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Title sun Steganography
Author B.Rajavel
Author Email rajavel2005 [at]
Description simple Steganography program(Encoding and decoding wav file
using crypt algorithm)
Category Java » Java Swing
Hits 436888
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import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import*; import java.applet.*; import java.math.*; class mainframe extends JFrame implements ActionListener,Runnable { JLabel Lfilename,Lmessage,Ldesign,Ltitle; JButton Bplay,Bopen,Bsave,Bstop,Bencrypt,Bdecrypt,Bsend,Bclear; JTextArea Amessage; JTextField Tfilename; Icon Iplay,Iopen,Istop,Isave; String Ekey,Dkey,address,name; JFileChooser filechooser; File Ofilename,Sfilename,tempfilename; InetAddress ipaddress; int Copened,Cencrypt,Cdecrypt,Cplay,Cstop,Csave; InputStream ins; AudioStream as; Thread t; public mainframe()throws Exception { // frame super("Steganography Using Audio"); Container con=getContentPane(); con.setLayout(null); // Basic Copened=0; Cencrypt=0; Cdecrypt=0; Cplay=0; Csave=0; Cstop=0; t=new Thread(this); t.start(); // Icons Iplay=new ImageIcon("c:/Icon/play.gif"); Isave=new ImageIcon("c:/Icon/save.gif"); Iopen=new ImageIcon("c:/Icon/open.gif"); Istop=new ImageIcon("c:/Icon/stop1.gif"); // file chooser filechooser=new JFileChooser(); filechooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY); // comp Ltitle=new JLabel("Steganography Using Audio"); Ldesign=new JLabel("Designed By : B.Rajavel"); Lfilename=new JLabel("File Name "); Lmessage=new JLabel("Message "); Bplay=new JButton("",Iplay); Bopen=new JButton("",Iopen); Bsave=new JButton("",Isave); Bstop=new JButton("",Istop); Bclear=new JButton("Clear"); Bencrypt=new JButton("Encoding"); Bdecrypt=new JButton("Decoding"); Bsend=new JButton("Send"); Amessage=new JTextArea(); Tfilename=new JTextField(); // tool tips Tfilename.setToolTipText("Opened filename"); Bplay.setToolTipText("play"); Bopen.setToolTipText("open"); Bsave.setToolTipText("save"); Bstop.setToolTipText("stop"); Tfilename.setEditable(false); // Bounds Ltitle.setBounds(300,30,250,25); Lfilename.setBounds(100,100,100,25); Tfilename.setBounds(100,125,230,25); Lmessage.setBounds(450,100,100,25); Amessage.setBounds(450,125,300,220); Bclear.setBounds(450,370,80,22); Bplay.setBounds(100,200,50,25); Bstop.setBounds(160,200,50,25); Bopen.setBounds(220,200,50,25); Bsave.setBounds(280,200,50,25); Bencrypt.setBounds(100,250,110,25); Bdecrypt.setBounds(220,250,110,25); Bsend.setBounds(160,300,110,25); Ldesign.setBounds(350,420,400,50); // add con.add(Ltitle); con.add(Ldesign); con.add(Lfilename); con.add(Tfilename); con.add(Lmessage); con.add(Amessage); con.add(Bclear); con.add(Bplay); con.add(Bopen); con.add(Bsave); con.add(Bstop); con.add(Bencrypt); con.add(Bdecrypt); con.add(Bsend); // actionListener Bclear.addActionListener(this); Bplay.addActionListener(this); Bopen.addActionListener(this); Bsave.addActionListener(this); Bstop.addActionListener(this); Bencrypt.addActionListener(this); Bdecrypt.addActionListener(this); Bsend.addActionListener(this); } // constr of mainframe public void run() { try { recv r=new recv(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } } public void Audioencrypt(String message,File file,int key) throws Exception { byte b[]=new byte[1]; BigInteger Abi,Mbi; int k,k1; InputStream ins=new FileInputStream(file); OutputStream outs=new FileOutputStream(new File("c:/pop8.wav")); for(int c=0;c<key;c++) { int; outs.write(ch); } int len=message.length(); byte mess[]=new byte[1]; char chmess[]=new char[len+1]; k=k1=0; for(int i=0;i<=len;i++) { message.getChars(0,len,chmess,0); if(i==0) { BigDecimal bd=new BigDecimal(len); BigInteger Blen=bd.toBigInteger(); String Slen=Blen.toString(2); char Clen[]=new char[Blen.bitLength()]; Slen.getChars(0,Blen.bitLength(),Clen,0); for(int j=0;j<=7;j++) { if(j==0) { for(k=0;k<8-Blen.bitLength();k++) { int; Abi=new BigInteger(b); String Aby=Abi.toString(2); int Alen=Abi.bitLength(); if(b[0]<0) Alen++; char Ach[]=new char[Alen+1]; Aby.getChars(0,Alen,Ach,0); if(b[0]==0) { } else { if(Ach[Alen-1]=='1') { if(Alen==Abi.bitLength()) { BigInteger bi=new BigInteger("11111110",2); BigInteger big=Abi.and(bi); b=big.toByteArray(); } else { BigInteger bi=new BigInteger("-1",2); BigInteger big=Abi.subtract(bi); b=big.toByteArray(); } } outs.write(b); } } //for loop k j=j+k-1; } // if of j else { int; Abi=new BigInteger(b); String Aby=Abi.toString(2); int Alen=Abi.bitLength(); if(b[0]<0) Alen++; char Ach[]=new char[Alen+1]; Aby.getChars(0,Alen,Ach,0); if(b[0]==0) { Alen=1; } if(Clen[j-k]=='0' && Ach[Alen-1]=='1') { if(Alen==Abi.bitLength()) { BigInteger bi=new BigInteger("11111110",2); BigInteger big=Abi.and(bi); b=big.toByteArray(); } else { BigInteger bi=new BigInteger("-1",2); BigInteger big=Abi.subtract(bi); b=big.toByteArray(); } } else if(Clen[j-k]=='1' && Ach[Alen-1]=='0') { if(Alen==Abi.bitLength()) { BigInteger bi=new BigInteger("1",2); BigInteger big=Abi.add(bi); b=big.toByteArray(); } else { BigInteger bi=new BigInteger("-1",2); BigInteger big=Abi.add(bi); b=big.toByteArray(); } } outs.write(b); } // end else } // for loop j } // end of if else { String slen=String.valueOf(chmess[i-1]); byte blen[]=slen.getBytes(); BigInteger Blen=new BigInteger(blen); String Slen=Blen.toString(2); char Clen[]=new char[Blen.bitLength()]; Slen.getChars(0,Blen.bitLength(),Clen,0); for(int j=0;j<=7;j++) { if(j==0) { for(k1=0;k1<8-Blen.bitLength();k1++) { int; Abi=new BigInteger(b); String Aby=Abi.toString(2); int Alen=Abi.bitLength(); if(b[0]<0) Alen++; char Ach[]=new char[Alen+1]; Aby.getChars(0,Alen,Ach,0); if(b[0]==0) { } else { if(Ach[Alen-1]=='1') { if(Alen==Abi.bitLength()) { BigInteger bi=new BigInteger("11111110",2); BigInteger big=Abi.and(bi); b=big.toByteArray(); } else { BigInteger bi=new BigInteger("-1",2); BigInteger big=Abi.subtract(bi); b=big.toByteArray(); } } } outs.write(b); } //for loop k j=j+k1-1; } // if of j else { int; Abi=new BigInteger(b); String Aby=Abi.toString(2); int Alen=Abi.bitLength(); if(b[0]<0) Alen++; char Ach[]=new char[Alen+1]; Aby.getChars(0,Alen,Ach,0); if(b[0]==0) { Alen=1; } if(Clen[j-k1]=='0' && Ach[Alen-1]=='1') { if(Alen==Abi.bitLength()) { BigInteger bi=new BigInteger("11111110",2); BigInteger big=Abi.and(bi); b=big.toByteArray(); } else { BigInteger bi=new BigInteger("-1",2); BigInteger big=Abi.subtract(bi); b=big.toByteArray(); } } else if(Clen[j-k1]=='1' && Ach[Alen-1]=='0') { if(Alen==Abi.bitLength()) { BigInteger bi=new BigInteger("1",2); BigInteger big=Abi.add(bi); b=big.toByteArray(); } else { BigInteger bi=new BigInteger("-1",2); BigInteger big=Abi.add(bi); b=big.toByteArray(); } } outs.write(b); } // end else } // for loop j } // end of else } // for loop i while(true) { int; if(i==-1) break; outs.write(i); } ins.close(); outs.close(); } public void Audiodecrypt(File filename,int key)throws Exception { InputStream ins=new FileInputStream(filename); byte b[]=new byte[1]; BigInteger bb1; char mess[]=new char[8]; int c=0; for(int i=0;i<key;i++) { int; } for(int i=0;i<8;i++) {; bb1=new BigInteger(b); String str=bb1.toString(2); int len=bb1.bitLength(); if(b[0]<0) len++; char ch[]=new char[len+1]; str.getChars(0,len,ch,0); if(b[0]==0) mess[i]='0'; else mess[i]=ch[len-1]; } String dd=new String(mess); BigInteger bb=new BigInteger(dd,2); String s=bb.toString(2); int l=bb.intValue(); char me[]=new char[l]; int count=0; for(int m=0;m<l;m++) { for(int i=0;i<8;i++) {; bb1=new BigInteger(b); String str=bb1.toString(2); int len=bb1.bitLength(); if(b[0]<0) len++; char ch[]=new char[len+1]; str.getChars(0,len,ch,0); if(b[0]==0) mess[i]='0'; else mess[i]=ch[len-1]; } String dd1=new String(mess); BigInteger bb2=new BigInteger(dd1,2); String s1=bb2.toString(2); int l1=bb2.intValue(); me[count]=(char)l1; count++; } String message=new String(me); Amessage.setText(message); ins.close(); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { try { // Action for encryption button if(ae.getSource()==Bencrypt) { if(Copened==1) { Ekey=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter The Key For Encryption"); //String type if(Ekey.trim().equals("")) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Enter theKey","Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); else { // encrypt the message int key=Integer.parseInt(Ekey); Audioencrypt(Amessage.getText(),Ofilename,key); Cencrypt=1; } } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"File NotOpened","Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } // end of Bencrypt // Action for Clear button else if(ae.getSource()==Bclear) { Amessage.setText(""); } // end of clear button // Action for Decrypt button else if(ae.getSource()==Bdecrypt) { if(Copened==1) { Dkey=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter The Key For Decryption"); //String type if(Dkey.trim().equals("")) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Enter theKey","Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); else { // decrypt message int key=Integer.parseInt(Dkey); Audiodecrypt(Ofilename,key); Cdecrypt=1; } } else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"File NotOpened","Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } // end of Decrypt button // Action for Play button else if(ae.getSource()==Bplay) { if(Copened==1) { ins=new FileInputStream(Ofilename); as=new AudioStream(ins); AudioPlayer.player.start(as); Cplay=1; Cstop=0; } // start playing else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"File NotOpened","Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } // end of play button // Action for Stop button else if(ae.getSource()==Bstop) { if(Cplay==1) { Cplay=0; Cstop=1; AudioPlayer.player.stop(as); } // stop plaing else JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"No Audio Isplaying","Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } // end of stop button // Action for open Button else if(ae.getSource()==Bopen) { int r=filechooser.showOpenDialog(this); tempfilename=filechooser.getSelectedFile(); //File type if(r==JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"File NotSelected","Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); else { name=tempfilename.getName(); if(!(name.endsWith(".wav"))) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Select OnlyWav","Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); else { Copened=1; Ofilename=tempfilename; Tfilename.setEditable(true); Tfilename.setText(name); Tfilename.setEditable(false); } } } // end of Open button // Action for Save Button else if(ae.getSource()==Bsave) { if(Copened==1 && Cencrypt==1 || Cdecrypt==1) { int r=filechooser.showSaveDialog(this); Sfilename=filechooser.getSelectedFile(); //File type InputStream in=new FileInputStream("c:/pop8.wav"); OutputStream out=new FileOutputStream(Sfilename); Ofilename=Sfilename; name=Sfilename.getName(); Tfilename.setEditable(true); Tfilename.setText(name); Tfilename.setEditable(false); while(true) { int; if(i==-1) break; out.write(i); } in.close(); out.close(); } else { String s; if(Copened==0) s="File not Opened"; else if(Cencrypt==0) s="Not Encrypted"; else s="Not Decrypted"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,s,"Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } // end of save button // Action for send button else if(ae.getSource()==Bsend) { if(Copened==1 && Cencrypt==1) { address=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter The IPaddress"); ipaddress=InetAddress.getByName(address); Socket socket=new Socket(ipaddress,6000); OutputStream out=socket.getOutputStream(); InputStream in=new FileInputStream(Ofilename); while(true) { int; if(i==-1) break; out.write(i); } in.close(); out.close(); } else { String s; if(Copened==1) s="Encryption not done"; else s="Open the File first"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,s,"Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } } // end try catch(Exception e) { // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,e,"Error",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } // end of actionperformed }//end of class class recv extends JFrame implements Runnable { JFileChooser fc; ServerSocket ss; Socket s; InputStream ins; OutputStream out; byte b[]; int len; public recv() throws Exception { b=new byte[100]; fc=new JFileChooser(); fc.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY); ss=new ServerSocket(6000); torun(); } public void torun() throws Exception { while(true) { s=ss.accept(); ins=s.getInputStream(); String str="Your have Receive An AudioFile.Save them"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,str,"Information",JOptionPane.INFORMATI ON_MESSAGE); int r=fc.showSaveDialog(this); File file=fc.getSelectedFile(); out=new FileOutputStream(file); Thread t=new Thread(this); t.start(); } } public void run() { try { while(true) { int; if(n==-1) break; out.write(n); } // s.close(); ins.close(); out.close(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } } // end of run } //end of class public class techmeet1 { public static void main(String arg[])throws Exception { mainframe frame=new mainframe(); frame.setSize(800,600); frame.setVisible(true); frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) { System.exit(0); } }); } // end of main } // end of class

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