Java Data Structures - Contents
Sorting using Quicksort is something that I wasn't
planning to cover in this document due to the fact that the algorithm solely depends on
the data it receives. If the data has certain properties, quicksort is one of the fastest,
if not, quicksort can be excruciatingly slow. By now, you probably already figured out
that bubble sort (covered earlier) is pretty slow; put it another way: forget
about using bubble sort for anything important.
Bubble sort tends to be O(n^2) ; in
other words, pretty slow. Now, quicksort can perform quite fast, on average about O(n
log n) , but it's worst case, is a humiliating O(n^2) . For quicksort,
the worst case is usually when the data is already sorted. There are many algorithms to
make this "less likely to occur," but it does happen. (the O
notation is paraphrased "on the order of")
If you need a no-worst-case fast sorting
algorithm, then by all means, use heap sort (covered earlier). In my
opinion, heap sort is more elegant than any other sort <it is in place O(n
log n) sort>. However, on average, it does tend to perform twice as slow as
UPDATE: I've recently attended a conference at the
[insert fancy name here] Science Society, and heard a nice talk by a professor from
Princeton. The talk was totally dedicated to Quicksort. Apparently, if you modify the
logic a bit, you can make Quicksort optimal! This is a very grand discovery!
(unfortunately, I didn't write down the name of anybody; not even the place!) The idea
(among other things) involves moving duplicate elements to one end of the list, and at the
end of the run, move all of them to the middle, then sort the left and right sides of the
list. Since now Quicksort performs well with lots of duplicate values (really well
actually ;-), you can create a radix-like sort that uses embedded Quicksort to quickly
(very quickly) sort things. There's also been a Dr.Dobbs article (written by that same
professor ;-) on this same idea, and I'm sorry for not having any more references than I
should. I still think this is something that deserved to be mentioned.
We will start out by writing a general (simplest)
implementation of quicksort. After we thoroughly understand the algorithm we will re-write
it implementing all kinds of tricks to make it faster.
Quicksort is naturally recursive. We partition the
array into two sub-arrays, and then re-start the algorithm on each of these sub-arrays.
The partition procedure involves choosing some object (usually, already in the array); If
some other object is greater than the chosen object, it is added to one of the sub-arrays,
if it's less than the chosen object, it's added to another sub-array. Thus, the entire
array is partitioned into two sub-arrays, with one sub-array having everything that's
larger than the chosen object, and the other sub-array having everything that's smaller.
The algorithm is fairly simple, and it's not hard to
implement. The tough part is making it fast. The implementation that follows is recursive
and is not optimized, which makes this function inherently slow (most sorting functions
try to avoid recursion and try to be as fast as possible). If you need raw speed, you
should consider writing a native version of this algorithm.
public class pSimpleQuicksort{
public static void qsort(Comparable[] c,int start,int end){
if(end <= start) return;
Comparable comp = c[start];
int i = start,j = end + 1;
do i++; while(i<end && c[i].compareTo(comp)<0);
do j--; while(j>start && c[j].compareTo(comp)>0);
if(j <= i) break;
Comparable tmp = c[i];
c[i] = c[j];
c[j] = tmp;
c[start] = c[j];
c[j] = comp;
public static void qsort(Comparable[] c){
public static void main(String[] args){
int i;
Integer[] arr = new Integer[20];
System.out.println("inserting: ");
arr[i] = new Integer((int)(Math.random()*99));
System.out.print(arr[i]+" ");
System.out.println("\nsorted: ");
System.out.print(arr[i]+" ");
System.out.println("\nDone ;-)");
As you can see, the qsort() functions
itself is fairly short. One of them is just a wrapper for the other one. The idea is that qsort()
receives the array, and then the start , and end pointer between
which you want everything sorted. So, the starting call starts at array position zero ,
and ends at the last valid position in the array. Some sample output follows:
58 52 82 27 23 67 37 63 68 18 95 41 87 6 53 85 65 30 10 3
3 6 10 18 23 27 30 37 41 52 53 58 63 65 67 68 82 85 87 95
Done ;-)
The sorts starts out by first checking to see if the
end pointer is less then or equal to the start pointer. It if is
less, then there is nothing to sort, and we return. If they are equal, we have only one
element to sort, and an element by itself is always already sorted, so we return.
If we did not return, we make a pick. In our
example, we simply choose the first element in the array to use as our partition element
(some call it pivot element). To some people, this is the most critical point of
the sort, since depending on what element you choose, you'll get either good performance,
or bad. A lot of the times, instead of choosing the first, people choose the last, or take
a median of the first, last and middle elements. Some even have a random number generator
to pick a random element. However, all these techniques are useless against random data,
in which case, all those tricky approaches can actually prove to worsen results. Then
again, most of the times, they do work quite nicely... (it really depends on the type of
data you are working with)
After we have picked the element, we setup i
and j , and fall into the a for loop. Inside that loop, we have
two inner loops. Inside the first inner loop, we scan the array looking for the first
element which is larger than our picked element, moving from left to right of the array.
Inside the second inner loop, we scan to find an element smaller than the picked, moving
from right to left in the array. Once we've found them (fallen out of both loops), we
check to see if the pointers haven't crossed (since if they did, we are done). We then
swap the elements, and continue on to the next iteration of the loop.
You should notice that in all these loops, we are
doing one simple thing. We are making sure that only one element gets to it's correct
position. We deal with one element at a time. After we find that correct position of our
chosen element, all we need to do is sort the elements on it's right, and left sides, and
we're done. You should also notice that the algorithm above is lacking in optimization.
The inner loops, where most of the time takes place are not as optimized as they should
be. However, for the time being, try to understand the algorithm; and we will get back to
optimizing a bit later.
When we fall out of the outer loop, we put our
chosen element into it's correct position, calculate the upper and lower bounds of the
left and right arrays (from that chosen elements), and recursively call the method on
these new computed arrays.
That's basically it for the general
algorithm. In the next section, you'll be amazed at how much faster we can make this work.
Basically, in the next section, we will implement a sort function to use everywhere (it
will be faster than most other approaches).
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