Java Data Structures - Contents
A linked list is just a chain of nodes, with each
subsequent node being a child of the previous one. Many programs rely on linked lists for
their storage because these don't have any evident restrictions. For example, the array
list we did earlier could not grow or shrink, but node based ones can! This means there is
no limit (other than the amount of memory) on the number of elements they can store.
A linked list has just one node, that node, has
links to subsequent nodes. So, the entire list can be referenced from that one node. That
first node is usually referred to as the head of the list. The last node in the chain of
nodes usually has some special feature to let us know that it's last. That feature, most
of the time is a null pointer to the next node.
The example above illustrates the node organization
inside the list. In it, node0 is the head node, and node4 is the
last node, because it's pointer points to null . Well, now that you know how
it's done, and what is meant by a linked list, lets write one. (I mean, that's why we're
here, to actually write stuff!)
import pOneChildNode;
public class pLinkedList{
protected pOneChildNode head;
protected int number;
public pLinkedList(){
head = null;
number = 0;
public boolean isEmpty(){
return head == null;
public int size(){
return number;
public void insert(Object obj){
head = new pOneChildNode(obj,head);
public Object remove(){
return null;
pOneChildNode tmp = head;
head = tmp.getNext();
return tmp.getData();
public void insertEnd(Object obj){
pOneChildNode t = head;
while(t.getNext() != null)
pOneChildNode tmp =
new pOneChildNode(obj,t.getNext());
public Object removeEnd(){
return null;
if(head.getNext() == null)
return remove();
pOneChildNode t = head;
while(t.getNext().getNext() != null)
t = t.getNext();
Object obj = t.getNext().getData();
return obj;
public Object peek(int n){
pOneChildNode t = head;
for(int i = 0;i<n && t != null;i++)
t = t.getNext();
return t.getData();
Before we move on, lets go over the source. There
are two data members, one named head , and the other named number .
Head is the first node of the list, and number is the total number of nodes
in the list. Number is primarily used for the size() method. The constructor,
pLinkedList() is self explanatory. The size() and isEmpty()
methods are also pretty easy.
Here comes the hard part, the insertion and removal
methods. Method insert(Object) creates a new pOneChildNode
object with next pointer pointing to the current head , and data
the data which is inserted. It then sets the head to that new node. If you
think about it, you'll notice that the head is still saved, and the new node
points to it.
Method Object remove() works in a very
similar fashion, but instead of inserting, it is removing. It first checks to see if the
list is isEmpty() or not, if it is, it returns a null . It then
saves the current head node, and then changes it to accommodate the removal
(think about the logic), decrements the number , and returns the data
from the previously saved node.
In the method insertEnd(Object) , we're
actually inserting at the end of the list. We first check to see if the list is isEmpty() ,
if it is, we do a regular insertion (since it really doesn't matter which direction we're
coming from if the list is empty ). We then setup a loop to search for the
end. The end is symbolized by the next pointer of the node being null .
When we get to the end, we create a new node, and place it at the end location.
Incrementing number before we return.
Method Object removeEnd() works in a
similar fashion as insertend(Object) method. It also goes through the whole
list to look for the end. At the beginning, we check if the list is not isEmpty() ,
if it is, we return a null . We then check to see if there is only one element
in the list, if there is only one, we remove it using regular remove() . We
then setup a loop to look for the node who's child is the last node. It is important to
realize that if we get to the last node, we won't be able to erase it; we need the last
node's parent node. When we find it, we get the data , setup necessary links,
decrement number , and return the data .
The Object peek(int) method simply goes
through the list until it either reaches the element requested, or the end of the list. If
it reaches the end, it should return a null , if not, it should return the
correct location inside the list.
As I have said before, it is very important to
actually test. The ideas could be fine, and logical, but if it doesn't work, it doesn't
work. So, lets convert our pArrayListTest driver to accommodate this class.
import pLinkedList;
class pLinkedListTest{
public static void main(String[] args){
pLinkedList l = new pLinkedList();
Integer j = null;
int i;
j = new Integer((int)(Math.random() * 100));
System.out.println("insert: " + j);
j = new Integer((int)(Math.random() * 100));
System.out.println("insertEnd: " + j);
System.out.println("peek "+i+": "+l.peek(i));
System.out.println("remove: " + ((Integer)l.remove()));
System.out.println("removeEnd: " + ((Integer)l.removeEnd()));
System.out.println("Done ;-)");
The test driver is nothing special, it's just a
pretty simple conversion of the old test driver, so, I wont spend any time discussing it.
The output follows.
insert: 65
insert: 78
insert: 21
insert: 73
insert: 62
insertEnd: 82
insertEnd: 63
insertEnd: 6
insertEnd: 95
insertEnd: 57
peek 0: 62
peek 1: 73
peek 2: 21
peek 3: 78
peek 4: 65
peek 5: 82
peek 6: 63
peek 7: 6
peek 8: 95
peek 9: 57
remove: 62
remove: 73
remove: 21
remove: 78
remove: 65
removeEnd: 57
removeEnd: 95
removeEnd: 6
removeEnd: 63
removeEnd: 82
Done ;-)
Look over the output, make sure you understand why
you get what you get. Linked lists are one of the most important data structures you'll
ever learn, and it really pays to know them well. Don't forget that you can always
experiment. One exercise I'd like to leave up to the reader is to create a circular list.
In a circular list, the last node is not pointing to null , but to the first
node (creating a circle). Sometimes, lists are also implemented using two pointers; and
there are many other variations you should consider and try yourself. You can even make it
faster by having a "dummy" first node and/or "tail" node. This will
eliminate most special cases, making it faster on insertions and deletions.
I guess that's it for the lists, next, I'll show you
how to do simple and easy tricks to re-use code.
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