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Title The Game Opposite as seen on Nokia 2300 Mobile
Author Manikanta
Author Email edu.mani [at]
Description The same game you can see in 2300 Nokia Mobile.
you cannot play 2 player game on Laptop.
this is meant for Windows Platform only.
Please revert back your opinions to [email protected].
Category C » Games and Graphics
Hits 431960
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//IMPLEMENTATION OF OPPOSITE GAME //first user1 should play with numpad keys #include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> #include<process.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<dos.h> extern short int user1=1,user2=0; extern short int array[8][8]={{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,2,2,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,14,14,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}}; extern short int sp_color=0; // to create generic functions extern short int current_yellow=2,current_green=2; extern short int color=0; extern short int color_back=0; extern short int write=0; //to fill boxes during user profile execution extern short int user1_validity_checked=0, user2_validity_checked=1; //signals to check user's validity by condition(which avoid repeat calling of big function in while loop) extern short int gameover1=0,gameover2=0; // if both got 1 means, end the game(consider total_poxes) extern short int total_boxes=0; //to check whether all boxes filled or not extern short int print_box=0; // to exe fillbox only called bu user profiles(to avoid printing of boxes while checking validity) extern short int validity_enabler=0; //signal used to get validity of user by checking it in by entering fillbox() //single player game variables extern short int dir_array[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; //0 to 7 represent corresponding directions //extern short int max_dir=0; //direction number which achieved max value extern short int max_pixel_i=0; //this i and j is to store pixel postion at which max_dir have to applay at final extern short int max_pixel_j=0; extern short int max_value=0; //maximum value of the filled pixels among all directionl algorithms void get_max(int i, int j); int select_box(int ,int ); void delay(); void backbox(int ,int ); void update_array(); void initial_setup(); void sound1(); void sound2(); //TO DRAW BOX AROUND CENRAL PIXEL void setbox(int i,int j) { int x,y,count=0; for(x=i-17; x<= (i+18) ;x++) for(y=j-17; y<= (j+18); y++) { //count++; if(x==i-17 || x==i+18 || y==j-17 || y==j+18) { if((count++)%3==0) putpixel(x,y,WHITE); } } } // TO DRAW YELLOW AND green BALL INSIDE THE BOX void fillbox(int i, int j,int c) { int x,y,s1,s2; validity_enabler=1; if(print_box) { for(x=i-17+4; x<= (i+18-4) ;x++) for(y=j-17+4; y<= (j+18-4); y++) putpixel(x,y,c); s1=(x-70)/35; s2=(y-140)/35; array[s1][s2]=c; // printf("%d ",c ); } } void display_date() { // gotoxy(1,1); gotoxy(10,3); printf(" "); printf(" T H E G A M E O P P O S I T E "); printf(" *************************************"); gotoxy(10,28); printf("%s ",__DATE__); printf(" %s",__TIME__); gotoxy(55,27); printf("By- "); gotoxy(55,28); printf("Mani kanta.C.V"); gotoxy(1,1); } void sound1() { int i; for(i=700;i<=800;i=i+25) { sound(i); delay(5); nosound(); } } void movement(int *i, int *j,char ch) { //int x=*i,y=*j; // sound1(); switch(ch) {case 118: case 50: //down key *j=*j+35; if(*j > (140+245)) *j=140; break; case 100: case 52: //left key *i=*i-35; if(*i < 70) *i=70+245; break; case 103: case 54: //right key *i=*i+35; if(*i > (70+245)) *i=70; break; case 114: case 56: //up-key *j=*j-35; if(*j < 140) *j=140+245; break; } } void whitebox(int i,int j) { int x,y; for(x=i-17+2; x<= (i+18-2) ;x++) for(y=j-17+2; y<= (j+18-2); y++) putpixel(x,y,15); } void backbox(int i, int j) { int x,y; for(x=i-17+2; x<= (i+18-2) ;x++) for(y=j-17+2; y<= (j+18-2); y++) {if(x==i-17+2 || x==i-17+3 || x==i+18-2 || x==i+18-3 || y==j-17+2 || y==j-17+3 || y==j+18-2 || y==j+18-3) putpixel(x,y,0); } print_box=1; //eneble the printing of box fillbox(i,j,color_back); print_box=0; //disable the printing of box } void delay() { int x,y,z; for(x=0;x<20000;x++) for(y=0;y<10000;y++); } /*ALGORITHMS TO CHECK SURROUNDING BOXES OF BOX UNDER CONSIDERATION, IN ALL DIRECTIONS*/ int checkdown(int x, int y) { if(y > (140+245)) //boundary checking { write=0; return(0); } int s1,s2; s1=(x-70)/35; s2=(y-140)/35; int color1=array[s1][s2]; //checking for next blank box if(color1==BLACK) { write=0; return 0; } //reading next pixel,(1st time, it will be white) if(color1==color) //color should be re-defined in user-profile { //if it contains no element in its sorroundings return(0); } if(color1==sp_color) { write=1; checkdown(x,(y+35)); //recursive calling } if(write) { dir_array[0]=dir_array[0]+1; //one value get incremented per one box fill fillbox(x,y,color); fillbox(x,y-35, color); if(user1) color_back=YELLOW; //back box color should be re-defined(if modified anything means) if(user2) color_back=GREEN; } return(0); } int checkup(int x, int y) { if(y < 140) //boundary checking { write=0; return(0); } int s1,s2; s1=(x-70)/35; s2=(y-140)/35; int color1=array[s1][s2];; //checking for next blank box if(color1==BLACK) { write=0; return 0; } //reading next pixel,(1st time, it will be white) if(color1==color) //color should be re-defined in user-profile { //if it contains no element in its sorroundings return(0); } if(color1==sp_color) { write=1; checkup(x,(y-35)); //recursive calling } if(write) { dir_array[1]=dir_array[1]+1; //one value get incremented per one box fill fillbox(x,y,color); fillbox(x,y+35, color); if(user1) color_back=YELLOW; //back box color should be re-defined(if modified anything means) if(user2) color_back=GREEN; } return(0); } int checkleft(int x, int y) { if(x< 70) //boundary checking { write=0; return(0); } int s1,s2; s1=(x-70)/35; s2=(y-140)/35; int color1=array[s1][s2]; //checking for next blank box if(color1==BLACK) { write=0; return 0; } //reading next pixel,(1st time, it will be white) if(color1==color) //color should be re-defined in user-profile { //if it contains no element in its sorroundings return(0); } if(color1==sp_color) { write=1; checkleft((x-35),y); //recursive calling } if(write) { dir_array[2]=dir_array[2]+1; //one value get incremented per one box fill fillbox(x,y,color); fillbox((x+35) ,y, color); if(user1) color_back=YELLOW; //back box color should be re-defined(if modified anything means) if(user2) color_back=GREEN; } return(0); } int checkright(int x, int y) { if(x > (70+245)) //boundary checking { write=0; return(0); } int s1,s2; s1=(x-70)/35; s2=(y-140)/35; int color1=array[s1][s2]; //checking for next blank box if(color1==BLACK) { write=0; return 0; } //reading next pixel,(1st time, it will be white) if(color1==color) //color should be re-defined in user-profile { //if it contains no element in its sorroundings return(0); } if(color1==sp_color) { write=1; checkright((x+35),y); //recursive calling } if(write) { dir_array[3]=dir_array[3]+1; //one value get incremented per one box fill fillbox(x,y,color); fillbox((x-35) ,y, color); if(user1) color_back=YELLOW; //back box color should be re-defined(if modified anything means) if(user2) color_back=GREEN; } return(0); } int checkdia1(int x, int y) //starts from clock wise { if((x > (70+245)) || ( y < (140))) //boundary checking { write=0; return(0); } int s1,s2; s1=(x-70)/35; s2=(y-140)/35; int color1=array[s1][s2]; //checking for next blank box if(color1==BLACK) { write=0; return 0; } //reading next pixel,(1st time, it will be white) if(color1==color) //color should be re-defined in user-profile { //if it contains no element in its sorroundings return(0); } if(color1==sp_color) { write=1; checkdia1((x+35),(y-35)); //recursive calling } if(write) { dir_array[4]=dir_array[4]+1; //one value get incremented per one box fill fillbox(x,y,color); fillbox((x-35) ,(y+35), color); if(user1) color_back=YELLOW; //back box color should be re-defined(if modified anything means) if(user2) color_back=GREEN; } return(0); } int checkdia2(int x, int y) { if((x > (70+245)) || ( y > (140+245))) //boundary checking { write=0; return(0); } int s1,s2; s1=(x-70)/35; s2=(y-140)/35; int color1=array[s1][s2]; //checking for next blank box if(color1==BLACK) { write=0; return 0; } //reading next pixel,(1st time, it will be white) if(color1==color) //color should be re-defined in user-profile { //if it contains no element in its sorroundings return(0); } if(color1==sp_color) { write=1; checkdia2((x+35),(y+35)); //recursive calling } if(write) { dir_array[5]=dir_array[5]+1; //one value get incremented per one box fill fillbox(x,y,color); fillbox((x-35) ,(y-35), color); if(user1) color_back=YELLOW; //back box color should be re-defined(if modified anything means) if(user2) color_back=GREEN; } return(0); } int checkdia3(int x, int y) { if((x <70) || ( y > (140+245))) //boundary checking { write=0; return(0); } int s1,s2; s1=(x-70)/35; s2=(y-140)/35; int color1=array[s1][s2]; //checking for next blank box if(color1==BLACK) { write=0; return 0; } //reading next pixel,(1st time, it will be white) if(color1==color) //color should be re-defined in user-profile { //if it contains no element in its sorroundings return(0); } if(color1==sp_color) { write=1; checkdia3((x-35),(y+35)); //recursive calling } if(write) { dir_array[6]=dir_array[6]+1; //one value get incremented per one box fill fillbox(x,y,color); fillbox((x+35) ,(y-35), color); if(user1) {color_back=YELLOW; //back box color should be re-defined(if modified anything means) } if(user2) {color_back=GREEN; } } return(0); } int checkdia4(int x, int y) { if((x <70) || ( y < 140)) //boundary checking { write=0; return(0); } int s1,s2; s1=(x-70)/35; s2=(y-140)/35; int color1=array[s1][s2]; //checking for next blank box if(color1==BLACK) { write=0; return 0; } //reading next pixel,(1st time, it will be white) if(color1==color) //color should be re-defined in user-profile { //if it contains no element in its sorroundings return(0); } if(color1==sp_color) { write=1; checkdia4((x-35),(y-35)); //recursive calling } if(write) { dir_array[7]=dir_array[7]+1; //one value get incremented per one box fill fillbox(x,y,color); fillbox((x+35) ,(y+35), color); if(user1) { color_back=YELLOW; //back box color should be re-defined(if modified anything means) //to check whether user1 striked even he is valid, by comparing it with its previous value } if(user2) { color_back=GREEN; } } return(0); } void check_all_dir(int x, int y, int print) { if(print==1) //in case of this function called by userprofiles, then onlly print print_box=1; else print_box=0; write=0; update_array(); checkdown(x,(y+35)); checkup(x,(y-35)); checkleft((x-35), y); checkright((x+35),y); checkdia1(x+35, y-35); checkdia2(x+35, y+35); checkdia3(x-35, y+35); checkdia4(x-35, y-35); } void update_array() { int i,j; current_yellow=0; //reset values current_green=0; // no use of previous yellow and green for(i=0;i<8;i++) for(j=0;j<8;j++) { if(array[i][j]==14) current_yellow++; if(array[i][j]==2) current_green++; } total_boxes=current_yellow+current_green; } int user1_validity() //should return 1 on success { int i,j; int col1,col2; col1=color; col2=sp_color; color=YELLOW; sp_color=GREEN; write=0; validity_enabler=0; update_array(); // no need, remove it later on for(i=70; i<=(70+245); i=i+35) for(j=140; j<=(140+245); j=j+35) { if(validity_enabler) //which cannot reach after checking array[7][7] return(1); //if user1 valid to fill box int s1,s2; s1=(i-70)/35; s2=(j-140)/35; if(array[s1][s2]==0) check_all_dir(i,j,0); } if(validity_enabler) return(1); //which is to check whether validity_enabler got rised after checking for array[7][7] color=col1; sp_color=col2; return(0); } int user2_validity() //should return 1 on success { int i,j; int col1,col2; col1=color; col2=sp_color; color=GREEN; sp_color=YELLOW; write=0; validity_enabler=0; update_array(); // no need, remove it later on for(i=70; i<=(70+245); i=i+35) for(j=140; j<=(140+245); j=j+35) { if(validity_enabler) return(1); //if user1 valid to fill box int s1,s2; s1=(i-70)/35; s2=(j-140)/35; if(array[s1][s2]==0) check_all_dir(i,j,0); } if(validity_enabler) return(1); //which is to check whether validity_enabler got rised after checking for array[7][7] color=col1; sp_color=col2; return(0); } //press esc to come out of the following loop int select_box(int i, int j) //cursor block { int x,y,t1,t2; char ch; int gdriver=DETECT,gmode=0; initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "c:\tc\bgi"); initial_setup(); gotoxy(0,0); gotoxy(52,13); printf("%d %d",current_yellow,current_green); //to display initial score gotoxy(0,0); while(1) { x=i; y=j; char ch; display_date(); color_back=getpixel(i,j); update_array(); whitebox(i,j); update_array(); //TO CHECK USER 1 VALIDITY if((!user1_validity_checked) && user1) //if user1 validity not yet checked { user1_validity_checked=1; int color_back_retriver=color_back; if(user1_validity()) { user1=1; user2=0; gameover1=0; gotoxy(0,0); //to display validity below score board gotoxy(50,15); printf(" play1"); gotoxy(0,0); gotoxy(64,15); printf(" "); gotoxy(0,0); } else //disable user1 and eneble user2 { user1=0; user2=1; gameover1=1; user2_validity_checked=0; gotoxy(0,0); //to display validity below score board gotoxy(50,15); printf(" NO "); gotoxy(0,0); } color_back=color_back_retriver; } //TO CHECK USER2 VALIDITY if((!user2_validity_checked) && user2) { int color_back_retriver=color_back; user2_validity_checked=1; if(user2_validity()) { user2=1; user1=0; gameover2=0; gotoxy(0,0); //to display validity below score board gotoxy(64,15); printf(" play2"); gotoxy(0,0); gotoxy(50,15); printf(" "); gotoxy(0,0);; } else { gameover2=1; user2=0; user1=1; user1_validity_checked=0; //to display validity below score board gotoxy(64,15); printf(" NO "); } color_back=color_back_retriver; } if((gameover1==1) && (gameover2==1) || total_boxes==64 || current_yellow==0 || current_green==0) { update_array(); gotoxy(1,1); if( current_yellow > current_green) printf(" **************** USER1 IS THE WINNER*************"); else if(current_yellow<current_green) printf(" **************** USER2 IS THE WINNER*************"); else printf(" ************ M A T C H IS D R A W *************"); printf(" **************** G A M E O V E R*************"); return(0); } ch=getch(); if(ch==27) break; //ESC butten action if(ch==13 && user1) //if enter key pressed by user1 { int yellow_p, yellow_c; color=YELLOW; sp_color=GREEN; write=0; update_array(); // update previous values of array yellow_p=current_yellow; int s1,s2; s1=(x-70)/35; s2=(y-140)/35; if(array[s1][s2]==0) //if current box is empty check_all_dir(x,y,1); // calls 8 directional alg update_array(); //update rescent values of array yellow_c=current_yellow; if(yellow_c != yellow_p) //if user really strikes any box, then only switch to yser2 { user1=0; user2=1; user2_validity_checked=0; sound1(); gotoxy(52,13); printf("%d %d",current_yellow,current_green); //to display initial score } } if(ch==102 && user2) //if f key pressed by user2 { int green_c, green_p; color=GREEN; sp_color=YELLOW; write=0; update_array(); green_p=current_green; //saved green value, bfore filling new boxes int s1,s2; s1=(x-70)/435; s2=(y-140)/35; if(array[s1][s2]==0) //if current box is empty check_all_dir(x,y,1); update_array(); green_c=current_green; //new green values if(green_c != green_p) { sound1(); user2=0; user1=1; user1_validity_checked=0; gotoxy(52,13); printf("%d %d",current_yellow,current_green); //to display initial score } } movement(&i,&j,ch); //movemwnts to the curser block backbox(x,y); //fill box with its previous color } //press arrow keys of NUM_PAD return(0); } void initial() { print_box=1; fillbox(175,245,2); fillbox(210,245,2); fillbox(175,280,14); fillbox(210,280,14); print_box=0; } void putbox() //which fixes central points of each box and call function to draw the box { for(int i=70;i<350;i=i+35) for(int j=140;j<420;j=j+35) { // putpixel(i,j,RED); //to create a red dot at center of each box setbox(i,j); } } void outline(int ch) { int x,y; //starts from 51(70-17-2),121(140-17-2) for(x=50; x<=(51+284); x++) for(y=120; y<=(121+284); y++) if(x==50 || x==51 || x==334 || x==335 || y==120 || y==121 || y==404 || y==405) putpixel(x,y,ch); } void get_max(int i, int j) { int x; int max=0; for(x=0;x<8;x++) max=max+dir_array[x]; if(max_value<max) { max_value=max; max_pixel_i=i; max_pixel_j=j; } } void print_computer() { int x,y; update_array(); x=max_pixel_i; y=max_pixel_j; print_box=1; color_back=GREEN; check_all_dir(x,y,1); } int single_player_game() { int gdriver=DETECT,gmode=0; initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "c:\tc\bgi"); int i=70; int j=140; int x,y; initial_setup(); gotoxy(0,0); gotoxy(52,13); printf("%d %d ",current_yellow,current_green); //to display initial score gotoxy(0,0); while(1) { x=i; y=j; char ch; display_date(); color_back=getpixel(i,j); update_array(); whitebox(i,j); update_array(); gotoxy(0,0); gotoxy(52,13); //TO CHECK USER 1 VALIDITY if((!user1_validity_checked) && user1) //if user1 validity not yet checked { user1_validity_checked=1; int color_back_retriver=color_back; if(user1_validity()) { user1=1; user2=0; gameover1=0; gotoxy(1,1); //to display validity below score board gotoxy(50,15); printf(" play1"); gotoxy(1,1); gotoxy(64,15); printf(" "); gotoxy(1,1); } else //disable user1 and eneble user2 { user1=0; user2=1; gameover1=1; user2_validity_checked=0; gotoxy(1,1); //to display validity below score board gotoxy(50,15); printf(" NO "); gotoxy(1,1); } color_back=color_back_retriver; } ch=getch(); if(ch==27) break; //ESC butten action if(ch==13 && user1) //if enter key pressed by user1 { int yellow_p, yellow_c; color=YELLOW; sp_color=GREEN; write=0; update_array(); // update previous values of array yellow_p=current_yellow; int s1,s2; s1=(x-70)/35; s2=(y-140)/35; if(array[s1][s2]==0) //if current box is empty check_all_dir(x,y,1); // calls 8 directional alg update_array(); //update rescent values of array yellow_c=current_yellow; if(yellow_c != yellow_p) //if user really strikes any box, then only switch to yser2 { sound1(); user1=0; user2=1; user2_validity_checked=0; gotoxy(52,13); printf("%d %d ",current_yellow,current_green); //to display initial score // printf("%d %d ",current_yellow,current_green); } } gotoxy(0,0); gotoxy(52,13); //TO CHECK USER2 VALIDITY if((!user2_validity_checked) && user2) { int color_back_retriver=color_back; user2_validity_checked=1; if(user2_validity()) { user2=1; user1=0; gameover2=0; //to display validity below score board gotoxy(64,15); printf("computer"); gotoxy(50,15); printf(" "); } else { gameover2=1; user2=0; user1=1; user1_validity_checked=0; //to display validity below score board gotoxy(64,15); printf(" NO "); } color_back=color_back_retriver; } if((gameover1==1) && (gameover2==1) || total_boxes==64 || current_yellow==0 || current_green==0) { gotoxy(1,1); update_array(); if( current_yellow > current_green) printf(" **************** USER1 IS THE WINNER*************"); else if(current_yellow<current_green) printf(" ************ * COMPUTER IS THE WINNER*************"); else printf(" ************ M A T C H IS D R A W *************"); gotoxy(1,1); printf(" **************** G A M E O V E R*************"); return(0); } if(user2) //its the turn of computer { // int green_c, green_p; int m,n; int color_back_retriver=color_back; color=GREEN; sp_color=YELLOW; max_value=0; write=0; update_array(); for(int t=0;t<8; t++) //restting of direction values dir_array[t]=0; //priority part hv to b written for(m=0;m<8;m++) for(n=0;n<8;n++) if(array[m][n]==0) { int a,b; a=70+(m*35); b=140+(n*35); for(int t=0;t<8;t++) dir_array[t]=0; check_all_dir(a,b,0); get_max(a,b); } delay(); //let the user1 see his results delay(); print_computer(); //if comp(user2) valid means i wil print automatically without // user interaction, so not checking for pixel color upgradation of array[][] sound1(); color_back=color_back_retriver; if(getpixel(i,j)==GREEN) //if white box interacts with newly paved green boxes means, xtract back color and proceed color_back=GREEN; user2=0; user1=1; user1_validity_checked=0; update_array(); gotoxy(52,13); printf("%d  %d ",current_yellow,current_green); //to display initial score // printf("%d %d ",current_yellow,current_green); } movement(&i,&j,ch); //movemwnts to the curser block backbox(x,y); //fill box with its previous color //press arrow keys of NUM_PAD } //end of while loop return(0); } void display_instr() { printf("This is the game already implemented in Nokia 2300 set . you are the user1 always and got to play using YELLOW color."); printf("first is user1 turn, you have to put the white box at appropriate place and have to press ENTER(num pad) key to fill the boxes with yellow,"); printf("so that your cursor current position should be at empty box and contains Green boxes in between your cursor and another Yellow box, that yellow box belongs to "); printf("upward,downward,leftside, rightside or any diagonal direction to your cursor. "); printf(" Same thing to user2 also, he got to play with Green boxe's. "); printf("USER1 CONTROL KEYS: "); printf("******************* "); printf("The directional keys in num-pad and enter key in num-pad "); printf(" USER2 CONTROL KEYS: "); printf("********************* "); printf(" D = left movement R = up-ward movement G = right movement V = down-ward movement F = Enter key "); getch(); clrscr(); } int preamble() { int options; while(1) { printf(" SELECT YOUR OPTION "); printf("****************** "); printf(" 1. Instructions 2. Single player game(player2=computer) "); printf(" 3. Two player game "); printf(" 4. Exit from the game "); scanf("%d",&options); clrscr(); switch(options) { case 1:display_instr(); break; case 2: single_player_game(); return(0); case 3:select_box(70,140); return(0); case 4:exit(0); default: printf("please enter the valid choice "); } } } void initial_setup() { outline(RED); putbox(); //INITILLY DRAW OUTLINE BOX initial(); //INITIAL FILLED BOX DRAWING int x,y; gotoxy(50,9); printf("user1 user2"); gotoxy(0,0); //print user1 yellow box(above score) for(x=400; x<=420 ;x++) for(y=162; y<= 182; y++) putpixel(x,y,14); for(x=545; x<=565 ;x++) //to print user2 green box for(y=162; y<= 182; y++) putpixel(x,y,2); } void welcome_note() { printf(" Hi, this is Manikanta.c.v, completed B.E (TCE) at Dr.Ambedkar Institute Of Tehnology,Bangalore. "); printf("if you have any comments regarding this game means please let me know through [email protected] -THANK YOU "); getch(); clrscr(); } main() { //int gdriver=DETECT,gmode=0; clrscr(); welcome_note(); preamble(); //OPTIONS GIVEN MENU getch(); closegraph(); // printf("GAME OVER"); return 0; }

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