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Title A Function Plotter using TurboC++ Graphics
Author Vikram R. Bhat
Author Email vrb1001 [at]
Description A very versatile, fully customizable graph drawing program using the TurboC++ graphics library.The DrawGraph() functions does the
actual graph drawing. It can be used to draw graphs of BOTH CARTESIAN AS WELL AS POLAR functions. You'll need to pass the math. function to the program The main() demonstrates the
usage of DrawGraph() for a few functions. Written and Compiled using TurboC++ 3.0
Category C » Games and Graphics
Hits 382367
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Code : /******************* Include Files ****************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <graphics.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <dos.h> /******************** Macros and enums ***************************/ /* NOTE : Specify the path where your graphics files are located in BGI_PATH. Usually located in your TurboC++ folder. " " indicates current path. Code will not compile if this path is not correct. */ #define BGI_PATH "" #define PI 3.14159265 #define AUTO 0.0 #define ESC 27 #define IGNORE_BOUNDARY_ERRORS 0 // Set this to 0 if you want to // see the "Out of bounds" errors // generated when DrawGraph() encounters // points which are outside the screen area // There may be 1 or 2 of these errors // probably due to floating-point inaccuracy. // However, a large number of such errors may mean // you're using a wrong scale/refernce enum GraphStyle { LINE, POINT }; enum FunctionType { CARTESIAN, POLAR }; /******************** Structure Definition **********************/ // Structure contains options to vary appearence of graph struct GraphOpts { enum GraphStyle GraphStyle; // Line, point or circle int Color, // Color of line or point LineThickness, // for GraphStyle = LINE only, see the LinePattern, // setlinestyle() library function for usage LineStyle, xref, yref, // use these to shift graph left/right/up/down (0,0) is the default // You'll have to use custom scales too if these are not 0 IdenticalScales; // Values : 0 or 1. Whether same scale is used for both axes // This is ignored if you are using a custom scale // If different scales are used, the whole // screen is used, but true nature of graph // does not appear. double scale_x, scale_y; // Allows you to define custom scales, // use AUTO to calculate best scale automatically // scale is the number of values each pixel represents // The lower the scale, the better }; /******************** Global Variables ***************************/ int MaxX, MaxY; // Max. x and y coordinates for current graphics mode // Filled by Initialize() /******************** Function Prototypes ******************/ void Initialize( void ); void DrawGraph( double xmin, double xmax, double dx, double (*fx)( double x ), enum FunctionType fun_type, struct GraphOpts *g ); double FindMax( double a[], unsigned size ); double FindMin( double a[], unsigned size ); int IsBetween( double x, double low, double high ); void PolarToCartesian( double r, double theta, double *x, double *y ); void Abort( char *msg, int ExitCode ); void Wait( void ); // Some demo functions double f1( double ); double f2( double ); double f3( double ); double f4( double ); double f5( double ); double f6( double ); double f7( double ); double f8( double ); double f9( double ); double f10( double ); double f11( double ); double f12( double ); /**************************** main() **************************/ int main( ) { struct GraphOpts g; // These should be good defaults g.GraphStyle = LINE; g.Color = RED; g.LineThickness = 1; g.LinePattern = 0; g.LineStyle = SOLID_LINE; g.IdenticalScales = 1; g.xref = 0; g.yref = 0; g.scale_x = AUTO; g.scale_y = AUTO; Initialize(); settextstyle( SMALL_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 4 ); // Screen 1 cleardevice(); g.scale_y = 50; setcolor( RED );outtext("y = x^2"); setcolor( GREEN );outtext(" y = e^x "); setcolor( YELLOW );outtext(" y = 1/(.5+x^2) "); g.Color = RED; DrawGraph( 0, 3, 0.1, f1, CARTESIAN, &g ); g.Color = GREEN; DrawGraph( 0, 2, 0.1, exp, CARTESIAN, &g ); g.Color = YELLOW; DrawGraph( 0, 3, 0.1, f2, CARTESIAN, &g ); Wait(); // Screen 2 cleardevice(); outtext("Functions"); setcolor( RED ); outtext(" y = sin(x) "); setcolor( WHITE ); outtext(" , "); setcolor( YELLOW ); outtext(" y = sin(2*x) "); setcolor( MAGENTA );outtext(" y = 2*sin(x) "); setcolor( WHITE ); outtext( " using custom scale and reference for y-axis. " ); g.scale_y = 100; g.yref = (MaxY+1)/2; g.GraphStyle = POINT; DrawGraph( 0, 4*PI, PI/15, sin, CARTESIAN, &g ); g.Color = YELLOW; g.LineStyle = DASHED_LINE; g.GraphStyle = LINE; DrawGraph( 0, 4*PI, PI/15, f3, CARTESIAN, &g ); g.Color = MAGENTA; g.LineStyle = SOLID_LINE; DrawGraph( 0, 4*PI, PI/15, f4, CARTESIAN, &g ); Wait(); // Screen 3 cleardevice(); setcolor( RED ); outtext( " y = cos(x) " ); setcolor( BLUE ); outtext( " y = cos( x+PI/6 )" ); setcolor( LIGHTGREEN ); outtext( " y = cos( x+PI/3) "); g.GraphStyle = LINE; g.LineStyle = SOLID_LINE; g.Color = RED; DrawGraph( 0, 4*PI, PI/10, f5, CARTESIAN, &g ); g.Color = BLUE; DrawGraph( 0, 4*PI, PI/10, f6, CARTESIAN, &g ); g.Color = LIGHTGREEN; DrawGraph( 0, 4*PI, PI/10, f7, CARTESIAN, &g ); Wait(); // Screen 4 cleardevice(); g.yref = 0; g.scale_y = AUTO; setcolor( RED );outtext( " "The spiral", r = t+sin(t) - POLAR using auto scale"); DrawGraph( 0, 6*PI, PI/25, f8, POLAR, &g ); Wait(); // Screen 5 cleardevice(); outtext( ""The Cardoid", r = 1 + cos(t) polar"); g.Color = RED; g.xref = ( MaxX+1 )/2; g.yref = (MaxY+1)/2; g.scale_x = 1 50; g.scale_y = 100; DrawGraph( 0,2*PI, PI/25, f9, POLAR, &g ); Wait(); // Screen 6 cleardevice(); outtext( ""Three - leaved rose", r = cos(3*t)"); g.Color = CYAN; g.xref = g.yref= 0; g.scale_x = g.scale_y = AUTO; DrawGraph( 0, 2*PI, PI/25, f10, POLAR, &g ); Wait(); //Screen 7 cleardevice(); outtext( "A funny function"); g.Color = RED; DrawGraph( 0, 4*PI, PI/20, f11, CARTESIAN, &g ); Wait(); // Screen 8 cleardevice(); outtext( "y = sin(2*x) + sin(x/2)" ); g.Color = RED; DrawGraph( 0, 8*PI, PI/20, f12, CARTESIAN, &g ); Wait(); closegraph(); restorecrtmode(); return 0; } // End of main() /********************* DrawGraph() *************************/ /* Draws the graph of specified function y = f(x) ( Cartesian ) or r = f(theta) ( Polar ) Parameters : xmin, xmax : the min and max values of x ( both inclusive ), dx : the step length or increment in x (*fx) : a pointer to a function ( which is nothing but the name of function without brackets ) which returns the value of y for a given x. Must have prototype double fun( double ) fun_type : CARTESIAN or POLAR g : Address of a graphopts variable to control appearence of graph For polar function (x,y) -> (r,theta). But, the way args are passed to our function, x->theta and y->r, so a little mod is needed. */ void DrawGraph( double xmin, double xmax, double dx, double (*fx)( double x ), enum FunctionType fun_type, struct GraphOpts *g ) { int npts, x_pt, y_pt, flag = 0, i; double *x_vals, *y_vals, scale_x, scale_y, x, y, ymin, ymax; int prev_color; // To restore settings we modify struct linesettingstype prev_ls; prev_color = getcolor(); getlinesettings( &prev_ls ); // Calculate no of points npts = ( xmax - xmin ) / dx + 1; if( npts <= 1 ) Abort( "DrawGraph() : Too few points", 0 ); // Allocate space for holding y values y_vals = ( double* ) malloc( sizeof( double ) * npts ); if( !y_vals ) Abort( "DrawGraph() : Memory allocation failed", 1 ); // If function is polar, we need to hold the Cartesian values of theta t oo if( fun_type == POLAR ) { x_vals = ( double* ) malloc( sizeof( double ) * npts ); if( !x_vals ) Abort( "DrawGraph() : Memory allocation falied", 1 ); } // Calculate y ( or r ) values for each x ( or theta ) x = xmin; for( i = 0; i < npts; i++ ) { y_vals[i] = fx( x ); x += dx; } /* In case of polar function, transform the points into Cartesian. Till now y -> r and x -> theta. This will be changed to x -> r and y -> theta, by the folowing function call */ if( fun_type == POLAR ) { x = xmin; for( i = 0; i < npts; i++ ) { PolarToCartesian( y_vals[i], x, &x_vals[i], &y_vals[i] ); x += dx; } } // Find new range if fn. is polar if( fun_type == POLAR ) { xmin = FindMin( x_vals, npts ); xmax = FindMax( x_vals, npts ); } // Time to calculate the scales if( g->scale_x != AUTO ) scale_x = g->scale_x; else { if( xmax == xmin ) // The function is a polar const fn. flag = 1; // Setup flag so that we can make scale_x = scale_y later else scale_x = MaxX /( xmax - xmin ); // Div-by-zero if xmin == xmax } if( g->scale_y != AUTO ) scale_y = g->scale_y; else { ymin = FindMin( y_vals, npts ); ymax = FindMax( y_vals, npts ); if( ymin == ymax ) // The function is a Cartesian const fn. scale_y = scale_x; else scale_y = MaxY / ( ymax - ymin ); } if( flag ) scale_x = scale_y; // If both scales are AUTO and IdenticalScales is true // choose the better ( lesser ) of the two scales if( g->scale_x == AUTO && g->scale_y == AUTO && g->IdenticalScales ) { if( scale_x < scale_y ) scale_y = scale_x; else scale_x = scale_y; } // Prepare to plot the graph setcolor( g->Color ); if( g->GraphStyle == LINE ) setlinestyle( g->LineStyle, g->LinePattern, g->LineThickness ); // If GraphStyle is LINE, we need to 'move' to the first point if( g->GraphStyle == LINE ) { if( g->scale_y == AUTO ) { if( fun_type == POLAR ) moveto( g->xref + (x_vals[0]-xmin)* scale_x , MaxY - (y_vals[0]-ymin)* scale_y - g->yref ); else moveto( g->xref + xmin*scale_x , MaxY - (y_vals[0]-ymin)*scale_y - g->yref ); } else { if( fun_type == POLAR ) moveto( g->xref + x_vals[0]*scale_x, MaxY - y_vals[0]*scale_y - g->yref ); else moveto( g->xref + xmin*scale_x, MaxY - y_vals[0]*scale_y - g->yref ); } } // Finally, plot the graph x = xmin; for( i = 0; i < npts; i++ ) { // Calculate the next point if( g->scale_x == AUTO ) { if( fun_type == POLAR ) x_pt = (x_vals[i] - xmin)*scale_x + g->xref; // Subtract from min. value else // to get relative position x_pt = (x - xmin)*scale_x + g->xref; } else { if( fun_type == POLAR ) x_pt = x_vals[i]*scale_x + g->xref; else x_pt = x*scale_x + g->xref; } // The screen y coordinates increase from top to bottom, // which is not how we want it, so subtract from MaxY if( g->scale_y == AUTO ) y_pt = MaxY - (y_vals[i]- ymin) * scale_y - g->yref; else y_pt = MaxY - y_vals[i] * scale_y - g->yref; if( IsBetween( x_pt, 0, MaxX ) && IsBetween( y_pt, 0, MaxY )) { if( g->GraphStyle == POINT ) putpixel( x_pt, y_pt, g->Color ); else lineto( x_pt , y_pt ); // delay(500); // Uncomment this to see how graph is plotted in real time } else { if( ! IGNORE_BOUNDARY_ERRORS ) printf("Point (%d,%d) out of bounds.", x_pt, y_pt ); } x+=dx; } // End of for // Restore modified settings setcolor( prev_color ); setlinestyle( prev_ls.linestyle, prev_ls.upattern, prev_ls.thickness ); } // End of DrawGraph() /******************** Other Functions ***************************/ // Initialize the graphics system void Initialize( void ) { int GraphDriver = DETECT, GraphMode, ErrorCode; initgraph( &GraphDriver, &GraphMode, BGI_PATH ); ErrorCode = graphresult(); if( ErrorCode != grOk ) { printf(" Graphics system error: %s", grapherrormsg( ErrorCode )); exit( 1 ); } MaxX = getmaxx( ); MaxY = getmaxy( ); } // Find min elem of array double FindMax( double a[], unsigned size ) { int i; double max = a[0]; for( i = 1; i < size; i++ ) if( a[i] > max ) max = a[i]; return max; } // Find min elem of array double FindMin( double a[], unsigned size ) { int i; double min = a[0]; for( i = 1; i < size; i++ ) if( a[i] < min ) min = a[i]; return min; } // Conversion from polar to Cartesian void PolarToCartesian( double r, double theta, double *x, double *y ) { *x = r * cos( theta ); *y = r * sin( theta ); } // Check if x lies within low and high int IsBetween( double x ,double low, double high ) { return ( x>=low && x<=high ); } // Print error message, wait,cleanup and exit void Abort( char *msg, int ExitCode ) { fprintf( stderr, " msg", msg ); fprintf( stderr, " Press any key to exit..." ); while(!kbhit()) ; closegraph(); restorecrtmode(); exit( ExitCode ); } // Wait for user input and exit if ESC is pressed void Wait( void ) { char ch; outtextxy( 10, MaxY-10,"Press any key to continue,Esc to abort..."); ch = getch(); if( ch == ESC ) { closegraph(); restorecrtmode(); exit(0); } } double f1 ( double x ) { return x*x; } double f2( double x ) { return 1.0/(.5+x*x); } double f3( double x ) { return sin(2*x); } double f4( double x ) { return 2*sin(x); } double f5( double x ) { return cos(x); } double f6( double x ) { return cos(x+PI/3); } double f7( double x ) { return cos(x+PI/6); } double f8( double x ) { return x+sin(x); } double f9( double x ) { return 1+cos(x); } double f10( double x ) { return cos(3*x); } double f11( double x ) { static int term = -1; term++; return pow( -1, term )*sin(x); } double f12( double x ) { return sin(2*x) + sin(x/2); }

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