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Java Data Structures - Contents



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    I have gotten enough responses from people asking me to list good references for all this info, so, here I am, trying to list everything that is relevant. It is by no means a complete list, but it should provide the reader with adequate reference. I will supply the name, author(s), and a very brief opinionated description. Most book stores will let you search for the title, so, I don't think ISBN is relevant in most cases.

Most relevant:

Introduction to Algorithms, by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Riverst. It is a rather large book, which not only covers all the common data structures, but most common algorithms as well. A really nice book to have as a reference.

The Art of Computer Programming Volume 1, Fundamental Algorithms, Donald E. Knuth. This is the reference for all your computer programming needs. I suggest getting all 3 volumes, in addition to most of Knuth's publications.

Data Structures Using C and C++, Second Edition, by Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe J. Augenstain, Aaron M. Tenenbaum. A very nice book, covering most things I could think of about data structures. The code is not very readable though, and could have been a bit clearer. Some concepts lack concrete working examples. Incidentally, I had most of these authors as my professors for some class or another.

The Art of Computer Programming Volume 3, Sorting and Searching, Second Edition, by Donald E. Knuth. Without an argument, this is the BEST reference to get on sortint and searching. I don't think I used anything out of other volumes of the series, but ALL 3 volumes are definitely worth getting. It's a classic!

Computer Algorithms, Introduction to Design and Analysis, Second Edition, by Sara Baase. A nice book with lots of information on various algorithms. I still think The Art of Computer Programming by Donald Knuth is much better.

Java Distributed Objects, The Authoritative Solution by Bill McCarty and Luke Cassady-Dorion. This book is the ultimate book on OOP concepts and distributed systems using Java. It covers CORBA, RMI, DCOM, etc. It even implements the same program using ALL those approaches, including the plain sockets implementations!

Database System Concepts by Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan. The usual database book. You'll need one of these, since in the real world, most companies require a whole lot of DB experience.

C/C++ Annotated Archives By Art Friedman, Lars Klander, and Mark Michaelis. This book is kind of a source book. It has source for binary trees and other interesting stuff.

Discrete Mathematics, Forth Edition, by Richard Johnsonbaugh. A very readable book on math as it relates to computers. Covers some typical data structures, including trees, while illustrating some interesting algorithms that use them. I like this book mostly for it's simple illustration of some algorithms. If all books seem too high level, this is the one to get.

Data Structures and Algorithms in Java Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, 1998. "The text focuses on applications, with numerous Java code examples and object-oriented software design patterns. Animations illustrate data structures and algorithms in a clear visual manner without the need for lenghty mathematical derivations. Website devoted to the book:"

Less relevant:

Borland C++ v4.5 Object-Oriented Programming, Forth Edition, by Ted Faison. Don't get me wrong, I know that this book is outdated, and that nobody in their right mind would use Borland v4.5 now, however, this book is in my opinion the best Object Oriented Programming book I've seen. It covers C++ and most related topics. This is not how to use Borland C++ type of a book, it's really full of Object Oriented theory and pure C++ examples to back it up. I'd personally look for future editions by the same author.

Artificial Intelligence, Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving, Second Edition, by George F. Luger, William A. Stubblefield. Most of this book is fairly high level stuff, but it does show some interesting ways to play around with tree based structures, and how they relate to games. It has lots of different methods for tree traversal.

Practical UNIX Programming, A Guide to Concurrency, Communication, and Multithreading, by Kay A. Robbins, Steven Robbins. This is the book to get for system programming. The way in which it relates to this document is that it has lots of multithreading stuff, it describes it inside out. It's also a pretty good reference on basic networking. (well, maybe this document didn't have all that, but it's still a good reference...)

Java 1.1, Developer's Guide, Second Edition, by Jamie Jaworski. This is my second, and probably the last Java book. It's a good reference for all those classes, etc., but it really has nothing new for somebody who already knows Java. No interesting algorithms, just a systematic coverage of the language, and it's supporting API. (hey, I needed to put in at least one Java reference into this list ;-)

Code Complete, by Steve McConnell. This books talks about code design. How to structure code, how to plan, layout, write, test, and intergrate your code. It is definitely a "Practical Handbook of Software Construction."

Irrelevant, but could be interesting (graphics):

Gardens of Imagination by Christopher Lampton This book is pretty good for a total beginner in graphics. It is a bit dated though, since it only has DOS code, which most of the time, simply doesn't run under current operating systems. BEGINNER LEVEL

Tricks of the Game Programming Gurus, by LaMothe, Ratcliff, Seminatore & Tyler Best Startup book I've seen. It is interesting to read, and offers quite a bit of inspiration. However, practically speaking, this book is outdated (some chapters could be interesting, but...) BEGINNER LEVEL

3D Game Programming With C++ by John De Goes That's the book that taught me how to create a window, under Windows, set palette, etc., however, other than that, it has nothing new. It does cover quite a bit of material, but for some strange reason, I didn't find it useful. You do need to know C++ before getting this book though. LOWER INTERMEDIATE LEVEL.

Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice, Second Edition in C, Foley, van Dam, Feiner, Hughes. This is the definitive book on Computer graphics. If you need a book that has everything, then get this one!

Image Processing In Java by Douglas A. Lyon. Includes lots of cool algorithms for all kinds of fun image effects. Very readable and easy to follow. (I actually read the whole thing in an evening.)

Algorithmic Geometry by J-D Boissonnat and M. Yvinec. A very technical book on algorithms like generating convex hulls, triangulating, and other fun things. Note that this is not a general type of Graphics book, it's a very technical math-like book.

Matrix Computations, Third Edition, by Gene H. Golub and Charles F. Van Loan. Another very techy book. Anything you ever wanted to know about Matrix manipulation on a computer. It tries to be a programming book, but in my eyes, it's a math book.

Computer Graphics by Roy A. Plastock and Gordon Kalley. A Schaum's Outline series book. Covers all the required graphics concepts. A bit brief for my taste though. The book is very cheap though (23 Canadian Dollars), so, if you're on a tight budged, this might be the one to get. I always tend to get techy Schaum's Outlines, they're cheap, concise, and attempt cover the subject more or less completely.

ZEN of Gaphics Programming, by Michael Abrash Very interesting, and the most useful book I read at the time (when it came out). It has code, and is quite inspirational. HIGHER INTERMEDIATE LEVEL

Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming Black Book Special Edition This book contains full text of several other books, including most of the text from ZEN of Graphics Programming. It is a bit more interesting book. It's final chapters talk quite a bit about the theory behind Quake engine & BSP trees. HIGHER INTERMEDIATE LEVEL

Computer Graphics, C version, Second Edition, by Donald Hearn, M. Pauline Baker One of those text-book type books. It covers everything you could possibly think up, but at times is quite brief. It's a good reference to have though (in case you forget how to do gouraud shading or something). ADVANCED LEVEL

OpenGL Programming Guide, Third Edition, The Official Guide To Learning OpenGL. Best OpenGL reference I've seen. Has most of the stuff anybody would need. Nothing system specific though, which is good.

Digital Typography, by Donald E. Knuth. A nice introduction and description of the field of making pretty text. Briefly describes TeX, Metafont, and other Knuth's creations, along with a few algorithms on aligning text, and other fun stuff found in TeX.

Pre-calculus Mathematics, 3rd Edition, by Hungerford, Mercer Most of the problems that come up in graphics are mathematical ones. This book might seem like a joke to some math major, but that's the book which has most of the equations for graphics programming. (like finding the determinant of an NxN matrix ;-) BEGINNER LEVEL

Totally Irrelevant, but Might be Interesting (theory):

Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation, Second Edition, by John C. Martin. This book goes through quite a bit of theory behind scanners, parsers, and other interesting topics. This is the type of book which programmers wanting to design languages and write compilers use. ADVANCED LEVEL

Crafting a Compiler with C, by Charles N. Fischer, Richard J. LeBlanc Jr. From this book you'll learn the basics of compiler design from the ground up. No previous knowledge necessary. However, I'd recommend reading the above book before, since that will make it a LOT easier for you to comprehend some of the ideas. Note that it has a few bugs in the LR parsing example, nothing wrong with algorithms as far as I know. ADVANCED LEVEL

Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation, by Steven S. Muchnick. A lot more detailed & more practical book than the above one. However, that advanced word in the title is not a joke. The book does jump right into things like optimization, without fully covering compiler basics. Basically, if you've written a compiler and want to make it run faster, or port it, etc., that's the book to get. REALLY ADVANCED LEVEL

Lex & Yacc, by John R. Levine, Tony Mason, and Doug Brown. This O'Reilly's reference is one of the best descriptions (with examples) of Lex and Yacc I have yet to come across.

Programming Languages, Concepts & Constructs, by Ravi Sethi. This book is too simple for anybody who read at least one of the books mentioned above. It could be interesting as a history book; like which computer language evolved out of which, and the general historical significance of events which led to the development of particular languages, etc.

The Data Compression Book, Second Edition, by Mark Nelson and Jean-Loup Gailly. A rather nice, slow paced introduction to data compression using all kinds of algorithms.

Numerical Recipes in C, The Art of Scientific Computing, Second Edition, by William H. Press, William T. Vetterling, Saul A. Teukolsky, Brian P. Flannery. This book, along with The Art of Computer Programming Volume 2, by Donald E. Knuth. has just about every single numerical algorithm most people can think of. For a very simple introduction to cryptography, try getting Applied Cryptography by Bruce Schneier. Note that some people claim Numerical Recipes has a few bugs in it; see for more information. ADVANCED LEVEL

An Introduction to The Theory of Numbers, Fifth Edition, by Ivan Niven, Herbert S. Zuckerman, Hugh L. Montgomery. This book has everything you'll ever need to know about numbers. So far, this book has the best description of RSA I've ever seen. Very technical, but that's exactly what makes this book good.

Simulation, Second Edition, by Sheldon M. Ross. A general book on simulations. Covers algorithms on generating random numbers, sampling various distribution functions, etc.

Irrelevant (General):

Data And Computer Communications, Fifth Edition, by William Stallings. A nice book on general Networking concepts. Very technical when it comes to hardware etc., but still fun. Gives the basics of lots of network protocols, including a fairly good description of SMTP.

Operating System Concepts, Fifth Edition, by Abraham Silberschatz, and Peter Baer Galvin. General purpose Operating Systems book. Has most of the relevant algorithms, etc. Offers nice descriptions of various actual existing operating systems, including UNIX, Linux, and Windows NT.

UNIX System Administration Handbook, Second Edition, by Evi Nemeth, Garth Snyder, Scott Seebass, Trent R. Hein. An indispensable book on System Administration; best that I've seen!

UNIX System V, A practical Guide, Third Edition, by Mark G. Sobell. A fairly descriptive book of the basics of UNIX. Simple and easy to follow, with nice examples of most of the interesting stuff. If you want to learn shell programming, this is the book to get.

Mastering Perl 5, by Eric C. Herrmann. A complete reference for Perl. I think that said it all.

COBOL, From Micro to Mainframe, Third Edition, by Robert T. Grauer, Carol Vazquez Villar, Arthur R. Buss. Nicely covers this arcane language, with more or less real world examples. Lots of code, lots of pages, but COBOL always tended to be wordy.

Visual Basic 5, by Alan Eliason and Ryan Malarkey. Since I put a COBOL book on this list, it's only fair that I put a Visual Basic book as well.

Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller by Mike Predko. A simple description of what is involved in programming and experimenting with microcontrollers. Truthfully, when it came to actually writing code for one of these, the PIC data sheet proved a lot more useful than this book. This book is still a nice kick-start if you really have no idea what's going on.

    This is just about one shelf worth of books (I'm not gonna go through another one...) One thing I would like to mention is that you should always also get a system programming book as well. For example, if you are doing programming under WindowsNT, you should get something like Windows NT4 Programming from the Ground Up by Herbert Schildt. Or something similar. It does help to know how the underlying operating system works.

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