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Title Volumes & Areas
Author P.KalyanSrinivas
Author Email mail_to_kalyan2000 [at]
Description This is a simple program to find the areas and volumes perimeters etc of Geometric shapes.

Category C » Mathematics
Hits 381723
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/********************************************************************* ** PROGRAM TO CALCULATE AREA,VOLUME,PERIMETER OF A PARTICULAR ** ** GEOMETRIC SHAPE ** *********************************************************************/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> #define PI 3.14159 char ch; main() { clrscr(); textcolor(4); intro(); getch(); textcolor(7); clrscr(); do { ch=menu(); switch(ch) { case 'a': case 'A': clrscr(); square(); getch(); break; case 'b': case 'B': clrscr(); rect(); getch(); break; case 'c': case 'C': clrscr(); circl(); getch(); break; case 'd': case 'D': clrscr(); tri(); getch(); break; case 'e': case 'E': clrscr(); rom(); getch(); break; case 'f': case 'F': clrscr(); para(); getch(); break; case 'g': case 'G': clrscr(); tra(); getch(); break; case 'h': case 'H': clrscr(); qua(); getch(); break; case 'i': case 'I': clrscr(); semicir(); getch(); break; case 'j': case 'J': clrscr(); msector(); getch(); break; case 'k': case 'K': clrscr(); sphere(); getch(); break; case 'l': case 'L': clrscr(); cone(); getch(); break; case 'm': case 'M': clrscr(); cyll(); getch(); break; case 'n': case 'N': clrscr(); cube(); getch(); break; case 'o': case 'O': clrscr(); cuboid(); getch(); break; case 'p': case 'P': clrscr(); hemisphe(); getch(); break; case 'q': case 'Q': exit(1); } } while(ch!='Q'||ch!='q'); getch(); } intro() { int i; clrscr(); printf(" "); textcolor(2); cprintf("################################################################# ###############"); textcolor(4); printf(" PROGRAM TO CALCULATE AREAS , VOLUMES , CIRCUMFERENCES "); printf(" ===================================================== "); printf(" OF VARIOUS GEOMETRIC SHAPES"); printf(" =========================== "); textcolor(2); cprintf("################################################################# ###############"); getch(); printf(" Program developed and designed by... "); printf("KALYAN SRINIVAS . PABOLU "); } menu() { clrscr(); textcolor(7); printf(" MENU Two Dimensional Shapes. ----------------------- A.SQUARE B.RECTANGLE C.CIRCLE D.TRIANGLE E.RHOMBUS F.PARALLELOGRAM G.TRAPEZIUM H.QUADRILATERAL. I.SEMICERCLE J.SECTOR "); printf(" Three Dimensional Shapes. ------------------------- K.SPHERE L.CONE M.CYLLINDER N.CUBE O.CUBOID P.HEMISPHERE Q.QUIT Enter Your Choice :"); scanf("%c",&ch); return(ch); } /***** SUB FUNCTIONS *****/ /***** 2 D SHAPES *****/ square() { float s,a,p;int i,j; printf(" Enter side of square:"); scanf("%f",&s); a=s*s; p=4*s; printf(" Perimeter of square : %.3f units",p); printf(" Area of square : %.3f sq.units",a); printf(" Square is ... "); for(i=1;i<=s;i++) { textcolor(10); for(j=1;j<=s;j++) cprintf("??"); printf(" "); } return(0); } rect() { float a,p,l,b; int i,j; printf(" Enter length and breadth of rectangle: Length:"); scanf("%f",&l); printf(" Breadth:"); scanf("%f",&b); a=l*b; p=2*(l+b); printf(" Perimeter of rectangle : %.3f units",p); printf(" Area of rectangle : %.3f sq.units",a); printf(" Rectangle is... "); for(i=1;i<=b;i++) { textcolor(4); for(j=1;j<=l;j++) cprintf("??"); printf(" "); } return(0); } tri() { float area,p; float a,b,c,s; printf(" Enter three sides of triangle:"); scanf( "%f%f%f",&a,&b,&c); p=a+b+c; s=p/2; area=sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)); printf(" Perimeter of triangle : %.3f units",p); printf(" Area of a triangle : %.3f sq.units",area); } rom() { float s,d1,d2,a,p; printf(" Enter side and diagonals of a rhombus: Side:"); scanf("%f",&s); printf(" Diagonal :");scanf("%f",&d1); printf(" Diagonal :");scanf("%f",&d2); a=0.5*d1*d2; p=4*s; printf(" Perimeter of rhombus :%.3f units",p); printf(" Area of rhombus :%.3f sq.units",a); } circl() { float r,a,p; printf("Enter radius of circle:"); scanf("%f",&r); a=PI * r * r; p=2 * PI * r; printf(" Circumference of circle : %.3f units",p); printf(" Area of circle : %.3f sq.units",a); } para() { float a,p,base,h,l,b; printf("Enter height,length,breadth of parallalogram : " ); printf(" Height :"); scanf("%f",&h); printf(" Base or Length :"); scanf("%f",&l); printf(" Breadth :"); scanf("%f",&b); base=l; a=base*h; p=2 * ( l + b ); printf(" Perimeter of parallalogram :%.3f units",p); printf(" Area of parallogram :%.3f sq.units",a); } tra() { float a,b,d,are; printf("Enter height and lengths of two parallel sides: Height :"); scanf("%f",&d); printf("Side:"); scanf("%f",&a); printf("Side:"); scanf("%f",&b); are=0.5 * d * (a+b); printf(" Area of trapezium : %.3f sq.units",are); } qua() { float a,b,area,d; printf("Enter diagonal and perpendicular distances from opposite vertices: "); printf("Diagonal :"); scanf("%f",&d); printf(" Distance :"); scanf("%f",&a); printf(" Distance :");scanf("%f",&b); area= 0.5 * d * (a + b); printf(" Area of quadrilateral : %.3f sq.units", area); } semicir() { float a,p,r; printf("Enter radius of semicircle:"); scanf("%f",&r); a=0.5* PI * r * r; p= (PI * r ) + (2 * r); printf(" Circumference of semicircle : %.3f units",p); printf(" Area of semicircle : %.3f sq.units",a); } msector() { float x,r,temp,a,p; printf("Enter radius and angle of sector:"); printf(" Radius :"); scanf("%f",&r); printf(" Angle(in degrees) :"); scanf("%f",&x); temp= x/360; a= temp * (PI * r * r); p= temp * (2 * PI * r); printf(" Circumference of sector : %.3f units",p); printf(" Area of sector : %.3f sq.units",a); } /******** 3 DIMENSIONAL SHAPES *********/ sphere() { float lsa,tsa,v,r; printf("Enter radius of sphere :"); scanf("%f",&r); tsa=4*PI*r*r; v=(4.0/3.0)*PI*r*r*r; printf(" Total surface area of sphere :%.3f sq.units",tsa); printf(" Volume of sphere :%.3f cu.units",v); } cone() { float h,r,s ,v,tsa,lsa; printf("Enter base radius ,height, slant height of cone :"); printf(" Radius :"); scanf("%f",&r); printf(" Height :"); scanf("%f",&h); printf(" Slant height :"); scanf("%f",&s); tsa=PI * r *(s+r); lsa=PI * r * s; v=(PI * r * r * h)/3; printf(" Total surface area of cone :%.3f sq.units",tsa); printf(" Lateral surface area of cone :%.3f sq.units",lsa); printf(" Volume of cone :%.3f cu.units",v); } cyll() { float lsa,tsa,v,r,h; printf("Enter height and radius of cyllinder"); printf("Height :"); scanf("%f",&h); printf("Radius :"); scanf("%f",&r); lsa=2*PI*r*h; tsa=2*PI*r*(h+r); v=PI*r*r*h; printf(" Total surface area of cyllinder :%.3f sq.units",tsa); printf(" Curved surface area of cyllinder :%.3f sq.units",lsa); printf(" Volume of cyllinder :%.3f cu.units",v); } cube() { float lsa,tsa,v,s,d; printf("Enter side of cube :"); scanf("%f",&s); d=s*sqrt(3); lsa=4 * s * s; tsa=6 * s * s; v= s * s * s; printf(" Diagonal of cube :%.3f units",d); printf(" Total surface area of cube :%.3f sq.units",tsa); printf(" Lateral surface area of cube :%.3f sq.units",lsa); printf(" Volume of cube :%.3f cu.units",v); } cuboid() { float lsa,tsa,v,l,b,d,h; printf("Enter length,breadth,height of cuboid :"); printf(" Length :"); scanf("%f",&l); printf(" Breadth :"); scanf("%f",&b); printf(" Height :"); scanf("%f",&h); d=sqrt(l*l + b*b + h*h ); lsa =2 * h *( l+b ); tsa = lsa + 2 * l * b; v=l*b*h; printf(" Diagonal of cuboid :%.3f units",d); printf(" Total surface area of cuboid :%.3f sq.units",tsa); printf(" Lateral surface area of cuboid :%.3f sq.units",lsa); printf(" Volume of cuboid :%.3f cu.units",v); } hemisphe() { float lsa,tsa,v,r; printf("Enter radius of hemisphere :"); scanf("%f",&r); tsa=3*PI*r*r; lsa=2*PI*r*r; v=(2.0/3.0)*PI*r*r*r; printf(" Total surface area of hemisphere :%.3f sq.units",tsa); printf(" Lateral surface area of hemisphere :%.3f sq.units",lsa); printf(" Volume of hemisphere :%.3f cu.units",v); }

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