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Title Address Book in Java
Author Rahul Chouhan
Author Email rahulchouhan4u_1985 [at]
Description easy to keep records
first create a directory named data which should be in Bin folder of
and in that create a file
name data.dat
Category Java » Java Swing
Hits 422405
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import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.util.*; class AddressBook implements ActionListener { JPanel topPanel,bottomPanel; JScrollPane scrollPane; JFrame frame; JMenuBar menubar = new JMenuBar(); ; JMenu menu = new JMenu(); JMenuItem menuItem; Toolkit kit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Dimension screenSize = kit.getScreenSize(); int screenHeight = screenSize.height; int screenWidth = screenSize.width; Image img = kit.getImage("images/icon.JPG"); AddressBook() { frame = new JFrame("Address Book"); frame.setSize(680,200); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.setLocation(screenWidth/4, screenHeight/4); frame.setIconImage(img); addWidgets();; } public void addWidgets() { menubar.add(menu); menu = new JMenu("Options"); menuItem = new JMenuItem("Add New Contact"); menu.add(menuItem); menuItem.addActionListener(this); menuItem = new JMenuItem("Delete Contact"); menu.add(menuItem); menuItem.addActionListener(this); menuItem = new JMenuItem("Search Contacts"); menu.add(menuItem); menuItem.addActionListener(this); menuItem = new JMenuItem("Sort Contacts"); menu.add(menuItem); menuItem.addActionListener(this); menuItem = new JMenuItem("View All Contacts"); menu.add(menuItem); menuItem.addActionListener(this); menuItem = new JMenuItem("Backup Contacts"); menu.add(menuItem); menuItem.addActionListener(this); menubar.add(menu); menu = new JMenu("Help"); menuItem = new JMenuItem("Help Contents"); menu.add(menuItem); menuItem.addActionListener(this); menuItem = new JMenuItem("About"); menu.add(menuItem); menuItem.addActionListener(this); menubar.add(menu); frame.setJMenuBar(menubar); JPanel topPanel = new JPanel(); JPanel bottomPanel = new JPanel(); //Add Buttons To Bottom Panel JButton AddNew = new JButton("Add New Contact"); JButton DeleteContact = new JButton("Delete Contact"); JButton SearchContacts = new JButton("Search Contacts"); JButton SortContacts = new JButton("Sort Contacts"); JButton ViewContactList = new JButton("View All Contacts"); JLabel label = new JLabel("<HTML><FONT FACE = ARIAL SIZE = 2><B>Use The options below and In The Menu To Manage Contacts"); //Add Action Listeners AddNew.addActionListener(this); DeleteContact.addActionListener(this); SearchContacts.addActionListener(this); SortContacts.addActionListener(this); ViewContactList.addActionListener(this); topPanel.add(label); bottomPanel.add(AddNew); bottomPanel.add(DeleteContact); bottomPanel.add(SearchContacts); bottomPanel.add(SortContacts); bottomPanel.add(ViewContactList); frame.getContentPane().add(topPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); frame.getContentPane().add(bottomPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); frame.setResizable(false); } public static void main(String args[]) { AddressBook add = new AddressBook(); } OperationHandler oh = new OperationHandler(); public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Add New Contact") { oh.AddNew(); } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Search Contacts") { oh.SearchContacts(); } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Sort Contacts") { oh.SortContacts(); } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Delete Contact") { oh.DeleteContact(); } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "View All Contacts") { oh.ViewAllContacts(); } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "About") { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, "About Address Book: Created By Rahul Chouhan Computer Engg, IET-DAVV, Indore. Website: http://www.Rahul","About Address Book", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Help Contents") { try { oh.showHelp(); } catch(IOException e) { } } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Backup Contacts") { JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File(".")); chooser.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); chooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); chooser.showSaveDialog(frame); FileOutputStream bfout = null; FileInputStream bfin = null; String filename=null; int p; try { filename = chooser.getSelectedFile().getPath(); } catch(Exception e) { } try { bfout = new FileOutputStream(filename + "\data.dat"); } catch(Exception e) { } try { bfin = new FileInputStream("data/data.dat"); } catch(Exception e) { } try { do { p =; if(p!=-1) bfout.write(p); }while(p!=-1); } catch(Exception e) { } } } } class Contact implements Serializable { private String FName; private String LName; private String Nname; private String EMail; private String Address; private String PhoneNo; private String Webpage; private String Bday; public void setDetails(String fname, String lname, String nname, String email, String address, String phone, String web, String bday) { FName = fname; LName = lname; Nname = nname; EMail = email; Address = address; PhoneNo = phone; Webpage = web; Bday = bday; } public String getFName() { return FName; } public String getLName() { return LName; } public String getNname() { return Nname; } public String getEMail() { return EMail; } public String getAddress() { return Address; } public String getPhoneNo() { return PhoneNo; } public String getWebpage() { return Webpage; } public String getBday() { return Bday; } } class OperationHandler implements ListSelectionListener, ActionListener, Runnable { JFrame newFrame; JTextField txtFirstName; JTextField txtLastName; JTextField txtNickname; JTextField txtEMail; JTextField txtAddress; JTextField txtPhoneNo; JTextField txtWebpage; JTextField txtBDay; JButton BttnSaveAdded; Vector v = new Vector(10,3); int i=0,k=0; Toolkit kit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Dimension screenSize = kit.getScreenSize(); int screenHeight = screenSize.height; int screenWidth = screenSize.width; Image img = kit.getImage("images/icon.JPG"); FileInputStream fis; ObjectInputStream ois; JList list; DefaultListModel listModel; ListSelectionModel listSelectionModel; JRadioButton byfname, bylname; Thread t; JTable searchTable; JTextField txtSearch; String columnNames[] = { "First Name", "Last Name", "Nickname", "E Mail Address", "Address", "Phone No.", "Webpage", "B'day" }; Object data[][]= new Object[5][8]; OperationHandler() { try { fis = new FileInputStream("data/data.dat"); ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis); v = (Vector) ois.readObject(); ois.close(); } catch(Exception e) { } } public void run() { try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("data/data.dat"); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos); oos.writeObject(v); oos.flush(); oos.close(); } catch(Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(newFrame, "Error Opening Data File: Could Not Save Contents.", "Error Opening Data File", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } } public void AddNew() { newFrame = new JFrame("Add New"); newFrame.setSize(220,250); newFrame.setResizable(false); newFrame.setIconImage(img); JLabel lblFirstName = new JLabel("First Name: "); JLabel lblLastName = new JLabel("Last Name: "); JLabel lblNickname = new JLabel("Nickname: "); JLabel lblEMail = new JLabel("EMail: "); JLabel lblAddress = new JLabel("Address: "); JLabel lblPhoneNo = new JLabel("Phone No: "); JLabel lblWebpage = new JLabel("Webpage: "); JLabel lblBDay = new JLabel("BDay: "); JLabel lblEmpty1 = new JLabel(""); JLabel lblEmpty2 = new JLabel(""); txtFirstName = new JTextField(10); txtLastName = new JTextField(10); txtNickname = new JTextField(10); txtEMail = new JTextField(10); txtAddress = new JTextField(10); txtPhoneNo = new JTextField(10); txtWebpage = new JTextField(10); txtBDay = new JTextField(10); JButton BttnAdd = new JButton("Add New!"); BttnSaveAdded = new JButton("Save Added!"); BttnAdd.addActionListener(this); BttnSaveAdded.addActionListener(this); BttnSaveAdded.setEnabled(false); JPanel centerPane = new JPanel(); JPanel bottomPane = new JPanel(); centerPane.add(lblFirstName); centerPane.add(txtFirstName); centerPane.add(lblLastName); centerPane.add(txtLastName); centerPane.add(lblNickname); centerPane.add(txtNickname); centerPane.add(lblEMail); centerPane.add(txtEMail); centerPane.add(lblAddress); centerPane.add(txtAddress); centerPane.add(lblPhoneNo); centerPane.add(txtPhoneNo); centerPane.add(lblWebpage); centerPane.add(txtWebpage); centerPane.add(lblBDay); centerPane.add(txtBDay); bottomPane.add(BttnAdd); bottomPane.add(BttnSaveAdded); centerPane.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,2)); newFrame.getContentPane().add(centerPane,BorderLayout.CENTER); newFrame.getContentPane().add(bottomPane,BorderLayout.SOUTH); newFrame.setLocation(screenWidth/4, screenHeight/4);; } public void SearchContacts() { newFrame = new JFrame("Search Contacts"); newFrame.setSize(700,220); newFrame.setLocation(screenWidth/4, screenHeight/4); newFrame.setIconImage(img); newFrame.setResizable(false); JPanel topPane = new JPanel(); JLabel label1 = new JLabel("Search Contacts by First Name or Last Name or Both Spaced Via a Single Space:"); topPane.add(label1); JPanel centerPane = new JPanel(); JLabel label2 = new JLabel("Search String:"); txtSearch = new JTextField(20); JButton bttnSearch = new JButton("Search!"); bttnSearch.addActionListener(this); JButton bttnCancel = new JButton("Cancel"); bttnCancel.addActionListener(this); centerPane.add(label2); centerPane.add(txtSearch); centerPane.add(bttnSearch); centerPane.add(bttnCancel); searchTable = new JTable(data,columnNames); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(searchTable); searchTable.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(500, 90)); newFrame.getContentPane().add(scrollPane,BorderLayout.SOUTH); newFrame.getContentPane().add(topPane, BorderLayout.NORTH); newFrame.getContentPane().add(centerPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);; } public void SortContacts() { newFrame = new JFrame("Sort Contacts"); newFrame.setSize(250,160); newFrame.setLocation(screenWidth/4, screenHeight/4); newFrame.setIconImage(img); newFrame.setResizable(false); byfname = new JRadioButton("By First Name"); byfname.setActionCommand("By First Name"); byfname.setSelected(true); bylname = new JRadioButton("By Last Name"); bylname.setActionCommand("By Last Name"); ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); group.add(byfname); group.add(bylname); JPanel topPane = new JPanel(); JLabel label = new JLabel("Sort Contacts By:"); topPane.add(label); JPanel pane = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0,1)); pane.add(byfname); pane.add(bylname); JPanel bottomPane = new JPanel(); JButton sortBttn = new JButton("Sort Contacts"); JButton cancelBttn = new JButton("Cancel"); bottomPane.add(sortBttn); bottomPane.add(cancelBttn); sortBttn.addActionListener(this); cancelBttn.addActionListener(this); newFrame.getContentPane().add(topPane, BorderLayout.NORTH); newFrame.getContentPane().add(pane, BorderLayout.CENTER); newFrame.getContentPane().add(bottomPane, BorderLayout.SOUTH);; } public void DeleteContact() { String fname, lname; newFrame = new JFrame("Delete Contact"); newFrame.setSize(300,300); newFrame.setLocation(screenWidth/4, screenHeight/4); newFrame.setIconImage(img); JPanel centerPane = new JPanel(); listModel = new DefaultListModel(); Contact contact = new Contact(); for(int l=0;l<v.size();l++) { contact = (Contact) v.elementAt(l); fname = contact.getFName(); lname = contact.getLName(); listModel.addElement(fname + " " + lname); } list = new JList(listModel); list.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.SINGLE_SELECTION); listSelectionModel = list.getSelectionModel(); listSelectionModel.addListSelectionListener(this); JScrollPane listScrollPane = new JScrollPane(list); JPanel topPane = new JPanel(); JLabel label = new JLabel("Current Contacts:"); topPane.add(label); JPanel bottomPane = new JPanel(); JButton bttnDelete = new JButton("Delete Selected"); bottomPane.add(bttnDelete); bttnDelete.addActionListener(this); JButton bttnCancel = new JButton("Cancel"); bottomPane.add(bttnCancel); bttnCancel.addActionListener(this); newFrame.getContentPane().add(topPane, BorderLayout.NORTH); newFrame.getContentPane().add(listScrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); newFrame.getContentPane().add(bottomPane, BorderLayout.SOUTH);; } public void ViewAllContacts() { newFrame = new JFrame("All Contacts In The Address Book"); newFrame.setSize(600,300); newFrame.setIconImage(img); Contact con = new Contact(); String columnNames[] = { "First Name", "Last Name", "Nickname", "E Mail Address", "Address", "Phone No.", "Webpage", "B'day" }; Object data[][]= new Object[v.size()][8]; for(int j=0;j<v.size();j++) { con = (Contact) v.elementAt(k); data[j][0] = con.getFName(); data[j][1] = con.getLName(); data[j][2] = con.getNname(); data[j][3] = con.getEMail(); data[j][4] = con.getAddress(); data[j][5] = con.getPhoneNo(); data[j][6] = con.getWebpage(); data[j][7] = con.getBday(); k++; } k=0; JTable abtable = new JTable(data,columnNames); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(abtable); abtable.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize(new Dimension(500, 370)); JPanel pane = new JPanel(); JLabel label = new JLabel("Contacts Currently In The Address Book"); pane.add(label); newFrame.getContentPane().add(pane,BorderLayout.SOUTH); newFrame.getContentPane().add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); newFrame.setLocation(screenWidth/4, screenHeight/4);; } public void showHelp() throws IOException { String title = "Help Contents"; String data = ""; FileInputStream fishelp = null; int i; newFrame = new JFrame(title); newFrame.setSize(401, 400); newFrame.setResizable(false); newFrame.setLocation(screenWidth/4, screenHeight/4); newFrame.setIconImage(img); JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(5,20); textArea.setLineWrap(true); textArea.setEditable(false); try { fishelp= new FileInputStream("help/help.txt"); } catch(Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(newFrame, "Help File Not Found.", "Help File Not Found", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } do { i =; if(i!=1) data = data + (char) i; } while(i!=-1); fishelp.close(); textArea.setText(data); JPanel bottomPane = new JPanel(); JButton button = new JButton("Ok"); bottomPane.add(button); button.addActionListener(this); JPanel topPane = new JPanel(); JLabel label = new JLabel(title); topPane.add(label); JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textArea); newFrame.getContentPane().add(topPane,BorderLayout.NORTH); newFrame.getContentPane().add(scrollPane); newFrame.getContentPane().add(bottomPane,BorderLayout.SOUTH);; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Add New!") { if(txtFirstName.getText().equals("") && txtLastName.getText().equals("") && txtNickname.getText().equals("") && txtEMail.getText().equals("") && txtAddress.getText().equals("") && txtPhoneNo.getText().equals("") && txtWebpage.getText().equals("") && txtBDay.getText().equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(newFrame, "Entries Empty! Fill in the required entries to save Contact.", "Entries Empty", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } else { Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.setDetails(txtFirstName.getText(),txtLastName.getText(),txtNicknam e.getText(),txtEMail.getText(),txtAddress.getText(),txtPhoneNo.getText(),t xtWebpage.getText(),txtBDay.getText()); v.addElement(contact); txtFirstName.setText(""); txtLastName.setText(""); txtNickname.setText(""); txtEMail.setText(""); txtAddress.setText(""); txtPhoneNo.setText(""); txtWebpage.setText(""); txtBDay.setText(""); if(BttnSaveAdded.isEnabled() == false) BttnSaveAdded.setEnabled(true); } } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Save Added!") { saveVector(); newFrame.setVisible(false); } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Ok") { newFrame.setVisible(false); } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Delete Selected") { int index; try { index = list.getSelectedIndex(); if(index==-1) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(newFrame, "Select a Contact first to delete it.", "Select a Contact First", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } else { int n = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(newFrame, "Are you sure you want to delete the selected Contact?", "Are you sure?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (n == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { listModel.remove(index); v.removeElementAt(index); saveVector();; } else if (n == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) { } } } catch(Exception e) { } } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Cancel") { newFrame.setVisible(false); } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Search!") { String SearchStr; SearchStr = txtSearch.getText(); boolean flag=false; Contact con = new Contact(); int c=0; for(int t=0;t<5;t++) { data[t][0] = ""; data[t][1] = ""; data[t][2] = ""; data[t][3] = ""; data[t][4] = ""; data[t][5] = ""; data[t][6] = ""; data[t][7] = ""; } for(int t=0;t<v.size();t++) { con = (Contact) v.elementAt(t); if(SearchStr.equalsIgnoreCase(con.getFName()) || SearchStr.equalsIgnoreCase(con.getLName()) || SearchStr.equalsIgnoreCase(con.getFName() + " " + con.getLName())) { flag=true; data[c][0] = con.getFName(); data[c][1] = con.getLName(); data[c][2] = con.getNname(); data[c][3] = con.getEMail(); data[c][4] = con.getAddress(); data[c][5] = con.getPhoneNo(); data[c][6] = con.getWebpage(); data[c][7] = con.getBday(); searchTable = new JTable(data,columnNames); newFrame.setSize(700,221); newFrame.setSize(700,220); if(c<5) c++; } } if(flag) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(newFrame, "Contact Found!", "Search Result!", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(newFrame, "No Such Contact Found!", "Search Result!", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } } else if(ae.getActionCommand() == "Sort Contacts") { if(byfname.isSelected()) { Contact contact1 = new Contact(); Contact contact2 = new Contact(); Contact temp = new Contact(); int l,m; for(l=0;l<v.size()-1;l++) { for(m=l+1;m<v.size();m++) { contact1 = (Contact) v.elementAt(l); contact2 = (Contact) v.elementAt(m); if(contact1.getFName().compareTo(contact2.getFName()) > 0) { temp = (Contact) v.elementAt(m); v.setElementAt(v.elementAt(l),m); v.setElementAt(temp,l); } } } saveVector(); } else { Contact contact1 = new Contact(); Contact contact2 = new Contact(); Contact temp = new Contact(); int l,m; for(l=0;l<v.size()-1;l++) { for(m=l+1;m<v.size();m++) { contact1 = (Contact) v.elementAt(l); contact2 = (Contact) v.elementAt(m); if(contact1.getLName().compareTo(contact2.getLName()) > 0) { temp = (Contact) v.elementAt(m); v.setElementAt(v.elementAt(l),m); v.setElementAt(temp,l); } } } saveVector(); } newFrame.setVisible(false); } } public void saveVector() { t = new Thread(this, "Save Vector Thread"); t.start(); } public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent lse) { } }

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