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Title Colorize VB Script to display in a page
Category ASP » Strings
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<% Class clsVBColor Private mStrReservedAry ' Array of Reserved Words in this langauge Private mStrConstantAry ' Array of recognized constants Private mStrFunctionAry ' Array of recognized functions Private mStrMethodAry ' Array of recognized methods Private mStrPropertyAry ' Array of recognized properties Private mStrStatementAry ' Array of recognized statments Private mStrOperatorAry ' Array of recognized operators Private mStrSeperatorAry ' Array of single characters that seperate words. Private mStrStringCharacter Private mStrLineCommentCharacter Private mStrLineCommentContinueCharacter ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Private Sub Class_Initialize() mStrStringCharacter = """" mStrLineCommentCharacter = "'" mStrLineCommentContinueCharacter = "_" ' Define a list of characters that seperate words from next character. mStrSeperatorAry = Array(" ", vbTab, ":", "(", ")", ",", "'") ' Define a list of Reserved Words mStrReservedAry = Array( _ "And", "Array", "As", "Boolean", "ByRef", "Byte", "ByVal", "Call", _ "Case", "CBool", "CByte", "CCur", "CDate", "CDbl", "CDec", _ "Class", "Close", "CInt", "CLng", "Const", "CSng", "CStr", _ "Currency", "CVar", "Date", "Decimal", "Declare", "DefBool", _ "DefByte", "DefCur", "DefDate", "DefDbl", "DefInt", "DefLng", _ "DefSng", "DefStr", "DefVar", "Dim", "Do", "Double", "Each", _ "Else", "ElseIf", "Empty", "End", "Enum", "Eqv", "Erase", "Error", _ "Exit", "Explicit", "False", "Fix", "For", "Friend", "Function", _ "Get", "Global", "If", "Imp", "In", "Input", "InputB", "Int", _ "Integer", "Is", "LBound", "Len", "LenB", "Local", "Lock", "Long", _ "Loop", "Me", "Mod", "New", "Next", "Not", "Nothing", "Null", _ "Open", "Option", "Optional", "Or", "On", "Public", "Print", _ "Private", "Property", "ReDim", "Resume", "Select", "Set", "Sgn", _ "Single", "String", "Sub", "Then", "To", "True", "Type", "UBound", _ "UnLock", "Variant", "Wend", "While", "With", "Write", _ "Implements", "Compare", "Text", "Let" _ ) 'mStrReservedAry = Array() ' Define a list of Constants mStrConstantAry = Array( _ "vbAbort", "vbAbortRetryIgnore", "vbApplicationModal", "vbArray", _ "vbBinaryCompare", "vbBlack", "vbBlue", "vbBoolean", "vbByte", _ "vbCancel", "vbCr", "vbCritical", "vbCrLf", "vbCurrency", _ "vbCyan", "vbDatabaseCompare", "vbDataObject", "vbDate", _ "vbDecimal", "vbDefaultButton1", "vbDefaultButton2", _ "vbDefaultButton3", "vbDefaultButton4", "vbDouble", "vbEmpty", _ "vbError", "vbExclamation", "vbFalse", "vbFirstFourDays", _ "vbFirstFullWeek", "vbFirstJan1", "vbFormFeed", "vbFriday", _ "vbGeneralDate", "vbGreen", "vbIgnore", "vbInformation", _ "vbInteger", "vbLf", "vbLong", "vbLongDate", "vbLongTime", _ "vbMagenta", "vbMonday", "vbNewLine", "vbNo", "vbNull", _ "vbNullChar", "vbNullString", "vbObject", "vbObjectError", "vbOK", _ "vbOKCancel", "vbOKOnly", "vbQuestion", "vbRed", "vbRetry", _ "vbRetryCancel", "vbSaturday", "vbShortDate", "vbShortTime", _ "vbSingle", "vbString", "vbSunday", "vbSystemModal", "vbTab", _ "vbTextCompare", "vbThursday", "vbTrue", "vbTuesday", _ "vbUseDefault", "vbUseSystem", "vbUseSystemDayOfWeek", _ "vbVariant", "vbVerticalTab", "vbWednesday", "vbWhite", _ "vbYellow", "vbYes", "vbYesNo", "vbYesNoCancel" _ ) ' Define a list of Functions mStrFunctionAry = Array( _ "Abs", "Array", "Asc", "Atn", "CBool", "CByte", "CCur", "CDate", _ "CDbl", "Chr", "CInt", "CLng", "Cos", "CreateObject", "CSng", _ "CStr", "Date", "DateAdd", "DateDiff", "DatePart", "DateSerial", _ "DateValue", "Day", "Exp", "Filter", "Fix", "FormatCurrency", _ "FormatDateTime", "FormatNumber", "FormatPercent", "GetObject", _ "Hex", "Hour", "InputBox", "InStr", "InStrRev", "Int", "IsArray", _ "IsDate", "IsEmpty", "IsNull", "IsNumeric", "IsObject", "Join", _ "LBound", "LCase", "Left", "Len", "LoadPicture", "Log", "LTrim", _ "Mid", "Minute", "Month", "MonthName", "MsgBox", "Now", "Oct", _ "Replace", "RGB", "Right", "Rnd", "Round", "RTrim", _ "ScriptEngine", "ScriptEngineBuildVersion", _ "ScriptEngineMajorVersion", "ScriptEngineMinorVersion", "Second", _ "Sgn", "Sin", "Space", "Split", "Sqr", "StrComp", "StrReverse", _ "String", "Tan", "TimeSerial", "TimeValue", "Trim", "TypeName", _ "UBound", "UCase", "VarType", "Weekday", "WeekdayName", "Year" _ ) ' Define a list of Methods mStrMethodAry = Array( _ "Application.Lock", _ "Application.UnLock", _ "Err.Clear", _ "Err.Raise", _ "Request.BinaryRead", _ "Response.AddHeader", _ "Response.AppendToLog", _ "Response.BinaryWrite", _ "Response.Clear", _ "Response.End", _ "Response.Flush", _ "Response.IsClientConnected", _ "Response.Pics", _ "Response.Redirect", _ "Response.Write", _ "ScriptEngine", _ "ScriptEngineBuildVersion", _ "ScriptEngineMajorVersion", _ "ScriptEngineMinorVersion", _ "Server.CreateObject", _ "Server.HTMLEncode", _ "Server.MapPath", _ "Server.URLEncode", _ "Server.URLPathEncode", _ "Session.Abandon" _ ) ' Define a list of properties mStrPropertyAry = Array( _ "Application.Contents", _ "Application.Contents.Count", _ "Application.Contents.Item", _ "Application.Contents.Key", _ "Application.StaticObjects", _ "Application.StaticObjects.Count", _ "Application.StaticObjects.Item", _ "Application.StaticObjects.Key", _ "Application.Value", _ "Err.description", _ "Err.helpcontext", _ "Err.helpfile", _ "Err.number", _ "Err.source", _ "Request.ClientCertificate", _ "Request.ClientCertificate.Count", _ "Request.ClientCertificate.Item", _ "Request.ClientCertificate.Key", _ "Request.Cookies", _ "Request.Cookies.Count", _ "Request.Cookies.Item", _ "Request.Cookies.Key", _ "Request.Form", _ "Request.Form.Count", _ "Request.Form.Item", _ "Request.Form.Key", _ "Request.Item", _ "Request.QueryString", _ "Request.QueryString.Count", _ "Request.QueryString.Item", _ "Request.QueryString.Key", _ "Request.ServerVariables", _ "Request.ServerVariables.Count", _ "Request.ServerVariables.Item", _ "Request.ServerVariables.Key", _ "Request.TotalBytes", _ "Response.Buffer", _ "Response.CacheControl", _ "Response.CharSet", _ "Response.ContentType", _ "Response.Cookies", _ "Response.Cookies.Count", _ "Response.Cookies.Item", _ "Response.Cookies.Key", _ "Response.Expires", _ "Response.ExpiresAbsolute", _ "Response.Status", _ "Server.ScriptTimeout", _ "Session.CodePage", _ "Session.Contents", _ "Session.Contents.Count", _ "Session.Contents.Item", _ "Session.Contents.Key", _ "Session.LCID", _ "Session.SessionID", _ "Session.StaticObjects", _ "Session.StaticObjects.Count", _ "Session.StaticObjects.Item", _ "Session.StaticObjects.Key", _ "Session.Timeout", _ "Session.Value" _ ) ' Define a list of operators mStrOperatorAry = Array("+", "=", "&", "/", "^", "Imp", "", "Is", "Mod", _ "*", "-", "Not", "Or", "-", "Xor", ">", "<") ' Define a list of statements mStrStatementAry = Array( _ "Call", "Case", "Const", "Dim", "Do", "Loop", "Erase", "Exit", _ "For", "Next", "Each", "Function", "If", "Then", "Else", "On", _ "Error", "Option", "Explicit", "Private", "Public", "Randomize", _ "ReDim", "Select", "Set", "Sub", "While", "Wend" _ ) End Sub ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function Colorize(ByRef NewCode) Dim lStrLine ' A single line within the code passed to the procedure Dim lStrCharacter ' A single character within the current line being looked at. Dim lStrString ' Contents of a string Dim lLngStart ' Character Start Position that we are looking at. Dim lStrWord ' A word being formed from the character being looked at. Dim lBlnBuildString ' Are we building a string? Dim lBlnBuildWord ' Are we building a word? Dim lStrNew ' The new line that is being build from a line sent to this procedure. Dim lBlnBuildComment ' Are we building a comment? Dim lStrResult ' The results to return when this procedure is finnished. Dim lLngRealPosition Dim lStrLines ' Array of lines sent to this procedure ' Split NewCode into an array lStrLines = Split(NewCode, vbCrLf) 'Loop Through Each Line For Each lStrLine In lStrLines lBlnBuildString = False ' No, we are not within a string lBlnBuildWord = False ' No, we are not within a word lStrNew = "" ' Reset the formated line lStrWord = "" ' Reset the word lStrString = "" ' Reset string text ' lBlnBuildComment = False ' No, we are not within a comment ' Determine if line has text. If Len(lStrLine) > 0 Then ' Loop through each character in the line. lLngRealPosition = 0 For lLngStart = 1 To Len(lStrLine) lLngRealPosition = lLngRealPosition + 1 lStrCharacter = Mid(lStrLine, lLngStart, 1) ' Grab current character If lBlnBuildString Then ' Are we currently in a string? lStrString = lStrString & lStrCharacter ' Determine if this character gets us out of the string. If lStrCharacter = mStrStringCharacter Then lStrNew = lStrNew & _ "<SPAN class=""String"">" & _ Server.HTMLEncode(lStrString) & _ "</SPAN>" lStrString = "" lBlnBuildString = False End If ' Add the current character to the line we are building. 'lStrNew = lStrNew & Server.HTMLEncode(lStrCharacter) ElseIf lBlnBuildComment Then ' Are we currently in a comment? lStrNew = lStrNew & Server.HTMLEncode(lStrCharacter) Else ' We are not in a string or a comment. If lBlnBuildWord Then ' Are we currently in a word? ' Check to see if we have encountered a seperator If IsInArray(lStrCharacter, mStrSeperatorAry, False) _ Or IsInArray(lStrCharacter, mStrOperatorAry, False) Then ' Determine if word is reserved. lStrNew = lStrNew & Word(lStrWord) If lStrCharacter = mStrLineCommentCharacter Then ' We are now within a comment. lBlnBuildComment = True lStrNew = lStrNew & "<SPAN class=""Comment"">" & _ mStrLineCommentCharacter ElseIf IsInArray(lStrCharacter, mStrOperatorAry, False) Then lStrNew = lStrNew & "<SPAN class=""Operator"">" & _ Server.HTMLEncode(lStrCharacter) & "</SPAN>" ElseIf lStrCharacter = vbTab Then lStrNew = lStrNew & Tabs(lLngRealPosition) Else lStrNew = lStrNew & Server.HTMLEncode(lStrCharacter) End If ' Reset word variables lBlnBuildWord = False lStrWord = "" Else lStrWord = lStrWord & lStrCharacter End If Else If lStrCharacter = mStrStringCharacter Then lBlnBuildString = True lStrString = mStrStringCharacter 'lStrNew = lStrNew & mStrStringCharacter ElseIf lStrCharacter = mStrLineCommentCharacter Then lBlnBuildComment = True lStrNew = lStrNew & "<SPAN class=""Comment"">" & _ mStrLineCommentCharacter ElseIf IsInArray(lStrCharacter, mStrOperatorAry, False) Then lStrNew = lStrNew & "<SPAN class=""Operator"">" & _ Server.HTMLEncode(lStrCharacter) & "</SPAN>" ElseIf IsInArray(lStrCharacter, mStrSeperatorAry, False) Then ' we are in a seperator? If lStrCharacter = vbTab Then lStrNew = lStrNew & Tabs(lLngRealPosition) Else lStrNew = lStrNew & Server.HTMLEncode(lStrCharacter) End If Else lStrWord = lStrCharacter lBlnBuildWord = True End If End If End If Next End If If lBlnBuildComment Then ' Determine if next line is commented ' Get Rid of White Space lStrLine = Replace(lStrLine, " ", "") lStrLine = Replace(lStrLine, vbTab, "") If Not Right(lStrLine, 1) = mStrLineCommentContinueCharacter Then lStrNew = lStrNew & "</SPAN>" lBlnBuildComment = False End If ElseIf lBlnBuildWord Then ' Determine if word is reserved. lStrNew = lStrNew & Word(lStrWord) ElseIf lBlnBuildString Then lStrNew = lStrNew & _ "<SPAN class=""String"">" & _ Server.HTMLEncode(lStrString) & _ "</SPAN>" lStrString = "" lBlnBuildString = False End If 'lStrNew = Replace(lStrNew, vbTab, "    ") 'Response.Write ". " lStrResult = lStrResult & lStrNew & "<BR>" & vbCrLf Next lStrResult = "<DIV class=""vbScript"">" & lStrResult & "</DIV>" 'Response.Write "<HR>" lStrResult = Replace(lStrResult, vbTab, "    ") Colorize = lStrResult ' = Join(lStrLines, "<BR>") End Function ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Function IsInArray(ByRef pStrLookupWord, ByRef pStrListAry, _ ByRef pBlnMatchCase) Dim lStrWord For Each lStrWord In pStrListAry If pBlnMatchCase And pStrLookupWord = lStrWord Then IsInArray = True Exit For ElseIf Not(pBlnMatchCase) And(LCase(pStrLookupWord) = LCase(lStrWord))Then IsInArray = True pStrLookupWord = lStrWord ' Make correct Case Exit For End If Next End Function ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Function Tabs(ByRef pLngRealPosition) Dim lLngIndex Dim lLngSpaces ' Hard-coded hack. Need to do research for dynamic tab spacing. Select Case pLngRealPosition Mod 4 Case 0 pLngRealPosition = pLngRealPosition + 0 lLngSpaces = 1 Case 1 pLngRealPosition = pLngRealPosition + 3 lLngSpaces = 4 Case 2 pLngRealPosition = pLngRealPosition + 2 lLngSpaces = 3 Case 3 pLngRealPosition = pLngRealPosition + 1 lLngSpaces = 2 End Select For lLngIndex = 1 To lLngSpaces Tabs = Tabs & " " Next End Function ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Function Word(ByRef pStrWord) Dim lStrWordType If IsInArray(pStrWord, mStrReservedAry, False) Then lStrWordType = "Reserved" ElseIf IsInArray(pStrWord, mStrConstantAry, False) Then lStrWordType = "Constant" ElseIf IsInArray(pStrWord, mStrFunctionAry, False) Then lStrWordType = "Function" ElseIf IsInArray(pStrWord, mStrMethodAry, False) Then lStrWordType = "Method" ElseIf IsInArray(pStrWord, mStrPropertyAry, False) Then lStrWordType = "Property" ElseIf IsInArray(pStrWord, mStrStatementAry, False) Then lStrWordType = "Statement" ElseIf IsInArray(pStrWord, mStrOperatorAry, False) Then lStrWordType = "Operator" Else lStrWordType = "" End If Word = "<SPAN class=""" & lStrWordType & """>" & Server.HTMLEncode(pStrWord) & "</SPAN>" End Function End Class ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %>

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