[200], tmpMove; nodes++; /* visiting a node, count it */ havemove = 0; pBestMove->type = MOVE_TYPE_NONE; movecnt = Generate(player, moveBuf); /* generate all moves for current position */ /* loop through the moves */ for (i = 0; i < movecnt; ++i) { if (!MakeMove(moveBuf[i])) { TakeBack(); continue; } havemove = 1; if (depth - 1 > 0) /* If depth is still, continue to search deeper */ value = -Search(-beta, -alpha, depth - 1, &tmpMove); else /* If no depth left (leaf node), go to evalute that position */ value = Evaluate(); TakeBack(); if (value > alpha) { /* This move is so good and caused a cutoff */ if (value >= beta) return beta; alpha = value; *pBestMove = moveBuf[i]; /* so far, current move is the best reaction for current position */ } } if (!havemove) { /* If no legal moves, that is checkmate or stalemate */ if (IsInCheck(player)) return -MATE + ply; /* add ply to find the longest path to lose or shortest path to win */ else return 0; } return alpha; } /*@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@ Computer also has the right to think.Isnt it? @@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @*/ MOVE ComputerThink(int max_depth) { MOVE m; int score; /* reset some values before searching */ ply = 0; nodes = 0; /* search now */ /*score =*/ Search(-MATE, MATE, max_depth, &m); /* after searching, print results */ return m; } /************************************************************************* *** ********************** Mouse Handling Routines ********************* ************************************************************************** **/ getmousepos(int *button,int* x,int* y) //gets mouse position. {; int86(0x33,&i,&o); *button=o.x.bx; *; *y=o.x.dx; return; } //======================================================================== showmouseptr() //shows pointer in graphics mode. {; int86(0x33,&i,&o); return; } //======================================================================== hidemouseptr() //hides pointer {; int86(0x33,&i,&o); return; } //======================================================================== restrictmouseptr(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) //restrict pointer {;; i.x.dx=x2; int86(0x33,&i,&o);;; i.x.dx=y2; int86(0x33,&i,&o); return; } //======================================================================== /**************************************************************************** * Main program * ****************************************************************************/ void main() { char choice,ch; int from, dest, i1=0; int button,x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,j=0,k=0; int computer_side; int max_depth; /* max depth to search */ int bkground[6][2]={ {400,0},{639,0},{639,479},{0,479},{0,400},{400,400} }; MOVE moveBuf[200]; int movecnt; int gd=DETECT,gm; player = WHITE; computer_side = BLACK; /* Human is white side */ max_depth =6; moveorder = 0; restrictmouseptr(0,0,400,400); //restricts pointer of mouse in the area specified there. initgraph(&gd,&gm,""); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, 6); //prepares user interaction environment fillpoly(6,(int *)bkground); bottom(); sidelogo(); for (;;) { printboard(); showmouseptr(); if (player == computer_side) //if else { /* computer's turn */ /* Find out the best move */ MOVE bestMove = ComputerThink(max_depth); MakeMove(bestMove); continue; } else { k=k+1; outtextxy(100,415,"Your Turn.."); check=IsInCheck(player); //finds whether king in check. if( check ) { bottom(); outtextxy(100,415,"check your king"); } while(k) //while1 { if(kbhit()) { ch=getch(); if(ch==' ') //escape at pressing enter. exit(0); } getmousepos(&button,&x,&y); //gets click position of mouse if((button== 001)) { sound(1000); k=k-1; delay(50); nosound(); delay(500); } } //while 1 x1=relposx(x)/50; y1=relposy(y)/50; j=j+1; setcolor(5); rectangle(x1*50,y1*50,x1*50+50,y1*50+50); bottom();//clear bottom display while(j) //while 2 { if(kbhit()) { ch=getch(); if(ch==' ') //escape at pressing enter. exit(0); } getmousepos(&button,&x2,&y2); //gets click position of mouse if((button== 001)) { sound(500); j=j-1; delay(100); nosound(); delay(500); } } //while 2 x3=relposx(x2)/50; //gives standard x coordinate y3=relposy(y2)/50; //gives standard y coordinate setcolor(WHITE); //undo the changes rectangle(x1*50,y1*50,x1*50+50,y1*50+50); setfillpattern(pattern,5);//blink effect bar(x3*50,y3*50,x3*50+50,y3*50+50); delay(200); setcolor(WHITE); //undo the changes rectangle(x3*50,y3*50,x3*50+50,y3*50+50); from=8*y1+x1; //get from and destination acc to dest=8*y3+x3; //program's conventions. } //if else //############################################################################ //-------------------------------------CASTLING-------------------------------- //############################################################################ if( x1==4 && y1==7 && piece[60]==KING && x3==6 && y3==7 && piece[61]==EMPTY && piece[62]==EMPTY && piece[63]==ROOK && color[60]==WHITE && color[63]==WHITE && rookwm=='f' && kingwm=='f'&& check==0 && castlew=='f') { //we need not to check whether king will be in check at new position // bcoz if it will be in check the changes will be undone automatically //for the king not for the rook and turn will move only when move saves king. castling(WHITE); continue; } //______________________________User's Turn___________________________________ /* get user input */ /* maybe the user entered a move? */ movecnt = Generate(player, moveBuf); /* loop through the moves to see if it's legal */ for (i1 = 0; i1 < movecnt; i1++) //for if (moveBuf[i1].from == from && moveBuf[i1].dest == dest)//if 1 { if (piece[from] == PAWN && (dest < 8 || dest > 55)) //if 2 { /* Promotion move? */ outtextxy(50,415,"enter initial of the piece"); getch(choice); switch (choice) {//at promopte you must enter one more char. //switch case 'q': moveBuf[i1].type = MOVE_TYPE_PROMOTION_TO_QUEEN; break; case 'r': moveBuf[i1].type = MOVE_TYPE_PROMOTION_TO_ROOK; break; case 'b': moveBuf[i1].type = MOVE_TYPE_PROMOTION_TO_BISHOP; break; case 'n': moveBuf[i1].type = MOVE_TYPE_PROMOTION_TO_KNIGHT; break; default: outtextxy(50,430,"promoting to obvious choice queen"); moveBuf[i1].type = MOVE_TYPE_PROMOTION_TO_QUEEN; } //switch } //if 2 else if(piece[from] == ROOK && player==WHITE) rookwm='t'; //rook moved? else if(piece[from] == ROOK && player==WHITE) kingwm='t'; //king moved? if (!MakeMove(moveBuf[i1])) { //that move cant be made.King can be in check TakeBack();//this portion gives updated board. outtextxy(50,430,"Illegal move. "); } break; } //if 1 } //for loop } //if you find any discrepancy or if it helped you in any way then please mail us bcoz your feedback is my motivation.Thanks for downloading it.//

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